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js functions, just import needed functions. js 方法库, 按需使用

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js functions, just import needed functions.
js 方法库, 按需使用

// install
npm install helper-js -S

usage 使用

import {function1, function2} from 'helper-js'

some functions. pls check source to get more 常用方法, 请查看源码获取更多方法

glb() // get global cross environment

typeof v !== 'undefined'

isArray === '[object Array]'

numRand (min, max) // get a rand integer, include min and max
numPad(num, n)

(10, 3) => '010', (2, 4) => '0002'

min(n, min)

(1, 10) => 10, (11, 10) => 11

max(n, max)

(1, 10) => 1, (11, 10) => 10


hello => Hello


helloWorld nice => hello-world-nice


helloWorld nice => hello_world_nice


helloWorld nice => helloWorldNice


helloWorldNice => hello World nice


helloWorldNice => Hello World Nice

strRand (len = 8, prefix = '')
replaceMultiple (mapObj, str)

({'1': '2', '3': '4'}, 'abcd1234') => 'abcd2244'

arrayRemove (arr, item) // remove any === item
newArrayRemoveAt (arr, index/indexes) // remove by index or indexes, return new array
arrayAt(n) // n can less than 0
arrayDiff (arr1, arr2) // return items in arr2 but not in arr1
arraySibling (arr, item, Number/Array offset) // return sibling or siblings relative to item
splitArray(arr, n) // n can be getter(number of times); n可以是方法, 参数1是第几次分块
groupArray(arr, getMark)
arrayGet(arr, index, endIndex) // index can be negative number; 索引可为负
arrayWithoutEnd(arr, len)
assignIfDifferent(obj, key, val)
objectMerge (obj1, obj2) // merge obj2 to obj1, and merge obj2 chldren to obj1 if it is object
objectMap (obj, func)
objectOnly (obj, keys) // return new object
objectExcept (obj, keys) // return new object
forAll(val, handler) // loop array, object or integer, return false in handler can break loop

handler(item, index/key)

* iterateALL(val, opt = {}) // loop for Array, Object, NodeList, String
  • opt {reverse}
objectGet (obj, path, throwError = false) // get by dot path

({a:{b:1}}, 'a.b') => 1

objectSet (obj, path, value)
unset (obj, prop)
cloneObj (obj, exclude) // can clone one-level object. exclude: array or function
mapObjectTree(obj, handler, limit=10000) // can clone whole object tree, can traverse every node, can exclude nodes
return cloned obj
handler(value, key, parent)
handler can return null or an object.
null: don't change anything
  key: false, // delete. Deprecated, this will be removed in future, please use `delete` instead of it.
  key: new key, // use a new key instead of old key. if key == null, the old key will be detected
  value, // new value. if value not gived, the old value will be detected
  skip, // skip children
{key: false}: delete
{value}: change value
{key, value}. change key and value
limit: to prevent circular reference.
mapObjects(arr, idKey) // idKey can be function which return a key
idKey(item, i)
eg: mapObjects([{id: 1}, {id:2}], 'id') -> {'1':{id:1},'2':{id:2}}
eg: mapObjects([{id: 1}, {id:2}], (item, i) => + 100 ) -> {'101':{id:1},'102':{id:2}}
pairRows(rows1, rows2, key1, key2 = key1)
handler(node, index, parent)
  return 'skip children', 'skip siblings', false // retrun false to stop
walkTreeData = depthFirstSearch
getNodeByPathFromTreeData(indexes, rootData, childrenKey='children') // rootData is Array
resolveValueOrGettter(valueOrGetter, args = []) // return first arg directly if is not function, else return function result
executeWithCount (func, context = null) // wrap function, the first arg of func is excuted count
watchChange (getVal, handler) // wrap getter function, when use getter to get value, it will check value if changed
executeOnceInScopeByName (name, action, scope = store_executeOnceInScopeByName, storeResult)
debounce(action, wait = 0, opt = {}) // return newAction, newAction's scope is same with action, its arguments will be passed to action. newAction.stop: function, to stop timeout
opt: {
  immediate: false,
debounceTrailing(action, wait = 0)
debounceImmediate(action, wait = 0)
joinMethods(methods, mode = 'value') // mode: value, pipline
joinFunctionsByResult(funcs) // the returned function only accept one argument
joinFunctionsByNext(funcs) // must pass arguments to next manually
executePromiseGetters(getters, concurrent = 1) // return {promise, destroy}
promiseTimeout(promise, timeout) // timeout unit is millisecond. return a new promise, which throw error named 'timeout' if timeout
getUrlParam // get current url param by name


createElementFromHTML(htmlString) // return NodeList if there are multiple top-level nodes
uniqueId (prefix = 'id_') // html element id
isDescendantOf (el, parent) // if el === parent or is descendant of parent
removeEl (el)
getScroll // return {left, top}
getOffset(el) // offset is relative to top element, return {x, y}
getOffsetParent (el) // there is some trap in el.offsetParent, so use this func to fix
getPosition (el) // get el current position. like jQuery.position
getPositionFromOffset (el, offset) // get position of a el if its offset is given. like jQuery.offset.
getBoundingClientRect (el) // get size and position relative to viewport, return {top, right, bottom, left, width, height, x, y}
getViewportPosition = getBoundingClientRect
viewportPositionToOffset (position) // return {x, y}
offsetToViewportPosition(offset) // return {x, y}
findParent (el, callback, opt={withSelf: false}) // callback return 'break' to break loop
backupAttr (el, name)
restoreAttr (el, name)
hasClass (el, className)
addClass (el, className)
removeClass (el, className)
getElSize (el)
isOffsetInEl (x, y, el)
getBorder (el) // return {left, top, right, bottom}
getCss3Prefix(opt) // return -webkit-, -moz-, -o-, -ms-, ''
opt: {
  noCache: false,
onDOM (el, name, handler, ...args) // addEventListener
offDOM (el, name, handler, ...args) // removeEventListener
onDOMMany(els, names, handler, ...args) // return destroy
getImageSizeByUrl(url) // return promise {width, height}
findNodeList(list, callback, opt = {reverse})
findNodeListReverse(list, callback, opt = {})
elementsFromPoint(...) // document.elementsFromPoint
getOuterAttachedHeight(el, opt={margin: true, border: true}) // get margin and border
getOuterAttachedWidth(el, opt={margin: true, border: true}) // get margin and border
insertBefore(el, target)
insertAfter(el, target)
prependTo(el, target)
appendTo(el, target)
binarySearch (arr, callback, start, end, returnNearestIfNoHit, max = 1000) // binary search 二分查找
// callback(mid, i) should return mid - your_value
windowLoaded // return a promise
waitTime(milliseconds, [callback: optional]) // return a promise
waitFor (name, condition, time = 100, maxCount = 1000)
retry (func, limitTimes = 3)
copyTextToClipboard (text) // tested in chrome


openWindow(url, name, opt = {})
openCenterWindow(url, name, width, height, opt = {})
class URLHelper // now just for generate url
[recommend]resolveArgsByType(args, types) // for function overload
types eg: ['Object', (i) => i > 3, ['Number', default] ]
resolveArgsByType([1,'str'], ['Number', 'Boolean' ,'String']) -> [1, null, 'str']
resolveArgsByType([1,'str'], ['Number', ['Boolean', true] ,'String']) -> [1, true, 'str']
check source code to learn more
makeStorageHelper(storage) // make localStorage or sessionStorage can use json as value and has expiry
getLocalStorage2 //
getSessionStorage2 //
class EventProcessor
class CrossWindowEventProcessor // cross window(same domain) event processor
const cwep = new CrossWindowEventProcessor()
// CrossWindowEventProcessor has a default name; communicate in same-name instances.
// don't create more than one same-name instances in one window
// set different name if there are more than one same-name instances
cwep.storageName = '_crossWindow_channel2'
// functions
// on, once, off: same to EventProcessor
// emitTo(name, targets, ...args)
// emitLocal(name, ...args) emit to current window
// broadcast(name, ...args) emit to other windows
// emit(name, ...args) emit to all windows
class CrossWindow = CrossWindowEventProcessor // Deprecated in next version
onQuickKeydown(handler, opt) // to get quick inputed text 获得用户短时间内连续输入的字符串
getUserLanguage() // get user browser language
class Cache
attachCache(obj, toCache, cache = new Cache()) // attach cached getters to an object; can attach to self


Package last updated on 02 Jan 2020

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