What is http-errors?
The http-errors npm package is used to create HTTP error objects within Node.js applications. It provides a simple way to generate error objects that follow the HTTP response status codes and messages. This can be particularly useful when building web applications or APIs where you need to return specific error information to the client.
What are http-errors's main functionalities?
Creating HTTP error objects
This feature allows you to create error objects that correspond to HTTP response status codes. You can also provide a custom error message.
{"const createError = require('http-errors');\n\n// Create a 404 Not Found error\nconst notFoundError = createError(404);\n\n// Create a 500 Internal Server Error with a custom message\nconst internalServerError = createError(500, 'Something went wrong!');"}
Creating error objects with properties
This feature allows you to create error objects with additional properties, such as 'expose' to control whether the message should be sent to the client.
{"const createError = require('http-errors');\n\n// Create a 401 Unauthorized error with additional properties\nconst unauthorizedError = createError(401, 'Please login to view this page', { expose: false });"}
Checking if an object is an HTTP error
This feature provides a utility to check if a given object is an instance of an HTTP error.
{"const createError = require('http-errors');\n\n// Create an error object\nconst err = createError(404);\n\n// Check if 'err' is an HTTP error\nconst isError = createError.isHttpError(err); // true"}
Other packages similar to http-errors
Boom is a set of utilities for returning HTTP errors. It is similar to http-errors but also includes a rich set of options for decorating the error object, such as automatic payload formatting according to the error type.
Restify-errors is designed to work with the Restify framework and provides a way to create and manage HTTP errors. It is similar to http-errors but is more tightly integrated with Restify's API.