A syntax highlighter built to run in node and consume CodeMirror modes.
![NPM version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/highlight-codemirror.svg)
highlight(source, mode)
The source should be a string of code to highlight. The mode should be either the name of a mode (as a string) or an object (allowing you to specify other options).
var highlight = require('highlight-codemirror');
var html = highlight('assert(typeof "foo" === "string")', 'javascript');
Loading modes is synchronous, so you may wish to pre-populate the cache bu loading the mode up front. You can also load custom modes by passing an absolute path to a JavaScript file. e.g. the null mode might look like:
var CodeMirror = require('codemirror');
CodeMirror.defineMode("custom-null", function() {
return {token: function(stream) {stream.skipToEnd();}};
You could then do:
assert(highlight('This is not really a programming language', 'custom-null') === 'This is not really a programming language');