Ink.Works Node.js Library
The Ink.Works Node library provides convenient access to the Ink.Works API from applications written in server-side JavaScript.
Please keep in mind that this package is for use with server-side Node that uses Ink.Works API keys.
npm i inkworks -s
yarn add inkworks
Example Usage
The package needs to be configured with your API key which is can be generated in your Ink.Works (Take2) Profile. Require it with the key's value:
const InkWorks = require('inkworks');
const inkworks = new InkWorks('api-key...');
const customer = await inkworks.customers.create({
email: '',
Or using ES modules, this looks more like:
import Inkworks from 'inkworks';
const inkworks = new InkWorks('api-key...');
List a resource
const customers = await inkworks.customers.list({
where: { fuzzyQuery: 'Joe' },
order: 'reverse:createdAt'
limit: 10
Get one resource
const customer = await inkworks.customers.retrieve(1234);
Create a resource
const newCustomer = await inkworks.customers.create({
name: 'Joe Warren',
email: ''
Update a resource
const updatedCustomer = await inkworks.customers.update(1234, {
name: 'Joe P. Smith'
Delete a resource
NOTE: Deleting returns the fields of the deleted resource
const deletedCustomer = await inkworks.customers.delete(1234);
Advanced Usage
The Ink.Works API is a GraphQL based API, therefore, the Ink.Works SDK allows for custom queries against the API. If you'd prefer to request resources with raw GraphQL, you may. Observe the following example:
import InkWorks from 'inkworks';
const inkworks = new InkWorks('api-key...');
const query = `
query ($id: Int) {
order(id: $id) {
customer {
const variables = {
customer: { id: 1234 }
const { data, errors } = await inkworks.request(query, variables);