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Comparing version 0.0.3 to 0.0.4



@@ -192,6 +192,6 @@ /**

'boolean': 1
, 'number': 1
, 'string': 1
, 'undefined': 1
'boolean': 1,
'number': 1,
'string': 1,
'undefined': 1

@@ -257,2 +257,13 @@

* Test if 'value' is an arguments object that is empty.
* Alias: args
* @param {Any} value value to test
* @return {Boolean} true if 'value' is an arguments object with no args, false otherwise
exports.emptyArguments = function (value) {
return '[object Arguments]' === && value.length === 0;
exports.emptyArgs = exports.emptyArguments;
* Test if 'value' is an array.

@@ -280,2 +291,13 @@ * Alias: ary, arry

* Test if 'value' is an array containing no entries.
* Aliases: emptyArry, emptyAry
* @param {Any} value The value to test.
* @return {Boolean} true if 'value' is an array with no elemnets.
exports.nonEmptyArray = function (value) {
return '[object Array]' === && value.length === 0;
exports.nonEmptyArry = exports.nonEmptyAry = exports.nonEmptyArray;
* Test if 'value' is an empty array(like) object.

@@ -605,3 +627,3 @@ * Aliases: arguents.empty, args.empty, ary.empty, arry.empty

* Test if 'value' is an instance type objType.
* Aliases: objInstOf, objectinstanceof
* Aliases: objInstOf, objectinstanceof, instOf, instanceOf
* @param {object} objInst an object to testfor type.

@@ -614,3 +636,3 @@ * @param {object} objType an object type to compare.

exports.objInstOf = exports.objectInstanceOf = exports.objectInstanceof;
exports.instOf = exports.instanceOf = exports.objInstOf = exports.objectInstanceOf = exports.objectInstanceof;

@@ -640,2 +662,13 @@ /**

* Test if 'value' is an empty string.
* Alias: emptyStr
* @param {Any} value to test.
* @return {Boolean} true if 'value' is am empty string, false otherwise.
exports.emptyString = function (value) {
return exports.string(value) && value.length === 0;
exports.emptyStr = exports.emptyString;
* Test if 'value' is a non-empty string.

@@ -642,0 +675,0 @@ * Alias: nonEmptyStr


"name" : "is2"
, "version" : "0.0.3"
, "version" : "0.0.4"
, "description" : "A type checking library where each exported function returns either true or false and does not throw. Also added tests."

@@ -17,3 +17,3 @@ , "tags" : [ "utilities", "JavaScript", "node.js", "validation", "type", "checking" ]

, "main" : "./lib/is2.js"
, "scripts" : {"test" : "./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter list"}
, "scripts" : { "test" : "./node_modules/.bin/mocha --reporter list" }
, "engines" : { "node" : ">=v0.6.0" }

@@ -20,0 +20,0 @@ , "dependencies" : { }

is2 is a type-checking module for node.js to test values. Is does not throw exceptions. Use is2 to validate types in your node.js code. Every function in is2 returns either true of false.
is2 is a type-checking module for node.js to test values. Is does not throw exceptions and every function only returns true or false. Use is2 to validate types in your node.js code. Every function in is2 returns either true of false.

@@ -22,252 +22,636 @@ After finding Enrico Marino's module is, the concise syntax amazed, but there were syntax issues that made using is difficult. This fork of is fixes those issues, but the module is no longer cross-platform. Also, added tests via mocha which can be run using 'npm test'.

- [is.type()](#exportstypevaluevaluetypestring)
- [is.defined()](#exportsdefinedvalueany)
- [is.nullOrUndef()](#exportsnullorundefvalueany)
- [is.empty()](#exportsemptyvalueany)
- [is.equal()](#exportsequalvalueanyotherany)
- [is.hosted()](#exportshostedvalueanyhostany)
- [is.instanceOf()](#exportsinstanceofvalueany)
- [is.null()](#exportsnullvalueany)
- [is.undefined()](#exportsundefinedvalueany)
- [is.arguments()](#exportsargumentsvalueany)
- [is.array()](#exportsarrayvalueany)
- [is.nonEmptyArray()](#exportsnonemptyarrayvalueany)
- [is.array.empty()](#exportsarrayemptyvalueany)
- [is.arrayLike()](#exportsarraylikevalueany)
- [is.boolean()](#exportsbooleanvalueany)
- [is.false()](#exportsfalsevalueany)
- [is.true()](#exportstruevalueany)
- [](#exportsdatevalueany)
- [is.error()](#exportserrorvaluevalue)
- [is.function()](#exportsfunctionvalueany)
- [is.number()](#exportsnumbervalueany)
- [is.positiveNumber()](#exportspositivenumbervalueany)
- [is.negativeNumber()](#exportsnegativenumbervalueany)
- [is.decimal()](#exportsdecimalvalueany)
- [is.divisibleBy()](#exportsdivisiblebyvaluenumbernnumber)
- [](#exportsintvalueany)
- [is.positiveInt()](#exportspositiveintvalueany)
- [is.negativeInt()](#exportsnegativeintvalueany)
- [is.maximum()](#exportsmaximumvaluenumberothersarray)
- [is.minimum()](#exportsminimumvaluenumberothersarray)
- [is.even()](#exportsevenvaluenumber)
- [is.odd()](#exportsoddvaluenumber)
- [](#exportsgevaluenumberothernumber)
- [](#exportsgtvaluenumberothernumber)
- [is.le()](#exportslevaluenumberothernumber)
- [](#exportsltvaluenumberothernumber)
- [is.within()](#exportswithinvaluenumberstartnumberfinishnumber)
- [is.object()](#exportsobjectvalueany)
- [is.nonEmptyObject()](#exportsnonemptyobjectvalueany)
- [is.objectInstanceof()](#exportsobjectinstanceofobjinstobjectobjtypeobject)
- [is.regexp()](#exportsregexpvalueany)
- [is.string()](#exportsstringvalueany)
- [is.nonEmptyString()](#exportsnonemptystringvalueany)
### is.type(value, type)
### is.type(value:value, type:String)
Test if 'value' is a type of 'type'.
Alias: a
Test if 'value' is a type of 'type'.
Alias: a
#### Params:
### is.defined(value:Any)
* **value** *value* to test.
Test if 'value' is defined.
Alias: def
* **String** *type* THe name of the type.
### is.nullOrUndef(value:Any)
#### Return:
Test is 'value' is either null or undefined.
Alias: nullOrUndef
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an arguments object, false otherwise.
### is.empty(value:Any)
### is.defined(value)
Test if 'value' is empty. To be empty means to be an array, object or string with nothing contained.
Test if 'value' is defined.
Alias: def
### is.equal(value:Any, other:Any)
#### Params:
Test if 'value' is equal to 'other'. Works for objects and arrays and will do deep comparisions,
using recursion.
Alias: eq
* **Any** *value* The value to test.
### is.hosted(value:Any, host:Any)
#### Return:
Test if 'key' in host is an object. To be hosted means host[value] is an object.
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is defined, false otherwise.
### is.instanceOf(value:Any)
### is.nullOrUndef(value)
Test if 'value' is an instance of 'constructor'.
Aliases: instOf, instanceof
Test is 'value' is either null or undefined.
Alias: nullOrUndef
### is.null(value:Any)
#### Params:
Test if 'value' is null.
* **Any** *value* value to test.
### is.undefined(value:Any)
#### Return:
Test if 'value' is undefined.
Aliases: undef, udef
* **Boolean** True if value is null or undefined, false otherwise.
### is.arguments(value:Any)
### is.empty(value)
Test if 'value' is an arguments object.
Alias: args
Test if 'value' is empty. To be empty means to be an array, object or string with nothing contained.
### is.array(value:Any)
#### Params:
Test if 'value' is an array.
Alias: ary, arry
* **Any** *value* value to test.
### is.nonEmptyArray(value:Any)
#### Return:
Test if 'value' is an array containing at least 1 entry.
Aliases: nonEmptyArry, nonEmptyAry
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is empty, false otherwise.
### is.array.empty(value:Any)
### is.objEquals(value, other)
Test if 'value' is an empty array(like) object.
Aliases: arguents.empty, args.empty, ary.empty, arry.empty
Do a deep comparision of two objects for equality. Will recurse without any limits. Meant to be
called by equal only.
### is.arrayLike(value:Any)
#### Params:
Test if 'value' is an arraylike object (i.e. it has a length property with a valid value)
Aliases: arraylike, arryLike, aryLike
* **Object** *value* The first object to compare.
### is.boolean(value:Any)
* **Object** *other* The second object to compare.
Test if 'value' is a boolean.
Alias: bool
#### Return:
### is.false(value:Any)
* **Boolean** true, if the objects are equivalent, false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is false.
### is.equal(value, other)
### is.true(value:Any)
Test if 'value' is equal to 'other'. Works for objects and arrays and will do deep comparisions,
using recursion.
Alias: eq
Test if 'value' is true.
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value.
Test if 'value' is a date.
* **Any** *other* value to compare with.
### is.error(value:value)
#### Return:
Test if 'value' is an error object.
Alias: err
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is equal to 'other', false otherwise
### is.function(value:Any)
Test if 'value' is a function.
Alias: func
JS Type definitions which cannot host values.
### is.number(value:Any)
### is.hosted(value, host)
Test if 'value' is a number.
Alias: num
Test if 'key' in host is an object. To be hosted means host[value] is an object.
### is.positiveNumber(value:Any)
#### Params:
Test if 'value' is a positive number.
Alias: positiveNum, posNum
* **Any** *value* The value to test.
### is.negativeNumber(value:Any)
* **Any** *host* Host that may contain value.
Test if 'value' is a negative number.
Aliases: negNum, negativeNum
#### Return:
### is.decimal(value:Any)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is hosted by 'host', false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is a decimal number.
Aliases: decimalNumber, decNum
### is.instanceOf(value)
### is.divisibleBy(value:Number, n:Number)
Test if 'value' is an instance of 'constructor'.
Aliases: instOf, instanceof
Test if 'value' is divisible by 'n'.
Alias: divisBy
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
Test if 'value' is an integer.
Alias: integer
#### Return:
### is.positiveInt(value:Any)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an instance of 'constructor'.
Test if 'value' is a positive integer.
Alias: posInt
### is.null(value)
### is.negativeInt(value:Any)
Test if 'value' is null.
Test if 'value' is a negative integer.
Aliases: negInt, negativeInteger
#### Params:
### is.maximum(value:Number, others:Array)
* **Any** *value* to test.
Test if 'value' is greater than 'others' values.
Alias: max
#### Return:
### is.minimum(value:Number, others:Array)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is null, false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is less than 'others' values.
Alias: min
### is.undefined(value)
### is.even(value:Number)
Test if 'value' is undefined.
Aliases: undef, udef
Test if 'value' is an even number.
#### Params:
### is.odd(value:Number)
* **Any** *value* value to test.
Test if 'value' is an odd number.
#### Return:
###, other:Number)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is undefined, false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is greater than or equal to 'other'.
Aliases: greaterOrEq, greaterOrEqual
### is.arguments(value)
###, other:Number)
Test if 'value' is an arguments object.
Alias: args
Test if 'value' is greater than 'other'.
Aliases: greaterThan
#### Params:
### is.le(value:Number, other:Number)
* **Any** *value* value to test
Test if 'value' is less than or equal to 'other'.
Alias: lessThanOrEq, lessThanOrEqual
#### Return:
###, other:Number)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an arguments object, false otherwise
Test if 'value' is less than 'other'.
Alias: lessThan
### is.emptyArguments(value)
### is.within(value:Number, start:Number, finish:Number)
Test if 'value' is an arguments object that is empty.
Alias: args
Test if 'value' is within 'start' and 'finish'.
Alias: withIn
#### Params:
### is.object(value:Any)
* **Any** *value* value to test
Test if 'value' is an object. Note: Arrays, RegExps, Date, Error, etc all return false.
Alias: obj
#### Return:
### is.nonEmptyObject(value:Any)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an arguments object with no args, false otherwise
Test if 'value' is an object with properties. Note: Arrays are objects.
Alias: nonEmptyObj
### is.array(value)
### is.objectInstanceof(objInst:object, objType:object)
Test if 'value' is an array.
Alias: ary, arry
Test if 'value' is an instance type objType.
Aliases: objInstOf, objectinstanceof
#### Params:
### is.regexp(value:Any)
* **Any** *value* value to test.
Test if 'value' is a regular expression.
Alias: regexp
#### Return:
### is.string(value:Any)
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an array, false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is a string.
Alias: str
### is.nonEmptyArray(value)
### is.nonEmptyString(value:Any)
Test if 'value' is an array containing at least 1 entry.
Aliases: nonEmptyArry, nonEmptyAry
Test if 'value' is a non-empty string.
Alias: nonEmptyStr
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* The value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an array with at least 1 value, false otherwise.
### is.nonEmptyArray(value)
Test if 'value' is an array containing no entries.
Aliases: emptyArry, emptyAry
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* The value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an array with no elemnets.
### is.empty(value)
Test if 'value' is an empty array(like) object.
Aliases: arguents.empty, args.empty, ary.empty, arry.empty
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an empty array(like), false otherwise.
### is.arrayLike(value)
Test if 'value' is an arraylike object (i.e. it has a length property with a valid value)
Aliases: arraylike, arryLike, aryLike
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an arguments object, false otherwise.
### is.boolean(value)
Test if 'value' is a boolean.
Alias: bool
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a boolean, false otherwise.
### is.false(value)
Test if 'value' is false.
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is false, false otherwise
### is.true(value)
Test if 'value' is true.
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is true, false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is a date.
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a date, false otherwise.
### is.error(value)
Test if 'value' is an error object.
Alias: err
#### Params:
* **value** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an error object, false otherwise.
### is.function(value)
Test if 'value' is a function.
Alias: func
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a function, false otherwise.
### is.number(value)
Test if 'value' is a number.
Alias: num
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a number, false otherwise.
### is.positiveNumber(value)
Test if 'value' is a positive number.
Alias: positiveNum, posNum
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a number, false otherwise.
### is.negativeNumber(value)
Test if 'value' is a negative number.
Aliases: negNum, negativeNum
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a number, false otherwise.
### is.decimal(value)
Test if 'value' is a decimal number.
Aliases: decimalNumber, decNum
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* value to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a decimal number, false otherwise.
### is.divisibleBy(value, n)
Test if 'value' is divisible by 'n'.
Alias: divisBy
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test.
* **Number** *n* dividend.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is divisible by 'n', false otherwise.
Test if 'value' is an integer.
Alias: integer
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an integer, false otherwise.
### is.positiveInt(value)
Test if 'value' is a positive integer.
Alias: posInt
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a positive integer, false otherwise.
### is.negativeInt(value)
Test if 'value' is a negative integer.
Aliases: negInt, negativeInteger
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a negative integer, false otherwise.
### is.maximum(value, others)
Test if 'value' is greater than 'others' values.
Alias: max
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test.
* **Array** *others* values to compare with.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is greater than 'others' values.
### is.minimum(value, others)
Test if 'value' is less than 'others' values.
Alias: min
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test.
* **Array** *others* values to compare with.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is less than 'others' values.
### is.even(value)
Test if 'value' is an even number.
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an even number, false otherwise.
### is.odd(value)
Test if 'value' is an odd number.
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an odd number, false otherwise.
###, other)
Test if 'value' is greater than or equal to 'other'.
Aliases: greaterOrEq, greaterOrEqual
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test.
* **Number** *other* value to compare with.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true, if value is greater than or equal to other, false otherwise.
###, other)
Test if 'value' is greater than 'other'.
Aliases: greaterThan
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test.
* **Number** *other* value to compare with.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true, if value is greater than other, false otherwise.
### is.le(value, other)
Test if 'value' is less than or equal to 'other'.
Alias: lessThanOrEq, lessThanOrEqual
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test
* **Number** *other* value to compare with
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true, if 'value' is less than or equal to 'other', false otherwise.
###, other)
Test if 'value' is less than 'other'.
Alias: lessThan
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test
* **Number** *other* value to compare with
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true, if 'value' is less than 'other', false otherwise.
### is.within(value, start, finish)
Test if 'value' is within 'start' and 'finish'.
Alias: withIn
#### Params:
* **Number** *value* value to test.
* **Number** *start* lower bound.
* **Number** *finish* upper bound.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is is within 'start' and 'finish', false otherwise.
### is.object(value)
Test if 'value' is an object. Note: Arrays, RegExps, Date, Error, etc all return false.
Alias: obj
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an object, false otherwise.
### is.nonEmptyObject(value)
Test if 'value' is an object with properties. Note: Arrays are objects.
Alias: nonEmptyObj
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an object, false otherwise.
### is.objectInstanceof(objInst, objType)
Test if 'value' is an instance type objType.
Aliases: objInstOf, objectinstanceof, instOf, instanceOf
#### Params:
* **object** *objInst* an object to testfor type.
* **object** *objType* an object type to compare.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is an object, false otherwise.
### is.regexp(value)
Test if 'value' is a regular expression.
Alias: regexp
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a regexp, false otherwise.
### is.string(value)
Test if 'value' is a string.
Alias: str
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a string, false otherwise.
### is.emptyString(value)
Test if 'value' is an empty string.
Alias: emptyStr
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is am empty string, false otherwise.
### is.nonEmptyString(value)
Test if 'value' is a non-empty string.
Alias: nonEmptyStr
#### Params:
* **Any** *value* to test.
#### Return:
* **Boolean** true if 'value' is a non-empty string, false otherwise.
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