A node.js client for the Instanet Solutions TransactionDesk third party API.
npm install instanet
The Instanet API requires an InstanetToken
to be passes with every API request. This library will automatically include the authentication header for all API calls once you've initialized the instance variable.
var Instanet = require('instanet');
var api = new Instanet('your InstanetToken');
Callbacks or Promises
All of the methods below will work with either a standard Javascipt callback function (error, result)
or promises. This module uses the Bluebird promise library.
- getAgents
- getTransactions
- getTransactionDetails
- getTransactionTypes
- getContacts
- getContactDetails
- getContactTypes
- createContact
- createTransaction
Gets a list of all agents your InstanetToken
has access to.
Sample Response
"ID": "00000000-0000-4ad8-8657-84000005b77",
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "User",
"Email": "",
"AgentID": "",
"SuperUser": false,
"Offices": [
"ID": "00000000-0000-49b9-9507-9cb6f9f1eae0",
"OfficeName": "Test Real Estate",
"StreetNumber": "123",
"StreetName": "Main St.",
"City": "San Jose",
"State": "CA",
"ZipCode": "95125",
"OfficeID": ""
getTransactions(agentId, [callback])
Returns a list of transactions for the given agentId
Sample Response
"ID": "00000000-3767-4846-8f09-0000088f719d",
"TransactionName": "Test Transaction",
"TransactionStatusName": "Open",
"TransactionTypeName": "Commercial Lease",
"PropertyInformation": {
"MLSNumber": "",
"StreetNumber": "",
"StreetName": "",
"Address": "",
"UnitNumber": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"ZipCode": "",
"County": "",
"Township": "",
"TaxNumber": "",
"Subdivision": "",
"SchoolDistrict": "",
"YearBuilt": "",
"LotNumber": "",
"Block": "",
"PageNumber": "",
"PlatBook": "",
"ZoningClass": "",
"LegalDescription": "",
"ListPrice": "",
"Balance1stMortgage": "",
"Balance2ndMortgage": "",
"OtherLiens": "",
"OtherLiensDesc": "",
"TotalEncumbrances": "",
"PropertyIncludes": "",
"PropertyExcludes": "",
"LeasedItems": "",
"SupplementalInfo": "",
"Deposit": "",
"AdditionalDeposit": "",
"PurchasePrice": "",
"TotalFinancing": "",
"Comments": null
"TransactionDates": {
"ListDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"ClosingDate": null,
"OfferDate": null,
"OfferExpirationDate": null,
"OfferAcceptanceDate": null,
"PossessionDate": null,
"FundingDate": null,
"ApplicationDate": null,
"CommitmentDate": null
"ID": "00000000-b535-4adc-84e2-477500000163",
"TransactionName": "Test Transaction 2",
"TransactionStatusName": "Open",
"TransactionTypeName": "Commercial Listing",
"PropertyInformation": {
"MLSNumber": "",
"StreetNumber": "",
"StreetName": "",
"Address": "",
"UnitNumber": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"ZipCode": "",
"County": "",
"Township": "",
"TaxNumber": "",
"Subdivision": "",
"SchoolDistrict": "",
"YearBuilt": "",
"LotNumber": "",
"Block": "",
"PageNumber": "",
"PlatBook": "",
"ZoningClass": "",
"LegalDescription": "",
"ListPrice": "",
"Balance1stMortgage": "",
"Balance2ndMortgage": "",
"OtherLiens": "",
"OtherLiensDesc": "",
"TotalEncumbrances": "",
"PropertyIncludes": "",
"PropertyExcludes": "",
"LeasedItems": "",
"SupplementalInfo": "",
"Deposit": "",
"AdditionalDeposit": "",
"PurchasePrice": "",
"TotalFinancing": "",
"Comments": null
"TransactionDates": {
"ListDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"ClosingDate": null,
"OfferDate": null,
"OfferExpirationDate": null,
"OfferAcceptanceDate": null,
"PossessionDate": null,
"FundingDate": null,
"ApplicationDate": null,
"CommitmentDate": null
getTransactionDetails(transactionId, [callback])
Retrieve the transaction details for a single transaction.
Sample Response
"ID": "00000000-3767-4846-8f09-0000088f719d",
"TransactionName": "Test Transaction",
"TransactionStatusName": "Open",
"TransactionTypeName": "Commercial Lease",
"PropertyInformation": {
"MLSNumber": "",
"StreetNumber": "",
"StreetName": "",
"Address": "",
"UnitNumber": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"ZipCode": "",
"County": "",
"Township": "",
"TaxNumber": "",
"Subdivision": "",
"SchoolDistrict": "",
"YearBuilt": "",
"LotNumber": "",
"Block": "",
"PageNumber": "",
"PlatBook": "",
"ZoningClass": "",
"LegalDescription": "",
"ListPrice": "",
"Balance1stMortgage": "",
"Balance2ndMortgage": "",
"OtherLiens": "",
"OtherLiensDesc": "",
"TotalEncumbrances": "",
"PropertyIncludes": "",
"PropertyExcludes": "",
"LeasedItems": "",
"SupplementalInfo": "",
"Deposit": "",
"AdditionalDeposit": "",
"PurchasePrice": "",
"TotalFinancing": "",
"Comments": null
"TransactionDates": {
"ListDate": null,
"ExpirationDate": null,
"ClosingDate": null,
"OfferDate": null,
"OfferExpirationDate": null,
"OfferAcceptanceDate": null,
"PossessionDate": null,
"FundingDate": null,
"ApplicationDate": null,
"CommitmentDate": null
getTransactionTypes(agentId, [callback])
Get the full list of transaction types for an agent. This list should contain the IDs in the Instanet.transactionTypes
enumerator, but could contain additional, custom values for the given agent.
Sample Response
"ID": "2d9d021d-beb7-456d-9cae-6ce5486ac3f5",
"Name": "- None -"
"ID": "0e31e091-c168-49b5-9ad7-4ccc7e2b793e",
"Name": "Commercial Lease"
"ID": "775835f7-400e-4c1c-840e-060b25a3f972",
"Name": "Commercial Listing"
"ID": "79979353-2687-4b60-bdb4-a5e4481c9194",
"Name": "Commercial Sale"
"ID": "23971525-9316-4462-a80c-ccaceb3bca8d",
"Name": "Residential Lease"
"ID": "4dff7a8e-6f64-4488-a13d-27199d21e9e3",
"Name": "Residential Listing"
"ID": "5698fac5-5f95-47cb-b231-13507ad61855",
"Name": "Residential Sale"
getContacts(agentId, [callback])
List of contacts associated with an agent.
Sample Response
"ID": "00000000-d48c-4189-8b3a-000000a7ff2e",
"ContactType": "Seller",
"FirstName": "Test",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Lead",
"Email": "",
"Company": "",
"PreferredName": "",
"PreferredSignature": "",
"PreferredInitials": "",
"StreetNumber": "",
"StreetName": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"ZipCode": "",
"Phone": "",
"Fax": ""
"ID": "00000000-d600-4108-b929-b9a0000056b8",
"ContactType": "Buyer",
"FirstName": "Test",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Lead 2",
"Email": "",
"Company": "",
"PreferredName": "",
"PreferredSignature": "",
"PreferredInitials": "",
"StreetNumber": "",
"StreetName": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"ZipCode": "",
"Phone": "",
"Fax": ""
getContactDetails(contactId, [callback])
Get details for a single contact.
Sample Response
"ID": "00000000-d48c-4189-8b3a-627f0000002e",
"ContactType": "Seller",
"FirstName": "Test",
"MiddleName": "",
"LastName": "Lead",
"Email": "",
"Company": "",
"PreferredName": "",
"PreferredSignature": "",
"PreferredInitials": "",
"StreetNumber": "",
"StreetName": "",
"City": "",
"State": "",
"ZipCode": "",
"Phone": "",
"Fax": ""
getContactTypes(agentId, [callback])
Get the full list of contact types for an agent. This list should contain the IDs in the Instanet.contactTypes
enumerator, but could contain additional, custom values for the given agent.
Sample Response
"ID": "05816ead-c2d5-415c-bc1a-fbc20c1d3e61",
"Name": "- None -"
"ID": "43adb182-d837-4de3-8c07-74edfcce458c",
"Name": "Agent"
"ID": "54e6b5df-857a-482d-af95-ec23ae45dec8",
"Name": "Appraisal Company"
"ID": "5310c5e0-8097-4ea5-baf4-b71eb8f63452",
"Name": "Broker"
"ID": "e4d610e0-5a67-4b28-8b3b-c09a1b89c970",
"Name": "Buyer"
"ID": "8b61dbbc-b20d-4b66-82c2-63ce0ddf7dc1",
"Name": "Condo Association/HOA"
"ID": "45e0e3fe-8d60-4884-a97c-962c3668d73c",
"Name": "Escrow Company"
"ID": "b6953e02-6ef4-4050-88cd-66124704fd56",
"Name": "General"
"ID": "340f210d-bfe6-4c24-987c-be710493059a",
"Name": "Lawyer"
"ID": "4f0a54ce-a723-4dfd-b973-760310594b62",
"Name": "Mortgage Appraiser"
"ID": "fe56e87f-5fff-4d02-82a7-8f86fdebef4b",
"Name": "Mortgage Company"
"ID": "5bf32770-4c1e-4e1e-9e89-630815e43668",
"Name": "Prospect"
"ID": "b5e30a48-e161-44b2-8558-bf1991af6a9c",
"Name": "Seller"
"ID": "0416e257-aff0-4256-966b-d8ac81b211b2",
"Name": "Signing Participant"
"ID": "3841556d-13f3-4566-ad97-f21550c546bc",
"Name": "Title Company"
createContact(agentId, contact, [callback])
Creates a new contact record for the given agentId.
var Instanet = require('instanet');
var api = new Instanet('your InstanetToken');
var agentId = '00000000-212a-4ad8-8657-84d000000b77';
var contact = {
'ContactTypeID': Instanet.contactTypes.general,
'FirstName': 'Test',
'MiddleName': '',
'LastName': 'Lead',
'Email': '',
'Company': '',
'PreferredName': '',
'PreferredSignature': '',
'PreferredInitials': '',
'StreetNumber': '',
'StreetName': '',
'City': '',
'State': '',
'ZipCode': '',
'Phone': '',
'Fax': ''
api.createContact(agentId, contact)
.then(function(response) {
console.log('inserted contact', response);
.error(function(err) {
console.log('error inserting contact', err);
Available Instanet.contactTypes
- none
- agent
- appraisalCompany
- broker
- buyer
- condoAssociationOrHOA
- escrowCompany
- general
- lawyer
- mortgageAppraiser
- mortgageCompany
- prospect
- seller
- signingParticipant
- titleCompany
createTransaction(agentId, transaction, [callback])
Creates a new transaction record for the given agentId.
var Instanet = require('instanet');
var api = new Instanet('your InstanetToken');
var agentId = '00000000-212a-4ad8-8657-84d000000b77';
var transaction = {
'TransactionName': 'Test Transaction',
'TransactionStatusName': 'Open',
'TransactionTypeID': Instanet.transactionTypes.residentialListing,
'PropertyInformation': {
'MLSNumber': '',
'StreetNumber': '123',
'StreetName': 'Main St',
'Address': '',
'UnitNumber': '',
'City': 'San Jose',
'State': 'CA',
'ZipCode': '95125',
'County': 'Santa Clara',
'Township': '',
'TaxNumber': '',
'Subdivision': '',
'SchoolDistrict': 'San Jose Unified',
'YearBuilt': '',
'LotNumber': '',
'Block': '',
'PageNumber': '',
'PlatBook': '',
'ZoningClass': '',
'LegalDescription': '',
'ListPrice': '',
'Balance1stMortgage': '',
'Balance2ndMortgage': '',
'OtherLiens': '',
'OtherLiensDesc': '',
'TotalEncumbrances': '',
'PropertyIncludes': '',
'PropertyExcludes': '',
'LeasedItems': '',
'SupplementalInfo': '',
'Deposit': '',
'AdditionalDeposit': '',
'PurchasePrice': '',
'TotalFinancing': '',
'Comments': null
'TransactionDates': {
'ListDate': '2015-12-25',
'ExpirationDate': null,
'ClosingDate': null,
'OfferDate': null,
'OfferExpirationDate': null,
'OfferAcceptanceDate': null,
'PossessionDate': null,
'FundingDate': null,
'ApplicationDate': null,
'CommitmentDate': null
api.createTransaction(agentId, transaction)
.then(function(response) {
console.log('inserted transaction', response);
.error(function(err) {
console.log('error inserting transaction', err);
Available Instanet.transactionTypes
- none
- residentialListing
- residentialSale
- residentialLease
- commercialListing
- commercialSale
- commercialLease