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indent.js - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.0 to 0.3.0




@@ -1,531 +0,717 @@

var indent = (function() {
var rulesCache = {};
var indent = (function (root) {
var rulesCache = {};
function filterRules(language) {
if (rulesCache[language])
return rulesCache[language];
var ret = [];
rulesCache[language] = ret;
for (var i=0; i<masterRules.length; i++) {
if (masterRules[i].langs.indexOf(language.toLowerCase()) != -1)
function filterRules(language, rules, excludes) {
if (rulesCache[language])
return rulesCache[language];
var ret = [];
rulesCache[language] = ret;
excludes = excludes || '';
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
if (rules[i].$languages.indexOf(language.toLowerCase()) !== -1 &&
excludes.indexOf(rules[i].$name) === -1)
return ret;
// String.prototype.trim polyfill for IE9
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
var NEW_LINE_REGEX = /\r*\n/;
* Soft dedent: this type of dedent has the opposite effect and will actually indent every line
* starting from the opening line.
* $indent - whether rule will cause indent
* $ignoreRules - ignore further rule matching as long as this is last active rule, e.g. string, comments
* $consumeEndMatch - advance the cursor to the end of the end pattern matches
* $endPatternIndent - keep the indent rule active for the $endPatterns
* $endPatterns - list of regex to terminate the rule
* $startPatterns - list of regex to start the rule
* $matchBeginning - match at beginning of line only
* $languages - used to filter by language later
* $lineOffset - added to the line field when rule is applied
* $lastRule - used to continue a previous rule
* $newScope - used to determine if rule creates a new scope, used for lastRule
* Always keep NEW_LINE_REGEX $endPatterns as last element,
* as otherwise it will be matched first, and subsequent ones may be ignored
* and skipped permanently by other rules.
$languages: "html",
$name: "comment",
$startPatterns: [/\<\!\-\-/],
$endPatterns: [/\-\-\>/],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "doctype",
$startPatterns: [/\<\!doctype html>/i],
$endPatterns: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "void-tags",
$startPatterns: [
$endPatterns: [/>/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "mode switch js",
$startPatterns: [function (string) {
var start = /<script[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/script>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return ret;
return null;
$endPatterns: [/<\/script>/i],
$switchRules: "js",
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "mode switch css",
$startPatterns: [function (string) {
var start = /<style[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/style>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return null;
$endPatterns: [/<\/style>/i],
$switchRules: "css",
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "html-tag",
$startPatterns: [/<html[^A-Za-z0-9]/i],
$endPatterns: [/<\/html>/i],
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "tag",
$startPatterns: [function (string, rule, state) {
var re = /<([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)/;
var match = string.match(re);
if (match) {
state.openingTag = match[1];
return {
matchIndex: match.index,
length: match[0].length
} else {
return null;
$endPatterns: [function (string, rule, state) {
var re = new RegExp("</" + state.openingTag + ">", "i");
var match = string.match(re);
if (match) {
return {
matchIndex: match.index,
length: match[0].length
} else {
return null;
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "line-comment",
$startPatterns: [/\/\//],
$endPatterns: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "block-comment",
$startPatterns: [/\/\*/],
$endPatterns: [/\*\//],
$ignoreRules: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "regex",
$startPatterns: [function (string, rule) {
var re = /[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^/]|^[\s]*\/[^/]/;
var startIndex =;
if (startIndex != -1) {
startIndex = string.indexOf('/', startIndex);
var substr = string.substring(startIndex + 1);
var match = searchAny(substr, rule.$endPatterns, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1) {
substr = substr.substring(0, match.matchIndex);
try {
(new RegExp(substr));
return {
matchIndex: startIndex,
length: 1
catch (e) {
return null;
return null;
$endPatterns: [function (string) {
var fromIndex = 0;
var index = string.indexOf('/');
while (index != -1) {
try {
(new RegExp(string.substring(0, index)));
catch (e) {
index = string.indexOf('/', fromIndex);
fromIndex = index + 1;
return index === -1 ? null : {
matchIndex: index,
length: 1
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "quotes",
$startPatterns: [/"/],
$endPatterns: [/"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "quotes",
$startPatterns: [/'/],
$endPatterns: [/'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/(''|""|``)/],
$endPatterns: [/./, NEW_LINE_REGEX]
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\"(?=[^"])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\'(?=[^'])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\`(?=[^`])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\`/],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "if",
$startPatterns: [/^if\s*(?=\()/, /[\s]+if\s*(?=\()/],
$endPatterns: [/else[\s]+/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "for|while",
$startPatterns: [/^(for|while)\s*(?=\()/],
$endPatterns: [nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "else",
$startPatterns: [/else[\s]+/],
$endPatterns: [/if[^\w$]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "bracket",
$startPatterns: [/\(\s*(var|let|const)?\s*/],
$endPatterns: [/\)/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "dot-chain",
$startPatterns: [/^\.[A-Za-z$_]/],
$endPatterns: [/[\.;]/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$indent: true,
$matchBeginning: true,
$lineOffset: -1
$languages: "js",
$name: "dot-chain",
$startPatterns: [/\.\s*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [/[\.;})\]]/, /[^\s]\s*\r*\n/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "array",
$startPatterns: [/\[/],
$endPatterns: [/]/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "block",
$startPatterns: [/\{/],
$endPatterns: [/}/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$startPatterns: [/(var|let|const)[\s]*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true,
$endPatternIndent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$startPatterns: [/(var|let|const)\s+(?=[\w$])/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;=]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$lastRule: ["var/let/const", "="],
$startPatterns: [/,[\s]*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true,
callback: postIndentForCommaAfterEqual
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$lastRule: ["var/let/const", "="],
$startPatterns: [/^,/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$matchBeginning: true,
$indent: true,
$lineOffset: -1,
callback: postIndentForCommaAfterEqual
$languages: "js",
$name: "equality",
$startPatterns: [/[=<>!]=(=)?/],
$endPatterns: [/./]
$languages: "js",
$name: "=",
$startPatterns: [/=/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;\)\]}]/, NEW_LINE_REGEX]
$languages: "js",
$name: "?:",
$startPatterns: [/\?/],
$endPatterns: [/[:;]/],
$endPatternIndent: true,
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "case",
$startPatterns: [/^(case|default)[\s:]/],
$endPatterns: [/break[\s;\r\n]/, /^return[\s;\r\n]/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s:]/, /}/],
$endPatternIndent: function (matchEnd) {
return matchEnd.endPatternIndex <= 1;
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "semicolon",
$startPatterns: [/;/],
$endPatterns: [/./]
var NEW_LINE_REGEX = /\r*\n/;
return {
css: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('css', MASTER_RULES), options);
js: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('js', MASTER_RULES), options);
ts: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('js', MASTER_RULES), options);
html: function (code, options) {
var rules = options.indentHtmlTag ?
filterRules('html', MASTER_RULES, 'html-tag') : filterRules('html', MASTER_RULES);
return indent(code, rules, options);
function indent(code, baseRules, options) {
code = code || '';
* indent - whether rule will cause indent
* ignore - ignore further rule matching as long as this is last active rule, e.g. string, comments
* advance - advance the cursor to the end of the endTokens
* endTokenIndent - keep the indent rule active for the endTokens
* head - match at beginning of line only
* langs - used to filter by language later
* lineOffset - added to the line field when rule is applied
* countdown - terminate rule after this number of lines
* Algorithm assumptions
* Always keep NEW_LINE_REGEX endToken as last element,
* as otherwise it will be matched first, and subsequent ones may be ignored
* and skipped permanently by other rules.
* indentDeltas - store the the deltas in tabString
* - can be manipulated directly to alter the tabString
* indentBuffer - used to keep tabs on the number of open indentations on each line
* dedentBuffer - each line in the buffer has an array storing open indent lines to be closed
* - an array of numbers is used to reference the opening line
* - a negative number is used to signify a soft dedent (see note about soft dedent)
* Each line can create at most 1 tabString.
* When a line is 'used up' for dedent, it cannot be used again, hence the indentBuffer.
var masterRules = [
langs: "html",
name: "comment",
startToken: [/\<\!\-\-/],
endToken: [/\-\-\>/],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "doctype",
startToken: [/\<\!/],
endToken: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "link|br|hr|input|img|meta",
startToken: [/\<(link|br|hr|input|img|meta)/i],
endToken: [/>/],
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "mode switch js",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var start = /<script[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/script>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
var tabString = options.tabString === undefined ? '\t' : options.tabString;
var lines = code.split(/[\r]?\n/gi);
var lineCount = lines.length;
var ignoreBuffer = intArray(lineCount);
var indentBuffer = intArray(lineCount);
var dedentBuffer = arrayOfArrays(lineCount);
var activeMatches = [];
var lastMatches= [null];
var l = 0;
var pos = 0;
var matchEnd, matchStart;
var modeRules = null;
var line, lineToMatch, activeMatch;
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [/<\/script>/i],
rules: "js",
advance: true,
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "mode switch css",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var start = /<style[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/style>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
options.debug = {
buffers: {
ignore: ignoreBuffer,
indent: indentBuffer,
dedent: dedentBuffer,
active: activeMatches
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [/<\/style>/i],
rules: "css",
advance: true,
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "close-tag",
startToken: [/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],
endToken: [/./],
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "tag attr",
startToken: [/<[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/],
endToken: [/>/],
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "tag",
startToken: [/>/],
endToken: [/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "line comment",
startToken: [/\/\//],
endToken: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true
langs: "js css",
name: "block comment",
startToken: [/\/\*/],
endToken: [/\*\//],
ignore: true
langs: "js",
name: "regex",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var re = /[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^/]|^[\s]*\/[^/]/;
var startIndex =;
if (startIndex != -1) {
startIndex = string.indexOf('/', startIndex);
var substr = string.substring(startIndex + 1);
var match = searchAny(substr, rule.endToken, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1) {
substr = substr.substring(0, match.matchIndex);
try {
(new RegExp(substr));
return {
matchIndex: startIndex,
length: 1
catch (e) {
return {matchIndex: -1};
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [function (string, rule) {
var fromIndex = 0;
var index = string.indexOf('/');
while (index != -1) {
try {
(new RegExp(string.substring(0, index)));
catch (e) {
index = string.indexOf('/', fromIndex);
fromIndex = index + 1;
return {
matchIndex: index,
length: index == -1 ? 0 : 1
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\"/],
endToken: [/\"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\'/],
endToken: [/\'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\`/],
endToken: [/\`/],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "if",
startToken: [/^if[\s]*(?=\()/, /[\s]+if[\s]*(?=\()/],
endToken: [/else[\s]+/, /\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "for",
startToken: [/^for[\s]*(?=\()/],
endToken: [/\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "else",
startToken: [/else[\s]+/],
endToken: [/if/, /\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js css",
name: "bracket",
startToken: [/\([\s]*(var)?/],
endToken: [/\)/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "dot chain",
startToken: [/^\../],
endToken: [/;/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
indent: true,
head: true,
lineOffset: -1
langs: "js",
name: "dot chain",
startToken: [/\.\s*$/],
endToken: [function (string, rule) {
return {
matchIndex: string.length ? 1 : -1,
length: string.length ? 0 : 1
indent: true
langs: "js css",
name: "array",
startToken: [/\[/],
endToken: [/]/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css",
name: "block",
startToken: [/\{/],
endToken: [/}/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "var",
startToken: [/var[\s]+/],
endToken: [/;/],
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "case",
startToken: [/^case[\s]+/],
endToken: [/break[\s;]+/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s]+/, /^return([\s]+|;)/, /}/],
endTokenIndent: true,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "default",
startToken: [/^default[\s]*:/],
endToken: [/break[\s;]+/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s]+/, /^return([\s]+|;)/, /}/],
endTokenIndent: true,
indent: true
while (l < lineCount) {
line = lines[l].trim();
lineToMatch = cleanEscapedChars(line) + '\r\n';
activeMatch = activeMatches[activeMatches.length-1];
var exports = {
css: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('css'), indentString || '\t');
js: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('js'), indentString || '\t');
html: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('html'), indentString || '\t');
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use js instead.
indentJS: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.js(code, indentString);
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use css instead.
indentCSS: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.css(code, indentString);
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use html instead.
indentHTML: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.html(code, indentString);
matchStart = matchStartRule(lineToMatch, modeRules || baseRules, pos);
if (activeMatches.length) {
matchEnd = matchEndRule(lineToMatch, activeMatch, pos, matchStart);
if (matchEnd.matchIndex === -1) {
if (activeMatch.rule.$ignoreRules) {
// last rule is still active, and it's telling us to ignore.
ignoreBuffer[l] = 1;
l++; pos = 0;
else if (
activeMatch.rule.$ignoreRules ||
matchStart.matchIndex === -1 ||
matchEnd.matchIndex <= matchStart.matchIndex) {
pos = matchEnd.cursor;
continue; // Repeat process for matching line start/end
return exports;
if (matchStart.matchIndex !== -1) {
else {
// No new token match end, no new match start
l++; pos = 0;
dedentLines, dedentLine, dedents,
i, j, indents = 0,
hardIndents = copyIntArray(indentBuffer),
indentDeltas = intArray(lineCount),
newLines = [];
function indent(code, baseRules, indentation) {
var lines = code.split(/[\r]?\n/gi);
var lineCount = lines.length;
var newLines = [];
var indentBuffer = [];
var activeRules = [];
var activeCountdowns = [];
var lastRule;
var lastCountdown;
var indents = 0;
var l = 0;
var pos = 0;
var matchEnd, matchStart;
var modeRules = null;
for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
dedentLines = dedentBuffer[i];
dedents = 0;
for (j=0; j<dedentLines.length; j++) {
dedentLine = dedentLines[j];
if (dedentLine < 0) {
if (-dedentLine !== i) {
dedents += 1;
else if (hardIndents[dedentLine] > 0) {
dedents += dedentLine !== i;
hardIndentCount = hardIndents[i];
indentDeltas[i] = hardIndentCount > dedents ? 1 :
(hardIndentCount < dedents ? hardIndentCount - dedents : 0);
hardIndents[i] = hardIndentCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
while (l < lineCount) {
var line = lines[l].trim();
var lineToMatch = cleanEscapedChars(line) + '\r\n';
for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
if (ignoreBuffer[i] === 0) {
indents += indentDeltas[i] || 0;
newLines.push((indents > 0 ? repeatString(tabString, indents) : '') + lines[i].trim());
} else {
matchStart = matchStartRule(lineToMatch, modeRules || baseRules, pos);
return newLines.join('\r\n');
if (activeRules.length) {
matchEnd = matchEndRule(lineToMatch, lastRule, pos);
if (matchEnd.matchIndex == -1) {
if (lastRule.ignore) {
// last rule is still active, and it's telling us to ignore.
} else if (lastCountdown) {
if (lastCountdown === 0) {
else if (
lastRule.ignore ||
matchStart.matchIndex == -1 ||
matchEnd.matchIndex <= matchStart.matchIndex) {
pos = matchEnd.cursor;
continue; // Repeat process for matching line start/end
if (matchStart.matchIndex != -1) {
else {
// No new token match end, no new match start
function implementRule(match) {
pos = match.cursor;
return newLines.join('\r\n');
var rule = match.rule;
var line = (l + 1) + (rule.$lineOffset || 0);
match.line = line;
function implementRule(match) {
pos = match.cursor;
lastRule = match.rule;
lastCountdown = match.countdown;
if (lastRule.indent) {
if (lastRule.rules) {
modeRules = filterRules(lastRule.rules);
if (rule.$indent) {
if (rule.$switchRules) {
modeRules = filterRules(rule.$switchRules, MASTER_RULES);
if (rule.$newScope) {
if (rule.callback) {
rule.callback(match, indentBuffer, dedentBuffer);
function removeLastRule() {
if (lastRule.indent) {
if (!lastRule.endTokenIndent && matchEnd.matchIndex == 0) {
if (lastRule.rules) {
modeRules = null;
lastRule = activeRules[activeRules.length - 1];
lastCountdown = activeCountdowns[activeCountdowns.length - 1];
function removeCurrentRule() {
var match = activeMatches.pop(),
line = match.line,
rule = match.rule;
function calculateIndents() {
indents = 0;
for (var b, i = 0; i < indentBuffer.length; i++) {
b = indentBuffer[i];
if ( && b.line != l)
if (rule.$indent) {
var endPatternIndent = typeof rule.$endPatternIndent === 'function' ?
rule.$endPatternIndent(matchEnd) : rule.$endPatternIndent;
var offset = !endPatternIndent && matchEnd.matchIndex === 0 ? 0 : 1;
if (dedentBuffer[l + offset]) dedentBuffer[l + offset].push(line);
if (rule.$switchRules) {
modeRules = null;
if (rule.$newScope) {
lastMatches[lastMatches.length - 1] = match;
function incrementLine() {
newLines[l] = repeatString(indentation, indents) + line;
pos = 0;
function matchStartRule(string, rules, index) {
string = string.substring(index, string.length);
var result = null;
var minIndex = string.length;
var minMatch;
var match;
function incrementIndentation(lineOffset) {
var matched = indentBuffer[indentBuffer.length - 1];
if (matched && matched.line == l) {
else {
indent: 1,
open: true,
line: lineOffset ? l + lineOffset : l
if (lineOffset < 0) calculateIndents();
var lastMatch = lastMatches[lastMatches.length - 1];
var lastRuleInScope = lastMatch ? lastMatch.rule.$name : '';
function consumeIndentation() {
var lastElem = indentBuffer[indentBuffer.length - 1];
if (lastElem) { = l == lastElem.line;
if (--lastElem.indent <= 0) {
for (var rule, r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
rule = rules[r];
if (!rule.$lastRule ||
(lastRuleInScope && rule.$lastRule.indexOf(lastRuleInScope) !== -1)
) {
match = searchAny(string, rule.$startPatterns, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1 && match.matchIndex < minIndex
&& (!rule.$matchBeginning || index === 0)) {
minIndex = match.matchIndex;
minMatch = match;
result = rule;
return {
rule: result,
relativeIndex: result ? minIndex : -1,
matchIndex: result ? minIndex + index : -1,
cursor: result ? index + minMatch.cursor : -1,
state: minMatch ? minMatch.state : {},
lastMatch: lastMatch
function repeatString(baseString, repeat) {
return (new Array(repeat + 1)).join(baseString);
function matchEndRule(string, active, offset, matchStart) {
string = string.substr(offset, string.length);
var rule = active.rule;
var match = searchAny(string, rule.$endPatterns, rule, active.state, matchStart);
var cursor = rule.$consumeEndMatch ? match.cursor : match.matchIndex;
return {
endPatternIndex: match.endPatternIndex,
matchIndex: match.matchIndex === -1 ? -1 : match.matchIndex + offset,
cursor: cursor === -1 ? -1 : cursor + offset,
state: match.state
function cleanEscapedChars(string) {
return string.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g, '0');
function arrayOfArrays(length) {
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) array[i] = [];
return array;
function intArray(length) {
if (root.Int16Array) {
return new Int16Array(length);
} else {
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) array[i] = 0;
return array;
function matchStartRule(string, rules, index) {
string = string.substring(index, string.length);
var result = null;
var minIndex = string.length;
var minMatch;
var match;
for (var rule, r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
rule = rules[r];
match = searchAny(string, rule.startToken, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1 && match.matchIndex < minIndex
&& (!rule.head || index == 0)) {
minIndex = match.matchIndex;
minMatch = match;
result = rule;
return {
rule: result,
matchIndex: result ? minIndex + index : -1,
cursor: result ? minIndex + index + minMatch.matchLength : -1
function copyIntArray(src) {
var copy = intArray(src.length);
for (var i=0; i<src.length; i++) {
copy[i] = src[i];
return copy;
function matchEndRule(string, rule, offset) {
string = string.substr(offset, string.length);
var match = searchAny(string, rule.endToken, rule);
var cursor = rule.advance ? match.matchIndex + match.matchLength : match.matchIndex;
function repeatString(baseString, repeat) {
return (new Array(repeat + 1)).join(baseString);
function cleanEscapedChars(string) {
return string.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g, '0');
function postIndentForCommaAfterEqual(match, indentBuffer, dedentBuffer) {
var lastMatch = match.lastMatch;
if (lastMatch && lastMatch.rule.$name === "=") {
function nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline(string, rule, state, matchStart) {
var index;
if (!state.newline) {
index =[^\s\r\n\{\(\[]/);
state.newline = index !== -1 && (index <= matchStart.relativeIndex || matchStart.relativeIndex === -1);
} else {
index =[;,=]?\r*\n/);
if (index !== -1) {
return {
matchIndex: match.matchIndex == -1 ? -1 : match.matchIndex + offset,
cursor: cursor == -1 ? -1 : cursor + offset
matchIndex: index,
length: 1
return null;
function searchAny(string, patterns, rule) {
var index = -1;
var length = 0;
for (var pat, p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++) {
pat = patterns[p];
if (typeof pat == 'function') {
var match = pat(string, rule);
index = match.matchIndex;
length = match.length;
else {
index =;
if (index != -1) {
length = string.match(pat)[0].length;
function searchAny(string, patterns, rule, state, matchStart) {
state = state || {};
var index = -1,
length = 0,
for (var pat, p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++) {
pat = patterns[p];
if (typeof pat === 'function') {
match = pat(string, rule, state, matchStart);
if (match) {
index = match.matchIndex;
length = match.length;
return {
matchIndex: index,
matchLength: length,
cursor: index + length,
patternIndex: p
else {
match = string.match(pat);
if (match) {
index =;
length = match[0].length;
return {
endPatternIndex: p,
matchIndex: index,
cursor: index + length,
state: state

@@ -56,6 +56,10 @@ var sectionHeight = function() {

var reformatCode = function() {
var indentChar = $('#indentWithSelect').val();
var tabString = $('#indentWithSelect').val();
var indentMode = $('#indentMode').val();
indentChar = indentChar == '\\t' ? '\t' : indentChar;
$('#codeTextArea').val(indent[indentMode]($('#codeTextArea').val(), indentChar));
tabString = tabString == '\\t' ? '\t' : tabString;
editor.setValue(indent[indentMode](editor.getValue(), {tabString: tabString}));
var editor = ace.edit("codeTextArea");

@@ -9,14 +9,18 @@ var gulp = require('gulp');

gulp.task('build-minify', function (cb) {
return gulp.src(['src/**/*.js'])
exports: function(file) {
return 'indent';
namespace: function(file) {
return 'indent';
return gulp.src(['src/**/*.js'])
exports: function (file) {
return 'indent';
namespace: function (file) {
return 'indent';
mangleProperties: {
regex: /^\$/

@@ -30,13 +34,13 @@

gulp.task('build-debug', function (cb) {
return gulp.src(['src/**/*.js'])
exports: function(file) {
return 'indent';
namespace: function(file) {
return 'indent';
return gulp.src(['src/**/*.js'])
exports: function (file) {
return 'indent';
namespace: function (file) {
return 'indent';

@@ -10,535 +10,721 @@ ;(function(root, factory) {

}(this, function() {
var indent = (function() {
var rulesCache = {};
var indent = (function (root) {
var rulesCache = {};
function filterRules(language) {
if (rulesCache[language])
return rulesCache[language];
var ret = [];
rulesCache[language] = ret;
for (var i=0; i<masterRules.length; i++) {
if (masterRules[i].langs.indexOf(language.toLowerCase()) != -1)
function filterRules(language, rules, excludes) {
if (rulesCache[language])
return rulesCache[language];
var ret = [];
rulesCache[language] = ret;
excludes = excludes || '';
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
if (rules[i].$languages.indexOf(language.toLowerCase()) !== -1 &&
excludes.indexOf(rules[i].$name) === -1)
return ret;
// String.prototype.trim polyfill for IE9
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
var NEW_LINE_REGEX = /\r*\n/;
* Soft dedent: this type of dedent has the opposite effect and will actually indent every line
* starting from the opening line.
* $indent - whether rule will cause indent
* $ignoreRules - ignore further rule matching as long as this is last active rule, e.g. string, comments
* $consumeEndMatch - advance the cursor to the end of the end pattern matches
* $endPatternIndent - keep the indent rule active for the $endPatterns
* $endPatterns - list of regex to terminate the rule
* $startPatterns - list of regex to start the rule
* $matchBeginning - match at beginning of line only
* $languages - used to filter by language later
* $lineOffset - added to the line field when rule is applied
* $lastRule - used to continue a previous rule
* $newScope - used to determine if rule creates a new scope, used for lastRule
* Always keep NEW_LINE_REGEX $endPatterns as last element,
* as otherwise it will be matched first, and subsequent ones may be ignored
* and skipped permanently by other rules.
$languages: "html",
$name: "comment",
$startPatterns: [/\<\!\-\-/],
$endPatterns: [/\-\-\>/],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "doctype",
$startPatterns: [/\<\!doctype html>/i],
$endPatterns: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "void-tags",
$startPatterns: [
$endPatterns: [/>/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "mode switch js",
$startPatterns: [function (string) {
var start = /<script[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/script>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return ret;
return null;
$endPatterns: [/<\/script>/i],
$switchRules: "js",
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "mode switch css",
$startPatterns: [function (string) {
var start = /<style[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/style>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return null;
$endPatterns: [/<\/style>/i],
$switchRules: "css",
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "html-tag",
$startPatterns: [/<html[^A-Za-z0-9]/i],
$endPatterns: [/<\/html>/i],
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "tag",
$startPatterns: [function (string, rule, state) {
var re = /<([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)/;
var match = string.match(re);
if (match) {
state.openingTag = match[1];
return {
matchIndex: match.index,
length: match[0].length
} else {
return null;
$endPatterns: [function (string, rule, state) {
var re = new RegExp("</" + state.openingTag + ">", "i");
var match = string.match(re);
if (match) {
return {
matchIndex: match.index,
length: match[0].length
} else {
return null;
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "line-comment",
$startPatterns: [/\/\//],
$endPatterns: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "block-comment",
$startPatterns: [/\/\*/],
$endPatterns: [/\*\//],
$ignoreRules: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "regex",
$startPatterns: [function (string, rule) {
var re = /[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^/]|^[\s]*\/[^/]/;
var startIndex =;
if (startIndex != -1) {
startIndex = string.indexOf('/', startIndex);
var substr = string.substring(startIndex + 1);
var match = searchAny(substr, rule.$endPatterns, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1) {
substr = substr.substring(0, match.matchIndex);
try {
(new RegExp(substr));
return {
matchIndex: startIndex,
length: 1
catch (e) {
return null;
return null;
$endPatterns: [function (string) {
var fromIndex = 0;
var index = string.indexOf('/');
while (index != -1) {
try {
(new RegExp(string.substring(0, index)));
catch (e) {
index = string.indexOf('/', fromIndex);
fromIndex = index + 1;
return index === -1 ? null : {
matchIndex: index,
length: 1
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "quotes",
$startPatterns: [/"/],
$endPatterns: [/"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "quotes",
$startPatterns: [/'/],
$endPatterns: [/'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/(''|""|``)/],
$endPatterns: [/./, NEW_LINE_REGEX]
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\"(?=[^"])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\'(?=[^'])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\`(?=[^`])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\`/],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "if",
$startPatterns: [/^if\s*(?=\()/, /[\s]+if\s*(?=\()/],
$endPatterns: [/else[\s]+/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "for|while",
$startPatterns: [/^(for|while)\s*(?=\()/],
$endPatterns: [nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "else",
$startPatterns: [/else[\s]+/],
$endPatterns: [/if[^\w$]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "bracket",
$startPatterns: [/\(\s*(var|let|const)?\s*/],
$endPatterns: [/\)/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "dot-chain",
$startPatterns: [/^\.[A-Za-z$_]/],
$endPatterns: [/[\.;]/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$indent: true,
$matchBeginning: true,
$lineOffset: -1
$languages: "js",
$name: "dot-chain",
$startPatterns: [/\.\s*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [/[\.;})\]]/, /[^\s]\s*\r*\n/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "array",
$startPatterns: [/\[/],
$endPatterns: [/]/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "block",
$startPatterns: [/\{/],
$endPatterns: [/}/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$startPatterns: [/(var|let|const)[\s]*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true,
$endPatternIndent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$startPatterns: [/(var|let|const)\s+(?=[\w$])/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;=]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$lastRule: ["var/let/const", "="],
$startPatterns: [/,[\s]*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true,
callback: postIndentForCommaAfterEqual
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$lastRule: ["var/let/const", "="],
$startPatterns: [/^,/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$matchBeginning: true,
$indent: true,
$lineOffset: -1,
callback: postIndentForCommaAfterEqual
$languages: "js",
$name: "equality",
$startPatterns: [/[=<>!]=(=)?/],
$endPatterns: [/./]
$languages: "js",
$name: "=",
$startPatterns: [/=/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;\)\]}]/, NEW_LINE_REGEX]
$languages: "js",
$name: "?:",
$startPatterns: [/\?/],
$endPatterns: [/[:;]/],
$endPatternIndent: true,
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "case",
$startPatterns: [/^(case|default)[\s:]/],
$endPatterns: [/break[\s;\r\n]/, /^return[\s;\r\n]/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s:]/, /}/],
$endPatternIndent: function (matchEnd) {
return matchEnd.endPatternIndex <= 1;
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "semicolon",
$startPatterns: [/;/],
$endPatterns: [/./]
var NEW_LINE_REGEX = /\r*\n/;
return {
css: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('css', MASTER_RULES), options);
js: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('js', MASTER_RULES), options);
ts: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('js', MASTER_RULES), options);
html: function (code, options) {
var rules = options.indentHtmlTag ?
filterRules('html', MASTER_RULES, 'html-tag') : filterRules('html', MASTER_RULES);
return indent(code, rules, options);
function indent(code, baseRules, options) {
code = code || '';
* indent - whether rule will cause indent
* ignore - ignore further rule matching as long as this is last active rule, e.g. string, comments
* advance - advance the cursor to the end of the endTokens
* endTokenIndent - keep the indent rule active for the endTokens
* head - match at beginning of line only
* langs - used to filter by language later
* lineOffset - added to the line field when rule is applied
* countdown - terminate rule after this number of lines
* Algorithm assumptions
* Always keep NEW_LINE_REGEX endToken as last element,
* as otherwise it will be matched first, and subsequent ones may be ignored
* and skipped permanently by other rules.
* indentDeltas - store the the deltas in tabString
* - can be manipulated directly to alter the tabString
* indentBuffer - used to keep tabs on the number of open indentations on each line
* dedentBuffer - each line in the buffer has an array storing open indent lines to be closed
* - an array of numbers is used to reference the opening line
* - a negative number is used to signify a soft dedent (see note about soft dedent)
* Each line can create at most 1 tabString.
* When a line is 'used up' for dedent, it cannot be used again, hence the indentBuffer.
var masterRules = [
langs: "html",
name: "comment",
startToken: [/\<\!\-\-/],
endToken: [/\-\-\>/],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "doctype",
startToken: [/\<\!/],
endToken: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "link|br|hr|input|img|meta",
startToken: [/\<(link|br|hr|input|img|meta)/i],
endToken: [/>/],
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "mode switch js",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var start = /<script[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/script>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
var tabString = options.tabString === undefined ? '\t' : options.tabString;
var lines = code.split(/[\r]?\n/gi);
var lineCount = lines.length;
var ignoreBuffer = intArray(lineCount);
var indentBuffer = intArray(lineCount);
var dedentBuffer = arrayOfArrays(lineCount);
var activeMatches = [];
var lastMatches= [null];
var l = 0;
var pos = 0;
var matchEnd, matchStart;
var modeRules = null;
var line, lineToMatch, activeMatch;
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [/<\/script>/i],
rules: "js",
advance: true,
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "mode switch css",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var start = /<style[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/style>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
options.debug = {
buffers: {
ignore: ignoreBuffer,
indent: indentBuffer,
dedent: dedentBuffer,
active: activeMatches
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [/<\/style>/i],
rules: "css",
advance: true,
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "close-tag",
startToken: [/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],
endToken: [/./],
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "tag attr",
startToken: [/<[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/],
endToken: [/>/],
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "tag",
startToken: [/>/],
endToken: [/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "line comment",
startToken: [/\/\//],
endToken: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true
langs: "js css",
name: "block comment",
startToken: [/\/\*/],
endToken: [/\*\//],
ignore: true
langs: "js",
name: "regex",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var re = /[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^/]|^[\s]*\/[^/]/;
var startIndex =;
if (startIndex != -1) {
startIndex = string.indexOf('/', startIndex);
var substr = string.substring(startIndex + 1);
var match = searchAny(substr, rule.endToken, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1) {
substr = substr.substring(0, match.matchIndex);
try {
(new RegExp(substr));
return {
matchIndex: startIndex,
length: 1
catch (e) {
return {matchIndex: -1};
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [function (string, rule) {
var fromIndex = 0;
var index = string.indexOf('/');
while (index != -1) {
try {
(new RegExp(string.substring(0, index)));
catch (e) {
index = string.indexOf('/', fromIndex);
fromIndex = index + 1;
return {
matchIndex: index,
length: index == -1 ? 0 : 1
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\"/],
endToken: [/\"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\'/],
endToken: [/\'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\`/],
endToken: [/\`/],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "if",
startToken: [/^if[\s]*(?=\()/, /[\s]+if[\s]*(?=\()/],
endToken: [/else[\s]+/, /\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "for",
startToken: [/^for[\s]*(?=\()/],
endToken: [/\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "else",
startToken: [/else[\s]+/],
endToken: [/if/, /\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js css",
name: "bracket",
startToken: [/\([\s]*(var)?/],
endToken: [/\)/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "dot chain",
startToken: [/^\../],
endToken: [/;/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
indent: true,
head: true,
lineOffset: -1
langs: "js",
name: "dot chain",
startToken: [/\.\s*$/],
endToken: [function (string, rule) {
return {
matchIndex: string.length ? 1 : -1,
length: string.length ? 0 : 1
indent: true
langs: "js css",
name: "array",
startToken: [/\[/],
endToken: [/]/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css",
name: "block",
startToken: [/\{/],
endToken: [/}/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "var",
startToken: [/var[\s]+/],
endToken: [/;/],
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "case",
startToken: [/^case[\s]+/],
endToken: [/break[\s;]+/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s]+/, /^return([\s]+|;)/, /}/],
endTokenIndent: true,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "default",
startToken: [/^default[\s]*:/],
endToken: [/break[\s;]+/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s]+/, /^return([\s]+|;)/, /}/],
endTokenIndent: true,
indent: true
while (l < lineCount) {
line = lines[l].trim();
lineToMatch = cleanEscapedChars(line) + '\r\n';
activeMatch = activeMatches[activeMatches.length-1];
var exports = {
css: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('css'), indentString || '\t');
js: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('js'), indentString || '\t');
html: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('html'), indentString || '\t');
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use js instead.
indentJS: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.js(code, indentString);
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use css instead.
indentCSS: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.css(code, indentString);
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use html instead.
indentHTML: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.html(code, indentString);
matchStart = matchStartRule(lineToMatch, modeRules || baseRules, pos);
if (activeMatches.length) {
matchEnd = matchEndRule(lineToMatch, activeMatch, pos, matchStart);
if (matchEnd.matchIndex === -1) {
if (activeMatch.rule.$ignoreRules) {
// last rule is still active, and it's telling us to ignore.
ignoreBuffer[l] = 1;
l++; pos = 0;
else if (
activeMatch.rule.$ignoreRules ||
matchStart.matchIndex === -1 ||
matchEnd.matchIndex <= matchStart.matchIndex) {
pos = matchEnd.cursor;
continue; // Repeat process for matching line start/end
return exports;
if (matchStart.matchIndex !== -1) {
else {
// No new token match end, no new match start
l++; pos = 0;
dedentLines, dedentLine, dedents,
i, j, indents = 0,
hardIndents = copyIntArray(indentBuffer),
indentDeltas = intArray(lineCount),
newLines = [];
function indent(code, baseRules, indentation) {
var lines = code.split(/[\r]?\n/gi);
var lineCount = lines.length;
var newLines = [];
var indentBuffer = [];
var activeRules = [];
var activeCountdowns = [];
var lastRule;
var lastCountdown;
var indents = 0;
var l = 0;
var pos = 0;
var matchEnd, matchStart;
var modeRules = null;
for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
dedentLines = dedentBuffer[i];
dedents = 0;
for (j=0; j<dedentLines.length; j++) {
dedentLine = dedentLines[j];
if (dedentLine < 0) {
if (-dedentLine !== i) {
dedents += 1;
else if (hardIndents[dedentLine] > 0) {
dedents += dedentLine !== i;
hardIndentCount = hardIndents[i];
indentDeltas[i] = hardIndentCount > dedents ? 1 :
(hardIndentCount < dedents ? hardIndentCount - dedents : 0);
hardIndents[i] = hardIndentCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
while (l < lineCount) {
var line = lines[l].trim();
var lineToMatch = cleanEscapedChars(line) + '\r\n';
for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
if (ignoreBuffer[i] === 0) {
indents += indentDeltas[i] || 0;
newLines.push((indents > 0 ? repeatString(tabString, indents) : '') + lines[i].trim());
} else {
matchStart = matchStartRule(lineToMatch, modeRules || baseRules, pos);
return newLines.join('\r\n');
if (activeRules.length) {
matchEnd = matchEndRule(lineToMatch, lastRule, pos);
if (matchEnd.matchIndex == -1) {
if (lastRule.ignore) {
// last rule is still active, and it's telling us to ignore.
} else if (lastCountdown) {
if (lastCountdown === 0) {
else if (
lastRule.ignore ||
matchStart.matchIndex == -1 ||
matchEnd.matchIndex <= matchStart.matchIndex) {
pos = matchEnd.cursor;
continue; // Repeat process for matching line start/end
if (matchStart.matchIndex != -1) {
else {
// No new token match end, no new match start
function implementRule(match) {
pos = match.cursor;
return newLines.join('\r\n');
var rule = match.rule;
var line = (l + 1) + (rule.$lineOffset || 0);
match.line = line;
function implementRule(match) {
pos = match.cursor;
lastRule = match.rule;
lastCountdown = match.countdown;
if (lastRule.indent) {
if (lastRule.rules) {
modeRules = filterRules(lastRule.rules);
if (rule.$indent) {
if (rule.$switchRules) {
modeRules = filterRules(rule.$switchRules, MASTER_RULES);
if (rule.$newScope) {
if (rule.callback) {
rule.callback(match, indentBuffer, dedentBuffer);
function removeLastRule() {
if (lastRule.indent) {
if (!lastRule.endTokenIndent && matchEnd.matchIndex == 0) {
if (lastRule.rules) {
modeRules = null;
lastRule = activeRules[activeRules.length - 1];
lastCountdown = activeCountdowns[activeCountdowns.length - 1];
function removeCurrentRule() {
var match = activeMatches.pop(),
line = match.line,
rule = match.rule;
function calculateIndents() {
indents = 0;
for (var b, i = 0; i < indentBuffer.length; i++) {
b = indentBuffer[i];
if ( && b.line != l)
if (rule.$indent) {
var endPatternIndent = typeof rule.$endPatternIndent === 'function' ?
rule.$endPatternIndent(matchEnd) : rule.$endPatternIndent;
var offset = !endPatternIndent && matchEnd.matchIndex === 0 ? 0 : 1;
if (dedentBuffer[l + offset]) dedentBuffer[l + offset].push(line);
if (rule.$switchRules) {
modeRules = null;
if (rule.$newScope) {
lastMatches[lastMatches.length - 1] = match;
function incrementLine() {
newLines[l] = repeatString(indentation, indents) + line;
pos = 0;
function matchStartRule(string, rules, index) {
string = string.substring(index, string.length);
var result = null;
var minIndex = string.length;
var minMatch;
var match;
function incrementIndentation(lineOffset) {
var matched = indentBuffer[indentBuffer.length - 1];
if (matched && matched.line == l) {
else {
indent: 1,
open: true,
line: lineOffset ? l + lineOffset : l
if (lineOffset < 0) calculateIndents();
var lastMatch = lastMatches[lastMatches.length - 1];
var lastRuleInScope = lastMatch ? lastMatch.rule.$name : '';
function consumeIndentation() {
var lastElem = indentBuffer[indentBuffer.length - 1];
if (lastElem) { = l == lastElem.line;
if (--lastElem.indent <= 0) {
for (var rule, r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
rule = rules[r];
if (!rule.$lastRule ||
(lastRuleInScope && rule.$lastRule.indexOf(lastRuleInScope) !== -1)
) {
match = searchAny(string, rule.$startPatterns, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1 && match.matchIndex < minIndex
&& (!rule.$matchBeginning || index === 0)) {
minIndex = match.matchIndex;
minMatch = match;
result = rule;
return {
rule: result,
relativeIndex: result ? minIndex : -1,
matchIndex: result ? minIndex + index : -1,
cursor: result ? index + minMatch.cursor : -1,
state: minMatch ? minMatch.state : {},
lastMatch: lastMatch
function repeatString(baseString, repeat) {
return (new Array(repeat + 1)).join(baseString);
function matchEndRule(string, active, offset, matchStart) {
string = string.substr(offset, string.length);
var rule = active.rule;
var match = searchAny(string, rule.$endPatterns, rule, active.state, matchStart);
var cursor = rule.$consumeEndMatch ? match.cursor : match.matchIndex;
return {
endPatternIndex: match.endPatternIndex,
matchIndex: match.matchIndex === -1 ? -1 : match.matchIndex + offset,
cursor: cursor === -1 ? -1 : cursor + offset,
state: match.state
function cleanEscapedChars(string) {
return string.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g, '0');
function arrayOfArrays(length) {
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) array[i] = [];
return array;
function intArray(length) {
if (root.Int16Array) {
return new Int16Array(length);
} else {
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) array[i] = 0;
return array;
function matchStartRule(string, rules, index) {
string = string.substring(index, string.length);
var result = null;
var minIndex = string.length;
var minMatch;
var match;
for (var rule, r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
rule = rules[r];
match = searchAny(string, rule.startToken, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1 && match.matchIndex < minIndex
&& (!rule.head || index == 0)) {
minIndex = match.matchIndex;
minMatch = match;
result = rule;
return {
rule: result,
matchIndex: result ? minIndex + index : -1,
cursor: result ? minIndex + index + minMatch.matchLength : -1
function copyIntArray(src) {
var copy = intArray(src.length);
for (var i=0; i<src.length; i++) {
copy[i] = src[i];
return copy;
function matchEndRule(string, rule, offset) {
string = string.substr(offset, string.length);
var match = searchAny(string, rule.endToken, rule);
var cursor = rule.advance ? match.matchIndex + match.matchLength : match.matchIndex;
function repeatString(baseString, repeat) {
return (new Array(repeat + 1)).join(baseString);
function cleanEscapedChars(string) {
return string.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g, '0');
function postIndentForCommaAfterEqual(match, indentBuffer, dedentBuffer) {
var lastMatch = match.lastMatch;
if (lastMatch && lastMatch.rule.$name === "=") {
function nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline(string, rule, state, matchStart) {
var index;
if (!state.newline) {
index =[^\s\r\n\{\(\[]/);
state.newline = index !== -1 && (index <= matchStart.relativeIndex || matchStart.relativeIndex === -1);
} else {
index =[;,=]?\r*\n/);
if (index !== -1) {
return {
matchIndex: match.matchIndex == -1 ? -1 : match.matchIndex + offset,
cursor: cursor == -1 ? -1 : cursor + offset
matchIndex: index,
length: 1
return null;
function searchAny(string, patterns, rule) {
var index = -1;
var length = 0;
for (var pat, p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++) {
pat = patterns[p];
if (typeof pat == 'function') {
var match = pat(string, rule);
index = match.matchIndex;
length = match.length;
else {
index =;
if (index != -1) {
length = string.match(pat)[0].length;
function searchAny(string, patterns, rule, state, matchStart) {
state = state || {};
var index = -1,
length = 0,
for (var pat, p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++) {
pat = patterns[p];
if (typeof pat === 'function') {
match = pat(string, rule, state, matchStart);
if (match) {
index = match.matchIndex;
length = match.length;
return {
matchIndex: index,
matchLength: length,
cursor: index + length,
patternIndex: p
else {
match = string.match(pat);
if (match) {
index =;
length = match[0].length;
return {
endPatternIndex: p,
matchIndex: index,
cursor: index + length,
state: state
return indent;

@@ -1,1 +0,1 @@

!function(n,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e():n.indent=e()}(this,function(){var n=function(){function n(n){if(c[n])return c[n];var e=[];c[n]=e;for(var t=0;t<i.length;t++)i[t].langs.indexOf(n.toLowerCase())!=-1&&e.push(i[t]);return e}function e(e,o,c){function d(e){A=e.cursor,g=e.rule,f=e.countdown,j.push(g),w.push(g.countdown),g.indent&&h(g.lineOffset),g.rules&&(z=n(g.rules))}function i(){g.indent&&(m(),g.endTokenIndent||0!=k.matchIndex||l()),g.rules&&(z=null),j.pop(),w.pop(),g=j[j.length-1],f=w[w.length-1]}function l(){b=0;for(var n,e=0;e<I.length;e++)n=I[e],!=y&&b++}function u(){p[y]=t(c,b)+O,y++,A=0,l()}function h(n){var e=I[I.length-1];e&&e.line==y?e.indent++:(I.push({indent:1,open:!0,line:n?y+n:y}),n<0&&l())}function m(){var n=I[I.length-1];n&&(,--n.indent<=0&&I.pop())}for(var g,f,k,T,x=e.split(/[\r]?\n/gi),v=x.length,p=[],I=[],j=[],w=[],b=0,y=0,A=0,z=null;y<v;){var O=x[y].trim(),Z=a(O)+"\r\n";if(T=s(Z,z||o,A),j.length)if(k=r(Z,g,A),k.matchIndex==-1){if(g.ignore){u();continue}f&&(f--,0===f&&i())}else if(g.ignore||T.matchIndex==-1||k.matchIndex<=T.matchIndex){i(),A=k.cursor;continue}T.matchIndex!=-1?d(T):u()}return p.join("\r\n")}function t(n,e){return new Array(e+1).join(n)}function a(n){return n.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g,"0")}function s(n,e,t){n=n.substring(t,n.length);for(var a,s,r,c=null,d=n.length,i=0;i<e.length;i++)r=e[i],s=o(n,r.startToken,r),s.matchIndex!=-1&&s.matchIndex<d&&(!r.head||0==t)&&(d=s.matchIndex,a=s,c=r);return{rule:c,matchIndex:c?d+t:-1,cursor:c?d+t+a.matchLength:-1}}function r(n,e,t){n=n.substr(t,n.length);var a=o(n,e.endToken,e),s=e.advance?a.matchIndex+a.matchLength:a.matchIndex;return{matchIndex:a.matchIndex==-1?-1:a.matchIndex+t,cursor:s==-1?-1:s+t}}function o(n,e,t){for(var a,s=-1,r=0,o=0;o<e.length;o++)if(a=e[o],"function"==typeof a){var c=a(n,t);s=c.matchIndex,r=c.length}else if(,s!=-1){r=n.match(a)[0].length;break}return{matchIndex:s,matchLength:r,cursor:s+r,patternIndex:o}}var c={},d=/\r*\n/,i=[{langs:"html",name:"comment",startToken:[/\<\!\-\-/],endToken:[/\-\-\>/],ignore:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"html",name:"doctype",startToken:[/\<\!/],endToken:[d],ignore:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"html",name:"link|br|hr|input|img|meta",startToken:[/\<(link|br|hr|input|img|meta)/i],endToken:[/>/],advance:!0},{langs:"html",name:"mode switch js",startToken:[function(n,e){var t=/<script[\s>].*/i,a=/<\/script>/i,s=t.exec(n),r=a.exec(n);return s&&(!r||r.index<s.index)?{matchIndex:s.index,length:s[0].length}:{matchIndex:-1}}],endToken:[/<\/script>/i],rules:"js",advance:!0,indent:!0},{langs:"html",name:"mode switch css",startToken:[function(n,e){var t=/<style[\s>].*/i,a=/<\/style>/i,s=t.exec(n),r=a.exec(n);return s&&(!r||r.index<s.index)?{matchIndex:s.index,length:s[0].length}:{matchIndex:-1}}],endToken:[/<\/style>/i],rules:"css",advance:!0,indent:!0},{langs:"html",name:"close-tag",startToken:[/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],endToken:[/./],indent:!0},{langs:"html",name:"tag attr",startToken:[/<[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/],endToken:[/>/],indent:!0},{langs:"html",name:"tag",startToken:[/>/],endToken:[/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],indent:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js",name:"line comment",startToken:[/\/\//],endToken:[d],ignore:!0},{langs:"js css",name:"block comment",startToken:[/\/\*/],endToken:[/\*\//],ignore:!0},{langs:"js",name:"regex",startToken:[function(n,e){var t=/[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^\/]|^[\s]*\/[^\/]/,;if(a!=-1){a=n.indexOf("/",a);var s=n.substring(a+1),r=o(s,e.endToken,e);if(r.matchIndex!=-1){s=s.substring(0,r.matchIndex);try{return new RegExp(s),{matchIndex:a,length:1}}catch(c){return{matchIndex:-1}}}}return{matchIndex:-1}}],endToken:[function(n,e){for(var t=0,a=n.indexOf("/");a!=-1;)try{new RegExp(n.substring(0,a));break}catch(s){a=n.indexOf("/",t),t=a+1}return{matchIndex:a,length:a==-1?0:1}}],ignore:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js css html",name:"string",startToken:[/\"/],endToken:[/\"/,d],ignore:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js css html",name:"string",startToken:[/\'/],endToken:[/\'/,d],ignore:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js css html",name:"string",startToken:[/\`/],endToken:[/\`/],ignore:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js",name:"if",startToken:[/^if[\s]*(?=\()/,/[\s]+if[\s]*(?=\()/],endToken:[/else[\s]+/,/\{/,/;/],countdown:2,indent:!0},{langs:"js",name:"for",startToken:[/^for[\s]*(?=\()/],endToken:[/\{/,/;/],countdown:2,indent:!0},{langs:"js",name:"else",startToken:[/else[\s]+/],endToken:[/if/,/\{/,/;/],countdown:2,indent:!0},{langs:"js css",name:"bracket",startToken:[/\([\s]*(var)?/],endToken:[/\)/],indent:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js",name:"dot chain",startToken:[/^\../],endToken:[/;/,d],indent:!0,head:!0,lineOffset:-1},{langs:"js",name:"dot chain",startToken:[/\.\s*$/],endToken:[function(n,e){return{matchIndex:n.length?1:-1,length:n.length?0:1}}],indent:!0},{langs:"js css",name:"array",startToken:[/\[/],endToken:[/]/],indent:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js css",name:"block",startToken:[/\{/],endToken:[/}/],indent:!0,advance:!0},{langs:"js",name:"var",startToken:[/var[\s]+/],endToken:[/;/],indent:!0},{langs:"js",name:"case",startToken:[/^case[\s]+/],endToken:[/break[\s;]+/,/^case[\s]+/,/^default[\s]+/,/^return([\s]+|;)/,/}/],endTokenIndent:!0,indent:!0},{langs:"js",name:"default",startToken:[/^default[\s]*:/],endToken:[/break[\s;]+/,/^case[\s]+/,/^default[\s]+/,/^return([\s]+|;)/,/}/],endTokenIndent:!0,indent:!0}],l={css:function(t,a){return e(t||"",n("css"),a||"\t")},js:function(t,a){return e(t||"",n("js"),a||"\t")},html:function(t,a){return e(t||"",n("html"),a||"\t")},indentJS:function(n,e){return console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Calling deprecated function!"),l.js(n,e)},indentCSS:function(n,e){return console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Calling deprecated function!"),l.css(n,e)},indentHTML:function(n,e){return console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Calling deprecated function!"),l.html(n,e)}};return l}();return n});
!function(n,e){"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define([],e):"object"==typeof exports?module.exports=e():n.indent=e()}(this,function(){var n=function(n){function e(n,e,t){if(h[n])return h[n];var r=[];h[n]=r,t=t||"";for(var a=0;a<e.length;a++)e[a].a.indexOf(n.toLowerCase())!==-1&&t.indexOf(e[a].b)===-1&&r.push(e[a]);return r}function t(n,t,c){function u(n){Z=n.cursor;var t=n.rule,r=O+1+(t.c||0);n.line=r,z.push(n),t.d&&w[r]++,t.e&&(E=e(t.e,f)),t.f&&F.push(null),t.callback&&t.callback(n,w,A)}function h(){var n=z.pop(),e=n.line,t=n.rule;if(t.d){var r="function"==typeof t.g?t.g(g):t.g,a=r||0!==g.matchIndex?1:0;A[O+a]&&A[O+a].push(e)}t.e&&(E=null),t.f&&F.pop(),F[F.length-1]=n}function d(n,e,t){n=n.substring(t,n.length);for(var r,a,i,s=null,l=n.length,c=F[F.length-1],u=c?c.rule.b:"",h=0;h<e.length;h++)i=e[h],(!i.h||u&&i.h.indexOf(u)!==-1)&&(a=o(n,i.i,i),a.matchIndex!=-1&&a.matchIndex<l&&(!i.j||0===t)&&(l=a.matchIndex,r=a,s=i));return{rule:s,relativeIndex:s?l:-1,matchIndex:s?l+t:-1,cursor:s?t+r.cursor:-1,state:r?r.state:{},lastMatch:c}}function m(n,e,t,r){n=n.substr(t,n.length);var a=e.rule,i=o(n,a.k,a,e.state,r),s=a.l?i.cursor:i.matchIndex;return{endPatternIndex:i.endPatternIndex,matchIndex:i.matchIndex===-1?-1:i.matchIndex+t,cursor:s===-1?-1:s+t,state:i.state}}n=n||"";var g,b,x,k,v,p=void 0===c.tabString?"\t":c.tabString,j=n.split(/[\r]?\n/gi),I=j.length,y=a(I),w=a(I),A=r(I),z=[],F=[null],O=0,Z=0,E=null;for(c.debug={buffers:{ignore:y,indent:w,dedent:A,active:z}};O<I;){if(x=j[O].trim(),k=l(x)+"\r\n",v=z[z.length-1],b=d(k,E||t,Z),z.length)if(g=m(k,v,Z,b),g.matchIndex===-1){if(v.rule.m){y[O]=1,O++,Z=0;continue}}else if(v.rule.m||b.matchIndex===-1||g.matchIndex<=b.matchIndex){h(),Z=g.cursor;continue}b.matchIndex!==-1?u(b):(O++,Z=0)}var P,S,$,q,R,T,M=0,C=i(w),H=a(I),L=[];for(R=0;R<I;R++){for(S=A[R],q=0,T=0;T<S.length;T++)$=S[T],$<0?-$!==R&&(H[-$]++,q+=1):C[$]>0&&(C[$]--,q+=$!==R);P=C[R],H[R]=P>q?1:P<q?P-q:0,C[R]=P>0?1:0}for(R=0;R<I;R++)0===y[R]?(M+=H[R]||0,L.push((M>0?s(p,M):"")+j[R].trim())):L.push(j[R]);return L.join("\r\n")}function r(n){for(var e=new Array(n),t=0;t<n;t++)e[t]=[];return e}function a(e){if(n.Int16Array)return new Int16Array(e);for(var t=new Array(e),r=0;r<e;r++)t[r]=0;return t}function i(n){for(var e=a(n.length),t=0;t<n.length;t++)e[t]=n[t];return e}function s(n,e){return new Array(e+1).join(n)}function l(n){return n.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g,"0")}function c(n,e,t){var r=n.lastMatch;r&&"="===r.rule.b&&t[n.line].push(-r.line)}function u(n,e,t,r){var a;if(t.newline){if([;,=]?\r*\n/),a!==-1)return{matchIndex:a,length:1}}else[^\s\r\n\{\(\[]/),t.newline=a!==-1&&(a<=r.relativeIndex||r.relativeIndex===-1);return null}function o(n,e,t,r,a){r=r||{};for(var i,s,l=-1,c=0,u=0;u<e.length;u++)if(s=e[u],"function"==typeof s){if(i=s(n,t,r,a)){l=i.matchIndex,c=i.length;break}}else if(i=n.match(s)){,c=i[0].length;break}return{endPatternIndex:u,matchIndex:l,cursor:l+c,state:r}}var h={};String.prototype.trim||(String.prototype.trim=function(){return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,"")});var d=/\r*\n/,f=[{a:"html",b:"comment",i:[/\<\!\-\-/],k:[/\-\-\>/],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"html",b:"doctype",i:[/\<\!doctype html>/i],k:[d],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"html",b:"void-tags",i:[/\<(area|base|br|col|command|embed|hr|img|input|keygen|link|menuitem|meta|param|source|track|wbr)/i],k:[/>/],d:!0,l:!0},{a:"html",b:"mode switch js",i:[function(n){var e=/<script[\s>].*/i,t=/<\/script>/i,r=e.exec(n),a=t.exec(n);return r&&(!a||a.index<r.index)?{matchIndex:r.index,length:r[0].length}:null}],k:[/<\/script>/i],e:"js",l:!0,d:!0,f:!0},{a:"html",b:"mode switch css",i:[function(n){var e=/<style[\s>].*/i,t=/<\/style>/i,r=e.exec(n),a=t.exec(n);return r&&(!a||a.index<r.index)?{matchIndex:r.index,length:r[0].length}:null}],k:[/<\/style>/i],e:"css",l:!0,d:!0,f:!0},{a:"html",b:"html-tag",i:[/<html[^A-Za-z0-9]/i],k:[/<\/html>/i],l:!0},{a:"html",b:"tag",i:[function(n,e,t){var r=/<([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)/,a=n.match(r);return a?(t.openingTag=a[1],{matchIndex:a.index,length:a[0].length}):null}],k:[function(n,e,t){var r=new RegExp("</"+t.openingTag+">","i"),a=n.match(r);return a?{matchIndex:a.index,length:a[0].length}:null}],d:!0,l:!0},{a:"js",b:"line-comment",i:[/\/\//],k:[d],m:!0},{a:"js css",b:"block-comment",i:[/\/\*/],k:[/\*\//],m:!0},{a:"js",b:"regex",i:[function(n,e){var t=/[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^\/]|^[\s]*\/[^\/]/,;if(r!=-1){r=n.indexOf("/",r);var a=n.substring(r+1),i=o(a,e.k,e);if(i.matchIndex!=-1){a=a.substring(0,i.matchIndex);try{return new RegExp(a),{matchIndex:r,length:1}}catch(s){return null}}}return null}],k:[function(n){for(var e=0,t=n.indexOf("/");t!=-1;)try{new RegExp(n.substring(0,t));break}catch(r){t=n.indexOf("/",e),e=t+1}return t===-1?null:{matchIndex:t,length:1}}],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"html",b:"quotes",i:[/"/],k:[/"/,d],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"html",b:"quotes",i:[/'/],k:[/'/,d],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"js css",b:"string",i:[/(''|""|``)/],k:[/./,d]},{a:"js css",b:"string",i:[/\"(?=[^"])/],k:[/[^\\]\"/,d],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"js css",b:"string",i:[/\'(?=[^'])/],k:[/[^\\]\'/,d],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"js css",b:"string",i:[/\`(?=[^`])/],k:[/[^\\]\`/],m:!0,l:!0},{a:"js",b:"if",i:[/^if\s*(?=\()/,/[\s]+if\s*(?=\()/],k:[/else[\s]+/,u,/[{;]/],d:!0},{a:"js",b:"for|while",i:[/^(for|while)\s*(?=\()/],k:[u,/[{;]/],d:!0},{a:"js",b:"else",i:[/else[\s]+/],k:[/if[^\w$]/,u,/[{;]/],d:!0},{a:"js css",b:"bracket",i:[/\(\s*(var|let|const)?\s*/],k:[/\)/],d:!0,l:!0,f:!0},{a:"js",b:"dot-chain",i:[/^\.[A-Za-z$_]/],k:[/[\.;]/,d],d:!0,j:!0,c:-1},{a:"js",b:"dot-chain",i:[/\.\s*\r*\n/],k:[/[\.;})\]]/,/[^\s]\s*\r*\n/],d:!0},{a:"js css",b:"array",i:[/\[/],k:[/]/],d:!0,l:!0,f:!0},{a:"js css",b:"block",i:[/\{/],k:[/}/],d:!0,l:!0,f:!0},{a:"js",b:"var/let/const",i:[/(var|let|const)[\s]*\r*\n/],k:[u],d:!0,g:!0},{a:"js",b:"var/let/const",i:[/(var|let|const)\s+(?=[\w$])/],k:[/[,;=]/,u],d:!0},{a:"js",b:"var/let/const",h:["var/let/const","="],i:[/,[\s]*\r*\n/],k:[/[,;]/,u],d:!0,callback:c},{a:"js",b:"var/let/const",h:["var/let/const","="],i:[/^,/],k:[/[,;]/,u],j:!0,d:!0,c:-1,callback:c},{a:"js",b:"equality",i:[/[=<>!]=(=)?/],k:[/./]},{a:"js",b:"=",i:[/=/],k:[/[,;\)\]}]/,d]},{a:"js",b:"?:",i:[/\?/],k:[/[:;]/],g:!0,d:!0},{a:"js",b:"case",i:[/^(case|default)[\s:]/],k:[/break[\s;\r\n]/,/^return[\s;\r\n]/,/^case[\s]+/,/^default[\s:]/,/}/],g:function(n){return n.endPatternIndex<=1},d:!0,f:!0},{a:"js",b:"semicolon",i:[/;/],k:[/./]}];return{css:function(n,r){return t(n,e("css",f),r)},js:function(n,r){return t(n,e("js",f),r)},ts:function(n,r){return t(n,e("js",f),r)},html:function(n,r){var a=r.indentHtmlTag?e("html",f,"html-tag"):e("html",f);return t(n,a,r)}}}(this);return n});
"name": "indent.js",
"version": "0.2.0",
"version": "0.3.0",
"description": "Fast minimalistic pure indentation of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.",

@@ -13,16 +13,12 @@ "main": "lib/indent.js",

"devDependencies": {
"jasmine-core": "^2.2.0",
"karma": "^1.7.0",
"karma-coverage": "^0.3.1",
"karma-jasmine": "^0.3.5",
"karma-phantomjs-launcher": "^0.1.4",
"chai": "^4.1.2",
"gulp": "^3.9",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.0",
"gulp-uglify": "^1.4.1",
"gulp-umd": "^0.2.0",
"gulp-concat": "^2.6.0",
"gulp-uglify": "^1.4.1"
"mocha": "^4.0.1"
"scripts": {
"test": "karma start karma.conf.js --single-run",
"start": "http-server -a localhost -p 8123 -c-1",
"build": "gulp build"
"build": "gulp build",
"test": "mocha ./tests/**"

@@ -29,0 +25,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ # indent.js

Fast minimalistic pure indentation of JavaScript, CSS, and HTML.
Fast minimalistic pure indentation of JavaScript (ES5, ES6, ES7), TypeScript, CSS, Less, Sass, and HTML.
Indents better than most tools, test it out in the demo.

@@ -19,4 +20,5 @@ [Online indent.js demo](

* [Minified (~4 kB)](
* [Not minified (~11 kB)](
* [Minified and gzip (~2.7 kB)](
* [Minified (~7 kB)](
* [Not minified (~20 kB)](

@@ -44,14 +46,11 @@ Usage

// JS code
var indented = indent.js(js, ' ');
indent.js(code, {tabString: ' '});
// TypeScript code
indent.ts(code, {tabString: '\t'});
// CSS code
var indented = indent.css(css, ' ');
// HTML code
var indented = indent.html(html, ' ');
indent.html(code, {tabString: ' '});
This project is great for code editors and file watchers. I'd love to hear about how your projects use indent.js.

@@ -63,8 +62,10 @@ ---

###Languages still not fully supported:
### Languages supported
1. TypeScript (partial?)
2. Less/Sass (partial?)
1. JavaScript/TypeScript
3. JSX (Partial support)
4. CSS/Less/Sass
###Getting the project
### Getting the project

@@ -71,0 +72,0 @@ 1. Run `npm install` to install dependencies

@@ -1,531 +0,717 @@

var indent = (function() {
var rulesCache = {};
var indent = (function (root) {
var rulesCache = {};
function filterRules(language) {
if (rulesCache[language])
return rulesCache[language];
var ret = [];
rulesCache[language] = ret;
for (var i=0; i<masterRules.length; i++) {
if (masterRules[i].langs.indexOf(language.toLowerCase()) != -1)
function filterRules(language, rules, excludes) {
if (rulesCache[language])
return rulesCache[language];
var ret = [];
rulesCache[language] = ret;
excludes = excludes || '';
for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) {
if (rules[i].$languages.indexOf(language.toLowerCase()) !== -1 &&
excludes.indexOf(rules[i].$name) === -1)
return ret;
// String.prototype.trim polyfill for IE9
if (!String.prototype.trim) {
String.prototype.trim = function () {
return this.replace(/^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g, '');
var NEW_LINE_REGEX = /\r*\n/;
* Soft dedent: this type of dedent has the opposite effect and will actually indent every line
* starting from the opening line.
* $indent - whether rule will cause indent
* $ignoreRules - ignore further rule matching as long as this is last active rule, e.g. string, comments
* $consumeEndMatch - advance the cursor to the end of the end pattern matches
* $endPatternIndent - keep the indent rule active for the $endPatterns
* $endPatterns - list of regex to terminate the rule
* $startPatterns - list of regex to start the rule
* $matchBeginning - match at beginning of line only
* $languages - used to filter by language later
* $lineOffset - added to the line field when rule is applied
* $lastRule - used to continue a previous rule
* $newScope - used to determine if rule creates a new scope, used for lastRule
* Always keep NEW_LINE_REGEX $endPatterns as last element,
* as otherwise it will be matched first, and subsequent ones may be ignored
* and skipped permanently by other rules.
$languages: "html",
$name: "comment",
$startPatterns: [/\<\!\-\-/],
$endPatterns: [/\-\-\>/],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "doctype",
$startPatterns: [/\<\!doctype html>/i],
$endPatterns: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "void-tags",
$startPatterns: [
$endPatterns: [/>/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "mode switch js",
$startPatterns: [function (string) {
var start = /<script[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/script>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return ret;
return null;
$endPatterns: [/<\/script>/i],
$switchRules: "js",
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "mode switch css",
$startPatterns: [function (string) {
var start = /<style[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/style>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return null;
$endPatterns: [/<\/style>/i],
$switchRules: "css",
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "html-tag",
$startPatterns: [/<html[^A-Za-z0-9]/i],
$endPatterns: [/<\/html>/i],
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "tag",
$startPatterns: [function (string, rule, state) {
var re = /<([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)/;
var match = string.match(re);
if (match) {
state.openingTag = match[1];
return {
matchIndex: match.index,
length: match[0].length
} else {
return null;
$endPatterns: [function (string, rule, state) {
var re = new RegExp("</" + state.openingTag + ">", "i");
var match = string.match(re);
if (match) {
return {
matchIndex: match.index,
length: match[0].length
} else {
return null;
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "line-comment",
$startPatterns: [/\/\//],
$endPatterns: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "block-comment",
$startPatterns: [/\/\*/],
$endPatterns: [/\*\//],
$ignoreRules: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "regex",
$startPatterns: [function (string, rule) {
var re = /[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^/]|^[\s]*\/[^/]/;
var startIndex =;
if (startIndex != -1) {
startIndex = string.indexOf('/', startIndex);
var substr = string.substring(startIndex + 1);
var match = searchAny(substr, rule.$endPatterns, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1) {
substr = substr.substring(0, match.matchIndex);
try {
(new RegExp(substr));
return {
matchIndex: startIndex,
length: 1
catch (e) {
return null;
return null;
$endPatterns: [function (string) {
var fromIndex = 0;
var index = string.indexOf('/');
while (index != -1) {
try {
(new RegExp(string.substring(0, index)));
catch (e) {
index = string.indexOf('/', fromIndex);
fromIndex = index + 1;
return index === -1 ? null : {
matchIndex: index,
length: 1
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "quotes",
$startPatterns: [/"/],
$endPatterns: [/"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "html",
$name: "quotes",
$startPatterns: [/'/],
$endPatterns: [/'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/(''|""|``)/],
$endPatterns: [/./, NEW_LINE_REGEX]
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\"(?=[^"])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\'(?=[^'])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "string",
$startPatterns: [/\`(?=[^`])/],
$endPatterns: [/[^\\]\`/],
$ignoreRules: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "if",
$startPatterns: [/^if\s*(?=\()/, /[\s]+if\s*(?=\()/],
$endPatterns: [/else[\s]+/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "for|while",
$startPatterns: [/^(for|while)\s*(?=\()/],
$endPatterns: [nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "else",
$startPatterns: [/else[\s]+/],
$endPatterns: [/if[^\w$]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline, /[{;]/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "bracket",
$startPatterns: [/\(\s*(var|let|const)?\s*/],
$endPatterns: [/\)/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "dot-chain",
$startPatterns: [/^\.[A-Za-z$_]/],
$endPatterns: [/[\.;]/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
$indent: true,
$matchBeginning: true,
$lineOffset: -1
$languages: "js",
$name: "dot-chain",
$startPatterns: [/\.\s*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [/[\.;})\]]/, /[^\s]\s*\r*\n/],
$indent: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "array",
$startPatterns: [/\[/],
$endPatterns: [/]/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js css",
$name: "block",
$startPatterns: [/\{/],
$endPatterns: [/}/],
$indent: true,
$consumeEndMatch: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$startPatterns: [/(var|let|const)[\s]*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true,
$endPatternIndent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$startPatterns: [/(var|let|const)\s+(?=[\w$])/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;=]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$lastRule: ["var/let/const", "="],
$startPatterns: [/,[\s]*\r*\n/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$indent: true,
callback: postIndentForCommaAfterEqual
$languages: "js",
$name: "var/let/const",
$lastRule: ["var/let/const", "="],
$startPatterns: [/^,/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;]/, nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline],
$matchBeginning: true,
$indent: true,
$lineOffset: -1,
callback: postIndentForCommaAfterEqual
$languages: "js",
$name: "equality",
$startPatterns: [/[=<>!]=(=)?/],
$endPatterns: [/./]
$languages: "js",
$name: "=",
$startPatterns: [/=/],
$endPatterns: [/[,;\)\]}]/, NEW_LINE_REGEX]
$languages: "js",
$name: "?:",
$startPatterns: [/\?/],
$endPatterns: [/[:;]/],
$endPatternIndent: true,
$indent: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "case",
$startPatterns: [/^(case|default)[\s:]/],
$endPatterns: [/break[\s;\r\n]/, /^return[\s;\r\n]/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s:]/, /}/],
$endPatternIndent: function (matchEnd) {
return matchEnd.endPatternIndex <= 1;
$indent: true,
$newScope: true
$languages: "js",
$name: "semicolon",
$startPatterns: [/;/],
$endPatterns: [/./]
var NEW_LINE_REGEX = /\r*\n/;
return {
css: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('css', MASTER_RULES), options);
js: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('js', MASTER_RULES), options);
ts: function (code, options) {
return indent(code, filterRules('js', MASTER_RULES), options);
html: function (code, options) {
var rules = options.indentHtmlTag ?
filterRules('html', MASTER_RULES, 'html-tag') : filterRules('html', MASTER_RULES);
return indent(code, rules, options);
function indent(code, baseRules, options) {
code = code || '';
* indent - whether rule will cause indent
* ignore - ignore further rule matching as long as this is last active rule, e.g. string, comments
* advance - advance the cursor to the end of the endTokens
* endTokenIndent - keep the indent rule active for the endTokens
* head - match at beginning of line only
* langs - used to filter by language later
* lineOffset - added to the line field when rule is applied
* countdown - terminate rule after this number of lines
* Algorithm assumptions
* Always keep NEW_LINE_REGEX endToken as last element,
* as otherwise it will be matched first, and subsequent ones may be ignored
* and skipped permanently by other rules.
* indentDeltas - store the the deltas in tabString
* - can be manipulated directly to alter the tabString
* indentBuffer - used to keep tabs on the number of open indentations on each line
* dedentBuffer - each line in the buffer has an array storing open indent lines to be closed
* - an array of numbers is used to reference the opening line
* - a negative number is used to signify a soft dedent (see note about soft dedent)
* Each line can create at most 1 tabString.
* When a line is 'used up' for dedent, it cannot be used again, hence the indentBuffer.
var masterRules = [
langs: "html",
name: "comment",
startToken: [/\<\!\-\-/],
endToken: [/\-\-\>/],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "doctype",
startToken: [/\<\!/],
endToken: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "link|br|hr|input|img|meta",
startToken: [/\<(link|br|hr|input|img|meta)/i],
endToken: [/>/],
advance: true
langs: "html",
name: "mode switch js",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var start = /<script[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/script>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
var tabString = options.tabString === undefined ? '\t' : options.tabString;
var lines = code.split(/[\r]?\n/gi);
var lineCount = lines.length;
var ignoreBuffer = intArray(lineCount);
var indentBuffer = intArray(lineCount);
var dedentBuffer = arrayOfArrays(lineCount);
var activeMatches = [];
var lastMatches= [null];
var l = 0;
var pos = 0;
var matchEnd, matchStart;
var modeRules = null;
var line, lineToMatch, activeMatch;
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [/<\/script>/i],
rules: "js",
advance: true,
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "mode switch css",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var start = /<style[\s>].*/i;
var end = /<\/style>/i;
var startMatch = start.exec(string);
var endMatch = end.exec(string);
options.debug = {
buffers: {
ignore: ignoreBuffer,
indent: indentBuffer,
dedent: dedentBuffer,
active: activeMatches
if (startMatch && (!endMatch || endMatch.index < startMatch.index)) {
return {
matchIndex: startMatch.index,
length: startMatch[0].length
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [/<\/style>/i],
rules: "css",
advance: true,
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "close-tag",
startToken: [/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],
endToken: [/./],
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "tag attr",
startToken: [/<[A-Za-z0-9\-]+/],
endToken: [/>/],
indent: true
langs: "html",
name: "tag",
startToken: [/>/],
endToken: [/<\/[A-Za-z0-9\-]+>/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "line comment",
startToken: [/\/\//],
endToken: [NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true
langs: "js css",
name: "block comment",
startToken: [/\/\*/],
endToken: [/\*\//],
ignore: true
langs: "js",
name: "regex",
startToken: [function (string, rule) {
var re = /[(,=:[!&|?{};][\s]*\/[^/]|^[\s]*\/[^/]/;
var startIndex =;
if (startIndex != -1) {
startIndex = string.indexOf('/', startIndex);
var substr = string.substring(startIndex + 1);
var match = searchAny(substr, rule.endToken, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1) {
substr = substr.substring(0, match.matchIndex);
try {
(new RegExp(substr));
return {
matchIndex: startIndex,
length: 1
catch (e) {
return {matchIndex: -1};
return {matchIndex: -1};
endToken: [function (string, rule) {
var fromIndex = 0;
var index = string.indexOf('/');
while (index != -1) {
try {
(new RegExp(string.substring(0, index)));
catch (e) {
index = string.indexOf('/', fromIndex);
fromIndex = index + 1;
return {
matchIndex: index,
length: index == -1 ? 0 : 1
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\"/],
endToken: [/\"/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\'/],
endToken: [/\'/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css html",
name: "string",
startToken: [/\`/],
endToken: [/\`/],
ignore: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "if",
startToken: [/^if[\s]*(?=\()/, /[\s]+if[\s]*(?=\()/],
endToken: [/else[\s]+/, /\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "for",
startToken: [/^for[\s]*(?=\()/],
endToken: [/\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "else",
startToken: [/else[\s]+/],
endToken: [/if/, /\{/, /;/],
countdown: 2,
indent: true
langs: "js css",
name: "bracket",
startToken: [/\([\s]*(var)?/],
endToken: [/\)/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "dot chain",
startToken: [/^\../],
endToken: [/;/, NEW_LINE_REGEX],
indent: true,
head: true,
lineOffset: -1
langs: "js",
name: "dot chain",
startToken: [/\.\s*$/],
endToken: [function (string, rule) {
return {
matchIndex: string.length ? 1 : -1,
length: string.length ? 0 : 1
indent: true
langs: "js css",
name: "array",
startToken: [/\[/],
endToken: [/]/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js css",
name: "block",
startToken: [/\{/],
endToken: [/}/],
indent: true,
advance: true
langs: "js",
name: "var",
startToken: [/var[\s]+/],
endToken: [/;/],
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "case",
startToken: [/^case[\s]+/],
endToken: [/break[\s;]+/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s]+/, /^return([\s]+|;)/, /}/],
endTokenIndent: true,
indent: true
langs: "js",
name: "default",
startToken: [/^default[\s]*:/],
endToken: [/break[\s;]+/, /^case[\s]+/, /^default[\s]+/, /^return([\s]+|;)/, /}/],
endTokenIndent: true,
indent: true
while (l < lineCount) {
line = lines[l].trim();
lineToMatch = cleanEscapedChars(line) + '\r\n';
activeMatch = activeMatches[activeMatches.length-1];
var exports = {
css: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('css'), indentString || '\t');
js: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('js'), indentString || '\t');
html: function (code, indentString) {
return indent(code || '', filterRules('html'), indentString || '\t');
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use js instead.
indentJS: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.js(code, indentString);
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use css instead.
indentCSS: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.css(code, indentString);
* @deprecated Since version 0.2.0. Will be deleted in version 0.3.0. Use html instead.
indentHTML: function(code, indentString) {
if (console && console.warn) console.warn("Calling deprecated function!");
return exports.html(code, indentString);
matchStart = matchStartRule(lineToMatch, modeRules || baseRules, pos);
if (activeMatches.length) {
matchEnd = matchEndRule(lineToMatch, activeMatch, pos, matchStart);
if (matchEnd.matchIndex === -1) {
if (activeMatch.rule.$ignoreRules) {
// last rule is still active, and it's telling us to ignore.
ignoreBuffer[l] = 1;
l++; pos = 0;
else if (
activeMatch.rule.$ignoreRules ||
matchStart.matchIndex === -1 ||
matchEnd.matchIndex <= matchStart.matchIndex) {
pos = matchEnd.cursor;
continue; // Repeat process for matching line start/end
return exports;
if (matchStart.matchIndex !== -1) {
else {
// No new token match end, no new match start
l++; pos = 0;
dedentLines, dedentLine, dedents,
i, j, indents = 0,
hardIndents = copyIntArray(indentBuffer),
indentDeltas = intArray(lineCount),
newLines = [];
function indent(code, baseRules, indentation) {
var lines = code.split(/[\r]?\n/gi);
var lineCount = lines.length;
var newLines = [];
var indentBuffer = [];
var activeRules = [];
var activeCountdowns = [];
var lastRule;
var lastCountdown;
var indents = 0;
var l = 0;
var pos = 0;
var matchEnd, matchStart;
var modeRules = null;
for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
dedentLines = dedentBuffer[i];
dedents = 0;
for (j=0; j<dedentLines.length; j++) {
dedentLine = dedentLines[j];
if (dedentLine < 0) {
if (-dedentLine !== i) {
dedents += 1;
else if (hardIndents[dedentLine] > 0) {
dedents += dedentLine !== i;
hardIndentCount = hardIndents[i];
indentDeltas[i] = hardIndentCount > dedents ? 1 :
(hardIndentCount < dedents ? hardIndentCount - dedents : 0);
hardIndents[i] = hardIndentCount > 0 ? 1 : 0;
while (l < lineCount) {
var line = lines[l].trim();
var lineToMatch = cleanEscapedChars(line) + '\r\n';
for (i=0; i<lineCount; i++) {
if (ignoreBuffer[i] === 0) {
indents += indentDeltas[i] || 0;
newLines.push((indents > 0 ? repeatString(tabString, indents) : '') + lines[i].trim());
} else {
matchStart = matchStartRule(lineToMatch, modeRules || baseRules, pos);
return newLines.join('\r\n');
if (activeRules.length) {
matchEnd = matchEndRule(lineToMatch, lastRule, pos);
if (matchEnd.matchIndex == -1) {
if (lastRule.ignore) {
// last rule is still active, and it's telling us to ignore.
} else if (lastCountdown) {
if (lastCountdown === 0) {
else if (
lastRule.ignore ||
matchStart.matchIndex == -1 ||
matchEnd.matchIndex <= matchStart.matchIndex) {
pos = matchEnd.cursor;
continue; // Repeat process for matching line start/end
if (matchStart.matchIndex != -1) {
else {
// No new token match end, no new match start
function implementRule(match) {
pos = match.cursor;
return newLines.join('\r\n');
var rule = match.rule;
var line = (l + 1) + (rule.$lineOffset || 0);
match.line = line;
function implementRule(match) {
pos = match.cursor;
lastRule = match.rule;
lastCountdown = match.countdown;
if (lastRule.indent) {
if (lastRule.rules) {
modeRules = filterRules(lastRule.rules);
if (rule.$indent) {
if (rule.$switchRules) {
modeRules = filterRules(rule.$switchRules, MASTER_RULES);
if (rule.$newScope) {
if (rule.callback) {
rule.callback(match, indentBuffer, dedentBuffer);
function removeLastRule() {
if (lastRule.indent) {
if (!lastRule.endTokenIndent && matchEnd.matchIndex == 0) {
if (lastRule.rules) {
modeRules = null;
lastRule = activeRules[activeRules.length - 1];
lastCountdown = activeCountdowns[activeCountdowns.length - 1];
function removeCurrentRule() {
var match = activeMatches.pop(),
line = match.line,
rule = match.rule;
function calculateIndents() {
indents = 0;
for (var b, i = 0; i < indentBuffer.length; i++) {
b = indentBuffer[i];
if ( && b.line != l)
if (rule.$indent) {
var endPatternIndent = typeof rule.$endPatternIndent === 'function' ?
rule.$endPatternIndent(matchEnd) : rule.$endPatternIndent;
var offset = !endPatternIndent && matchEnd.matchIndex === 0 ? 0 : 1;
if (dedentBuffer[l + offset]) dedentBuffer[l + offset].push(line);
if (rule.$switchRules) {
modeRules = null;
if (rule.$newScope) {
lastMatches[lastMatches.length - 1] = match;
function incrementLine() {
newLines[l] = repeatString(indentation, indents) + line;
pos = 0;
function matchStartRule(string, rules, index) {
string = string.substring(index, string.length);
var result = null;
var minIndex = string.length;
var minMatch;
var match;
function incrementIndentation(lineOffset) {
var matched = indentBuffer[indentBuffer.length - 1];
if (matched && matched.line == l) {
else {
indent: 1,
open: true,
line: lineOffset ? l + lineOffset : l
if (lineOffset < 0) calculateIndents();
var lastMatch = lastMatches[lastMatches.length - 1];
var lastRuleInScope = lastMatch ? lastMatch.rule.$name : '';
function consumeIndentation() {
var lastElem = indentBuffer[indentBuffer.length - 1];
if (lastElem) { = l == lastElem.line;
if (--lastElem.indent <= 0) {
for (var rule, r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
rule = rules[r];
if (!rule.$lastRule ||
(lastRuleInScope && rule.$lastRule.indexOf(lastRuleInScope) !== -1)
) {
match = searchAny(string, rule.$startPatterns, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1 && match.matchIndex < minIndex
&& (!rule.$matchBeginning || index === 0)) {
minIndex = match.matchIndex;
minMatch = match;
result = rule;
return {
rule: result,
relativeIndex: result ? minIndex : -1,
matchIndex: result ? minIndex + index : -1,
cursor: result ? index + minMatch.cursor : -1,
state: minMatch ? minMatch.state : {},
lastMatch: lastMatch
function repeatString(baseString, repeat) {
return (new Array(repeat + 1)).join(baseString);
function matchEndRule(string, active, offset, matchStart) {
string = string.substr(offset, string.length);
var rule = active.rule;
var match = searchAny(string, rule.$endPatterns, rule, active.state, matchStart);
var cursor = rule.$consumeEndMatch ? match.cursor : match.matchIndex;
return {
endPatternIndex: match.endPatternIndex,
matchIndex: match.matchIndex === -1 ? -1 : match.matchIndex + offset,
cursor: cursor === -1 ? -1 : cursor + offset,
state: match.state
function cleanEscapedChars(string) {
return string.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g, '0');
function arrayOfArrays(length) {
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) array[i] = [];
return array;
function intArray(length) {
if (root.Int16Array) {
return new Int16Array(length);
} else {
var array = new Array(length);
for (var i=0; i<length; i++) array[i] = 0;
return array;
function matchStartRule(string, rules, index) {
string = string.substring(index, string.length);
var result = null;
var minIndex = string.length;
var minMatch;
var match;
for (var rule, r = 0; r < rules.length; r++) {
rule = rules[r];
match = searchAny(string, rule.startToken, rule);
if (match.matchIndex != -1 && match.matchIndex < minIndex
&& (!rule.head || index == 0)) {
minIndex = match.matchIndex;
minMatch = match;
result = rule;
return {
rule: result,
matchIndex: result ? minIndex + index : -1,
cursor: result ? minIndex + index + minMatch.matchLength : -1
function copyIntArray(src) {
var copy = intArray(src.length);
for (var i=0; i<src.length; i++) {
copy[i] = src[i];
return copy;
function matchEndRule(string, rule, offset) {
string = string.substr(offset, string.length);
var match = searchAny(string, rule.endToken, rule);
var cursor = rule.advance ? match.matchIndex + match.matchLength : match.matchIndex;
function repeatString(baseString, repeat) {
return (new Array(repeat + 1)).join(baseString);
function cleanEscapedChars(string) {
return string.replace(/\\(u[0-9A-Za-z]{4}|u\{[0-9A-Za-z]{1,6}]\}|x[0-9A-Za-z]{2}|.)/g, '0');
function postIndentForCommaAfterEqual(match, indentBuffer, dedentBuffer) {
var lastMatch = match.lastMatch;
if (lastMatch && lastMatch.rule.$name === "=") {
function nonWhitespaceFollowByNewline(string, rule, state, matchStart) {
var index;
if (!state.newline) {
index =[^\s\r\n\{\(\[]/);
state.newline = index !== -1 && (index <= matchStart.relativeIndex || matchStart.relativeIndex === -1);
} else {
index =[;,=]?\r*\n/);
if (index !== -1) {
return {
matchIndex: match.matchIndex == -1 ? -1 : match.matchIndex + offset,
cursor: cursor == -1 ? -1 : cursor + offset
matchIndex: index,
length: 1
return null;
function searchAny(string, patterns, rule) {
var index = -1;
var length = 0;
for (var pat, p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++) {
pat = patterns[p];
if (typeof pat == 'function') {
var match = pat(string, rule);
index = match.matchIndex;
length = match.length;
else {
index =;
if (index != -1) {
length = string.match(pat)[0].length;
function searchAny(string, patterns, rule, state, matchStart) {
state = state || {};
var index = -1,
length = 0,
for (var pat, p = 0; p < patterns.length; p++) {
pat = patterns[p];
if (typeof pat === 'function') {
match = pat(string, rule, state, matchStart);
if (match) {
index = match.matchIndex;
length = match.length;
return {
matchIndex: index,
matchLength: length,
cursor: index + length,
patternIndex: p
else {
match = string.match(pat);
if (match) {
index =;
length = match[0].length;
return {
endPatternIndex: p,
matchIndex: index,
cursor: index + length,
state: state

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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