a Wordpress XML-RPC to webhook proxy server for ifttt
This is entirely inspired by ifttt-webhook, so if
you'd like to understand the whys and wherefores of this look there.
Note that this module implements a simple proxy server, which does nothting but pass
through a webhook call to some other service, it doesn't take any direct action.
You could conceivably use it as the starting point for a building a service that actually
did something, but other solutions in that vein already exist, including
express-ifttt-webhook which
provides express compatible middleware.
How To Use
% git clone
% cd node-ifttt-webhook
% npm install
% sudo npm start
Note that you have to run this on a server that is visible to ifttt (i.e. on the
internet, not behind a firewall). By default the service will run on port 80,
thus the need for sudo, this can be overridden with the PORT environment variable
but ifttt doesn't seem to like port numbers in the blog URL (YMMV). Once running
you should be able to activate the WordPress channel and create recipes following
the same instructions as for the PHP version.
One easy way to do this is to use heroku; clone this repository and then, from
inside it, run
% heroku create
% git push heroku master
Put the URL for your webhook into IFTTT's "tags" field.
I don't claim any copyright to this code since it's such a close adaptation of
the original, which is licensed under MIT (as are the dependencies).
Obviously entirely derivative of the original PHP version by captn3m0, but also
wouldn't have been nearly so easy to build without the excellent node-xmlrpc
nor test without node-wordpress.
- 0.0.1 use debug module for logging, more explanatory comments in test.js