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A pure JavaScript id3 tag parser.
Installation & Usage
import parse from 'id3-parser';
const tag = parse(buffer|uint8Array|number[]);
If you want to use inside browser, you may need to use with webpack or other pack utils. The lib itself is writtern with typescript and traformed to es2015
import parse from 'id3-parser';
import { convertFileToBuffer, fetchFileAsBuffer } from 'id3-parser/lib/util';
convertFileToBuffer(file).then(parse).then(tag => {
fetchFileAsBuffer(url).then(parse).then(tag => {
In most cases, you always want input an array of number (binary data) and then get the id3 tag info.
import parse, { parseV1Tag, parseV2Tag } from 'id3-parser';
Parse id3v1 and id3v2.3 tags from a buffer(Node Buffer
instance), uint8Array(Uint8Array
The typical parsed tag (return value) would be like:
version: {
v1: false,
v2: {
major: 2,
minor: 3,
revision: 0,
flags: {
unsync: false,
xheader: false,
experimental: false,
artist: '王菲',
album: '匆匆那年',
title: '匆匆那年',
year: '2014-11-05',
comments: [{
description: '',
language: 'eng',
value: 'V1.0',
lyrics: [{
description: 'h',
language: 'eng',
value: '\n[00:01.92]匆匆那年(电影《匆匆那年》主题曲)\n[00:02.19]作词:林夕\n[00:02.63]作曲:梁翘柏\n[00:02.98]演唱:王菲\n[00:04.44]\n[00:28.71]匆匆那年我们 究竟说了几遍 再见之后再拖延\n[00:34.21]可惜谁有没有 爱过不是一场 七情上面的雄辩\n[00:39.90]匆匆那年我们 一时匆忙撂下 难以承受的诺言\n[00:45.45]只有等别人兑现\n[00:49.53]\n[00:51.17]不怪那吻痕还 没积累成茧\n[00:56.71]拥抱着冬眠也没能 羽化再成仙\n[01:02.33]不怪这一段情 没空反复再排练\n[01:07.88]是岁月宽容恩赐 反悔的时间\n[01:16.20]\n[01:18.92]如果再见不能红着眼 是否还能红着脸\n[01:24.71]就像那年匆促 刻下永远一起 那样美丽的谣言\n[01:29.97]如果过去还值得眷恋 别太快冰释前嫌\n[01:36.03]谁甘心就这样 彼此无挂也无牵\n[01:41.67]我们要互相亏欠 要不然凭何怀缅\n[01:57.64]\n[01:58.81]匆匆那年我们 见过太少世面 只爱看同一张脸\n[02:04.19]那么莫名其妙 那么讨人欢喜 闹起来又太讨厌\n[02:09.85]相爱那年活该 匆匆因为我们 不懂顽固的诺言\n[02:15.34]只是分手的前言\n[02:19.61]\n[02:20.99]不怪那天太冷 泪滴水成冰\n[02:26.63]春风也一样没 吹进凝固的照片\n[02:32.26]不怪每一个人 没能完整爱一遍\n[02:37.86]是岁月善意落下 残缺的悬念\n[02:47.25]\n[02:48.88]如果再见不能红着眼 是否还能红着脸\n[02:54.71]就像那年匆促 刻下永远一起 那样美丽的谣言\n[02:59.99]如果过去还值得眷恋 别太快冰释前嫌\n[03:06.05]谁甘心就这样 彼此无挂也无牵\n[03:11.02]\n[03:11.27]如果再见不能红着眼 是否还能红着脸\n[03:17.53]就像那年匆促 刻下永远一起 那样美丽的谣言\n[03:22.31]如果过去还值得眷恋 别太快冰释前嫌\n[03:28.52]谁甘心就这样 彼此无挂也无牵\n[03:34.15]我们要互相亏欠\n[03:39.73]我们要藕断丝连\n[03:51.48]\n',
image: {
type: 'cover-front',
mime: 'image/jpeg',
description: 'e',
data: buffer
parseV1Tag(buffer|uint8Array|number[]) | parseV2Tag(buffer|uint8Array|number[])
Only parse id3v1 tag or id3v2 tag.
Copyright (c) 2015 creeperyang. Licensed under the MIT license.