Hapi plugin for serving up robots.txt
'npm install hapi-robots'
const Hapi = require('hapi');
const hapiRobots = require('hapi-robots');
server = new Hapi.Server();
register: hapiRobots,
options: {
where options
is an object of the form:
// set to true to use server.log to report info about robots.txt and remote attempts to access it:
debug: false,
envs: {
production: {
// will disallow *all* robots from the path '/noDroidsAllowed':
'*': ['/noDroidsAllowed'],
// will disallow robot 'R2D2' from the indicated paths:
'R2D2': ['/noDroidsAllowed', '/noR2D2Here']
stage: {
// will disallow everyone from every path:
'*': ['/'],
// except for chuck, chuck is awesome:
'chuck': []
// use '*' to match match any other env that isn't listed above:
'*': ['/']
// tell hapi-robots which of the above envs to use:
env: 'production'
see folder /test
for more examples