React + Aleo + Leo
This template provides a minimal setup to get React and Aleo working in Vite
with HMR and some ESLint rules.
This template includes a Leo program that is loaded by the web app located in
the helloworld
Note: Webpack is currently used for production builds due to a
bug with Vite related to nested
Start in development mode
npm run dev
Your app should be running on http://localhost:5173/
Build Leo program
Copy the helloworld/.env.example
to helloworld/.env
(this will be ignored
by Git):
cd helloworld
cp .env.example .env
Replace PRIVATE_KEY=user1PrivateKey
in the .env
with your own key (you
can use an existing one or generate your own at
Follow instructions to install Leo here:
You can edit helloworld/src/main.leo
and run leo run
to compile and update the
Aleo instructions under build
which are loaded by the web app.
Deploy program from web app
This is for demonstration purposes or local testing only, in production applications you
should avoid building a public facing web app with private key information
Information on generating a private key, seeding a wallet with funds, and finding a spendable record can be found here
if you are unfamiliar:
Aleo programs deployed require unique names, make sure to edit the program's name to something unique in helloworld/src/main.leo
, helloworld/program.json
, rename helloworld/inputs/
and rebuild.
In the worker.js
file modify the privateKey to be an account with available
const account = new Account({
privateKey: "user1PrivateKey",
(Optional) Provide a fee record manually (located in commented code within worker.js
If you do not provide a manual fee record, the SDK will attempt to scan for a record starting at the latest block. A simple way to speed this up would be to make a public transaction to this account right before deploying.
Run the web app and hit the deploy button
Production deployment
npm run build
Upload dist
folder to your host of choice.
DOMException: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'Worker': SharedArrayBuffer transfer requires self.crossOriginIsolated
If you get a warning similar to this when deploying your application, you need
to make sure your web server is configured with the following headers:
Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin
Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp
We've included a _headers
file that works with some web hosts (e.g. Netlify)
but depending on your host / server setup you may need to configure the headers