guv 0.1.11
Released: February 10, 2016
, for calculating startup/shutdown times of workersChangelog
guv 0.1.9
Released: Feburary 2, 2016.
into account when scaling. New per-role configuration key.
For workers with AMQP prefetch
setting / concurrency>1 , we were overestimating the number of required workers.
We assumed that each new job would add processing time P to the waiting time, instead of P/concurrency amortized.Changelog
guv 0.1.5
Released: December 18, 2015.
, to download. Can be used to analyze guv performance.Changelog
guv 0.1.3
, to automate updating processing/stddev estimates in config file.
If you use MsgFlo with New Relic, you can get the input data using msgflo-jobstats-newrelic