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TCP Fingerprinting
Supply TCP fingerprint info (remote computer OS, network distance, etc) about the remote mail server. This can be used to implement more sophisticated anti-spam policies.
This plugin inserts a p0f connection note with information deduced
from the TCP fingerprint. The note typically includes at least the link,
detail, distance, uptime, genre. Here's an example:
genre => FreeBSD
detail => 8.x (1)
uptime => 1390
link => ethernet/modem
distance => 17
Which was parsed from this p0f fingerprint: - FreeBSD 8.x (1) (up: 1390 hrs)
-> (distance 17, link: ethernet/modem)
The following additional values may also be available in
the p0f connection note:
magic, status, first_seen, last_seen, total_conn, uptime_min, up_mod_days, last_nat, last_chg, distance, bad_sw, os_match_q, os_name, os_flavor, http_name, http_flavor, link_type, and language.
- start p0f
Create a startup script for p0f that creates a communication socket when your
server starts up.
/usr/local/bin/p0f -u smtpd -d -s /tmp/.p0f_socket 'dst port 25 or dst port 587'
chown smtpd /tmp/.p0f_socket
2. configure p0f plugin
add an entry to config/plugins to enable p0f:
3. review settings in config/p0f.ini
At a minimum, [main]socket_path
must be defined.
In the contrib/ubuntu-upstart directory is a config file (p0f.conf) for Ubuntu.
In the contrib/bsd-rc.d directory is a startup file for FreeBSD.