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gwen - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.6.2 to 0.7.0



import { Gwen } from './Gwen';
export declare const gwen: () => Gwen;
export { Gwen };

@@ -5,7 +5,2 @@ "use strict";

exports.Gwen = Gwen_1.Gwen;
exports.gwen = function () {
return new Gwen_1.Gwen({
sansFont: '',

@@ -294,11 +294,11 @@ import { GwenBase } from './GwenBase';

get shadow10(): this;
get fw100(): this;
get fw200(): this;
get fw300(): this;
get fw400(): this;
get fw500(): this;
get fw600(): this;
get fw700(): this;
get fw800(): this;
get fw900(): this;
get fw1(): this;
get fw2(): this;
get fw3(): this;
get fw4(): this;
get fw5(): this;
get fw6(): this;
get fw7(): this;
get fw8(): this;
get fw9(): this;
get fs0(): this;

@@ -305,0 +305,0 @@ get fs1(): this;

@@ -1,3 +0,3 @@

import { css, ObjectInterpolation } from '@emotion/core';
declare type CSS = ObjectInterpolation<undefined>;
import { css } from 'emotion';
declare type CssArgs = Parameters<typeof css>;
export declare type GwenTheme = {

@@ -14,3 +14,3 @@ xs: string;

theme: GwenTheme;
cssArray: CSS[];
cssArray: CssArgs;

@@ -22,215 +22,218 @@ export declare class GwenBaseBase {

get class(): string;
static css: typeof css;
css: (...args: import("@emotion/serialize").Interpolation<undefined>[]) => this;
static css: {
(template: TemplateStringsArray, ...args: import("emotion").Interpolation<undefined>[]): string;
(...args: import("emotion").Interpolation<undefined>[]): string;
css: (...args: import("emotion").Interpolation<undefined>[]) => this;
mix: (...args: GwenBaseBase[]) => this;
alignContent: (arg: CSS['alignContent']) => this;
alignItems: (arg: CSS['alignItems']) => this;
alignSelf: (arg: CSS['alignSelf']) => this;
all: (arg: CSS['all']) => this;
animation: (arg: CSS['animation']) => this;
animationDelay: (arg: CSS['animationDelay']) => this;
animationDirection: (arg: CSS['animationDirection']) => this;
animationDuration: (arg: CSS['animationDuration']) => this;
animationFillMode: (arg: CSS['animationFillMode']) => this;
animationIterationCount: (arg: CSS['animationIterationCount']) => this;
animationName: (arg: CSS['animationName']) => this;
animationPlayState: (arg: CSS['animationPlayState']) => this;
animationTimingFunction: (arg: CSS['animationTimingFunction']) => this;
backfaceVisibility: (arg: CSS['backfaceVisibility']) => this;
background: (arg: CSS['background']) => this;
backgroundAttachment: (arg: CSS['backgroundAttachment']) => this;
backgroundBlendMode: (arg: CSS['backgroundBlendMode']) => this;
backgroundClip: (arg: CSS['backgroundClip']) => this;
backgroundColor: (arg: CSS['backgroundColor']) => this;
backgroundImage: (arg: CSS['backgroundImage']) => this;
backgroundOrigin: (arg: CSS['backgroundOrigin']) => this;
backgroundPosition: (arg: CSS['backgroundPosition']) => this;
backgroundRepeat: (arg: CSS['backgroundRepeat']) => this;
backgroundSize: (arg: CSS['backgroundSize']) => this;
border: (arg: CSS['border']) => this;
borderBottom: (arg: CSS['borderBottom']) => this;
borderBottomColor: (arg: CSS['borderBottomColor']) => this;
borderBottomLeftRadius: (arg: CSS['borderBottomLeftRadius']) => this;
borderBottomRightRadius: (arg: CSS['borderBottomRightRadius']) => this;
borderBottomStyle: (arg: CSS['borderBottomStyle']) => this;
borderBottomWidth: (arg: CSS['borderBottomWidth']) => this;
borderCollapse: (arg: CSS['borderCollapse']) => this;
borderColor: (arg: CSS['borderColor']) => this;
borderImage: (arg: CSS['borderImage']) => this;
borderImageOutset: (arg: CSS['borderImageOutset']) => this;
borderImageRepeat: (arg: CSS['borderImageRepeat']) => this;
borderImageSlice: (arg: CSS['borderImageSlice']) => this;
borderImageSource: (arg: CSS['borderImageSource']) => this;
borderImageWidth: (arg: CSS['borderImageWidth']) => this;
borderLeft: (arg: CSS['borderLeft']) => this;
borderLeftColor: (arg: CSS['borderLeftColor']) => this;
borderLeftStyle: (arg: CSS['borderLeftStyle']) => this;
borderLeftWidth: (arg: CSS['borderLeftWidth']) => this;
borderRadius: (arg: CSS['borderRadius']) => this;
borderRight: (arg: CSS['borderRight']) => this;
borderRightColor: (arg: CSS['borderRightColor']) => this;
borderRightStyle: (arg: CSS['borderRightStyle']) => this;
borderRightWidth: (arg: CSS['borderRightWidth']) => this;
borderSpacing: (arg: CSS['borderSpacing']) => this;
borderStyle: (arg: CSS['borderStyle']) => this;
borderTop: (arg: CSS['borderTop']) => this;
borderTopColor: (arg: CSS['borderTopColor']) => this;
borderTopLeftRadius: (arg: CSS['borderTopLeftRadius']) => this;
borderTopRightRadius: (arg: CSS['borderTopRightRadius']) => this;
borderTopStyle: (arg: CSS['borderTopStyle']) => this;
borderTopWidth: (arg: CSS['borderTopWidth']) => this;
borderWidth: (arg: CSS['borderWidth']) => this;
bottom: (arg: CSS['bottom']) => this;
boxDecorationBreak: (arg: CSS['boxDecorationBreak']) => this;
boxShadow: (arg: CSS['boxShadow']) => this;
boxSizing: (arg: CSS['boxSizing']) => this;
breakAfter: (arg: CSS['breakAfter']) => this;
breakBefore: (arg: CSS['breakBefore']) => this;
breakInside: (arg: CSS['breakInside']) => this;
captionSide: (arg: CSS['captionSide']) => this;
caretColor: (arg: CSS['caretColor']) => this;
cha: (arg: CSS['cha']) => this;
clear: (arg: CSS['clear']) => this;
clip: (arg: CSS['clip']) => this;
clipPath: (arg: CSS['clipPath']) => this;
color: (arg: CSS['color']) => this;
columnCount: (arg: CSS['columnCount']) => this;
columnFill: (arg: CSS['columnFill']) => this;
columnGap: (arg: CSS['columnGap']) => this;
columnRule: (arg: CSS['columnRule']) => this;
columnRuleColor: (arg: CSS['columnRuleColor']) => this;
columnRuleStyle: (arg: CSS['columnRuleStyle']) => this;
columnRuleWidth: (arg: CSS['columnRuleWidth']) => this;
columnSpan: (arg: CSS['columnSpan']) => this;
columnWidth: (arg: CSS['columnWidth']) => this;
columns: (arg: CSS['columns']) => this;
content: (arg: CSS['content']) => this;
counterIncrement: (arg: CSS['counterIncrement']) => this;
counterReset: (arg: CSS['counterReset']) => this;
cursor: (arg: CSS['cursor']) => this;
direction: (arg: CSS['direction']) => this;
display: (arg: CSS['display']) => this;
emptyCells: (arg: CSS['emptyCells']) => this;
filter: (arg: CSS['filter']) => this;
flex: (arg: CSS['flex']) => this;
flexBasis: (arg: CSS['flexBasis']) => this;
flexDirection: (arg: CSS['flexDirection']) => this;
flexFlow: (arg: CSS['flexFlow']) => this;
flexGrow: (arg: CSS['flexGrow']) => this;
flexShrink: (arg: CSS['flexShrink']) => this;
flexWrap: (arg: CSS['flexWrap']) => this;
float: (arg: CSS['float']) => this;
font: (arg: CSS['font']) => this;
fontFace: (arg: CSS['fontFace']) => this;
fontFamily: (arg: CSS['fontFamily']) => this;
fontFeatureSettings: (arg: CSS['fontFeatureSettings']) => this;
fontKerning: (arg: CSS['fontKerning']) => this;
fontSize: (arg: CSS['fontSize']) => this;
fontSizeAdjust: (arg: CSS['fontSizeAdjust']) => this;
fontStretch: (arg: CSS['fontStretch']) => this;
fontStyle: (arg: CSS['fontStyle']) => this;
fontVariant: (arg: CSS['fontVariant']) => this;
fontVariantCaps: (arg: CSS['fontVariantCaps']) => this;
fontWeight: (arg: CSS['fontWeight']) => this;
grid: (arg: CSS['grid']) => this;
gridArea: (arg: CSS['gridArea']) => this;
gridAutoColumns: (arg: CSS['gridAutoColumns']) => this;
gridAutoFlow: (arg: CSS['gridAutoFlow']) => this;
gridAutoRows: (arg: CSS['gridAutoRows']) => this;
gridColumn: (arg: CSS['gridColumn']) => this;
gridColumnEnd: (arg: CSS['gridColumnEnd']) => this;
gridColumnGap: (arg: CSS['gridColumnGap']) => this;
gridColumnStart: (arg: CSS['gridColumnStart']) => this;
gridGap: (arg: CSS['gridGap']) => this;
gridRow: (arg: CSS['gridRow']) => this;
gridRowEnd: (arg: CSS['gridRowEnd']) => this;
gridRowGap: (arg: CSS['gridRowGap']) => this;
gridRowStart: (arg: CSS['gridRowStart']) => this;
gridTemplate: (arg: CSS['gridTemplate']) => this;
gridTemplateAreas: (arg: CSS['gridTemplateAreas']) => this;
gridTemplateColumns: (arg: CSS['gridTemplateColumns']) => this;
gridTemplateRows: (arg: CSS['gridTemplateRows']) => this;
hangingPunctuation: (arg: CSS['hangingPunctuation']) => this;
height: (arg: CSS['height']) => this;
hyphens: (arg: CSS['hyphens']) => this;
isolation: (arg: CSS['isolation']) => this;
justifyContent: (arg: CSS['justifyContent']) => this;
left: (arg: CSS['left']) => this;
letterSpacing: (arg: CSS['letterSpacing']) => this;
lineHeight: (arg: CSS['lineHeight']) => this;
listStyle: (arg: CSS['listStyle']) => this;
listStyleImage: (arg: CSS['listStyleImage']) => this;
listStylePosition: (arg: CSS['listStylePosition']) => this;
listStyleType: (arg: CSS['listStyleType']) => this;
margin: (arg: CSS['margin']) => this;
marginBottom: (arg: CSS['marginBottom']) => this;
marginLeft: (arg: CSS['marginLeft']) => this;
marginRight: (arg: CSS['marginRight']) => this;
marginTop: (arg: CSS['marginTop']) => this;
maxHeight: (arg: CSS['maxHeight']) => this;
maxWidth: (arg: CSS['maxWidth']) => this;
minHeight: (arg: CSS['minHeight']) => this;
minWidth: (arg: CSS['minWidth']) => this;
mixBlendMode: (arg: CSS['mixBlendMode']) => this;
objectFit: (arg: CSS['objectFit']) => this;
objectPosition: (arg: CSS['objectPosition']) => this;
opacity: (arg: CSS['opacity']) => this;
order: (arg: CSS['order']) => this;
outline: (arg: CSS['outline']) => this;
outlineColor: (arg: CSS['outlineColor']) => this;
outlineOffset: (arg: CSS['outlineOffset']) => this;
outlineStyle: (arg: CSS['outlineStyle']) => this;
outlineWidth: (arg: CSS['outlineWidth']) => this;
overflow: (arg: CSS['overflow']) => this;
overflowX: (arg: CSS['overflowX']) => this;
overflowY: (arg: CSS['overflowY']) => this;
padding: (arg: CSS['padding']) => this;
paddingBottom: (arg: CSS['paddingBottom']) => this;
paddingLeft: (arg: CSS['paddingLeft']) => this;
paddingRight: (arg: CSS['paddingRight']) => this;
paddingTop: (arg: CSS['paddingTop']) => this;
pageBreakAfter: (arg: CSS['pageBreakAfter']) => this;
pageBreakBefore: (arg: CSS['pageBreakBefore']) => this;
pageBreakInside: (arg: CSS['pageBreakInside']) => this;
perspective: (arg: CSS['perspective']) => this;
perspectiveOrigin: (arg: CSS['perspectiveOrigin']) => this;
pointerEvents: (arg: CSS['pointerEvents']) => this;
position: (arg: CSS['position']) => this;
quotes: (arg: CSS['quotes']) => this;
resize: (arg: CSS['resize']) => this;
right: (arg: CSS['right']) => this;
scrollBehavior: (arg: CSS['scrollBehavior']) => this;
tabSize: (arg: CSS['tabSize']) => this;
tableLayout: (arg: CSS['tableLayout']) => this;
textAlign: (arg: CSS['textAlign']) => this;
textAlignLast: (arg: CSS['textAlignLast']) => this;
textDecoration: (arg: CSS['textDecoration']) => this;
textDecorationColor: (arg: CSS['textDecorationColor']) => this;
textDecorationLine: (arg: CSS['textDecorationLine']) => this;
textDecorationStyle: (arg: CSS['textDecorationStyle']) => this;
textIndent: (arg: CSS['textIndent']) => this;
textJustify: (arg: CSS['textJustify']) => this;
textOverflow: (arg: CSS['textOverflow']) => this;
textShadow: (arg: CSS['textShadow']) => this;
textTransform: (arg: CSS['textTransform']) => this;
top: (arg: CSS['top']) => this;
transform: (arg: CSS['transform']) => this;
transformOrigin: (arg: CSS['transformOrigin']) => this;
transformStyle: (arg: CSS['transformStyle']) => this;
transition: (arg: CSS['transition']) => this;
transitionDelay: (arg: CSS['transitionDelay']) => this;
transitionDuration: (arg: CSS['transitionDuration']) => this;
transitionProperty: (arg: CSS['transitionProperty']) => this;
transitionTimingFunction: (arg: CSS['transitionTimingFunction']) => this;
unicodeBidi: (arg: CSS['unicodeBidi']) => this;
userSelect: (arg: CSS['userSelect']) => this;
verticalAlign: (arg: CSS['verticalAlign']) => this;
visibility: (arg: CSS['visibility']) => this;
whiteSpace: (arg: CSS['whiteSpace']) => this;
width: (arg: CSS['width']) => this;
wordBreak: (arg: CSS['wordBreak']) => this;
wordSpacing: (arg: CSS['wordSpacing']) => this;
wordWrap: (arg: CSS['wordWrap']) => this;
writingMode: (arg: CSS['writingMode']) => this;
zIndex: (arg: CSS['zIndex']) => this;
alignContent: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
alignItems: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
alignSelf: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
all: (arg: "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").Globals[] | undefined) => this;
animation: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
animationDelay: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
animationDirection: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
animationDuration: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
animationFillMode: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
animationIterationCount: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
animationName: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
animationPlayState: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
animationTimingFunction: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backfaceVisibility: (arg: "inherit" | "hidden" | "visible" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").BackfaceVisibilityProperty[] | undefined) => this;
background: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundAttachment: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundBlendMode: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundClip: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundImage: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundOrigin: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundPosition: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundRepeat: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
backgroundSize: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
border: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderBottom: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderBottomColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderBottomLeftRadius: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderBottomRightRadius: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderBottomStyle: (arg: "none" | "inherit" | "hidden" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "inset" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid" | import("csstype").BorderBlockEndStyleProperty[] | undefined) => this;
borderBottomWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderCollapse: (arg: "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "collapse" | "separate" | import("csstype").BorderCollapseProperty[] | undefined) => this;
borderColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderImage: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderImageOutset: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderImageRepeat: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderImageSlice: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderImageSource: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderImageWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderLeft: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderLeftColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderLeftStyle: (arg: "none" | "inherit" | "hidden" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "inset" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid" | import("csstype").BorderBlockEndStyleProperty[] | undefined) => this;
borderLeftWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderRadius: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderRight: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderRightColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderRightStyle: (arg: "none" | "inherit" | "hidden" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "inset" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid" | import("csstype").BorderBlockEndStyleProperty[] | undefined) => this;
borderRightWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderSpacing: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderStyle: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderTop: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderTopColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
borderTopLeftRadius: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderTopRightRadius: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderTopStyle: (arg: "none" | "inherit" | "hidden" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "dashed" | "dotted" | "double" | "groove" | "inset" | "outset" | "ridge" | "solid" | import("csstype").BorderBlockEndStyleProperty[] | undefined) => this;
borderTopWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
borderWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
bottom: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
boxDecorationBreak: (arg: "slice" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "clone" | import("csstype").BoxDecorationBreakProperty[] | undefined) => this;
boxShadow: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
boxSizing: (arg: "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "border-box" | "content-box" | import("csstype").BoxSizingProperty[] | undefined) => this;
breakAfter: (arg: "all" | "auto" | "left" | "right" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "always" | "avoid" | "avoid-column" | "avoid-page" | "avoid-region" | "column" | "page" | "recto" | "region" | "verso" | import("csstype").BreakAfterProperty[] | undefined) => this;
breakBefore: (arg: "all" | "auto" | "left" | "right" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "always" | "avoid" | "avoid-column" | "avoid-page" | "avoid-region" | "column" | "page" | "recto" | "region" | "verso" | import("csstype").BreakAfterProperty[] | undefined) => this;
breakInside: (arg: "auto" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "avoid" | "avoid-column" | "avoid-page" | "avoid-region" | import("csstype").BreakInsideProperty[] | undefined) => this;
captionSide: (arg: "inherit" | "top" | "bottom" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "block-end" | "block-start" | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | import("csstype").CaptionSideProperty[] | undefined) => this;
caretColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
cha: (arg: import("emotion").Interpolation<undefined>) => this;
clear: (arg: "left" | "right" | "none" | "both" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | import("csstype").ClearProperty[] | undefined) => this;
clip: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
clipPath: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
color: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
columnCount: (arg: number | "auto" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").ColumnCountProperty[] | ("auto" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset")[] | undefined) => this;
columnFill: (arg: "auto" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "balance" | import("csstype").ColumnFillProperty[] | undefined) => this;
columnGap: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
columnRule: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
columnRuleColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
columnRuleStyle: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
columnRuleWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
columnSpan: (arg: "all" | "none" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").ColumnSpanProperty[] | undefined) => this;
columnWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
columns: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
content: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
counterIncrement: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
counterReset: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
cursor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
direction: (arg: "ltr" | "rtl" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").DirectionProperty[] | undefined) => this;
display: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
emptyCells: (arg: "show" | "hide" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").EmptyCellsProperty[] | undefined) => this;
filter: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
flex: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
flexBasis: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
flexDirection: (arg: "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "column" | "column-reverse" | "row" | "row-reverse" | import("csstype").FlexDirectionProperty[] | undefined) => this;
flexFlow: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
flexGrow: (arg: number | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").GlobalsNumber[] | import("csstype").Globals[] | undefined) => this;
flexShrink: (arg: number | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").GlobalsNumber[] | import("csstype").Globals[] | undefined) => this;
flexWrap: (arg: "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "nowrap" | "wrap" | "wrap-reverse" | import("csstype").FlexWrapProperty[] | undefined) => this;
float: (arg: "left" | "right" | "none" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "inline-end" | "inline-start" | import("csstype").FloatProperty[] | undefined) => this;
font: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
fontFace: (arg: import("emotion").Interpolation<undefined>) => this;
fontFamily: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
fontFeatureSettings: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
fontKerning: (arg: "auto" | "normal" | "none" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").FontKerningProperty[] | undefined) => this;
fontSize: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
fontSizeAdjust: (arg: number | "none" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").FontSizeAdjustProperty[] | ("none" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset")[] | undefined) => this;
fontStretch: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
fontStyle: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
fontVariant: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
fontVariantCaps: (arg: "normal" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "all-petite-caps" | "all-small-caps" | "petite-caps" | "small-caps" | "titling-caps" | "unicase" | import("csstype").FontVariantCapsProperty[] | undefined) => this;
fontWeight: (arg: number | "bold" | "normal" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "bolder" | "lighter" | import("csstype").FontWeightProperty[] | ("bold" | "normal" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "bolder" | "lighter")[] | undefined) => this;
grid: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
gridArea: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
gridAutoColumns: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
gridAutoFlow: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
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gridGap: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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gridRowEnd: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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gridRowStart: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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minHeight: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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outlineOffset: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
outlineStyle: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
outlineWidth: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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paddingBottom: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
paddingLeft: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
paddingRight: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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perspective: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
perspectiveOrigin: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
pointerEvents: (arg: "all" | "auto" | "none" | "inherit" | "visible" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "fill" | "stroke" | "painted" | "visibleFill" | "visiblePainted" | "visibleStroke" | import("csstype").PointerEventsProperty[] | undefined) => this;
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textDecorationColor: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
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transformOrigin: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
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transition: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
transitionDelay: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
transitionDuration: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
transitionProperty: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
transitionTimingFunction: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;
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verticalAlign: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
visibility: (arg: "inherit" | "hidden" | "visible" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "collapse" | import("csstype").VisibilityProperty[] | undefined) => this;
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wordSpacing: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;
wordWrap: (arg: "normal" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "break-word" | import("csstype").WordWrapProperty[] | undefined) => this;
writingMode: (arg: "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | "horizontal-tb" | "sideways-lr" | "sideways-rl" | "vertical-lr" | "vertical-rl" | import("csstype").WritingModeProperty[] | undefined) => this;
zIndex: (arg: number | "auto" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset" | import("csstype").ColumnCountProperty[] | ("auto" | "inherit" | "-moz-initial" | "initial" | "revert" | "unset")[] | undefined) => this;
bgc: (arg: string | string[] | undefined) => this;

@@ -237,0 +240,0 @@ bb: (arg: string | number | string[] | (string | number)[] | undefined) => this;

@@ -21,3 +21,3 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var core_1 = require("@emotion/core");
var emotion_1 = require("emotion");
var flattenArg = function (arg) {

@@ -80,8 +80,14 @@ var allArgs = [];

var modArray = _this.params.cssArray;
var mixedCss = [];
for (var _a = 0, args_1 = args; _a < args_1.length; _a++) {
var arg = args_1[_a];
modArray = __spreadArrays(modArray, arg.params.cssArray);
mixedCss = __spreadArrays(mixedCss, arg.params.cssArray);
// if (arg instanceof GwenBaseBase) {
// allArgs.push(arg);
// } else if (Array.isArray(arg)) {
// allArgs = [...allArgs, ...arg];
// }
return new _this.constructor(_this.theme, __assign(__assign({}, _this.params), { cssArray: modArray }));
return _this.css(mixedCss);
// return => x.class));

@@ -97,10 +103,6 @@ this.alignContent = function (arg) { return _this.css({ alignContent: arg }); };

this.animationFillMode = function (arg) { return _this.css({ animationFillMode: arg }); };
this.animationIterationCount = function (arg) {
return _this.css({ animationIterationCount: arg });
this.animationIterationCount = function (arg) { return _this.css({ animationIterationCount: arg }); };
this.animationName = function (arg) { return _this.css({ animationName: arg }); };
this.animationPlayState = function (arg) { return _this.css({ animationPlayState: arg }); };
this.animationTimingFunction = function (arg) {
return _this.css({ animationTimingFunction: arg });
this.animationTimingFunction = function (arg) { return _this.css({ animationTimingFunction: arg }); };
this.backfaceVisibility = function (arg) { return _this.css({ backfaceVisibility: arg }); };

@@ -120,8 +122,4 @@ this.background = function (arg) { return _this.css({ background: arg }); };

this.borderBottomColor = function (arg) { return _this.css({ borderBottomColor: arg }); };
this.borderBottomLeftRadius = function (arg) {
return _this.css({ borderBottomLeftRadius: arg });
this.borderBottomRightRadius = function (arg) {
return _this.css({ borderBottomRightRadius: arg });
this.borderBottomLeftRadius = function (arg) { return _this.css({ borderBottomLeftRadius: arg }); };
this.borderBottomRightRadius = function (arg) { return _this.css({ borderBottomRightRadius: arg }); };
this.borderBottomStyle = function (arg) { return _this.css({ borderBottomStyle: arg }); };

@@ -296,5 +294,3 @@ this.borderBottomWidth = function (arg) { return _this.css({ borderBottomWidth: arg }); };

this.transitionProperty = function (arg) { return _this.css({ transitionProperty: arg }); };
this.transitionTimingFunction = function (arg) {
return _this.css({ transitionTimingFunction: arg });
this.transitionTimingFunction = function (arg) { return _this.css({ transitionTimingFunction: arg }); };
this.unicodeBidi = function (arg) { return _this.css({ unicodeBidi: arg }); };

@@ -337,3 +333,3 @@ this.userSelect = function (arg) { return _this.css({ userSelect: arg }); };

get: function () {
return core_1.css.apply(void 0, this.params.cssArray).name;
return emotion_1.css.apply(void 0, this.params.cssArray);

@@ -343,3 +339,3 @@ enumerable: true,

GwenBaseBase.css = core_1.css;
GwenBaseBase.css = emotion_1.css;
return GwenBaseBase;

@@ -346,0 +342,0 @@ }());

@@ -6,3 +6,5 @@ "use strict";

Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
// import * as gwen from './external';
// export { gwen };

@@ -26,6 +26,5 @@ {

"strictNullChecks": true,
// "skipLibCheck": true,
"noImplicitThis": true,
"alwaysStrict": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization": true,
"strictPropertyInitialization": false,
"noUnusedLocals": true,

@@ -32,0 +31,0 @@ "noUnusedParameters": true,

"name": "gwen",
"version": "0.6.2",
"version": "0.7.0",
"description": "A utility-first CSS library designed for brevity",

@@ -22,3 +22,2 @@ "main": "./lib/src/index.js",

"dependencies": {
"@emotion/core": "^10.0.28",
"@types/color": "^3.0.1",

@@ -50,3 +49,3 @@ "color": "^3.1.2"

"@types/node": "^14.0.13",
"@types/react": "^16.9.44",
"emotion": "^10.0.27",
"jest": "^25.1.0",

@@ -56,3 +55,2 @@ "make-coverage-badge": "^1.2.0",

"prettier": "^1.19.1",
"react": "^16.13.1",
"ts-jest": "^25.2.1",

@@ -64,5 +62,4 @@ "tslint": "^6.1.0",

"peerDependencies": {
"@types/react": "^16.9.44",
"react": "^16.13.1"
"emotion": "^10.0.27"

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Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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