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A react component library aimed at those who need a solid foundation of react components and view templates that scale with their projects' needs.
Getting started
To install Imprest run the following command:
yarn add imprest react react-dom @emotion/core @emotion/styled
To use Imprest's components, you must wrap your application with a theme context provider and specifying any valid imprest theme:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Button, lightTheme } from "imprest";
import { ThemeContext } from "@emotion/core";
<ThemeContext.Provider value={lightTheme}>
<Button>Hello world!</Button>
Why is this project useful
Imprest offers a set of themable, reusable components following a rigid atomic design principle. It does so through the implementation of very specific views that are commonly used across many applications, as well as exposing it's foundational components so that users can implement their own more proprietory views.
How do I get started
Imprest is not yet considered stable for use, for now take a look at the work in progress documentation website.
Please consider contributing if this project could be of any interest or use to you!
Where can I get more help, if I need it
Visit imprest.dev for more information or get in touch via discord or my personal twitter handle @_lukeharris!