A Light Virtual DOM Alternative
The easiest way to describe hyperHTML
is through an example.
function tick() {
const element = (
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
<h2>It is {new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}.</h2>
setInterval(tick, 1000);
function tick(render) {
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
<h2>It is ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}.</h2>
setInterval(tick, 1000,
... wait, WAT?
ES6 Template literals come with a special feature that is not commonly used: prefixed transformers.
Using such feature to map a template string to a generic DOM node, makes it possible to automatically target and update only the differences between to template invokes and with no innerHTML
Following an example:
function update(render, state) {
return render `
<article data-magic=${state.magic}>
List of ${state.paragraphs.length} paragraphs:
.map(p => `<li>${p.title}</li>`)
title: 'True story',
paragraphs: [
{title: 'touching'},
{title: 'incredible'},
{title: 'doge'}
Since most of the time templates are 70% static text and 30% or less dynamic, hyperHTML
passes through the resulting string only once, finds all attributes and content that is dynamic, and maps it 1:1 to the node to make updates as cheap as possible for both node attributes and node content.
You have function that is suitable for parsing templates literals but it needs a DOM node context to operate.
If you want to render many times the same template for a specific node, bind it once and boost up performance for free.
F.A.Q. and Caveats
how can I differentiate between textContent only and HTML or DOM nodes?
If there's any space or char around the value, that'd be a textContent. Other cases accept DOM nodes as well as html.
render`<p>This is: ${'text'}</p>`;
for text, and render`<p>${'html' || node}</p>`;
for everything else.
can I use different renders for a single node? Sure thing. However, the best performance gain is reached with nodes that always use the same template string. If you have a very unpredictable conditional template, you might want to create two different nodes and apply hyperHTML
with the same template for both of them, swapping them when necessary. In every other case, the new template will create new content and map it once per change.
If your string literals are transpiled, this project is compatible with every browser, old to new.
If you don't transpile string literals, check the test page and wait 'till it's green.
(C) 2017 Andrea Giammarchi - MIT Style License