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Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema

Version published

Package description

What is har-validator?

The har-validator npm package is a library designed to validate HTTP Archive (HAR) files. HAR files are JSON-formatted archives that track all the logging of a web browser's interaction with a site. This package ensures that HAR files adhere to the specification and structure expected, making it useful for developers working with web performance and debugging, API testing, and network monitoring.

What are har-validator's main functionalities?

HAR file validation

This feature allows developers to validate HAR files against the HAR format specification. The code sample demonstrates how to use the har-validator package to validate a HAR file. If the file is valid, it logs a success message; otherwise, it catches and logs the validation error.

const HARValidator = require('har-validator');

async function validateHAR(harData) {
  try {
    const valid = await HARValidator.har(harData);
    console.log('HAR is valid:', valid);
  } catch (err) {
    console.error('HAR validation error:', err.message);

Other packages similar to har-validator



HAR Validator version License

Extremely fast HTTP Archive (HAR) validator using JSON Schema.

Build Status Downloads Code Climate Coverage Status Dependencies


# to use in cli
npm install --global har-validator

# to use as a module
npm install --save har-validator


  Usage: har-validator [options] <files ...>


    -h, --help           output usage information
    -V, --version        output the version number
    -s, --schema [name]  validate schema name (log, request, response, etc ...)

har-validator har.json

har-validator --schema request request.json


Validate(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a full HAR object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var HAR = require('./har.json');
var validate = require('har-validator');

validate(HAR, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

  if (valid) console.log('horray!');

Validate.log(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a log object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.log(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.cache(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a cache object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.cache(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.cacheEntry(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.cacheEntry(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.content(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a content object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.content(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.cookie(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a cookie object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.cookie(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.creator(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a creator object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.creator(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.entry(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a entry object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.entry(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.log(data [, callback])

alias of Validate(data [, callback]) [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a page object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.pageTimings(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a pageTimings object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.pageTimings(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.postData(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a postData object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.postData(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.record(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a record object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.record(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.request(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a request object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.request(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.response(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a response object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.cacheEntry(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)

Validate.timings(data [, callback])

Returns true or false.

  • data: Object (Required) a timings object

  • callback: Function gets two arguments (err, valid)

var validate = require('har-validator');

validate.timings(data, function (e, valid) {
  if (e) console.log(e.errors)


MIT © Ahmad Nassri



Package last updated on 02 Apr 2015

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