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@@ -1,45 +0,26 @@

'use strict';
var $1662971556 = require('brisky-struct')
;var $826337949 = require('stamp')
function _interopDefault (ex) { return (ex && (typeof ex === 'object') && 'default' in ex) ? ex['default'] : ex; }
var hash = _interopDefault(require('string-hash'));
var briskyStruct = require('brisky-struct');
var bs = _interopDefault(require('brisky-stamp'));
var WebSocket = _interopDefault(require('uws'));
const uniq =;
var id = hash(`b-${}-${(Math.random() * 10000) | 0}-${uniq}`);
const next = typeof window === 'undefined'
const $1094503762_next = typeof window === 'undefined'
? process.nextTick
: global.requestAnimationFrame;
: global.requestAnimationFrame
const parse$1 = (stamp, hub, t) => {
const src = bs.src(stamp);
if (!src) {
return bs.create(bs.type(stamp),, bs.val(stamp))
} else {
const val = bs.val(stamp);
if (!t[1]) t[1] = {};
const meta = t[1];
if (!meta.resolve) meta.resolve = {};
const resolve = meta.resolve[src];
if (!resolve || val < resolve) meta.resolve[src] = val;
return stamp
const $1094503762_serialize = (hub, t, struct, val, level) => {
if (!struct.isHub || struct.key === 'clients' || (struct._p && struct._p.key === 'clients')) {
const serialize = (hub, t, struct$$1, val, level) => {
const path = struct$$1.path();
const len = path.length;
const path = struct.path() // cached version (later)
const len = path.length
if (struct$$1.val !== void 0 || val === null) {
var s = t[0] || (t[0] = {});
if (struct.val !== void 0 || val === null) {
var s = t[0] || (t[0] = {})
for (let i = level; i < len; i++) {
let t = s[path[i]];
let t = s[path[i]]
if (!t) {
s = s[path[i]] = {};
s = s[path[i]] = {}
} else {
s = t;
s = t
if (s.val === null) { return }

@@ -49,3 +30,3 @@ }

s.stamp = parse$1(struct$$1.stamp, hub, t);
s.stamp = struct.stamp

@@ -55,131 +36,148 @@ if (val === null) {

if (key !== 'stamp') {
delete s[key];
delete s[key]
s.val = null;
} else if (struct$$1.val && struct$$1.val.inherits) {
s.val = struct$$1.val.path();
s.val.unshift('@', 'root');
serialize(hub, t, struct$$1.val, val, level);
} else if (struct$$1.val !== void 0) {
s.val = struct$$1.val;
s.val = null
} else if (struct.val && struct.val.inherits) {
// make a bit more secure...
// if (!s.val) {
s.val = struct.val.path()
s.val.unshift('@', 'root')
// if allrdy serialized stop it!
$1094503762_serialize(hub, t, struct.val, val, level)
// }
} else if (struct.val !== void 0) {
s.val = struct.val
const meta = hub => {
const store = inProgress(hub, bs.inProgress ? bs.on : next);
if (!store[1]) store[1] = {};
store[1].context = hub.clientContext;
store[1].id =;
store[1].subscriptions = hub.upstreamSubscriptions;
const $1094503762_meta = hub => {
if (!hub.receiveOnly) {
const store = $1094503762_inProgress(hub, $826337949.inProgress ? $826337949.on : $1094503762_next)
if (!store[1]) store[1] = {}
if (hub.context) {
if (hub.context.keys().length > 0) {
store[1].context = hub.context.compute() ? hub.context.serialize() : false
} else {
store[1].context = hub.context.compute() || false
store[1].id = hub.client.key
store[1].subscriptions = hub.upstreamSubscriptions
} else if (hub.upstreamSubscriptions) {
let override
for (let key in hub.upstreamSubscriptions) {
if (hub.upstreamSubscriptions[key].__force__) {
if (!override) override = []
if (override) {
const store = $1094503762_inProgress(hub, $826337949.inProgress ? $826337949.on : $1094503762_next)
if (!store[1]) store[1] = {}
const obj = {}
let i = override.length
while (i--) {
obj[override[i]] = hub.upstreamSubscriptions[override[i]]
store[1].subscriptions = obj
const send = (val, stamp, struct$$1) => {
if (bs.type(stamp) !== 'upstream') {
let hub;
let p = struct$$1;
while (p) {
if (p.url && !p._c) { hub = p; }
p = p.parent(); // needs to walk over context (for multi server)
if (hub && !hub.receiveOnly && struct$$1.key !== 'clients') {
if (struct$$1 === hub) {
const $1094503762_send = (val, stamp, struct) => {
// -1 means upsteam (floats for extra speed)
let hub
let p = struct
while (p) {
if (p._url_ && !p._c) hub = p
p = p.parent() // needs to walk over context (for multi server)
if (hub) {
if (!hub.receiveOnly) {
if (struct === hub) {
if (val === null) {
} else if (struct$$1._p.key === 'clients') {
if (struct$$1.key !== {
} else if (struct._p.key === 'clients') {
if (struct.key !== hub.client.key) {
serialize(hub, inProgress(hub, bs.on), struct$$1, val, hub.urlIndex);
$1094503762_serialize(hub, $1094503762_inProgress(hub, $826337949.on), struct, val, hub.urlIndex)
const inProgress = (hub, tick) => {
const $1094503762_inProgress = (hub, tick) => {
if (!hub.inProgress) {
hub.inProgress = [];
hub.inProgress = []
tick(() => {
if (hub.connected.compute() === true) {
} else {
hub.connected.once(true, () => out(hub));
hub.connected.once(true, () => $1094503762_out(hub))
return hub.inProgress
const out = t => {
t.inProgress = false;
const $1094503762_out = t => {
t.inProgress = false
const isEmpty = t => {
var $1094503762_$ALL$ = {
meta: $1094503762_meta,
send: $1094503762_send
;var $1971361117 = require('uws')
var $1704955210 = $1971361117
// need to get this fixed on now!
// import { w3cwebsocket } from 'websocket'
// export default w3cwebsocket
;const $3851780354_isEmpty = t => {
for (let i in t) { return false }
return true
// function merge (a, b) {
// for (let i in b) {
// if ((!a[i] || typeof a[i] !== 'object')) {
// a[i] = b[i]
// } else {
// merge(a[i], b[i])
// }
// }
// }
const parse$2 = (struct$$1, obj, key, root) => {
const result = {};
if (!root) { root = result; }
if (obj.type) result.type = obj.type; // need to be done before the rest of subs to sync correctly
const $3851780354_parse = (struct, obj, key, root) => {
const result = {}
if (!root) { root = result }
if (obj.type) result.type = $3851780354_parse(struct, obj.type, 'type')
for (let i in obj) {
if (i !== '_' && i !== 'type') {
// @todo more resolve for parent and client
// need more just use client (since milti hub)
if (i === 'client') { // && (!key || key === 'root' || key === 'parent')
// let id =
// if (!root.clients) { root.clients = {} }
// if (!root.clients[id]) { root.clients[id] = {} }
// merge(root.clients[id], parse(obj.client, i, root, state))
} else if (typeof obj[i] === 'function') {
let val = obj[i].toString();
if (typeof obj[i] === 'function') {
let val = obj[i].toString()
if (!/^(function|\()/.test(val)) {
// this can all be done on the hub itself of course
// hash will also be used for sec purposes
// this will just be send up and done on the hub -- not here!
if (/^.+=>/.test(val)) {
if (!/^(\(){0, 1}.+(\)){0, 1} +=>/.test(val)) {
val = val.replace(/^(.*?)( +=>)/, '($1)$2');
val = val.replace(/^(.*?)( +=>)/, '($1)$2')
if (!/^(.*?)+=> +{(.*?)}$/.test(val) && val.indexOf('return ') === -1) {
val = val.replace(/^(.+=> *?)(.*?)/, '$1 { return $2') + ' }';
val = val.replace(/^(.+=> *?)(.*?)/, '$1 { return $2') + ' }'
val = val.replace('=>', '');
val = val.replace('=>', '')
val = 'function ' + val;
val = 'function ' + val
result['$fn|' + i] = val;
result['$fn|' + i] = val
// also here we need to rewrite client to use client id
} else if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object') {
// sync later!
// if (obj._ && obj._.sync) {
// if (obj._.sync !== true) { result[i] = obj._.sync }
// } else {
result[i] = obj[i];
// }
result[i] = obj[i]
} else {
// empty objects are very uninteresetting maybe just skip them
let parsed = parse$2(struct$$1, obj[i], i, root);
// if (i === 'root' || i === 'parent') {
// if (isEmpty(parsed)) {
// parsed = void 0
// }
// }
// does disable the weird bla: {} construct
if (parsed !== void 0) { result[i] = parsed; }
let parsed = $3851780354_parse(struct, obj[i], i, root)
if (parsed !== void 0) { result[i] = parsed }

@@ -189,126 +187,212 @@ }

// if result is empty ignore -- may not be a good idea
return isEmpty(result) ? void 0 : result
return $3851780354_isEmpty(result) ? void 0 : result
const connect = (hub, url, reconnect) => {
const socket = new WebSocket(url);
const id =;
var $3851780354 = $3851780354_parse
hub.set({ clients: { [id]: { } } }, false);
;var $2180032073 = require('string-hash')
;var $3305006410 = require('vigour-ua')
const $1384736615_uniq =
var $1384736615 = () => $2180032073(`b-${}-${(Math.random() * 10000) | 0}-${$1384736615_uniq}`)
const client = hub.clients[id];
hub.set({ client }, false);
hub.reconnect = null;
var $2828932010 = (t, val, stamp, useragent, id) => {
if (!id) id = t._uid_ || $1384736615()
$3305006410(useragent, val)
t.set({ clients: { [id]: val } }, stamp)
return t.clients[id]
const $3357289264_connect = (hub, url, reconnect) => {
const socket = new $1704955210(url)
const client = hub.client || $2828932010(hub, {}, false)
hub.set({ client }, false)
hub.reconnect = null
const close = () => {
const stamp = bs.create('disconnect',;
hub.socket = false;
hub.set({ connected: false }, stamp);
if (!socket.blockReconnect && hub.url) {
reconnect = Math.min((reconnect * 1.5), 2000);
hub.reconnect = setTimeout(connect, reconnect, hub, url, reconnect);
const stamp = $826337949.create()
hub.socket = false
hub.set({ connected: false }, stamp)
if (!socket.blockReconnect && hub._url_) {
reconnect = Math.min((reconnect * 1.5), 2000)
hub.reconnect = setTimeout($3357289264_connect, reconnect, hub, url, reconnect)
socket.onclose = close;
socket.onclose = close
socket.onerror = () => {
if (typeof window === 'undefined') {
} else {
socket.onerror = typeof window === 'undefined'
? close
: () => socket.close()
socket.onopen = () => {
const stamp = bs.create('connected',;
hub.socket = socket;
hub.set({ connected: true }, stamp);
const stamp = $826337949.create()
hub.socket = socket
if (hub.emitters && hub.emitters.incoming) {
$3357289264_enableIncomingListener(socket, hub)
hub.set({ connected: true }, stamp)
socket.onmessage = ({ data }) => {
const stamp = bs.create('upstream');
// console.log(JSON.stringify(JSON.parse(data), false, 2))
hub.set(JSON.parse(data), stamp);
// use outside function non anon since its slowe apprantly
socket.onmessage = (data) => {
data =
if (!hub.receiveOnly) {
hub.receiveOnly = true
hub.set(JSON.parse(data), false)
hub.receiveOnly = null
} else {
hub.set(JSON.parse(data), false)
const removeUrl = hub => {
hub.url = null;
hub.urlIndex = null;
hub.emitters.set({ data: { url$: null } }, false);
const $3357289264_removeUrl = hub => {
hub.url = hub._url_ = hub.urlIndex = null
hub.emitters.set({ data: { url$: null } }, false)
const removeSocket = hub => {
const $3357289264_removeSocket = hub => {
if (hub.reconnect) {
hub.reconnect = null;
hub.reconnect = null
if (hub.socket) {
hub.socket.blockReconnect = true;
hub.socket.blockReconnect = true
hub.socket = false
const url = (hub, val, stamp) => {
const $3357289264_url = (hub, val, key, stamp) => {
hub.on((val, stamp, t) => {
if (val === null && !t._c && t === hub) {
hub.subscriptions = [];
hub.subscriptions = []
}, 'url$');
if (!val) val = null;
if (val !== hub.url) {
hub.set({ connected: false }, stamp);
}, 'url$')
if (!val) val = null
if ((!hub.url && val) || (hub.url.compute() !== val)) {
if (!val) {
hub.set({ connected: false }, stamp)
hub._url_ = null
if (hub.url) hub.url.set(null, stamp)
} else {
let i = -1;
if (hub.key) i++;
hub.parent(() => { i++; });
hub.urlIndex = i;
hub.url = val;
connect(hub, val, 50);
if (!hub.url) {
on: {
data: {
url: (val, stamp, struct) => {
val = struct.compute()
if (val) {
hub.set({ connected: false }, stamp)
let i = -1
if (hub.key) i++
hub.parent(() => { i++ })
hub.urlIndex = i // use this for checks
hub._url_ = val
$3357289264_connect(hub, val, 50)
} else {
hub._url_ = null
}, stamp, $1662971556.struct, hub, key)
if (/^https?/.test(val)) val = val.replace(/^http/, 'ws')
hub.url.set(val, stamp)
// very context as well
// const clients => (val, stamp) {
// const hub = this.cParent()
// if (this.compute() === false && hub.upstream) {
// // put this in clients (the file)
// const clients = hub.clients
// if (clients && clients.keys().length > 1) {
// clients.each((client) => {
// if (
// client.val !== null &&
// !client.socket &&
// client.key != // eslint-disable-line
// ) {
// client.remove(stamp)
// }
// })
// }
// }
// }
const $3357289264_removeClients = (hub, stamp) => {
const clients = hub.clients
if (clients && clients.keys().length > 1) {
clients.forEach((client, key) => {
if (
client.val !== null &&
client !== hub.client
) {
client.set(null, stamp)
delete clients[key]
const connected = { type: 'struct' };
const $3357289264_connected = {
type: 'struct',
on: {
data: {
removeClients: (val, stamp, t) => {
if (t.compute() === false) {
// all instances! -- fix this
$3357289264_removeClients(t._p, stamp)
const context = (hub, val) => {
if (val !== hub.clientContext) {
hub.clientContext = val;
if (hub.connected && hub.connected.compute() === true) meta(hub);
const $3357289264_contextStruct = $1662971556.struct.create({
props: {
default: {
on: {
data: {
updateParent: (val, stamp, t) => {
t.parent().emit('data', val, stamp)
const props = {
const $3357289264_contextIsNotEqual = (val, context) => {
if (val && typeof val === 'object') {
for (let field in val) {
if (!context[field] || val[field] !== context[field].compute()) {
console.log('😜', field)
return true
} else {
return val !== context.compute()
const $3357289264_context = (hub, val, key, stamp) => {
if ((!hub.context && val) || (hub.context && $3357289264_contextIsNotEqual(val, hub.context))) {
if (!hub.context) {
$1662971556.create(val, stamp, $3357289264_contextStruct, hub, key)
} else {
$3357289264_removeClients(hub, stamp)
hub.context.set(val, stamp)
if (hub.connected && hub.connected.compute() === true) $1094503762_meta(hub)
const $3357289264_props = {
reconnect: true,

@@ -319,87 +403,148 @@ socket: true,

receiveOnly: true,
url: $3357289264_url,
context: $3357289264_context,
connected: $3357289264_connected
const stub = () => {};
const $3357289264_stub = () => {}
const define = {
subscribe (subs, cb, raw, tree) {
if (!raw) subs = briskyStruct.parse(subs);
const parsed = parse$2(this, subs);
if (parsed) {
const key = hash(JSON.stringify(parsed));
if (!this.upstreamSubscriptions) {
this.upstreamSubscriptions = { [key]: parsed };
if (this.url) meta(this);
} else if (!this.upstreamSubscriptions[key]) {
this.upstreamSubscriptions[key] = parsed;
if (this.url) meta(this);
const $3357289264_define = {
subscribe (subs, cb, raw, tree, forceUpstream) {
if (!raw) subs = $1662971556.parse(subs)
if (!this.receiveOnly || forceUpstream) {
const parsed = $3851780354(this, subs)
if (parsed) {
if (forceUpstream) {
parsed.__force__ = true
// why not keep it stringified? -- saves lots of speed
const key = $2180032073(JSON.stringify(parsed))
if (!this.upstreamSubscriptions) {
this.upstreamSubscriptions = {}
this.upstreamSubscriptions[key] = parsed
if (this.url) $1094503762_meta(this)
} else if (!this.upstreamSubscriptions[key]) {
this.upstreamSubscriptions[key] = parsed
if (this.url) $1094503762_meta(this)
return briskyStruct.subscribe(this, subs, cb || stub, tree)
return $1662971556.subscribe(this, subs, cb || $3357289264_stub, tree)
const on = { data: { send } };
const $3357289264_enableIncomingListener = (socket, hub) => {
if (!socket.incomingOverride) {
socket.incomingOverride = true
const field = typeof window === 'undefined' ? 'internalOnMessage' : 'onmessage'
const msg = hub.socket[field]
socket[field] = (data) => {
hub.emit('incoming', data)
const $3357289264_on = {
data: { send: $1094503762_send },
props: {
incoming: (t, val, key, stamp) => {
const hub = t._p
if (hub.socket) $3357289264_enableIncomingListener(hub.socket, hub)
return $1662971556.emitterProperty(t, val, key, stamp)
var client = Object.freeze({
props: props,
on: on,
define: define
var $3357289264_$ALL$ = {
props: $3357289264_props,
on: $3357289264_on,
define: $3357289264_define
;var $2549126471 = {
props: {
contextKey: true,
getContext: (t, fn) => {
define: {
getContext (key, socket) {
return fn(key, (key) => $2549126471_createContext(this, key), this, socket)
getContext: (key, context) => context()
const isFn = /^\$fn\|/;
const dummy = () => false;
// const client = (tree) => {
// while (tree) {
// if (tree._ && tree._.client) {
// return tree._.client
// }
// tree = tree._p
// }
// }
const $2549126471_createContext = (hub, val) => {
var result = $2549126471_find(hub, val)
if (!result) {
result = hub.create({ contextKey: val }, false)
return result
// const clientContext = fn => (state, subs, tree, key) => {
// if (state) {
// const $root = state.root
// const inContext = $root._client
// var prev
// if (inContext) {
// $root._client = client(tree)
// } else {
// prev = $root.client
// $root.client = client(tree)
// }
// const ret = fn(state, tree, subs, key)
// if (inContext) {
// $root._client = inContext
// } else {
// $root.client = prev
// }
// return ret
// } else {
// return fn(state, tree, subs, key)
// }
// }
const $2549126471_find = (hub, val) => {
const instances = hub.instances
if (instances) {
let i = instances.length
while (i--) {
if (instances[i].contextKey === val) return instances[i]
const parse$3 = (obj, state, key) => {
const result = {};
;const $2381345089_isFn = /^\$fn\|/
const $2381345089_dummy = () => false
function $2381345089_merge (a, b) {
for (let i in b) {
if ((!a[i] || typeof a[i] !== 'object')) {
a[i] = b[i]
} else {
$2381345089_merge(a[i], b[i])
// this will all be done with an ast later!
const $2381345089_replaceClient = /\.client[^a-z0-9]/g
// can also check for dangeorus stuff and maybe even allow some requires
// needs hashing algo
const $2381345089_clientContext = (val, client) => {
const matches = val.match($2381345089_replaceClient)
for (let i = 0, len = matches.length; i < len; i++) {
val = val.replace(matches[i].slice(0, -1), '.clients.' + client.key)
return val
const $2381345089_parse = (obj, state, key, client, root) => {
const result = {}
if (!root) root = result
for (let i in obj) {
if (isFn.test(i)) {
let val = obj[i];
i = i.slice(4);
// need to fix bublé stuff in these fn creations -- prop need to add buble
// runtime in a hub
let pass;
let block
if (i === 'client' && (!key || key === 'root' || key === 'parent')) {
block = true
console.log('client subs parsing work in progress, missing parent and references')
let id = client.key // wrong need to get client
if (!root.clients) { root.clients = {} }
if (!root.clients[id]) { root.clients[id] = {} }
$2381345089_merge(root.clients[id], $2381345089_parse(obj.client, i, key, client, root))
} else if ($2381345089_isFn.test(i)) {
let val = obj[i]
i = i.slice(4)
// need to fix bublé / babel stuff in these fn creations -- prop need to add buble
// runtime in a hub, and ast
// let pass
try {
obj[i] = new Function('return ' + val)(); // eslint-disable-line
// if (/\.client|\[['"']client['"]\]/.test(val)) { // eslint-disable-line
// obj[i] = clientContext(obj[i])
// }
pass = true;
if ($2381345089_replaceClient.test(val)) { // eslint-disable-line
val = $2381345089_clientContext(val, client)
obj[i] = new Function('return ' + val)() // eslint-disable-line
// pass = true
// do dry run with your own key in a props object

@@ -410,430 +555,492 @@ // 2 options for this ofcourse

} catch (e) {
let msg;
if (!pass) {
msg = `cannot parse function ${key}.exec\n${val}`;
} else {
msg = `cannot run function ${key}.exec\n${val}`;
state.emit('error', new Error(msg));
obj[i] = dummy;
let msg
// if (!pass) {
msg = `cannot parse function ${key}.exec\n${val}`
// } else {
// msg = `cannot run function ${key}.exec\n${val}`
// }
state.emit('error', new Error(msg))
obj[i] = $2381345089_dummy
if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object') {
result[i] = obj[i];
} else {
result[i] = parse$3(obj[i], state, i);
// can go to client as well...
if (!block && i !== '__force__') {
if (i === 'clients' && result.clients) {
$2381345089_merge(result[i], obj[i])
} else if (typeof obj[i] !== 'object') {
result[i] = obj[i]
} else {
result[i] = $2381345089_parse(obj[i], state, i, client, root)
return result
const progress = (client) => {
var $2381345089 = $2381345089_parse
const $2641472318_cache = (client, struct, stamp) => {
if (!client.cache) client.cache = {}
client.cache[$1662971556.puid(struct)] = stamp
const $2641472318_isCached = (client, struct, stamp) => client.cache &&
client.cache[$1662971556.puid(struct)] === stamp
// const isCached = () => false
var $2641472318_$ALL$ = {
cache: $2641472318_cache,
isCached: $2641472318_isCached
const $727036942_isEmpty = obj => {
for (let i in obj) { //eslint-disable-line
return false
return true
// const size = str => {
// // returns the byte length of an utf8 string
// var s = str.length
// for (var i= str.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
// var code = str.charCodeAt(i)
// if (code > 0x7f && code <= 0x7ff) { s++ }
// else if (code > 0x7ff && code <= 0xffff) { s += 2 }
// if (code >= 0xDC00 && code <= 0xDFFF) i-- // trail surrogate
// }
// return s
// }
const $727036942_progress = (client) => {
if (!client.inProgress) {
client.inProgress = {};
bs.on(() => {
client.inProgress = {}
$826337949.on(() => {
if (client.val !== null) {
var isEmpty = true;
for (let i in client.inProgress) { //eslint-disable-line
isEmpty = false;
if (!isEmpty) {
// bit hacky...
if (!$727036942_isEmpty(client.inProgress)) {
if (client.inProgress.types) {
for (let i in client.inProgress) {
// order is still important since setting types after the fact is still broken
// this will be a big update
if (i === 'types') {
} else {
let tmp = client.inProgress[i];
delete client.inProgress[i];
client.inProgress[i] = tmp;
let tmp = client.inProgress[i]
delete client.inProgress[i]
client.inProgress[i] = tmp
const raw = JSON.stringify(client.inProgress)
// console.log(size(raw))
client.inProgress = false;
client.inProgress = false
return client.inProgress
const send$1 = (hub, client, t, type, subs, tree) => {
var val;
if (type === 'remove') {
if (!t._p[t.key]) {
val = null;
if (bs.src(t._p.tStamp) === client.key) {
const $727036942_send = (hub, client, struct, type, subs, tree) => {
if (struct.isHub && client.val !== null) {
let isRemoved
if (type === 'remove') {
if (!struct._p || !struct._p[struct.key]) isRemoved = true
} else if (type === 'update' && tree.$t !== struct) {
if (tree.$t && tree.$t._p && !tree.$t._p[tree.$t.key]) {
let previous = tree.$t
let prop = previous
while (previous) {
if (previous._p && previous._p[previous.key]) {
// think of something fast for level...
$727036942_serialize(client, $727036942_progress(client), subs, prop, $1662971556.get(hub, 'serverIndex'), true)
prop = previous
previous = previous._p
} else if (type === 'update' && tree.$t !== t) {
if (tree.$t && tree.$t._p && !tree.$t._p[tree.$t.key]) {
serialize$2(, client, progress(client), subs, tree.$t, null, briskyStruct.get(hub, 'serverIndex'), tree);
$727036942_serialize(client, $727036942_progress(client), subs, struct, $1662971556.get(hub, 'serverIndex'), isRemoved)
if (t.val !== void 0 || val === null || subs.val === true) {
// opt this line (the get) just use a define or something
serialize$2(, client, progress(client), subs, t, val, briskyStruct.get(hub, 'serverIndex'), tree);
const cache = (client, struct$$1, stamp, level, val) => {
if (!client.cache) client.cache = {};
client.cache[struct$$1.uid()] = stamp[0];
const $727036942_serialize = (client, t, subs, struct, level, isRemoved) => {
const stamp = $1662971556.get(struct, 'stamp') || 1 // remove the need for this default (feels wrong)
const val = isRemoved ? null : $1662971556.getVal(struct)
const isCached = (client, struct$$1, stamp) => {
return client.cache && client.cache[struct$$1.uid()] === stamp[0]
const setStamp = (s, stamp, src, struct$$1, id, client, level) => {
cache(client, struct$$1, stamp, level);
s.stamp = !src
? bs.create(bs.type(stamp), id, bs.val(stamp))
: stamp;
// clean the cached up a bit
const serialize$2 = (id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level) => {
const stamp = briskyStruct.get(struct$$1, 'stamp');
var cached, isType;
if (stamp && (val === null || !(cached = isCached(client, struct$$1, stamp))) || subs.val === true) {
const src = bs.src(stamp);
if (
src !== client.key && bs.src(t.tStamp) !== client.key ||
(isType = struct$$1.key === 'type')
) {
if (
client.resolve &&
client.resolve[src] &&
bs.val(stamp) >= client.resolve[src]
) {
if (val !== null) {
if (struct$$1.val !== void 0) cache(client, struct$$1, stamp, level);
if (subs.val === true) {
const keys = briskyStruct.getKeys(struct$$1);
if (keys) deepSerialize(keys, id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level);
if (val !== void 0 && stamp && !$2641472318_isCached(client, struct, stamp)) {
// val === null -- double chck if this is nessecary
const path = struct.path()
const len = path.length
let s = t
for (let i = level; i < len; i++) {
let tt = s[path[i]]
if (!tt) {
s = s[path[i]] = {}
} else {
if (subs.type) {
// simple but will make it better need more checks
var p = struct$$1;
while (p) {
if (p.key === 'types') {
p = p._p;
s = tt
if (s.val === null) return
if (isType) { // means its blocked otherwise (could be a set form own client)
typeSerialize(id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level);
} else if (!cached && (struct$$1.val !== void 0 || val === null)) {
const path = struct$$1.path();
const len = path.length;
var s = t;
for (let i = level; i < len; i++) {
let tt = s[path[i]];
if (!tt) {
s = s[path[i]] = {};
} else {
s = tt;
if (s.val === null) return
if (val === null) {
setStamp(s, stamp, src, struct$$1, id, client, level, val);
s.val = null;
} else {
if (struct$$1.key === 'type') {
typeSerialize(id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level);
setStamp(s, stamp, src, struct$$1, id, client, level);
if (struct$$1.val && struct$$1.val.inherits) {
s.val = struct$$1.val.path();
s.val.unshift('@', 'root');
serialize$2(id, client, t, subs, struct$$1.val, val, level);
} else if (struct$$1.val !== void 0) {
s.val = struct$$1.val;
if (isRemoved) {
$2641472318_cache(client, struct, stamp)
s.stamp = stamp
s.val = val
} else {
if (subs.type) {
const type = $1662971556.get(struct, 'type') // make getType (fast)
if ($1662971556.getVal(type) !== 'hub') {
$727036942_serialize(client, t, subs.type, type, level)
if (subs.val === true) {
const keys = briskyStruct.getKeys(struct$$1);
if (keys) deepSerialize(keys, id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level);
$2641472318_cache(client, struct, stamp)
s.stamp = stamp
if (struct.key === 'type') {
if (val === 'hub') return
$727036942_serialize(client, t, subs, $1662971556.getType(struct.parent(2), val), level)
// allways need a stamp!
if (typeof val === 'object' && val !== null && val.inherits) {
s.val = val.path()
s.val.unshift('@', 'root')
$727036942_serialize(client, t, subs, val, level)
} else if (val !== void 0) {
s.val = val
} else if (val && typeof val === 'object' && val.inherits) {
// can send a bit too much data when val: true and overlapping keys
$727036942_serialize(client, t, subs, val, level)
const typeSerialize = (id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level) => {
serialize$2(id, client, t, subs, briskyStruct.getType(struct$$1.parent(2), struct$$1.compute()), val, level);
if (subs.val === true && !isRemoved) {
$727036942_deepSerialize($1662971556.getKeys(struct), client, t, subs, struct, level)
const deepSerialize = (keys, id, client, t, subs, struct$$1, val, level) => {
const $727036942_deepSerialize = (keys, client, t, subs, struct, level) => {
if (struct.get('type') && struct.get('type').compute() !== 'hub') {
$727036942_serialize(client, t, subs, struct.get('type'), level)
if (keys) {
for (let i = 0, len = keys.length; i < len; i++) {
let prop = briskyStruct.get(struct$$1, keys[i]);
if (prop && prop.isHub) serialize$2(id, client, t, subs, prop, val, level);
let prop = $1662971556.get(struct, keys[i])
if (prop && prop.isHub) $727036942_serialize(client, t, subs, prop, level)
// feels really shacky /w context :/ needs tests
if (struct$$1._removed) {
for (let i = 0, len = struct$$1._removed.length; i < len; i++) {
let prop = struct$$1._removed[i];
if (prop && prop.isHub) serialize$2(id, client, t, subs, prop, null, level);
if (struct._removed) {
for (let i = 0, len = struct._removed.length; i < len; i++) {
let prop = struct._removed[i]
$727036942_serialize(client, t, subs, prop, level, true)
var incoming = (hub, socket, data) => {
const payload = data[0];
const meta = data[1];
var client = socket.client;
var t;
var $727036942 = $727036942_send
;const $1380346132_removeSubscriptions = (t, id) => {
if (t.subscriptions) {
let i = t.subscriptions.length
while (i--) { // clean this up with unsubscribe in struct
if (t.subscriptions[i]._uid_ == id) { //eslint-disable-line
t.subscriptions.splice(i, 1)
const $1380346132_removeClient = (client) => {
const id = client.key
client.val = null
if (client.socket) {
client.socket.client = null
client.socket = null
const t = client.parent(2)
$1380346132_removeSubscriptions(t, id)
// if (client.context && t.clients.keys().length === (t.url ? 1 : 0)) {
// t.set(null, stamp)
// }
var $1380346132_$ALL$ = {
removeSubscriptions: $1380346132_removeSubscriptions,
removeClient: $1380346132_removeClient
var $834150420 = (hub, socket, data) => {
const payload = data[0]
const meta = data[1]
var client = socket.client
if (meta) {
let t
if (client) {
t = hub;
if (client.context != meta.context) { // eslint-disable-line
t = create$2(hub, socket, meta);
client = socket.client;
t = hub
if ('context' in meta && client.context != meta.context) { // eslint-disable-line
$834150420_create(hub, socket, meta, payload, client)
} else if (meta.subscriptions) {
incomingSubscriptions(t, client, meta,;
if (payload) $834150420_setPayload(t, payload, client)
$834150420_incomingSubscriptions(t, client, meta, client.key)
} else {
t = create$2(hub, socket, meta);
client = socket.client;
$834150420_create(hub, socket, meta, payload)
} else {
t = client.parent(2);
$834150420_setPayload(client.parent(2), payload, client)
if (payload) {
if (meta && meta.resolve) {
client.resolve = meta.resolve;
t.set(payload, false);
bs.on(() => { client.resolve = false; });
} else {
t.set(payload, false);
const $834150420_addToCache = (client, hub, payload) => {
if (typeof payload === 'object' && payload) {
for (let key in payload) {
if (key !== 'val' && key !== 'stamp') {
let struct = hub[key]
if (struct && struct.isHub) {
$834150420_addToCache(client, hub[key], payload[key])
if (payload.val !== void 0 && payload.stamp) {
$2641472318_cache(client, hub, payload.stamp)
const create$2 = (hub, socket, meta) => {
const stamp = bs.create('connect');
const id =;
const t = meta.context ? hub.getContext(meta.context) : hub;
t.set({ clients: { [id]: { socket, context: meta.context } } }, stamp);
const client = socket.client = t.clients[id];
if (meta.subscriptions) incomingSubscriptions(t, client, meta, id);
return t
const $834150420_setPayload = (hub, payload, client) => {
hub.set(payload, false)
$834150420_addToCache(client, hub, payload)
const incomingSubscriptions = (hub, client, meta, id) => {
const update = (t, type, subs, tree) => send$1(hub, client, t, type, subs, tree);
if (!client.upstreamSubscriptions) client.upstreamSubscriptions = {};
const $834150420_set = (meta, socket, t, payload) => {
const stamp = $826337949.create()
const id =
const context = meta.context
// const ip = socket._socket.remoteAddress
const client = socket.client = $2828932010(
t, { socket, context }, stamp, socket.useragent, id
if (payload) $834150420_setPayload(t, payload, client)
if (meta.subscriptions) $834150420_incomingSubscriptions(t, client, meta, id)
const $834150420_create = (hub, socket, meta, payload, client) => {
const t = meta.context ? hub.getContext(meta.context, socket) : hub
if (!t.inherits && t.then) {
t.then((t) => {
if (socket.external !== null) {
console.log('client connected and found informations')
if (client) $1380346132_removeClient(client)
$834150420_set(meta, socket, t, payload)
} else {
console.log('client discconected when logging in')
}).catch(err => hub.emit('error', err))
} else {
if (client) $1380346132_removeClient(client)
$834150420_set(meta, socket, t, payload)
const $834150420_incomingSubscriptions = (hub, client, meta, id) => {
const update = (t, type, subs, tree) => $727036942(hub, client, t, type, subs, tree)
if (!client.upstreamSubscriptions) client.upstreamSubscriptions = {}
for (let key in meta.subscriptions) {
let uid = key + '-' + id;
const uid = key + '-' + id
if (!client.upstreamSubscriptions[uid]) {
let subs = parse$3(meta.subscriptions[key], hub);
client.upstreamSubscriptions[uid] = subs;
briskyStruct.subscribe(hub, subs, update);
hub.subscriptions[hub.subscriptions.length - 1].id = id;
const subs = $2381345089(meta.subscriptions[key], hub, void 0, client)
client.upstreamSubscriptions[uid] = subs
$1662971556.subscribe(hub, subs, update)
hub.subscriptions[hub.subscriptions.length - 1]._uid_ = id
const Server = WebSocket.Server;
const removeSubscriptions = (t, id) => {
if (t.subscriptions) {
let i = t.subscriptions.length;
while (i--) { // clean this up with unsubscribe in struct
if (t.subscriptions[i].id === id) t.subscriptions.splice(i, 1);
var $4215278899_removedInProgress
const $4215278899_on = {
data: {
remove$: (val, stamp, struct) => {
// just do a diff with the payload rly the best way for now...
if (val === null && (!struct._c || struct._cLevel === 1)) {
let p = struct
let hub
while (p) {
if (p.port && !p._c) { hub = p }
p = p.parent()
if (hub) {
// probably not working correctly with context
const target = struct.parent()
if (target) {
if (!target._removed) {
target._removed = []
if (!$4215278899_removedInProgress) {
$4215278899_removedInProgress = []
$826337949.on(() => {
let i = $4215278899_removedInProgress.length
while (i--) {
delete $4215278899_removedInProgress[i]._removed
const create$1 = (hub, port) => {
const server = new Server({ port });
server.on('connection', (socket) => {
var $4215278899 = $4215278899_on
const $899748844_Server = $1971361117.Server
const $899748844_createServer = (hub, port) => {
const server = new $899748844_Server({ port })
console.log(`💫 hub listening on ${port} 💫`)
server.on('connection', socket => {
socket.useragent = socket.upgradeReq && socket.upgradeReq.headers['user-agent']
// need to remove when done -- its the best thing todo (mem!!!)
socket.on('message', (data) => {
data = JSON.parse(data);
if (data) { incoming(hub, socket, data); }
data = JSON.parse(data)
if (data) $834150420(hub, socket, data)
const close = () => {
const client = socket.client;
if (client) {
const stamp = bs.create('disconnect');
const id = client.key;
const t = client.parent(2);
removeSubscriptions(t, id);
client.set(null, stamp);
if (client.context && t.clients.keys().length === (t.url ? 1 : 0)) {
t.set(null, stamp);
if (socket.client) $1380346132_removeClient(socket.client)
socket.on('close', close);
socket.on('close', close)
// socket.on('error', () => close()) // need to do something here as well no leaks!
return server
const removeServer = hub => {
const server = hub.server;
const instances = hub.instances;
const $899748844_removeServer = hub => {
const server = hub._server_
const instances = hub.instances
for (let i = 0, len = instances && instances.length; i < len; i++) {
// remove all clients subscriptions
hub.server = null;
hub._server_ = null
const closeConnections = hub => {
const clients = hub.clients;
const id =; // to exclude the client (not nessecary)
const $899748844_closeConnections = hub => {
const clients = hub.clients
const id = hub._uid_ // to exclude the client (not nessecary)
if (clients) {
clients.forEach(client => {
if (client.socket && client.key !== id) {
client.val = null;
removeSubscriptions(hub, client.key);
client.val = null
$1380346132_removeSubscriptions(hub, client.key)
const removePort = hub => {
hub.port = null;
hub.serverIndex = null;
hub.emitters.set({ data: { port$: null } });
const $899748844_removePort = hub => {
hub.port = null
hub.serverIndex = null
hub.emitters.set({ data: { port$: null } })
const port = (hub, val) => {
const $899748844_port = (hub, val, key, stamp) => {
// use remove
hub.on((val, stamp, t) => {
if (val === null && !t._c && t === hub) {
}, 'port$');
if (!val) val = null;
if (val !== hub.port) {
if (hub.server) {
}, 'port$')
if (!val) val = null
if ((!hub.port && val) || (hub.port.compute() !== val)) {
if (hub._server_) {
if (!val) {
if (hub.port) hub.port.set(null, stamp)
} else {
hub.port = val;
let i = -1;
if (hub.key) i++;
hub.parent(() => { i++; });
hub.serverIndex = i;
hub.server = create$1(hub, val);
const props$1 = {
server: true,
serverIndex: true,
var removedInProgress;
const on$1 = {
data: {
remove$: (val, stamp, struct$$1) => {
if (val === null && (!struct$$1._c || struct$$1._cLevel === 1)) {
let p = struct$$1;
let hub;
while (p) {
if (p.port && !p._c) { hub = p; }
p = p.parent();
if (hub) {
const target = struct$$1.parent();
if (target) {
if (!target._removed) {
target._removed = [];
if (!removedInProgress) {
removedInProgress = [];
bs.on(() => {
let i = removedInProgress.length;
while (i--) {
delete removedInProgress[i]._removed;
if (!hub.port) {
on: {
data: {
port: (val, stamp, struct) => {
val = struct.compute()
if (val) {
let i = -1
if (hub.key) i++
hub.parent(() => { i++ })
hub.serverIndex = i
hub._server_ = $899748844_createServer(hub, val)
}, stamp, $1662971556.struct, hub, key)
hub.port.set(val, stamp)
const $899748844_props = {
_server_: true,
serverIndex: true,
port: $899748844_port
var $899748844 = { props: $899748844_props, on: $4215278899 }
var server = Object.freeze({
props: props$1,
on: on$1
const props$2 = { contextKey: true };
const define$1 = {
getContext (val) {
var result = find(this, val);
if (!result) {
result = this.create({ contextKey: val }, false);
return result
const find = (hub, val) => {
const instances = hub.instances;
if (instances) {
let i = instances.length;
while (i--) {
if (instances[i].contextKey === val) {
// console.log('found context --->', val, instances[i].clients.keys())
return instances[i]
const $4043401927_types = $1662971556.struct.props.types
var context$1 = Object.freeze({
props: props$2,
define: define$1
const types = briskyStruct.struct.props.types;
const hub = briskyStruct.create({
const $4043401927_hub = $1662971556.create({
type: 'hub',

@@ -844,56 +1051,63 @@ instances: false,

default: 'self',
id: (t, val) => { t.set({ define: { id: val } }); },
_uid_: (t, val) => { t.set({ define: { _uid_: val } }) },
types: $4043401927_types.bind(), // to not interfere with struct type
type: $1662971556.struct.props.type.bind(),
client: true
$4043401927_hub.props.types.struct = $4043401927_hub.create({
props: { default: $4043401927_types.struct.props.default.bind() }
}, false)
$4043401927_hub.props.types.struct.props.default.struct = $4043401927_hub.props.type.struct = $4043401927_hub
types: {
hub: 'self',
clients: {
type: 'struct',
instances: false,
props: {
default: $4043401927_hub.create({
instances: false,
props: {
cache: true,
upstreamSubscriptions: true,
resolve: true,
socket: true,
context: true
}, false)
props: {
// why nto call this client id -- thats what it is
clients: (t, val, key, stamp) => {
if (!t.clients) {
t.clients = briskyStruct.c(clients, val, stamp, t, key);
const clients = $1662971556.getType(t, key)
t.clients = $1662971556.create(val, stamp, clients, t, key)
} else {
briskyStruct.set(t.clients, val, stamp);
$1662971556.set(t.clients, val, stamp)
types: types.bind(), // to not interfere with struct type
type: briskyStruct.struct.props.type.bind(),
client: true
inject: [ $899748844, $3357289264_$ALL$, $2549126471 ]
}, false)
hub.props.types.struct = briskyStruct.c(hub, {
props: { default: types.struct.props.default.bind() }
$4043401927_hub.types._ks = void 0
hub.props.types.struct.props.default.struct = hub.props.type.struct = hub;
var $4043401927 = $4043401927_hub
hub.set({ types: { hub: 'self' }, inject: [ server, context$1, client ] }, false);
hub.types._ks = void 0;
if (typeof __filename !== 'undefined') console.log('hub.js:', __filename)
const clients = briskyStruct.create({
props: {
default: hub.create({
props: {
cache: true,
upstreamSubscriptions: true,
resolve: true,
socket: true,
context: true
const $3474573222_fn = (val, stamp) => $4043401927.create(val, stamp)
var $3474573222 = $3474573222_fn
// import bs from 'brisky-stamp'
// add uids to stamps else it sucks -- dont compromise for tests think of that as an after thought
var index = (val, stamp) => {
if (stamp === void 0) {
const r = hub.create(val, bs.create());
return r
} else {
return hub.create(val, stamp)
// add uids to stamps else it sucks -- dont compromise for tests think of that as an after thought
module.exports = index;
module.exports = $3474573222
"name": "hub.js",
"description": "Seamless realtime communcation",
"version": "0.0.10",
"version": "0.0.11-0016abee966964da3f44d97929e2809db006e7a9",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/",
"jsnext:main": "dist/",
"browser": {
"./dist/index.js": "./dist/browser.js",
"./dist/": "./dist/",
"./lib/uid/index.js": "./lib/uid/browser.js",
"./lib/server/index.js": "./lib/server/browser.js",
"./lib/client/websocket/index.js": "./lib/client/websocket/browser.js"
"./dist/index.js": "./dist/index.browser.js",
"./src/client/uid/index.js": "./src/client/uid/browser.js",
"./src/server/index.js": "./src/server/browser.js",
"./src/client/websocket/index.js": "./src/client/websocket/browser.js",
"source-map-support": false
"scripts": {
"build": "node rollup/build",
"pretest": "npm run build && standard",
"build": "builder-boy src/index.js dist/index.js -r -t node -t browser",
"watch": "builder-boy src/index.js dist/index.js -w -r -t node -t browser",
"dev": "nodemon --watch dist --watch test --exec 'node test/index.js'",
"pretest": "npm run build",
"preversion": "npm run precommit",
"precommit": "npm run test && standard --fix",
"version-commit": "npm --no-git-tag-version version $(node -pe \"require('./package.json').version.split('-')[0]\")-$(git log -n 1 --pretty=format:'%H')",
"publish-branch": "npm run version-commit && npm publish --tag $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | sed 's/\\//-/g')",
"prepublish": "npm run build",
"watch": "node rollup/watch",
"postinstall": "[ -d dist ] || npm run build || ( mkdir dist && yarn && npm run build )",
"test": "node test/index.js",
"dev": "node rollup/watch & nodemon --harmony-async-await test/index.js",
"cover": "nyc npm test",
"travis": "nyc npm test && nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls"
"precommit": "precommit",
"repository": {

@@ -43,7 +45,7 @@ "type": "git",

"dependencies": {
"brisky-stamp": "^3.0.12",
"brisky-struct": "^1.1.7",
"stamp": "^4.0.1",
"brisky-struct": "^1.4.1",
"string-hash": "^1.1.0",
"uws": "0.12.0",
"vigour-ua": "^2.2.3"
"uws": "0.13.0",
"vigour-ua": "^3.1.1"

@@ -58,13 +60,7 @@ "nyc": {

"devDependencies": {
"source-map-support": "^0.4.7",
"buble": "0.15.1",
"builder-boy": "latest",
"coveralls": "^2.11.9",
"nodemon": "^1.11.0",
"coveralls": "^2.11.9",
"nyc": "^10.0.0",
"pre-commit": "^1.1.3",
"rollup": "^0.37.0",
"rollup-plugin-commonjs": "^6.0.0",
"rollup-plugin-istanbul": "^1.1.0",
"rollup-plugin-node-resolve": "^2.0.0",
"rollup-watch": "^2.5.0",
"standard": "^8.1.0",

@@ -71,0 +67,0 @@ "tape": "4.6.0"

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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