Integrity Checker
Easily verify the integrity of files within a project.
- Easily check whether a file has been modified
- Check the hash codes of a file
- Customize encryption keys to the project/folder/files
- Easily hash files within CLI or through JS.
This library can be used in:
- Node (Plain JavaScript)
- Node (TypeScript)
Use with Node (JavaScript)
Use npm to install it:
cd into the root directory of your project, where the package.json file is located and do:
> npm install integrity-checker --save
import it into your project:
const integrity = require("integrity-checker");
function integrityCheck() {
if (integrity.checkDir("./", "Key", "IV")) {
} else {
Use with Node (TypeScript)
Use npm to install it:
cd into the root directory of your project, where the package.json file is located and do:
> npm install integrity-checker --save
import it into your project:
import integrity from "integrity-checker";
function integrityCheck() {
if (integrity.checkDir("./", "Key", "IV")) {
} else {
For quick access to the hash values of a project/folder/file, you can use these commands:
> integrity check <file> <key> <iv>
Check the integrity of a file.
> integrity save <file> [key] [iv]
Save the file's hash for a integrity check.
> integrity hash <file>
Get the hash value of a file.
> integrity genkeys
Generate keys for hash encryption.
You can easily implement the module into your project, for checking the integrity of files when someone uses the application. We recommend that you include a integrity check on all files in at least 2+ files so that if someone changes one the other files will detect that.