An integrated error system for dealing with errors, written for
and with IcedCoffeeScript. I found myself doing this stuff everytime
I wrote a new project, so better to standardize it.
Enumerated Error Types
In your lib/error.iced
{make_errors} = require 'iced-error'
exports.E = make_errors
NOT_FOUND : "Requested resource was not found"
BAD_MAC : "MAC failed on header"
INVAL : "Invalid value"
DB_INSERT : "Error inserting into the database"
In your foo.iced
{E} = require './lib/error'
console.log E.OK # prints 0
console.log E.NOT_FOUND # prints 100
console.log E.msg[E.NOT_FOUND] # prints "Requested resource was not found"
console.log E.msg.NOT_FOUND] # prints "Requested resource was not found"
console.log # prints "NOT_FOUND"
console.log[E.NOT_FOUND] # prints "NOT_FOUND"
You can also use predefined Error classes:
{E} = require './lib/error'
# You can throw these errors too
throw new E.NotFoundError("your file")
# Will print [NotFoundError: your file (code 100)]
console.log new E.NotFoundError "your file"
# Will print "your file"
console.log (new E.NotFoundError "your file").message
# Will print 100
console.log (new E.NotFoundError "your file").code
Error Short Circuiters
Catch errors all at once, not everywhere!
{make_esc} = require 'iced-error'
my_fn = (cb) ->
esc = make_esc gcb, "my_fn"
await socket.get 'image id', esc defer id
await Image.findById id, esc defer image
await check_permissions user, image, esc defer permitted
gcb null, image