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Services for Recurrent Text-related Tasks

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InterText provides pre-packaged solutioons for a number of tasks in text formatting and typesetting that tend to show up frequently. I'm aiming at conducing comparative benchmarks and soundness checks for all solutions (see Benchmarks, below, for available data). The areas covered so far and planned for the future include:

  • InterText HYPH for hyphenating text in multiple languages (only en-US covered so far, but underlying software is multilingual and configurable).

  • InterText SLABS for segmenting and re-assembling text according to Unicode Standard Annex #14: Unicode Line Breaking Algorithm (UAX#14); this is useful to determine line breaking opportunities (LBOs) for running text. So far, ASCII spaces (U+0020), Soft Hyphens (U+00ad) and implicit CJK Inter-Character Breaks work.

  • InterText HTML for parsing and generating HTML markup.

  • InterText ?ANSI? for colorizing console output.

  • InterText ?TBL? for tabulating console output; includes facilities to determing display width of individual characters and running text, taking into account 'wide' and 'narrow' characters.

  • InterText ?FMT? for formatting numbers.

InterText HYPH: Hyphenation

Implemented with mnater/hyphenopoly.

  • INTERTEXT.HYPH.hyphenate = ( text ) ->: return the text with soft hyphens (U+00ad) inserted. For languages other than US English, INTERTEXT.HYPH.new_hyphenator = ( settings ) -> may in a future version be used to obtain a custom hyphenation function.

  • INTERTEXT.HYPH.count_soft_hyphens = ( text ) ->: Count occurances of U+00ad in text.

  • INTERTEXT.HYPH.reveal_hyphens = ( text, replacement = '-' ) ->: Replace all soft hyphens with replacement.

InterText SLABS: Finding Linebreak Opportunities


  • @slabs_from_text = ( text ) ->—Given a text, return an slb object as described below that describes all the UAX#14-compliant linebreak opportunities (LBOs) in that text.

  • @assemble = ( slb, first_idx = null, last_idx = null ) ->—Given an slb object and, optionally, two slab indices, return a line of text, honoring the intermediate and final LBOs as needed for typesetting.

slb Objects

An slb is a plain JS object with two attributes:

  • slb.slabs is a list of strings containing the individual subparts of the original text;
  • slb.ends ends is string of codepoints (in the range U+0021..U+ffff, excluding surrogates, non-printables, specials, and whitespace) of the same length as slb.slabs, each code unit using one of a number of codes to describe how the end (right edge in the case of LTR scripts, left edge in the case of RTL scripts) is to be treated when re-assembling lines from slabs.

A Practical Example

Given a text that one would like to break into properly hyphenated lines of approximately equal length of, say, up to 14 characters each:

a very fine day for a cromulent solution

The first step is to hyphenate the text. InterText HYPH.hyphenate text inserts 'Soft' (Discretionary) Hyphen characters (U+00ad) into the text, here symbolized with 🞛:

a very fine day for a cro🞛mu🞛lent so🞛lu🞛tion

Passing the hyphenated text to InterText SLABS.slabs_from_text() returns this slb object:

{ slabs: [
    'a',   'very', 'fine',
    'day', 'for',  'a',
    'cro', 'mu',   'lent',
    'so',  'lu',   'tion'
  ends: '______||_||x'

As it stands, SLABS slb objects use three different single-character markers in the ends string to indicate how to treat the corresponding slab with the same index:

  • x indicates 'none': insert nothing (empty string) whether non-final or final
  • _ indicates 'space': insert space (U+0020) when non-final, insert nothing (empty string) when final
  • | indicates 'hyphen': insert nothing when non-final, add hyphen (U+002d) when final

These may change in the future.

One can then use ( INTERTEXT.SLABS.assemble slb, 0, idx for idx in [ 0 ... slb.slabs.length ] ) to re-assemble all possible initial lines:

a                                                  0    0    1
a very                                             0    1    6
a very fine                                        0    2    11
a very fine day                                    0    3    15
a very fine day for                                0    4    19
a very fine day for a                              0    5    21
a very fine day for a cro-                         0    6    26
a very fine day for a cromu-                       0    7    28
a very fine day for a cromulent                    0    8    31
a very fine day for a cromulent so-                0    9    35
a very fine day for a cromulent solu-              0    10   37
a very fine day for a cromulent solution           0    11   40

We can stop at the third iteration (idx == 2) since that yields a line that fits into the desired length while the next one exceeds our 14-character limit. Continuing with a first_idx of 3, the candidates for the second line are:

day                                                3     3     3
day for                                            3     4     7
day for a                                          3     5     9
day for a cro-                                     3     6     14
day for a cromu-                                   3     7     16

which gives us day for a cro- as second line. Going on, one arrives at this finely formatted paragraph:

a very fine
day for a cro-
mulent solu-

Hardly rocket science but also best not coded in too much of a cobbled-together ad-hoc way, all the more since this barely scratches the surface of the complexities in line-oriented typesetting, which include but are not limited to the following considersations:

  • When the output is indeed monspaced as shown here, we still have to take care of wide glyphs (e.g. Chinese characters); InterText ?TBL? will provide solutions for that. Generally speaking, using JavaScript String#length as a proxy for display is generally a bad idea and has only been done for presentation.

  • When lines are considerably longer than the average slab width, a lot of unnecessary computations are performed. In real life situations, it will probably be more performant to estimate how man slabs will fit onto a given line and start looking from there instead of trying out all the solutions that are probably much too short anyway.

  • Outside of the most restricted of environments, ligatures have to be taken into account, meaning that one has to either reconstruct font metrics in ones software (don't, see the next point) or else try each line candidate in the targetted application (e.g. a web browser) and retrieve the resulting typeset lengths. Needless, this will exacerbate performance considerations, so best to strive and limit the number of attempts need for each line.

  • If text with mixed styles (different fonts, italic, bold, subscripts) is taken into consideration, all of a sudden the task shifts from "let's just reconstruct the metrics of this TTF font so we can add all the character widths" to "let's write a full fledged universal font rendering engine that takes account of all the OpenType features and all the scripts and languages of the world". In other words, don't. Even. Try. Instead, use an existing piece of software.

    I still believe that under many circumstances, hyphenation paired with 'slabification' gives a good enough approximation to cut down the number of line candidates in a meaningful way, especially when the typesetting algorithm used to turn slabs into paragraphs has a good grasp on the spatial statistics of what it is trying to achieve (as in 'most lines contain between x and y English slabs, and each CJK codepoint is worth around 0.8 English slabs on average'). You can't partition a long text in one go from end to end with confidence using these estimates, but one can use such numbers as a starting point to estimate how many of a given sequence of slabs will probably fit into a given line.

  • In advanced typesetting, and maybe even when outputting to the console or typesetting a technical manual in all-monospace, using hanging punctuation may result in a more balanced look. One will then have to adjust the right edge (and maybe the left one, too) depending on the last (and first) characters of each candidate line.

  • CSS properties like word-spacing and letter-spacing as well as variable fonts provide an opportunity to typeset material (almost) imperceptibly denser or to distribute excessive whitespace among spaces proper, inter-letter spacing, and streched letters. This means that depending on preferences, it may be allowable to put material into a single line that is just a teeny bit too long by condensing letter shapes or tracking just a teeeeeny bit.

  • Some writing systems (Arabic, Hebrew) allow or call for elongated letters that depend on available space; others may not use hyphens when breaking words.

  • When scripts are mixed, boundaries between two different scripts require our attention. This is a considerably more vexing problem when mixing LTR (left-to-right) and RTL (right-to-left) scripts than in, say, mixing Latin and CJK in a paragraph, but this is not to say the latter isn't blessed with a good number of problems interesting questions that do not necessarily have unique answers.


The addressable unit of memory on the NCR 315 series is a "slab", short for "syllable", consisting of 12 data bits and a parity bit. Its size falls between a byte and a typical word (hence the name, 'syllable'). A slab may contain three digits (with at sign, comma, space, ampersand, point, and minus treated as digits) or two alphabetic characters of six bits each.—Wikipedia, "NCR 315"

Slabs used to be known as 'Logotypes' in typesetting:

There were later attempts to speed up the typesetting process by casting syllables or entire words as one piece. Those pieces were called logotypes—from Ancient Greek “lógos” meaning “word”.—([]


HTML Parsing

HTML parsing uses atlassubbed/atlas-html-stream to turn HTML5 texts into series of datoms. Two HTML formats are supported:

  • plain HTML5, and
  • MKTScript, a nascent crossbreed of a kind-of MarkDown with HTMLish tags.

Unless you know what you're after you'll probably want to use the plain HTML5 flavor.

After { HTML, } = require 'intertext', use one of these methods:

  • HTML.html_as_datoms = ( text ) -> to turn HTML fragments or entire documents into a list of datoms, or

  • HTML.mkts_html_as_datoms = ( text ) -> to do the same with MKTScript.

Both methods work pretty much the same and are the inverse operations to HTML.datom_as_html():

  • All opening tags will be turned into datoms whose $key is the tagname prefixed with the left pointy bracket as sigil, and attribute name/value pairs becoming properties of the datom.
  • Closing tags will be turned into datoms whose $key is the tagname prefixed with the right pointy bracket as sigil.
  • For plain HTML, 'lone'/'self-closing' tags will be treated like an opening tag immediately followed by a closing tag. as sigil.
  • For MKTScript, 'lone'/'self-closing' tags will be turned into datoms whose $key is the tagname prefixed with the caret as sigil.
  • Intermittent text will be turned into datoms whose $key is ^text and whose contents are stored under the text property.
  • Whitespace will be preserved.

HTML Generation

{ HTML, } = require 'intertext'

  • HTML.datom_as_html = ( d ) ->

  • For the tagname:

  • For the attributes:

    • all facets with value true (the boolean, not the text) will be turned into 'lone attributes', such that { $key: '<p', contenteditable: true, } will result in <p contenteditable>
    • facet values are subject to HTML5 attribute value escaping rules as detailed in
    • where permitted, values will be left unquoted ('naked'); where necessary, values will be surrounded by ' (single quotes)
    • facets with an empty string are not treated specially; per attribute value escaping rules, they will result in '' (two single quotes)
    • all keys that start with a $ will be ignored
    • if d.$value is an object, its facets will be turned into HTML attributes; all other keys are ignored
  • Open questions:

    • how to treat system-level names (sigils [, ~, ])?
      • ignore?
      • as comments?
      • as prefixed/namespaced tags?
    • how to treat datom keys that contain hyphens, underscores?
      • turn underscores into hyphens?

Example: HTML Parsing and HTML Generation

text = """<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1><strong>CHAPTER VI.</strong> <name ref=hd553>Humpty Dumpty</h1>

<p id=p227>However, the egg only got larger and larger, and <em>more and more human</em>:<br>

when she had come within a few yards of it, she saw that it had eyes and a nose and mouth; and when she
had come close to it, she saw clearly that it was <name ref=hd556>HUMPTY DUMPTY</name> himself. ‘It can’t
be anybody else!’ she said to herself.<br/>

‘I’m as certain of it, as if his name were written all over his face.’

for d in HTML.html_as_datoms text
  log JSON.stringify d
log '-'.repeat 108
log ( HTML.datom_as_html d for d in datoms ).join ''

... will produce:

{ "$key": "^doctype",   "$value": "html",                                                           }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "\n",                                                             }
{ "$key": "<h1",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": "<strong",                                                                                }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "CHAPTER VI.",                                                    }
{ "$key": ">strong",                                                                                }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   " ",                                                              }
{ "$key": "<name",      "ref":    "hd553",                                                          }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "Humpty Dumpty",                                                  }
{ "$key": ">h1",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "\n\n",                                                           }
{ "$key": "<p",         "id":     "p227",                                                           }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "However, the egg only got larger and larger, and ",              }
{ "$key": "<em",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "more and more human",                                            }
{ "$key": ">em",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   ":",                                                              }
{ "$key": "<br",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "\n\nwhen she had come within ...  she saw clearly that it was ", }
{ "$key": "<name",      "ref":    "hd556",                                                          }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "HUMPTY DUMPTY",                                                  }
{ "$key": ">name",                                                                                  }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   " himself. ‘It can’t\nbe anybody else!’ she said to herself.",    }
{ "$key": "<br",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": ">br",                                                                                    }
{ "$key": "^text",      "text":   "\n\n‘I’m as certain ... all over his face.’\n",                  }
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1><strong>CHAPTER VI.</strong> <name ref=hd553>Humpty Dumpty</h1>

<p id=p227>However, the egg only got larger and larger, and <em>more and more human</em>:<br>

when she had come within a few yards of it, she saw that it had eyes and a nose and mouth; and when she
had come close to it, she saw clearly that it was <name ref=hd556>HUMPTY DUMPTY</name> himself. ‘It can’t
be anybody else!’ she said to herself.<br></br>

‘I’m as certain of it, as if his name were written all over his face.’

As can be seen, no validation will be done, and the parser will happily produce events for unclosed and unbalanced closing tags. There is a minor issue with the <br></br> tag pair which will get resolved in a future version.




Against 100,000 words randomly selected anew for each test case from /usr/share/dict/american-english (102,305 words) over 5 runs, total time needed 32s; observe

hyphenate_mnater_hyphenopoly_sync                242,819 Hz   100.0 % │████████████▌│
hyphenate_sergeysolovev_hyphenated               176,003 Hz    72.5 % │█████████    │
hyphenate_bramstein_hypher                       107,437 Hz    44.2 % │█████▌       │
hyphenate_ytiurin_hyphen                             658 Hz     0.3 % │             │

These figures have been reproduced several times; if we do not re-generate the selection of words for each test case but have all hyphenators hyphenate the same collection over, performance seems to improve slightly:

hyphenate_mnater_hyphenopoly_sync                345,892 Hz   100.0 % │████████████▌│
hyphenate_sergeysolovev_hyphenated               219,550 Hz    63.5 % │███████▉     │
hyphenate_bramstein_hypher                       121,050 Hz    35.0 % │████▍        │
hyphenate_ytiurin_hyphen                             707 Hz     0.2 % │             │

Curiously when only a single run is done, bramstein/hypher and sergeysolovev/hyphenated changes places and, curioser still, almost exactly their relative performances; also note how overall performance seems to drop:

00:09 BENCHMARKS  ▶  hyphenate_mnater_hyphenopoly_sync                144,789 Hz   100.0 % │████████████▌│
00:09 BENCHMARKS  ▶  hyphenate_bramstein_hypher                       108,914 Hz    75.2 % │█████████▍   │
00:09 BENCHMARKS  ▶  hyphenate_sergeysolovev_hyphenated                46,895 Hz    32.4 % │████         │
00:09 BENCHMARKS  ▶  hyphenate_ytiurin_hyphen                             638 Hz     0.4 % │             │

/etc/dictionaries-common/words, total 102,305 English words (so probably the exact same as /usr/share/dict/american-english)

hypher would appear to have a rather serious flaw in that it insists on inserting a hyphen before the last letter of a word when that word ends in an apostrophe (or a single quote) plus letter s to indicate a genitive (so far I have not tested whether that strange behavior also occurs with other situations involving apostrophes or quotes); this occurs in 3,057 (3%) of all words in the list:

hyphenopoly                    hypher
thun-der-storm’s               thun-der-stor-m’s
tib-ia’s                       tib-i-a’s
tights’s                       tight-s’s
time-stamp’s                   time-stam-p’s

In a very small number of words (36 or 0.035%), hyphenopoly inserts fewer hyphens than hypher; many of these have letters with diacritics; observe that some words with diacritics are hyphenated by hyphenopoly:

hyphenopoly                    hypher
Düssel-dorf                    Düs-sel-dorf
Es-terházy                     Es-ter-házy
Furtwängler                    Furtwän-gler
Göteborg                       Göte-borg
Pokémon                        Poké-mon
Pétain                         Pé-tain
abbés                          ab-bés
as-so-ciate                    as-so-ci-ate
as-so-ciates                   as-so-ci-ates
châtelaine                     châte-laine
châtelaines                    châte-laines
clientèle                      clien-tèle
clientèles                     clien-tèles
croûton                        croû-ton
croûtons                       croû-tons
di-vorcée                      di-vor-cée
di-vorcées                     di-vor-cées
décol-leté                     dé-col-leté
détente                        dé-tente
flambéed                       flam-béed
ingénue                        in-génue
ingénues                       in-génues
matinée                        mat-inée
matinées                       mat-inées
present                        pre-sent
presents                       pre-sents
project                        pro-ject
projects                       pro-jects
protégé                        pro-tégé
protégés                       pro-tégés
précis                         pré-cis
précised                       pré-cised
précis-ing                     pré-cis-ing
recherché                      recher-ché
reci-procity                   rec-i-proc-ity
smörgåsbord                    smörgås-bord

In terms of speed, ytiurin/hyphen is clearly the looser, being almost 500 times slower than the consistenly fastest hyphenator, mnater/hyphenopoly.

bramstein/hypher and sergeysolovev/hyphenated vie for the second place to the extent that modifying the test setup somwhat will make them change places; however, at least bramstein/hypher has some serious flaws which seems surprising in view of its popularity. Given their poor configurability, the fact they will take twice to four times as long as hyphenopoly and apparently not catch more opportunities than that library, the choice becomes a very easy one.

mnater/hyphenopoly is the clear winner: it has the most extensive tweaking configuration (including per-language exceptions, minimum number of letters to be left on both ends of words and so on); it is extensively documented (see In no case have we observed a hyphen placement that could be termed unacceptable. If anything, hyphenopoly misses some obvious opportunities; in particular, it seems to have an adversion (but not a strict taboo) against hyphenating words in the genitive case. That, be it said, is still much better than suggesting to write tight-s’s as hypher would have it.

Planned Features

Ansi Colors (??? or keep in CND)

  • use TrueColors for modern terminal emulators

Number Formatting

_format                   = require 'number-format.js'
format_float              = ( x ) -> _format '#,##0.000', x
format_integer            = ( x ) -> _format '#,##0.',    x
format_as_percentage      = ( x ) -> _format '#,##0.00',  x * 100

Tabulation, width_of

Codepoint Characterization

JS regex unicode properties:

regex_cid_ranges =
  hiragana:     '[\u3041-\u3096]'
  katakana:     '[\u30a1-\u30fa]'
  kana:         '[\u3041-\u3096\u30a1-\u30fa]'
  ideographic:  '[\u3006-\u3007\u3021-\u3029\u3038-\u303a\u3400-\u4db5\u4e00-\u9fef\uf900-\ufa6d\ufa70-\ufad9\u{17000}-\u{187f7}\u{18800}-\u{18af2}\u{1b170}-\u{1b2fb}\u{20000}-\u{2a6d6}\u{2a700}-\u{2b734}\u{2b740}-\u{2b81d}\u{2b820}-\u{2cea1}\u{2ceb0}-\u{2ebe0}\u{2f800}-\u{2fa1d}]'

Should be extensible (extending/diminishing existing categories, add new ones)



Package last updated on 04 Feb 2020

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