Thrift protocol implementation for nodejs. As of version 0.0.1, the basic
protocol has been implemented. A Thrift compiler that will generate the .js
files from a Thrift specification is being implemented as well, see the
Thrift Compiler section below.
NOTE: By default, node-thrift uses TFramedTransport. Using a popular
example, this is enabled by default in Cassandra 0.7 (but configuration must be
changed in Cassandra 0.6.x and earlier). See the
examples folder
to see how to enable TBufferedTransport (added in 0.7.0).
npm install helenus-thrift
Running Tests
Thrift Compiler
A Thrift compiler is included in the 0.6.0 release of Thrift. You can
compile nodejs sources by running the following:
thrift --gen js:node thrift_file
Cassandra Client Example:
Here is a Cassandra example:
var thrift = require('thrift'),
Cassandra = require('./gen-nodejs/Cassandra')
ttypes = require('./gen-nodejs/cassandra_types');
var connection = thrift.createConnection("localhost", 9160),
client = thrift.createClient(Cassandra, connection);
connection.on('error', function(err) {
client.get_slice("Keyspace", "key", new ttypes.ColumnParent({column_family: "ExampleCF"}), new ttypes.SlicePredicate({slice_range: new ttypes.SliceRange({start: '', finish: ''})}), ttypes.ConsistencyLevel.ONE, function(err, data) {
if (err) {
// handle err
} else {
// data == [ttypes.ColumnOrSuperColumn, ...]
Libraries using node-thrift
Custom client and server example
An example based on the one shown on the Thrift front page is included in the examples folder.