hiipack is a front-end development tool based on the Webpack.
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hiipack is a front-end development tool based on the Webpack, it simplifies the Webpack configuration so that you can easily build a project.
It provides code pack, compression, synchronization and other functions.
hiipack has a local development service, can run multiple projects simultaneously.
In addition, hiipack also has a built-in proxy server can fulfill the request forwarding,
including the mutual conversion between HTTP and HTTPS proxy.
Development server
![hiipack development server](http://i.imgur.com/0cMSrm0.gif)
Pack and Min
![hiipack pack and min command](http://i.imgur.com/ilvd35M.gif)
Proxy server
- Local development service
- Code pack
- Compress/uglify
- Sync code to remote server
- Easy to configure
- Built-in proxy
- Built-in Hosts
- Built-in proxy config (Similar to nginx configuration file syntax)
- HTTPS support
- Easy to create https certificate
npm install hiipack -g
hii [options] [command]
init <name> initialize project
start create a local server
min compress/uglify project files
pack pack project files
local <project> pack local project files
sync synchronize the current directory to remote server
test run unit test
clear clear resulting folders of hiipack
config [operation] [args...] hiipack config, `operation`: [empty]|list|set|delete
ssl [operation] [args...] ssl certificate manage, `operation`: [empty]|create-root-ca|ssl-path
-h, --help output usage information
-v, --version output the version number
-o, --open [open] open in browser, one of: chrome|firefox|safari|opera
-p, --port <port> service port
-r, --registry <registry> npm registry address
-d, --debug print debug log
-s, --sync-conf <syncConf> custom sync config
-D, --detail print debug and error detail log
-x, --proxy start the proxy server
-t, --type <type> project type: one of react|react-redux|es6|vue|normal|empty
--no-color disable log color
--no-hot-reload disable hot reload
--log-time display log time
--https start https server
--proxy-port <proxyPort> proxy server port
--ssl-key <sslKey> ssl key file
--ssl-cert <sslCert> ssl cert file
--ca-name <caName> CA name, for command: `ssl create-cert`|`ssl create-root-ca`
--sub-domains <subDomains> sub domians, for command: `ssl create-cert`
--grep <grepContent> grep log: debug|access|info|error|warn|detail|<Any other string>
Get Start
Create project
hii init project_name -t es6
Start local development server
hii start -xo --https -p 9000
Preview in browser
After you execute the above command, hiipack will open a browser window and set up the proxy,
this window is independent of other browser window, so only this browser window's request through the proxy server.
Now, you can start to enjoy writing your code :)
Build beta version code
cd project_name
hii pack
Build production version code
cd project_name
hii min
Sync your beta version to remote server
hii sync
Note: you can config the remote server, default config file is dev.json
$ hii init project_name -t es6
$ hii start -xodD --https --ssl-cert ssl/cert/file --ssl-key ssl/key/file
$ hii start -p 8800
$ hii pack -dD --log-time --no-color
$ hii sync
$ hii min -dD --log-time
$ hii config list
$ hii config set system_proxy xxx.yyy.zzz:25
$ hii config delete system_proxy
$ hii ssl create-root-ca RootCAName
$ hii ssl create-cert www.example.com --ca-name RootCAName