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i18next-parser - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.0.0-beta28 to 1.0.0-beta29



@@ -5,5 +5,5 @@ # Contribute

1. If you are unsure, open a ticket before working on anything
1. If you are unsure, open a ticket before working on anything.
2. Fork and clone the project
3. Create a branch `git checkout -b feature/my-feature` (or `hotfix`)
3. Create a branch `git checkout -b feature/my-feature` (or `hotfix`). If you want to work on multiple bugs or improvements, do so in multiple branches and PRs. It almost always complicated things to mix unrelated changes.
4. Push the code to your fork

@@ -10,0 +10,0 @@ 5. **Write tests and documentation. I won't merge a PR without it!**

@@ -5,3 +5,3 @@ {

"name": "i18next-parser",
"version": "1.0.0-beta28",
"version": "1.0.0-beta29",
"license": "MIT",

@@ -22,6 +22,2 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"acorn": "^5.5.3",
"acorn-es7": "^0.1.0",
"acorn-jsx": "^4.1.1",
"acorn-object-rest-spread": "^1.1.0",
"acorn-stage3": "^0.6.0",
"broccoli-plugin": "^1.3.0",

@@ -46,2 +42,5 @@ "cheerio": "^1.0.0-rc.2",

"devDependencies": {
"acorn-es7": "^0.1.0",
"acorn-jsx": "^4.1.1",
"acorn-stage3": "^0.6.0",
"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",

@@ -58,2 +57,3 @@ "babel-plugin-add-module-exports": "^0.2.1",

"mocha": "^5.0.0",
"sinon": "^6.2.0",
"typescript": "^3.0.3"

@@ -60,0 +60,0 @@ },

@@ -190,19 +190,54 @@ # i18next Parser [![Build Status](](

Note the presence of a `default` which will catch any extension that is not listed. There are 3 lexers available: `HandlebarsLexer`, `HTMLLexer` and `JavascriptLexer`. Each has configurations of its own. If you need to change the defaults, you can do it like so:
Note the presence of a `default` which will catch any extension that is not listed.
There are 5 lexers available: `HandlebarsLexer`, `HTMLLexer`, `JavascriptLexer`,
`JsxLexer`, and `TypescriptLexer`. Each has configurations of its own.
If you need to change the defaults, you can do it like so:
// HandlebarsLexer default config (hbs, handlebars)
handlebars: [{
lexer: 'HandlebarsLexer',
functions: ['t'] // Array of functions to match
#### Javascript
The Javascript lexer uses [Acorn]( to walk through your code and extract references
translation functions. If your code uses features not supported natively by Acorn, you can enable support through
`injectors` and `plugins` configuration. Note that you must install these additional dependencies yourself through
`yarn` or `npm`; they are not included in this package. This is an example configuration that adds all non-jsx plugins supported by acorn
at the time of writing:
const injectAcornStaticClassPropertyInitializer = require('acorn-static-class-property-initializer/inject');
const injectAcornStage3 = require('acorn-stage3/inject');
const injectAcornEs7 = require('acorn-es7');
// HtmlLexer default config (htm, html)
html: [{
lexer: 'HtmlLexer',
attr: 'data-i18n' // Attribute for the keys
optionAttr: 'data-i18n-options' // Attribute for the options
// ...
js: [{
lexer: 'JavascriptLexer'
functions: ['t'], // Array of functions to match
// acorn config (for more information on the acorn options, see here:
acorn: {
injectors: [
plugins: {
// The presence of these plugin options is important -
// without them, the plugins will be available but not
// enabled.
staticClassPropertyInitializer: true,
stage3: true,
es7: true,
// ...
If you receive an error that looks like this:
TypeError: baseVisitor[type] is not a function
# rest of stack trace...
The problem is likely that you are missing a plugin that supports a feature that your code uses.
The default configuration is below:
// JavascriptLexer default config (js, mjs)

@@ -217,9 +252,21 @@ js: [{

ecmaVersion: 9, // forward compatibility
plugins: {
es7: true, // some es7 parsing that's not yet in acorn (decorators)
stage3: true // load some stage3 configs not yet in a version
// Allows additional acorn plugins via the exported injector functions
injectors: [],
plugins: {},
#### Jsx
The JSX lexer builds off of the Javascript lexer, and additionally requires the `acorn-jsx` plugin. To use it, add `acorn-jsx` to your dev dependencies:
npm install -D acorn-jsx
# or
yarn add -D acorn-jsx
Default configuration:
// JsxLexer default config (jsx)

@@ -235,10 +282,20 @@ // JsxLexer can take all the options of the JavascriptLexer plus the following

ecmaVersion: 9, // forward compatibility
plugins: {
es7: true, // some es7 parsing that's not yet in acorn (decorators)
stage3: true, // load some stage3 configs not yet in a version
jsx: true // always defaults to true in .jsx files
injectors: [],
plugins: {},
#### Ts(x)
The Typescript lexer builds off of the JSX lexer, and additionally requires Typescript. To use it, add both `typescript` and `acorn-jsx` to your dev dependencies:
npm install -D typescript acorn-jsx
# or
yarn add -D typescript acorn-jsx
If you need additional plugins, you can install them in the same way as described in the Javascript lexer configuration.
Default configuration:
// TypescriptLexer default config (ts/x)

@@ -257,16 +314,27 @@ // TypescriptLexer can take all the options of the JsxLexer in addition to

// acorn config (for more information on the acorn options, see here:
acorn: {
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaVersion: 9, // forward compatibility
plugins: {
es7: true, // some es7 parsing that's not yet in acorn (decorators)
stage3: true, // load some stage3 configs not yet in a version
jsx: true // always defaults to true in .jsx files
#### Handlebars
// HandlebarsLexer default config (hbs, handlebars)
handlebars: [{
lexer: 'HandlebarsLexer',
functions: ['t'] // Array of functions to match
#### Html
// HtmlLexer default config (htm, html)
html: [{
lexer: 'HtmlLexer',
attr: 'data-i18n' // Attribute for the keys
optionAttr: 'data-i18n-options' // Attribute for the options

@@ -273,0 +341,0 @@ ## Events

import * as acorn from 'acorn'
import injectAcornStage3 from "acorn-stage3/inject"
import injectAcornEs7 from "acorn-es7"
import * as walk from 'acorn/dist/walk'

@@ -17,11 +15,8 @@ import BaseLexer from './base-lexer'

this.acornOptions = {
sourceType: 'module',
this.acornOptions = {
sourceType: 'module',
ecmaVersion: 9,
injectors: [],
plugins: {},
plugins: {
stage3: true,
es7: true,
...(options.acorn ? options.acorn.plugins : {})

@@ -35,10 +30,7 @@

if (this.acornOptions.plugins) {
if (this.acornOptions.plugins.stage3) {
this.acorn = injectAcornStage3(this.acorn)
if (this.acornOptions.plugins.es7) {
// Apply all injectors to the acorn instance
(acornInstance, injector) => injector(acornInstance),

@@ -45,0 +37,0 @@

import JavascriptLexer from './javascript-lexer'
import * as walk from 'acorn/dist/walk'
import injectAcornJsx from 'acorn-jsx/inject'

@@ -39,3 +38,11 @@ const JSXParserExtension = {

this.acorn = injectAcornJsx(this.acorn)
try {
const injectAcornJsx = require('acorn-jsx/inject')
this.acorn = injectAcornJsx(this.acorn)
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
'You must install acorn-jsx to parse jsx files. ' +
'Try running "yarn add acorn-jsx" or "npm install acorn-jsx"'

@@ -42,0 +49,0 @@

@@ -5,18 +5,2 @@ import JsxLexer from './jsx-lexer'

let loadedTs = null
function loadTypeScript() {
if (loadedTs) {
return loadedTs
try {
loadedTs = require('typescript')
} catch (e) {
throw new ParsingError(`You must install typescript to parse TypeScript files. `
+ `Try running "yarn add typescript" or "npm install typescript"`)
return loadedTs
export default class TypescriptLexer extends JsxLexer {

@@ -26,6 +10,14 @@ constructor(options = {}) {

this.tsOptions = options.tsOptions
try {
this.typescript = require('typescript')
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
'You must install typescript to parse TypeScript files. ' +
'Try running "yarn add typescript" or "npm install typescript"'
extract(content, extension) {
const transpiled = loadTypeScript().transpileModule(content, {
const transpiled = this.typescript.transpileModule(content, {
compilerOptions: {

@@ -32,0 +24,0 @@ ...this.tsOptions,

@@ -1,2 +0,6 @@

import { assert } from 'chai'
import { assert, expect } from 'chai'
import { spy } from 'sinon'
import stage3Injector from 'acorn-stage3/inject'
import es7Injector from 'acorn-es7'
import JavascriptLexer from '../../src/lexers/javascript-lexer'

@@ -95,5 +99,5 @@

it('supports the acorn-es7 plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({ acorn: { plugins: { es7: true } } })
const content = '@decorator() class Test { test() { t("foo") } }'
it('supports the spread operator in objects plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 9 } })
const content = 'const data = { text: t("foo"), }; const { text, ...more } = data;'
assert.deepEqual(Lexer.extract(content), [

@@ -105,5 +109,18 @@ { key: 'foo' }

it('supports the spread operator in objects plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 9 } })
const content = 'const data = { text: t("foo"), }; const { text, ...more } = data;'
it('supports dynamic imports with acorn-stage3 plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({
acorn: {
ecmaVersion: 6,
injectors: [stage3Injector],
plugins: { stage3: true }
const content = 'import("path/to/some/file").then(doSomethingWithData)'
it('supports the acorn-es7 plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({ acorn: { injectors: [es7Injector], plugins: { es7: true } } })
const content = '@decorator() class Test { test() { t("foo") } }'
assert.deepEqual(Lexer.extract(content), [

@@ -115,12 +132,10 @@ { key: 'foo' }

describe('supports the acorn-stage3 plugin', () => {
it('supports dynamic imports', (done) => {
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 6, plugins: { stage3: true } } })
const content = 'import("path/to/some/file").then(doSomethingWithData)'
describe('supports additional plugins via injector option', () => {
it('calls provided injectors with acorn', (done) => {
const injector = spy(acorn => acorn)
const Lexer = new JavascriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 6, injectors: [injector] } })

@@ -1,2 +0,3 @@

import { assert } from 'chai'
import { assert, expect } from 'chai'
import { spy } from 'sinon'
import JsxLexer from '../../src/lexers/jsx-lexer'

@@ -106,2 +107,10 @@

describe('supports additional plugins via injector option', () => {
it('provided injectors are called with acorn', (done) => {
const injector = spy(acorn => acorn)
const Lexer = new JsxLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 6, injectors: [injector] } })
import { assert } from 'chai'
import stage3Injector from 'acorn-stage3/inject'
import es7Injector from 'acorn-es7'
import TypescriptLexer from '../../src/lexers/typescript-lexer'

@@ -210,5 +213,5 @@

it('supports the acorn-es7 plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new TypescriptLexer({ acorn: { plugins: { es7: true } } })
const content = '@decorator() class Test { test() { t("foo") } }'
it('supports the spread operator in objects plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new TypescriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 9 } })
const content = 'const data = { text: t("foo"), }; const { text, ...more } = data;'
assert.deepEqual(Lexer.extract(content), [

@@ -220,5 +223,5 @@ { key: 'foo' }

it('supports the spread operator in objects plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new TypescriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 9 } })
const content = 'const data = { text: t("foo"), }; const { text, ...more } = data;'
it('supports the acorn-es7 plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new TypescriptLexer({ acorn: { injectors: [es7Injector], plugins: { es7: true } } })
const content = '@decorator() class Test { test() { t("foo") } }'
assert.deepEqual(Lexer.extract(content), [

@@ -230,12 +233,8 @@ { key: 'foo' }

describe('supports the acorn-stage3 plugin', () => {
it('supports dynamic imports', (done) => {
const Lexer = new TypescriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 6, plugins: { stage3: true } } })
const content = 'import("path/to/some/file").then(doSomethingWithData)'
it('supports dynamic imports with acorn-stage3 plugin', (done) => {
const Lexer = new TypescriptLexer({ acorn: { ecmaVersion: 6, injectors: [stage3Injector], plugins: { stage3: true } } })
const content = 'import("path/to/some/file").then(doSomethingWithData)'

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