An i18n like translator for json templates(typescript/javascript).
this package has been developed for cases which you want to use a feature like i18n but on json templates which will be fetched from server like
json schema form generators like below example(note:you can use {{}} or any other tags like t() for templateing):
//json template
"platformType": "{{specification.platformType}}",
"ownershipMode": "COBO",
"version": 1,
"description": "{{specification.description}}",
"label": "{{specification.label}}"
//json lang
{"specification": {
"platformType": "Android",
"description": "Command Schema For 'Company Owned/Business Only'",
"label": "COBO3"
import i18nTranslatorForJsonTemplates from "i18n-translator-for-json-templates";
const result = i18nTranslatorForJsonTemplates(lang, template);
"platformType": "Android",
"ownershipMode": "COBO",
"version": 1,
"description": "Command Schema For 'Company Owned/Business Only'",
"label": "COBO3"
i18nTranslatorForJsonTemplates takes 4 args, which the last two of the are optionals as below:
i18nTranslatorForJsonTemplates = (
language_json: any,
template_json: any,
start_of_pattern = '{{',
end_of_pattern = '}}',
) => string