An inspection tool for Webpack frontend JavaScript bundles.
Inspectpack gives insight into what's in your production JS bundles and where
you can cut down on size, duplicates, etc.
$ npm install inspectpack
An inspection tool for Webpack frontend JavaScript bundles.
Usage: inspectpack --action=<string> [options]
--action, -a Actions to take [string] [required] [choices: "duplicates"]
--bundle, -b Path to webpack-created JS bundle [string]
--format, -f Display output format [string] [choices: "json", "text"] [default: "text"]
--verbose Verbose output [boolean] [default: false]
--minified, -m Calculate / display minified byte sizes [boolean] [default: false]
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
inspectpack --action=duplicates Report duplicates that cannot be deduped
The are three potential sources of input for bundle analysis:
- Stats: A metadata file of build / size information generated by Webpack
- Source Maps: The source mappings file for a bundle
- Bundle: And of course, the JS bundle itself.
Additionally, specific analysis steps also may require designated Webpack
configurations to produce a proper input.
Detect if there are libraries that should be de-duplicated with the
but are not because of version mismatches.
Webpack configuration:
- Enable deduplication:
- Disable minification: We need the comment headers.
- Enable output path comments:
output.pathinfo = true
Inputs: Create a JavaScript bundle
$ webpack
$ inspectpack --action=duplicates --bundle=bundle.js
Outputs: A JSON or text report.
## Summary
* Bundle:
* Path: /PATH/TO/bundle.js
* Bytes (min): 1678533
* Missed Duplicates:
* Num Unique Files: 116
* Num Extra Files: 131
* Extra Bytes (min): 253955
* Pct of Bundle Size: 15 %
- Number of unique files with missed duplicates.
- Number of total files that could be removed. This is different from the
previous number because you may have 3+ duplicates of a unique file path
that cannot be deduplicated.
- Minified byte size of the extra files. Note that we choose the "minimum
possible code size" to be the lowest of all file sizes for a given unique
file name.
- The vast majority of the analysis time is spent minifying duplicate code
snippets and the entire bundle. For just a list of missed duplicates, add
Other Useful Tools
Other tools that inspect Webpack bundles: