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Future classes of Hubrijs framework

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Future classes for the Hubrisjs javascript framework.

Some future classes: Executors, Callable, Future, BlockingQueue, LinkedBlockingQueue, FutureTask, QueueingFuture, CompletionService, ExecutorCompletionService, AbstractExecutorService, AsyncTask and QueuedWork.

Npm lib installation


npm install hjs-future --save

Babel installation


npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-plugin-transform-runtime babel-polyfill babel-preset-env babel-runtime

Webpack installation for web usage


npm install --save-dev babel-loader webpack

Table of Contents

Usage of executors

Executor's are objects that executes submitted tasks. They are interfaces that provides a way of decoupling task submission from the mechanics of how each task will be run.

However, the Executor's does not strictly require that execution be asynchronous. In the simplest case, an executor can run the submitted task immediately.

SerialExecutor's auto execute submitted task

BlockingExecutor's execute submitted task on demand

ParallelExecutor's execute submitted task only when the queue is full

Executors is a factory and utility methods for Executor classes defined in this module.

ExecutorService's are Executor's implementation that provides methods to manage termination and methods that can produce a Future for tracking progress of one or more asynchronous tasks.

import {Executor} from 'hjs-future';

// basic abstract executor
const E = new Executor();
Execute an anonymous runnable
import {Executor} from 'hjs-future';

const R = {
    run(...params) {
        return null;

const E = new Executor();

Execute a runnable
import {Runnable} from 'hjs-message';
import {Executor} from 'hjs-future';

const R = new Runnable({
    run(...params) {
        return null;

const E = new Executor();

Execution with parameters
import {Runnable} from 'hjs-message';
import {Executor} from 'hjs-future';

const R = new Runnable({
    run(...params) {
        let opt = params[0];
        if (opt) {
        return null;

const E = new Executor();

let data = E.execute(R, { data: "ok"});

Implements a custom runnable
import {Runnable} from 'hjs-message';
import {Executor} from 'hjs-future';

// Naive promise runnable implementation
const R = new Runnable({
    run(...params) {
        let opt = params[0];
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            if (opt && === "data to compute") {
            } else {

const E = new Executor();

// this return a promise that is resolved
E.execute(R, { data: "data to compute" })
        .then((result) => {
        .catch((e) => {
Custom executors
import {Executor} from 'hjs-future';

const R = {
    run(...params) {
        let result = params[0] + " world";
        return result;

// Naive promise executor implementation
const E = new Executor({
    execute(r=null,...params) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            if (r) {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    // make computation
                    resolve(, params));
                }, 1000);
            } else {
                reject(new Error("NullPointerException"));

E.execute(R, "Hello")
        .then((result) => {
            console.log(result === "Hello world");
        .catch((e) => {
Serial executor from capacity
import {SerialExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 100;

const S = new SerialExecutor({
    capacity /*max runnable in the queue (default to 10)*/
Serial executor from queue

import {RingBuffer} from 'hjs-collection';
import {SerialExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const CAPACITY = 10;

const queue = new RingBuffer(CAPACITY);

const S = new SerialExecutor({
    queue /*AbstractQueue implementation (default to Queue)*/
Execute serial runnables
import {SerialExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const SE = new SerialExecutor({ capacity });

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
    // enqueue runnables (this impementation of the execute method return nothing)
        run(...params) {
            let index = params[0];
            // sync block code never block the queue
            console.log("executed at index " + index);
            return index;
    }, i);

// start queue execution
Async serial runnables execution
import {SerialExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const SE = new SerialExecutor({ capacity });

// runnables creator
const createRunnable = () => {
    return {
        run(...params) {
            // for simplicity put computation on promise
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                let index = params[0];
                if (index < capacity) {
                    if (index === 4 || index === 7) {
                        // async block code can block the queue
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            resolve("async executed at index " + index);
                        }, index === 4 ? 2000 : 500);
                    } else {
                        // sync block code never block the queue
                        resolve("executed at index " + index);

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
    // enqueue runnables
    SE.execute(createRunnable(), i);

// start queue execution and get all results as a promise
    .then((results) => {
        results.forEach((value) => {
            // ordered results
    .catch((e) => {
        // no error in this example
Active runnable on serial
import {SerialExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const promises = new Array(capacity);

const SE = new SerialExecutor({ capacity });

for (let i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    let p = new Promise((resole, reject) => {
        let first = SE.size() === 0;
        // enqueue a runnable task
            run(...params) {
                let index = params[0];
                console.log("executed at index " + index);
                return this.index = index;
        }, i);
        // getting the active runnable
        let active =;
        // edge case start the queue
        if (first) {
    promises[i] = p;

    .then((actives) => {
        let results = SE.getResults();
        // getting all runnables that was activated
        actives.forEach((active) => {
            // getting the task runnable that was submit
            let task = active.task;
            // only for validation purpose 
            if (results[active.task.index] === active.task.index) {
                console.log("runnable complete at index " + active.task.index);
Blocking executor from capacity

import {BlockingExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const S = new BlockingExecutor({
    capacity /*max runnable in the queue (default to 10)*/
Blocking executor from queue

import {RingBuffer} from 'hjs-collection';
import {BlockingExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const CAPACITY = 10;

const queue = new RingBuffer(CAPACITY);

const S = new BlockingExecutor({
    queue /*AbstractQueue implementation (default to Queue)*/
Blocking runnables
import {BlockingExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const BE = new BlockingExecutor({ capacity });

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
    // enqueue runnables
        run(...params) {
            let index = params[0];
            console.log("executed at index " + index);
            // don't forget to execute next task
            return index;
    }, i);

// start queue execution and get all results
// Be care full result are in reversed order here, because tasks are enqueued from sub tasks
// last task become first.  
Blocking async runnables
import {RingBuffer} from 'hjs-collection';
import {BlockingExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const queue = new RingBuffer(capacity);

const BE = new BlockingExecutor({ queue });

const createRunnable = (executor) => {
    return {
        run(...params) {
            // don't forget to execute next task
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                let idx = params[0];
                if (idx <= capacity) {
                    if (idx === 4 || idx === 7) {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            resolve("async executed at index " + idx);
                        }, idx === 4 ? 2000 : 500);
                    } else {
                        resolve("executed at index " + idx);

for (let i=0; i < capacity; i++) {
    BE.execute(createRunnable(BE), i);

// start queue execution and get all results as a promise
    .then((results) => {
        results.forEach((result) => {

    .catch((e) => {
Active blocking runnable
import {BlockingExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const BE = new BlockingExecutor({ capacity });

new Promise((resole, reject) => {

    let actives = [];

    // enqueue a runnable task
    for (let i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
            index: i,
            run(...params) {
                console.log("executed at index " + this.index);
                if (BE.isEmpty()) {
                return "[" + this.index + "]";
        }, i);

    let active = null;

    while(BE.isActive() && (active = {
        // don't forget to execute next task

}).then((actives) => {
    // results are in natural orders
    // getting all runnables that was activated
    actives.forEach((active) => {
        // getting the task runnable that was submit
        let task = active.task;
        console.log("runnable complete at index " + active.task.index);
Parallel executor

import {LinkedList} from 'hjs-collection';
import {ParallelExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const queue = new LinkedList();

const PE = new ParallelExecutor({
    capacity /*max runnable in the queue (default to 10)*/,
    queue /*AbstractQueue implementation (default to LinkedList)*/
Parallel runnables
import {ParallelExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 5;

const PE = new ParallelExecutor({ capacity });

for (let i=0; i<capacity - 1; i++) {
        run(...params) {
            console.log("executed at index " + params[0]);
            return params[0];
    }, i);

// queue not full
let isFull = PE.isFull(); 

if (!isFull) {
    // when we add the last element the queue is executed
        run(...params) {
            console.log("executed at index " + params[0]);
            return params[0];
    }, 4);
Prefilled parallel runnables
import {LinkedList} from 'hjs-collection';
import {ParallelExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 5;

const tasks = new Array(capacity);

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
    tasks[i] = {
        run(...params) {
            console.log("executed at index " + params[0]);
            return params[0];

// fill the queue
const queue = new LinkedList(tasks);

// later in the code
const PE = new ParallelExecutor({ capacity, queue });

// here queue is full
Parallel runnable promise
import {Queue} from 'hjs-collection';
import {ParallelExecutor,RunnablePromise} from 'hjs-future';

const lorem = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua".split(" ");

const capacity = lorem.length;

const PE = new ParallelExecutor({capacity});

const queue = new Queue(capacity);, index) => {
    return new RunnablePromise({

        handlePromise(result) {
            let complete = index === capacity - 1;
            if (queue.offer(result) && complete) {
                let occurence;
                while ((occurence = queue.poll())) {

        process(resolve, reject) {
            setTimeout(() => {
                resolve(word + index);
            }, 250);

.forEach((runnable) => { 
Parallel promise result
import {ParallelExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 10;

const PE = new ParallelExecutor({ capacity });

const createRunnable = (executor) => {
    return {
        run(...params) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                let idx = params[0];
                if (idx <= capacity) {
                    if (idx === 4 || idx === 7) {
                        setTimeout(() => {
                            resolve("async executed at index " + idx);
                        }, idx === 4 ? 2000 : 500);
                    } else {
                        resolve("executed at index " + idx);

for (let i=0; i < capacity; i++) {
    PE.execute(createRunnable(PE), i);

// start queue execution and get all results as a promise
    .then((results) => {
        results.forEach((result) => {

    .catch((e) => {
Active parallel runnable
import {ParallelExecutor} from 'hjs-future';

const capacity = 5;

const PE = new ParallelExecutor({capacity});

const actives = [];

const runnables = [];

for (let i = 0; i < capacity; i++) {
    runnables[i] = {
        index: i,
        resolve: null,
        reject: null,
        run() {
            if (this.resolve) {


Promise.all( => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        runnable.resolve = resolve;
        runnable.reject = reject;
.then((indexes) => {

    indexes.forEach((value) => {

        let active = actives[value];
        let task = active.task;



Callable executor factory
import {Executors} from 'hjs-future';

// A runnable
let runnable = {
    run() {
        console.log("A task");

// An optionnal result
let result = "A default task";

// Create a callable instance
let callable = Executors.callable(runnable, result);
Single executor factory
import {Executors} from 'hjs-future';

let PE = Executors.newSingleExecutor({
    execute(r=null,...params) {
        if (r) {
            return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
                setTimeout(() => {
                    // make computation
                    resolve(, params));
                }, 1000);         
        return null;
Serial executor factory
import {Queue} from 'hjs-collection';
import {Executors} from 'hjs-future';

let SE1 = Executors.newSerialExecutor({
    capacity: 10

let SE2 = Executors.newSerialExecutor({
    queue: new Queue(10)
Blocking executor factory
import {Queue} from 'hjs-collection';
import {Executors} from 'hjs-future';

let BE1 = Executors.newBlockingExecutor({
    capacity: 10

let BE2 = Executors.newBlockingExecutor({
    queue: new Queue(10)
Parallel executor factory
import {LinkedList} from 'hjs-collection';
import {Executors} from 'hjs-future';

let PE = Executors.newParallelExecutor({
    capacity: 10,
    queue: new LinkedList()
Task executor factory
import {MessageHandler} from 'hjs-message';
import {BlockingExecutor, Executors} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 10;

// Create an executor that post tasks on message handler
const PE = Executors.postExecutor(
    new BlockingExecutor({ capacity })/*any type of executors accepted if not specified a single executor is used*/

// execute runnables on the same executor
for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
        run(handler, token=null) {
            console.log("executed at index " + token);
            // mark message has handled
            return true;
    }, i/* optional  token*/);
Front task executor factory
import {MessageHandler} from 'hjs-message';
import {SerialExecutor, Executors} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 10;

// Create an executor that always post at front of the queue
const PE = Executors.postExecutorAtFrontOfQueue(
    new SerialExecutor({ capacity })/*any type of executors accepted if not specified a single executor is used*/

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
        run(handler, token=null) {
            console.log("executed " + token);
            return true;
    }, i/* optional  token*/);
Timed task executor factory
import {MessageHandler} from 'hjs-message';
import {Executor, Executors} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 10;

// Post at time executor
const PE = Executors.postExecutorAtTime(
    new Executor() /*Lite weight executor that haven't internal queue if not specified a single executor is used*/

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {

    let START_TIME =;
    let WAIT_TIME = 200 * (i + 1);


        run(handler, token=null) {
            console.log("executed at index " + token);
            let now =;
            let when = START_TIME;
            let ellapsed = now - when;
            let diff = UPTIME_MILLIS - when;
            console.log("now: " + now + ", when: " + when + ", ellapsed: " + ellapsed + ", diff: " + diff);
            return true;

    }, UPTIME_MILLIS, i);

Delayed task executor factory
import {MessageHandler} from 'hjs-message';
import {ParallelExecutor, Executors} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 10;

// Post at delayed executor
const PE = Executors.postExecutorDelayed(
    new ParallelExecutor({ capacity })/*any type of executors accepted if not specified a single executor is used*/

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {

    let start =;
    let delay = 200 * (i + 1);


        run(handler, token=null) {
            console.log("executed at index " + token);
            let now =;
            let when = start;
            let ellapsed = now - when;
            console.log("now: " + now + ", when: " + when + ", ellapsed: " + ellapsed + ", delay " + delay);
            return true;

    }, delay, i);


Usage of futures and callables

Callable's are task that returns a result and may throw an exception. Implementors define a single method called compute.

Future's represents the result of an asynchronous computation. Methods are provided to check if the computation is complete, to wait for its completion, and to retrieve the result of the computation. The result can only be retrieved using method get when the computation has completed, blocking if necessary until it is ready. Cancellation is performed by the cancel method. Additional methods are provided to determine if the task completed normally or was cancelled. Once a computation has completed, the computation cannot be cancelled. The framework give you a future implementation named FutureTask.

import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {Callable} from "hjs-future";

// basic example that manually start a callable
const C = new Callable({
    /* compute is the only accepted arguments */
    compute() {
        let P = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            // sleep 2 seconds
               /* make computation*/
               () => { resolve("ok"); },
               /*wait time in seconds in this example*/
               /*Optional exception handler for this time unit*/
               new time.UncaughtExceptionHandler({
                     /*catch any exception (in this example can't appen)*/   
                    uncaughtException(e) {
        .then((result) => {
            // signal the result
        .catch((e) => {
            // signal this error


// listen for computation
C.on(Callable.COMPUTE, (result) => {

// start computation;
Future from callable
import {Callable,FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

/* create a future task with a Callable instance */
const F1 = new FutureTask({
    /*An associated callable instance */
    callable: new Callable({
        compute() {
    /* An optional callback */
    done(result=null) {


/* create a future task with an anonymous callable */
const F2 = new FutureTask({
    /*An associated anonymous callable */
    callable: {
        compute() {

/* create a future task with an anonymous computation */
const F23 = new FutureTask({
    /*An associated anonymous computation */
    callable: () => {
Future from runnable
import {Runnable} from "hjs-message";
import {FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

/* create a future task with a Runnable instance */
const F1 = new FutureTask({
    /*An optional default result*/
    result: "my default data",
    /*An associated runnable instance */
    runnable: new Runnable({
        run(callable) {
    /* An optional callback */
    done(result=null) {


/* create a future task with an anonymous runnable */
const F2 = new FutureTask({
    /*An associated anonymous runnable */
    runnable: {
        run(callable) {

/* create a future task with an anonymous computation */
const F23 = new FutureTask({
    /*An associated anonymous computation */
    runnable: (callable) => {
Future callable task
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

/* create a future task */
const F = new FutureTask({    
    /*An associated callable*/
    callable: {              
        compute() {
              time.MILLISECONDS.sleep(() => {
                  // signal the result
              }, 100);

/*Execute this task before a timeout of 1 seconds*/
    /*The timeout in seconds*/
    timeout: 1,
    /*The time unit is seconds*/
    unit: time.SECONDS,
    /* The completion callback not specified in the constructor but here*/
    done(result) {
        /*If a timeout occur this result is an instanceof error*/

//somewhere in the code
setTimeout(() => {    
    let x = F.get();    
    // retrieve the callable result
    console.log(x === "ok");    
}, 3000);
Future runnable task
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

const result = "TEST";

const F = new FutureTask({
    /*Optional default result*/
    /*An associated runnable*/
    runnable: (callable) => {
          time.MILLISECONDS.sleep(() => {    
              // signal an empty result so the default one is used
          }, 100);    

/*Execute this task before a timeout of 1 seconds*/
    /*The timeout in seconds*/
    timeout: 1,
    /*The time unit is seconds*/
    unit: time.SECONDS,
    /* The completion callback not specified in the constructor but here*/
    done(result) {
        /*If a timeout occur this result is an instanceof error*/

setTimeout(() => {
    let x = F.get();
    // retrieve the runnable result
    console.log(x === result);
}, 3000);
Cancel a callable task
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

const F = new FutureTask({
    callable: {
        compute() {
               time.MILLISECONDS.sleep(() => {    
                  // cancel this task
               }, 100);    

    timeout: 1,
    unit: time.SECONDS,
    done(result) {

setTimeout(() => {
    // this is an instanceof error
    let x = F.get();
    // this is false
}, 2000);
Cancel a runnable task
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

const result = "TEST";

const F = new FutureTask({
    runnable: (callable) => {
          time.MILLISECONDS.sleep(() => {    
             // cancel this task
          }, 100);    

    timeout: 1,
    unit: time.SECONDS,
    done(result) {

setTimeout(() => {
    // this is an instanceof error
    let x = F.get();
    // this is false
    console.log(x === result);
}, 2000);
Cancel a future task
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {FutureTask} from "hjs-future";

/* create a future task */
const F = new FutureTask({
    callable: {              
        compute() {
              time.SECONDS.sleep(() => {
                  // we can test the cancellation condition but it's a wast of time 
                  // when cancelled a future never receive signal
                  if (!F.isCancelled()) {
                      // signal the result
              }, 1);

    timeout: 2,
    unit: time.SECONDS,
    done(result) {
        /*The cancellation occur this result is an instanceof error or never called if the get is not called*/

//somewhere in the code
setTimeout(() => {
    // cancel the task
    // the task is cancelled
    if (F.isCancelled()) {
        // if we call get the done callback is invoked with a cancellation error otherwise nothing is notified 
}, 500);

Usage of blocking queue

BlockingQueue's are AbstractQueue that additionally supports operations that wait for the queue to become non-empty when retrieving an element, and wait for space to become available in the queue when storing an element.

BlockingQueue methods come in four forms, with different ways of handling operations that cannot be satisfied immediately, but may be satisfied at some point in the future.

LinkedBlockingQueue is a BlockingQueue implementation based on linked nodes. This queue orders elements FIFO (first-in-first-out). The head of the queue is that element that has been on the queue the longest time. The tail of the queue is that element that has been on the queue the shortest time. New elements are inserted at the tail of the queue, and the queue retrieval operations obtain elements at the head of the queue. Linked queues typically have higher throughput than array-based queues but less predictable performance in most concurrent applications.

The optional capacity bound constructor argument serves as a way to prevent excessive queue expansion. The capacity, if unspecified, is equal to Number.MAX_VALUE. Linked nodes are dynamically created upon each insertion unless this would bring the queue above capacity.

Linked blocking queue
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

// bound to 5 elements
const capacity = 5;

// create the queue
let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 1;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// add an element
let added = LBQ.add({ data: "Added"});

// true if the element was added
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const collection = [{ data: "Added0"},{ data: "Added1"},{ data: "Added2"},{ data: "Added3"}];

const capacity = collection.length;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// add all elements
let added = LBQ.addAll(collection);

// true if the queue was modified
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const collection = [{ data: "Added0"},{ data: "Added1"},{ data: "Added2"},{ data: "Added3"}];

const capacity = collection.length;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

if (LBQ.addAll(collection)) {
    // clear the queue
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const collection = [{ data: "Added0"},{ data: "Added1"},{ data: "Added2"},{ data: "Added3"}];

const capacity = collection.length;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// true if the queue was modified && contains the first element
console.log(LBQ.addAll(collection) && LBQ.contains(collection[0]));
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const collection = [{ data: "Added0"},{ data: "Added1"},{ data: "Added2"},{ data: "Added3"}];

const capacity = collection.length;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// true if the queue was modified && contains the first element
console.log(LBQ.addAll(collection) && LBQ.drainTo(new Array(capacity)));
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const collection = [{ data: "Added0"},{ data: "Added1"},{ data: "Added2"},{ data: "Added3"}];

const capacity = collection.length;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// true if the queue was modified && contains the first element
console.log(LBQ.addAll(collection) && LBQ.element());
import {time} from "js-core";
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

console.log("=========================== OFFER ");

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {

    // offer an element
    let bool = LBQ.offer(i, {
        /* optional timeout (default to 0) */
        timeout: 0,
        /* optional time unit (default to MILLIS) */
        unit: time.MILLIS,
        /* optional callabck */
        callback(node) {
            // on POLL event
            if (node instanceof Error) {
                console.log("--> failed offer to " + i);
            } else {
                console.log("--> offer to " + i);
    // always true/false

// here the queue is full
console.log(LBQ.remainingCapacity() === 0);
Timeout Offer
import {time} from 'js-core';
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// overflow 50%
const overflow = Math.floor(capacity / 2);

// buffer size
const bufferOverflow = capacity + overflow;

// timeout
let timeout = 1000;

console.log("=========================== OFFER ");

for (let i=0; i<bufferOverflow; i++) {

    // offer an element
    let bool = LBQ.offer(i, {
        timeout: i > capacity ? timeout : 0,
        callback(node) {
            // on a POLL event
            if (node instanceof Error) {
                console.log("--> failed offer to " + i);
            } else {
                console.log("--> offer to " + i);
    // the result of the operation (true/false)

// here the queue is full
console.log(LBQ.remainingCapacity() === 0);
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const data = [{ data: "Added0"},{ data: "Added1"},{ data: "Added2"},{ data: "Added3"}];

const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ data  });

// the first element
console.log(LBQ.peek().data === "Added0");
import {time} from "js-core";
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

console.log("=========================== POLL ");

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {

    // poll an element
    let element = LBQ.poll({
        /* optional timeout (default to 0) */
        timeout: 0,
        /* optional time unit (default to MILLIS) */
        unit: time.MILLISECONDS,
        /* optional callback */
        callback(element) {
            // on OFFER event
            if (element instanceof Error) {
                console.log("--> failed poll from " + i);
            } else {
                console.log("--> poll from " + i);
    // null element are waiting async completion
    console.log(element === null);

// the queue is empty
console.log(LBQ.remainingCapacity() === capacity);
Timeout poll
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;

let LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

// overflow 50%
const overflow = Math.floor(capacity / 2);
// buffer size
const bufferOverflow = capacity + overflow;
// timeout
let timeout = 1000;

console.log("=========================== POLL ");

for (let i=0; i<bufferOverflow; i++) {
    // poll an element
    let element = LBQ.poll({
        timeout: i > capacity ? timeout : 0,
        callback(element) {
            // on OFFER event
            if (element instanceof Error) {
                console.log("--> failed poll from " + i);
            } else {
                console.log("--> poll from " + i);
    // null element are waiting async completion
    console.log(element === null);

// the queue is empty
console.log(LBQ.remainingCapacity() === capacity);
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;
const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity  });

let item = { data: "My secret" };

LBQ.put(item, (node=null) => {
    // on POLL event
    if (node instanceof Error) {
        console.log("--> failed put");
    } else {
        console.log("--> put node ");

// the first element
console.log(LBQ.peek().data === "My secret");
Remaining capacity
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;
const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity  });

let item = { data: "My secret" };

LBQ.put(item, (node=null) => {
    // on POLL event
    if (node instanceof Error) {
        console.log("--> failed put");
    } else {
        console.log("--> put node ");

// the first element
console.log(LBQ.peek().remainingCapacity() === 3);
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;
const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity  });

let item1 = { data: "My secret 1" };

let item2 = { data: "My secret 2" };

if (LBQ.remove(item2)) {
   console.log(LBQ.peek().data === "My secret 1");    
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;
const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity  });

let item = { data: "My secret" };


// the first element
console.log(LBQ.size() === 1);
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;
const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity  });

let item = { data: "My secret" };


// the first element
console.log(LBQ.size() === 1);
Offer and Poll operation (2 way data binding)
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;

const overflow = Math.floor(capacity / 2);
const bufferOverflow = capacity + overflow;
const threshold = Math.floor(bufferOverflow / 2);

const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

console.log("=========================== OFFER ");

for (let i=0; i<bufferOverflow; i++) {
    // offer an element or wait until the next POLL event
    let full = LBQ.offer(i, {
        callback(element=null) {
            if (element instanceof Error) {
                console.log("--> failed offer to " + i);
            } else {
                console.log("--> offer to " + i);

// wakeup operation
setTimeout(() => {

    console.log("=========================== POLL ");
    for (let i=0; i<threshold; i++) {
        // poll an element or wait until the next OFFER event
        let polled = LBQ.poll({
            callback(node, err=null) {
                if (err) {
                    console.log("--> failed poll from " + i);
                } else {
                    console.log("--> poll to " + i);

}, 500);
Offer and Poll with delay operation (2 way data binding)
import {LinkedBlockingQueue} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 4;

const overflow = Math.floor(capacity / 2);
const bufferOverflow = capacity + overflow;
const threshold = Math.floor(bufferOverflow / 2);
const timeout = 1000;

const LBQ = new LinkedBlockingQueue({ capacity });

console.log("=========================== OFFER ");

for (let i=0; i<bufferOverflow; i++) {
    // offer an element or wait until the next POLL event
    let full = LBQ.offer(i, {
        timeout: i > capacity ? timeout : 0,
        callback(element=null) {
            if (element instanceof Error) {
                console.log("--> failed offer to " + i);
            } else {
                console.log("--> offer to " + i);

// wakeup before poll operation
setTimeout(() => {

    console.log("=========================== POLL ");
    for (let i=0; i<threshold; i++) {
        // poll an element or wait until the next OFFER event
        let polled = LBQ.poll({
            timeout: i > capacity ? timeout : 0,
            callback(node, err=null) {
                if (err) {
                    console.log("--> failed poll from " + i);
                } else {
                    console.log("--> poll to " + i);

}, 500);

Usage of executor services

AbstractExecutorService's provides an abstract implementation of ExecutorService's execution methods. This class implements the submit, invokeAny and invokeAll methods using a RunnableFuture returned by newTaskFor, which defaults to the FutureTask class provided in this module.

ExecutorCompletionService uses a supplied Executor to execute tasks. This class arranges that submitted tasks are, upon completion, placed on a queue accessible using take. The class is lightweight enough to be suitable for transient use when processing groups of tasks.

PoolExecutorService is an ExecutorService that executes each submitted task using one of possibly several pooled futures.

Executor service pools address two different problems:

  1. They usually provide improved performance when executing large numbers of asynchronous tasks, due to reduced per-task invocation overhead.
  2. They provide a means of bounding and managing the resources, including futures, consumed when executing a collection of tasks. Each PoolExecutorService also maintains some basic statistics, such as the number of completed tasks. To be useful across a wide range of contexts, this class provides many adjustable parameters and extensibility hooks.
Create an abstract executor service
import {AbstractExecutorService} from "hjs-future";

const AES = new AbstractExecutorService();
Submit tasks on an abstract executor service
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {Queue} from "hjs-collection";
import {AbstractExecutorService} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 10;

const Q = new Queue(capacity);

const AES = new AbstractExecutorService();

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
    // submit a callable and return a future for later execution
    let future = AES.submit({
        callable: {
            compute() {
                const sleep = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
                time.SECONDS.sleep(() => {
                    this.signal(i + " callable computed randomly at " + sleep + "s");
                }, sleep);
    // add in the queue for later execution
    if (!Q.offer(future)) {
        console.log("Queue full");

let future = null;

// later in the code
while((future = Q.poll())) {
    // execute the future task
        timeout: 4,
        unit: time.SECONDS,
        done(result) {
            console.log("[done: " + this.isDone() + ", cancelled: " + this.isCancelled() + "]");
Invoke all tasks on an abstract executor service
import {time} from "hjs-core";
import {AbstractExecutorService} from "hjs-future";

const capacity = 10;

// list of callables
const callables = new Array(capacity);

// create an abstract executor service implementation
const AES = new AbstractExecutorService();

for (let i=0; i<capacity; i++) {
    // fill the list with callables
    callables[i] = {
        compute() {
            const sleep = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5) + 1;
            // some tasks can't termine the work before the executor service timeout
            time.SECONDS.sleep(() => {
                this.signal("At index " + i + " a callable is computed randomly after " + sleep + "s");
            }, sleep);

// Invoke all the task waiting either if all tasks are terminated before the timeout or not
    /* The list of callables tasks to submit */
    tasks: callables,
    /* The maximum time to wait before consider that a task is in timeout here in seconds */
    timeout: 3,
    /* The time unit here in seconds */
    unit: time.SECONDS,
    /* The completion callback that return all submited tasks that are complete or not */
    onInvoke(futures) {
        // Grab the results all elements are futures
        futures.forEach((future) => {
            // If a task is out of range its not done and mark as cancelled
            console.log("[done: " + future.isDone() + ", cancelled: " + future.isCancelled() + "]");
            // If a task enter timeout is result is an instanceof error




Aime -

Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.



Package last updated on 17 Dec 2017

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