A simple module and CLI tool for scraping entry metadata from the Interactive Fiction Database.
node ./cli.js [options] <search>
Ranges are expressed as x-y and may be open-ended on either end (e.g. x- or -y).
-v, -V, --version output the version number
-a, --authors <authors> The authors to include.
-A, --excludedAuthors <excludedAuthors> The authors to exclude.
-d, --deep Scrape additional entry and author data.
-g, --genres <genres> The genres to include.
-G, --excludedGenres <excludedGenres> The genres to exclude.
-o, --outFile <outFile> The file to which the results will be written.
-r, --ratings <ratings> The range of the average ratings, e.g. 2.3-4.6
-R, --excludedRatings <excludedRatings> The range of ratings to exclude.
--ratingDev <ratingDeviance> The standard deviation range of the game's reviews.
--excludedRatingDev <excludedRatingDeviance> The standard deviation range of the game's reviews to exclude.
-p, --published <published> The years to include. Ranges are allowed.
-Y, --excludedPublished <excludedPublished> The years to exclude. Ranges are allowed.
-s, --systems <systems> The systems to include.
-S, --excludedSystems <excludedSystems> The systems to exclude.
-t, --tags <tags> The tags to include.
-T, --excludedTags <excludedTags> The tags to exclude.
--totalRatings <totalRatings> The range of total number of ratings to include.
--excludedTotalRatings <excludedTotalRatings> The range of total number of ratings.
--totalReviews <totalReviews> The range of total number of reviews to include.
--excludedTotalReviews <excludedTotalReviews> The range of total number of reviews to exclude.
--verbose Turns on verbose logging.
-h, --help output usage information
Values in brackets are the name of the argument in JavaScript. Otherwise, the --value is the name of the argument. E.g. if you wanted to use the module, you would call it like so:
const scrape = require('ifdb-scraper');
scrape({ search: 'SPY INTRIGUE' });
You may include as many of the arguments above, save for the help and version options, in the arguments object.
To install through git, download git.
In a command-line shell of your choice (Git Bash if you just installed git), execute the following:
git clone https://github.com/furkleindustries/ifdb-scraper
You may also install through npm with:
npm install -S ifdb-scraper
Then, you may either execute the cli program at cli.js
or in an npm script with ifdb-scraper
, or require the module, which exposes the scrape