Ignite Standard
An Ignite wrapper for Standard.js
Adds the module, as well as the following npm scripts:
"scripts": {
"lint": "standard --verbose | snazzy",
"lintdiff": "git diff --name-only --cached --relative | grep '\\.js$' | xargs standard | snazzy",
"fixcode": "standard --fix"
Also adds linting to the existing git-hook
If you don't currently have a linter installed in your Ignite project, run ignite add standard
If you are igniting a project from scratch using IR boilerplates (https://github.com/infinitered/ignite/blob/master/BOILERPLATES.md), this plugin is included by default.
- Clone this repo
- Run yarn install
- Run yarn test
- Check out a branch and make your changes
- Write tests for those changes
- Submit a pull request back upstream
This plugin is licensed MIT