Plugin to spawn a CLI program for piping with
gulp. Uses
gulp-spawn options follow
Not all CLI programs support piping. In fact, many newer ones don't. Some
programs require that you pass certain arguments if you intend to use stdin
and/or stdout. Please check the documentation of the program you intend to
use to ensure piping is supported.
The following example pipes image files to ImageMagick's convert
. In the case
of convert
, you must specify a -
before arguments and after arguments if
you wish to use stdin and stdout, respectively.
var spawn = require("gulp-spawn");
gulp.src("./src/images/*.{jpg,png,gif}", { buffer: false })
cmd: "convert",
args: [
filename: function(base, ext) {
return base + "-half" + ext;
The UNIX Pipe Philosophy
If you write spawn programs please consider taking the time to support stdin &
stdout. Piping is one of the many reasons UNIX systems have endured the test
of time.
v0.1.0 - Initial Release
v0.2.0 - Added filename
callback option
v0.2.1 - Fixed support for streams. Effeciency improvements.
v0.3.0 - Latest stream support and error emits.