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Comparing version 2.3.0 to 2.4.0


/* eslint no-use-before-define:0 */
'use strict';
'use strict'; // Import
// Import
var pathUtil = require('path');
var pathUtil = require('path');
var textExtensions = require('textextensions');
var binaryExtensions = require('binaryextensions');
* @typedef {'utf8'|'binary'} EncodingResult
* Is Text (Synchronous)
* Determine whether or not a file is a text or binary file.
* Determined by extension checks first, then if unknown extension, will fallback on encoding detection.
* We do that as encoding detection cannot guarantee everything, especially for chars between utf8 and utf16.
* We use the extensions from and
* @param {string?} filename - the filename for the file/buffer if available
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - the buffer for the file if available
* @returns {Error|boolean}
* @typedef {Object} EncodingOpts
* @property {number} [chunkLength = 24]
* @property {number} [chunkBegin = 0]
* @callback IsTextCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {boolean} [result]
* @callback IsBinaryCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {boolean} [result]
* @callback GetEncodingCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {EncodingResult} [encoding]
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is text.
* Determined by extension checks first (if filename is available), otherwise if unknown extension or no filename, will perform a slower buffer encoding detection.
* This order is done, as extension checks are quicker, and also because encoding checks cannot guarantee accuracy for chars between utf8 and utf16.
* The extension checks are performed using the resources and
* @param {string} [filename] The filename for the file/buffer if available
* @param {Buffer} [buffer] The buffer for the file if available
* @returns {boolean}
function isTextSync(filename, buffer) {
// Prepare
var isText = null;
// Prepare
var isText = null; // Test extensions
// Test extensions
if (filename) {
// Extract filename
var parts = pathUtil.basename(filename).split('.').reverse();
if (filename) {
// Extract filename
var parts = pathUtil.basename(filename).split('.').reverse(); // Cycle extensions
// Cycle extensions
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = parts[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var extension = _step.value;
try {
for (var _iterator = parts[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var extension = _step.value;
if (textExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = true;
if (binaryExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = false;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
if (textExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = true;
// Fallback to encoding if extension check was not enough
if (buffer && isText === null) {
isText = getEncodingSync(buffer) === 'utf8';
if (binaryExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = false;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
} // Fallback to encoding if extension check was not enough
// Return our result
return isText;
if (buffer && isText === null) {
isText = getEncodingSync(buffer) === 'utf8';
} // Return our result
return isText;
* Is Text
* Uses `isTextSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is text.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {IsTextCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function isText(filename, buffer, next) {
var result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
if (result instanceof Error) {
} else {
next(null, result);
var result;
try {
result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
} catch (err) {
next(null, result);
* Is Binary (Synchronous)
* Uses `isTextSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @returns {Error|boolean}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is binary.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string} [filename] Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer} [buffer] Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @returns {boolean}
function isBinarySync(filename, buffer) {
// Handle
var result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
return result instanceof Error ? result : !result;
// Handle
var result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
return !result;
* Is Binary
* Uses `isText` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is binary.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename Forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer Forwarded to `isText`
* @param {IsBinaryCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function isBinary(filename, buffer, next) {
// Handle
isText(filename, buffer, function (err, result) {
if (err) return next(err);
return next(null, !result);
var result;
try {
result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
} catch (err) {
next(null, !result);

@@ -123,77 +159,95 @@ * Get the encoding of a buffer.

* @param {Buffer} buffer
* @param {Object?} [opts]
* @param {number?} [opts.chunkLength = 24]
* @param {number?} [opts.chunkBegin = 0]
* @returns {Error|string} either an Error instance if something went wrong, or if successful "utf8" or "binary"
* @param {EncodingOpts} [opts]
* @returns {EncodingResult}
function getEncodingSync(buffer, opts) {
// Prepare
var textEncoding = 'utf8';
var binaryEncoding = 'binary';
// Prepare
var textEncoding = 'utf8';
var binaryEncoding = 'binary'; // Discover
// Discover
if (opts == null) {
// Start
var chunkLength = 24;
var encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, { chunkLength: chunkLength });
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// Middle
var chunkBegin = Math.max(0, Math.floor(buffer.length / 2) - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, { chunkLength: chunkLength, chunkBegin: chunkBegin });
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// End
chunkBegin = Math.max(0, buffer.length - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, { chunkLength: chunkLength, chunkBegin: chunkBegin });
if (opts == null) {
// Start
var chunkLength = 24;
var encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, {
chunkLength: chunkLength
// Return
return encoding;
} else {
// Extract
var _opts$chunkLength = opts.chunkLength,
_chunkLength = _opts$chunkLength === undefined ? 24 : _opts$chunkLength,
_opts$chunkBegin = opts.chunkBegin,
_chunkBegin = _opts$chunkBegin === undefined ? 0 : _opts$chunkBegin;
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// Middle
var chunkBegin = Math.max(0, Math.floor(buffer.length / 2) - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, {
chunkLength: chunkLength,
chunkBegin: chunkBegin
var chunkEnd = Math.min(buffer.length, _chunkBegin + _chunkLength);
var contentChunkUTF8 = buffer.toString(textEncoding, _chunkBegin, chunkEnd);
var _encoding = textEncoding;
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// End
chunkBegin = Math.max(0, buffer.length - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, {
chunkLength: chunkLength,
chunkBegin: chunkBegin
} // Return
// Detect encoding
for (var i = 0; i < contentChunkUTF8.length; ++i) {
var charCode = contentChunkUTF8.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode === 65533 || charCode <= 8) {
// 8 and below are control characters (e.g. backspace, null, eof, etc.)
// 65533 is the unknown character
// console.log(charCode, contentChunkUTF8[i])
_encoding = binaryEncoding;
// Return
return _encoding;
return encoding;
} else {
// Extract
var _opts$chunkLength = opts.chunkLength,
_chunkLength = _opts$chunkLength === void 0 ? 24 : _opts$chunkLength,
_opts$chunkBegin = opts.chunkBegin,
_chunkBegin = _opts$chunkBegin === void 0 ? 0 : _opts$chunkBegin;
var chunkEnd = Math.min(buffer.length, _chunkBegin + _chunkLength);
var contentChunkUTF8 = buffer.toString(textEncoding, _chunkBegin, chunkEnd); // Detect encoding
for (var i = 0; i < contentChunkUTF8.length; ++i) {
var charCode = contentChunkUTF8.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode === 65533 || charCode <= 8) {
// 8 and below are control characters (e.g. backspace, null, eof, etc.)
// 65533 is the unknown character
// console.log(charCode, contentChunkUTF8[i])
return binaryEncoding;
} // Return
return textEncoding;
* Get the encoding of a buffer
* Uses `getEncodingSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {Buffer} buffer - forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {Object} opts - forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Get the encoding of a buffer.
* Uses {@link getEncodingSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {Buffer} buffer Forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {EncodingOpts} opts Forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {GetEncodingCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function getEncoding(buffer, opts, next) {
// Fetch and wrap result
var result = getEncodingSync(buffer, opts);
if (result instanceof Error) {
} else {
next(null, result);
/** @type {EncodingResult?} */
var result;
// Export
module.exports = { isTextSync: isTextSync, isText: isText, isBinarySync: isBinarySync, isBinary: isBinary, getEncodingSync: getEncodingSync, getEncoding: getEncoding };
try {
result = getEncodingSync(buffer, opts);
} catch (err) {
next(null, result);
} // Export
module.exports = {
isTextSync: isTextSync,
isText: isText,
isBinarySync: isBinarySync,
isBinary: isBinary,
getEncodingSync: getEncodingSync,
getEncoding: getEncoding
/* eslint no-use-before-define:0 */
'use strict';
'use strict'; // Import
// Import
var pathUtil = require('path');
var pathUtil = require('path');
var textExtensions = require('textextensions');
var binaryExtensions = require('binaryextensions');
* @typedef {'utf8'|'binary'} EncodingResult
* Is Text (Synchronous)
* Determine whether or not a file is a text or binary file.
* Determined by extension checks first, then if unknown extension, will fallback on encoding detection.
* We do that as encoding detection cannot guarantee everything, especially for chars between utf8 and utf16.
* We use the extensions from and
* @param {string?} filename - the filename for the file/buffer if available
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - the buffer for the file if available
* @returns {Error|boolean}
* @typedef {Object} EncodingOpts
* @property {number} [chunkLength = 24]
* @property {number} [chunkBegin = 0]
* @callback IsTextCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {boolean} [result]
* @callback IsBinaryCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {boolean} [result]
* @callback GetEncodingCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {EncodingResult} [encoding]
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is text.
* Determined by extension checks first (if filename is available), otherwise if unknown extension or no filename, will perform a slower buffer encoding detection.
* This order is done, as extension checks are quicker, and also because encoding checks cannot guarantee accuracy for chars between utf8 and utf16.
* The extension checks are performed using the resources and
* @param {string} [filename] The filename for the file/buffer if available
* @param {Buffer} [buffer] The buffer for the file if available
* @returns {boolean}
function isTextSync(filename, buffer) {
// Prepare
var isText = null;
// Prepare
var isText = null; // Test extensions
// Test extensions
if (filename) {
// Extract filename
var parts = pathUtil.basename(filename).split('.').reverse();
if (filename) {
// Extract filename
var parts = pathUtil.basename(filename).split('.').reverse(); // Cycle extensions
// Cycle extensions
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
var _iteratorNormalCompletion = true;
var _didIteratorError = false;
var _iteratorError = undefined;
try {
for (var _iterator = parts[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var extension = _step.value;
try {
for (var _iterator = parts[Symbol.iterator](), _step; !(_iteratorNormalCompletion = (_step =; _iteratorNormalCompletion = true) {
var extension = _step.value;
if (textExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = true;
if (binaryExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = false;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
if (textExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = true;
// Fallback to encoding if extension check was not enough
if (buffer && isText === null) {
isText = getEncodingSync(buffer) === 'utf8';
if (binaryExtensions.indexOf(extension) !== -1) {
isText = false;
} catch (err) {
_didIteratorError = true;
_iteratorError = err;
} finally {
try {
if (!_iteratorNormalCompletion && _iterator.return != null) {
} finally {
if (_didIteratorError) {
throw _iteratorError;
} // Fallback to encoding if extension check was not enough
// Return our result
return isText;
if (buffer && isText === null) {
isText = getEncodingSync(buffer) === 'utf8';
} // Return our result
return isText;
* Is Text
* Uses `isTextSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is text.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {IsTextCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function isText(filename, buffer, next) {
var result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
if (result instanceof Error) {
} else {
next(null, result);
var result;
try {
result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
} catch (err) {
next(null, result);
* Is Binary (Synchronous)
* Uses `isTextSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @returns {Error|boolean}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is binary.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string} [filename] Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer} [buffer] Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @returns {boolean}
function isBinarySync(filename, buffer) {
// Handle
var result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
return result instanceof Error ? result : !result;
// Handle
var result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
return !result;
* Is Binary
* Uses `isText` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is binary.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename Forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer Forwarded to `isText`
* @param {IsBinaryCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function isBinary(filename, buffer, next) {
// Handle
isText(filename, buffer, function (err, result) {
if (err) return next(err);
return next(null, !result);
var result;
try {
result = isTextSync(filename, buffer);
} catch (err) {
next(null, !result);

@@ -123,77 +159,95 @@ * Get the encoding of a buffer.

* @param {Buffer} buffer
* @param {Object?} [opts]
* @param {number?} [opts.chunkLength = 24]
* @param {number?} [opts.chunkBegin = 0]
* @returns {Error|string} either an Error instance if something went wrong, or if successful "utf8" or "binary"
* @param {EncodingOpts} [opts]
* @returns {EncodingResult}
function getEncodingSync(buffer, opts) {
// Prepare
var textEncoding = 'utf8';
var binaryEncoding = 'binary';
// Prepare
var textEncoding = 'utf8';
var binaryEncoding = 'binary'; // Discover
// Discover
if (opts == null) {
// Start
var chunkLength = 24;
var encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, { chunkLength: chunkLength });
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// Middle
var chunkBegin = Math.max(0, Math.floor(buffer.length / 2) - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, { chunkLength: chunkLength, chunkBegin: chunkBegin });
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// End
chunkBegin = Math.max(0, buffer.length - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, { chunkLength: chunkLength, chunkBegin: chunkBegin });
if (opts == null) {
// Start
var chunkLength = 24;
var encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, {
chunkLength: chunkLength
// Return
return encoding;
} else {
// Extract
var _opts$chunkLength = opts.chunkLength,
_chunkLength = _opts$chunkLength === undefined ? 24 : _opts$chunkLength,
_opts$chunkBegin = opts.chunkBegin,
_chunkBegin = _opts$chunkBegin === undefined ? 0 : _opts$chunkBegin;
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// Middle
var chunkBegin = Math.max(0, Math.floor(buffer.length / 2) - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, {
chunkLength: chunkLength,
chunkBegin: chunkBegin
var chunkEnd = Math.min(buffer.length, _chunkBegin + _chunkLength);
var contentChunkUTF8 = buffer.toString(textEncoding, _chunkBegin, chunkEnd);
var _encoding = textEncoding;
if (encoding === textEncoding) {
// End
chunkBegin = Math.max(0, buffer.length - chunkLength);
encoding = getEncodingSync(buffer, {
chunkLength: chunkLength,
chunkBegin: chunkBegin
} // Return
// Detect encoding
for (var i = 0; i < contentChunkUTF8.length; ++i) {
var charCode = contentChunkUTF8.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode === 65533 || charCode <= 8) {
// 8 and below are control characters (e.g. backspace, null, eof, etc.)
// 65533 is the unknown character
// console.log(charCode, contentChunkUTF8[i])
_encoding = binaryEncoding;
// Return
return _encoding;
return encoding;
} else {
// Extract
var _opts$chunkLength = opts.chunkLength,
_chunkLength = _opts$chunkLength === void 0 ? 24 : _opts$chunkLength,
_opts$chunkBegin = opts.chunkBegin,
_chunkBegin = _opts$chunkBegin === void 0 ? 0 : _opts$chunkBegin;
var chunkEnd = Math.min(buffer.length, _chunkBegin + _chunkLength);
var contentChunkUTF8 = buffer.toString(textEncoding, _chunkBegin, chunkEnd); // Detect encoding
for (var i = 0; i < contentChunkUTF8.length; ++i) {
var charCode = contentChunkUTF8.charCodeAt(i);
if (charCode === 65533 || charCode <= 8) {
// 8 and below are control characters (e.g. backspace, null, eof, etc.)
// 65533 is the unknown character
// console.log(charCode, contentChunkUTF8[i])
return binaryEncoding;
} // Return
return textEncoding;
* Get the encoding of a buffer
* Uses `getEncodingSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {Buffer} buffer - forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {Object} opts - forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Get the encoding of a buffer.
* Uses {@link getEncodingSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {Buffer} buffer Forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {EncodingOpts} opts Forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {GetEncodingCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function getEncoding(buffer, opts, next) {
// Fetch and wrap result
var result = getEncodingSync(buffer, opts);
if (result instanceof Error) {
} else {
next(null, result);
/** @type {EncodingResult?} */
var result;
// Export
module.exports = { isTextSync: isTextSync, isText: isText, isBinarySync: isBinarySync, isBinary: isBinary, getEncodingSync: getEncodingSync, getEncoding: getEncoding };
try {
result = getEncodingSync(buffer, opts);
} catch (err) {
next(null, result);
} // Export
module.exports = {
isTextSync: isTextSync,
isText: isText,
isBinarySync: isBinarySync,
isBinary: isBinary,
getEncodingSync: getEncodingSync,
getEncoding: getEncoding
# History
## v2.4.0 2019 January 20
- Asynchronous methods now `try...catch` the synchronous methods to ensure an error from invalid inputs would be given to the callback.
- Before they would not do any `try...catch` so if invalid inputs were given, the error would throw.
- The JSDoc documentation has been updated for accuracy.
- It previously indicated that the return types of the sync methods could have been an error instance, this was incorrect, they would throw if received invalid inputs.
- It previously indicated that the result for of the async `getEncoding` callback was a boolean, this was incorrect, it would be the string result of `getEncodingSync`.
- Updated [base files]( and [editions]( using [boundation](
## v2.3.0 2018 November 7
- Ensure that [textextensions]( and [binaryextensions]( are the latest versions at the time of publishing
- Updated [base files]( and [editions]( using [boundation](
- Ensure that [textextensions]( and [binaryextensions]( are the latest versions at the time of publishing
- Updated [base files]( and [editions]( using [boundation](
## v2.2.1 2018 January 24
- Added missing development dependency
- Added missing development dependency
## v2.2.0 2018 January 24
- Fixed invalid `package.json` error
- Thanks to [Sean]( for [pull request #8](
- Updated base files
- Fixed invalid `package.json` error
- Thanks to [Sean]( for [pull request #8](
- Updated base files
## v2.1.0 2016 May 10
- Support v2 of [textextensions]( and [binaryextensions](
- Support v2 of [textextensions]( and [binaryextensions](
## v2.0.0 2016 May 2
- Converted from CoffeeScript to JavaScript
- Fixed `getEncoding` and `isText` not handling errors correctly
- Right-most extension takes preference, instead of left-most
- Thanks to [Ian Sibner]( for [pull request #5](
- **This has bumped the major** as it changes the output result, which could potentially break some apps, despite the API remaining exactly the same
- Converted from CoffeeScript to JavaScript
- Fixed `getEncoding` and `isText` not handling errors correctly
- Right-most extension takes preference, instead of left-most
- Thanks to [Ian Sibner]( for [pull request #5](
- **This has bumped the major** as it changes the output result, which could potentially break some apps, despite the API remaining exactly the same
## v1.0.2 2015 January 16
- Fixed build
- Added test for text files
- Fixed build
- Added test for text files
## v1.0.1 2015 January 16
- Cleaned up thanks to [Shunnosuke Watanabe]( for [pull request #2](
- Cleaned up thanks to [Shunnosuke Watanabe]( for [pull request #2](
## v1.0.0 2013 October 25
- Initial release extracted from [balupton/bal-util](
- Initial release extracted from [balupton/bal-util]( where it was introduced [2012 September 24](
"title": "Is Text or Binary?",
"name": "istextorbinary",
"version": "2.3.0",
"version": "2.4.0",
"description": "Determines if a buffer is comprised of text or binary",

@@ -80,3 +80,3 @@ "homepage": "",

"entry": "index.js",
"syntaxes": [
"tags": [

@@ -87,3 +87,3 @@ "esnext",

"engines": {
"node": ">=6",
"node": "6 || 8 || 10 || 11",
"browsers": false

@@ -96,3 +96,3 @@ }

"entry": "index.js",
"syntaxes": [
"tags": [

@@ -107,6 +107,6 @@ "require"

"description": "esnext compiled for node.js >=0.12 with require for modules",
"description": "esnext compiled for node.js 0.12 with require for modules",
"directory": "edition-node-0.12",
"entry": "index.js",
"syntaxes": [
"tags": [

@@ -116,3 +116,3 @@ "require"

"engines": {
"node": "0.12 || 4 || 6 || 8 || 10",
"node": "0.12 || 4 || 6 || 8 || 10 || 11",
"browsers": false

@@ -126,20 +126,25 @@ }

"binaryextensions": "^2.1.2",
"editions": "^2.0.2",
"editions": "^2.1.3",
"textextensions": "^2.4.0"
"devDependencies": {
"assert-helpers": "^4.5.1",
"babel-cli": "^6.26.0",
"babel-preset-env": "^1.7.0",
"documentation": "^8.1.2",
"eslint": "^5.8.0",
"joe": "^2.0.2",
"joe-reporter-console": "^2.0.2",
"projectz": "^1.4.0",
"@babel/cli": "^7.2.3",
"@babel/core": "^7.2.2",
"@babel/plugin-proposal-object-rest-spread": "^7.2.0",
"@babel/preset-env": "^7.2.3",
"assert-helpers": "^4.9.6",
"eslint": "^5.12.1",
"eslint-config-bevry": "^1.1.2",
"eslint-config-prettier": "^3.6.0",
"eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.0.1",
"jsdoc": "^3.5.5",
"kava": "^3.1.0",
"minami": "^1.2.3",
"prettier": "^1.15.3",
"projectz": "^1.7.4",
"surge": "^0.20.1",
"valid-directory": "^1.0.0"
"optionalDependencies": {},
"scripts": {
"our:clean": "rm -Rf ./docs ./edition* ./es2015 ./es5 ./out",
"our:clean": "rm -Rf ./docs ./edition* ./es2015 ./es5 ./out ./.next",
"our:compile": "npm run our:compile:edition-browsers && npm run our:compile:edition-node-0.12",

@@ -150,3 +155,4 @@ "our:compile:edition-browsers": "env BABEL_ENV=edition-browsers babel --out-dir ./edition-browsers ./source",

"our:meta": "npm run our:meta:docs && npm run our:meta:projectz",
"our:meta:docs": "documentation build -f html -o ./docs -g --shallow ./source/**.js",
"our:meta:docs": "npm run our:meta:docs:jsdoc",
"our:meta:docs:jsdoc": "rm -Rf ./docs && jsdoc --recurse --pedantic --access all --destination ./docs --package ./package.json --readme ./ --template ./node_modules/minami ./source && mv ./docs/$npm_package_name/$npm_package_version/* ./docs/ && rm -Rf ./docs/$npm_package_name/$npm_package_version",
"our:meta:projectz": "projectz compile",

@@ -164,29 +170,46 @@ "our:release": "npm run our:release:prepare && npm run our:release:check-changelog && npm run our:release:check-dirty && npm run our:release:tag && npm run our:release:push",

"our:verify:directory": "npx valid-directory",
"our:verify:eslint": "eslint --fix ./source",
"test": "node --harmony ./test.js --joe-reporter=console"
"our:verify:eslint": "eslint --fix --ignore-pattern '**/*.d.ts' --ignore-pattern '**/vendor/' --ignore-pattern '**/node_modules/' --ext .mjs,.js,.jsx,.ts,.tsx ./source",
"test": "node ./test.js"
"eslintConfig": {
"extends": [
"prettier": {
"semi": false,
"singleQuote": true
"babel": {
"env": {
"edition-browsers": {
"sourceType": "script",
"presets": [
"targets": {
"browsers": "defaults"
"targets": "defaults",
"modules": "commonjs"
"plugins": [
"edition-node-0.12": {
"sourceType": "script",
"presets": [
"targets": {
"node": "0.12"
"modules": "commonjs"
"plugins": [

@@ -193,0 +216,0 @@ }

@@ -41,44 +41,44 @@ <!-- TITLE/ -->

<a href="" title="npm is a package manager for javascript"><h3>NPM</h3></a><ul>
<a href="" title="npm is a package manager for javascript"><h3>npm</h3></a>
<li>Install: <code>npm install --save istextorbinary</code></li>
<li>Module: <code>require('istextorbinary')</code></li></ul>
<li>Require: <code>require('istextorbinary')</code></li>
<a href="" title="Browserify lets you require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies"><h3>Browserify</h3></a><ul>
<li>Install: <code>npm install --save istextorbinary</code></li>
<li>Module: <code>require('istextorbinary')</code></li>
<li>CDN URL: <code>//</code></li></ul>
<a href="" title="Native ES Modules CDN"><h3>jspm</h3></a>
<a href="" title="Ender is a full featured package manager for your browser"><h3>Ender</h3></a><ul>
<li>Install: <code>ender add istextorbinary</code></li>
<li>Module: <code>require('istextorbinary')</code></li></ul>
``` html
<script type="module">
import * as pkg from '//'
<h3><a href="" title="Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.">Editions</a></h3>
<h3><a href="" title="Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.">Editions</a></h3>
<p>This package is published with the following editions:</p>
<ul><li><code>istextorbinary</code> aliases <code>istextorbinary/index.js</code> which uses <a href="" title="Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.">Editions</a> to automatically select the correct edition for the consumers environment</li>
<ul><li><code>istextorbinary</code> aliases <code>istextorbinary/index.js</code> which uses <a href="" title="Editions are the best way to produce and consume packages you care about.">Editions</a> to automatically select the correct edition for the consumers environment</li>
<li><code>istextorbinary/source/index.js</code> is esnext source code with require for modules</li>
<li><code>istextorbinary/edition-browsers/index.js</code> is esnext compiled for browsers with require for modules</li>
<li><code>istextorbinary/edition-node-0.12/index.js</code> is esnext compiled for node.js >=0.12 with require for modules</li></ul>
<li><code>istextorbinary/edition-node-0.12/index.js</code> is esnext compiled for node.js 0.12 with require for modules</li></ul>
<!-- /INSTALL -->
<h3><a href="" title="TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ">TypeScript</a></h3>
This project provides its type information via inline <a href="" title="JSDoc is an API documentation generator for JavaScript, similar to Javadoc or phpDocumentor">JSDoc Comments</a>. To make use of this in <a href="" title="TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. ">TypeScript</a>, set your <code>maxNodeModuleJsDepth</code> compiler option to `5` or thereabouts. You can accomlish this via your `tsconfig.json` file like so:
## Usage
``` json
"compilerOptions": {
"maxNodeModuleJsDepth": 5
``` javascript
// Synchronous API
var result = require('istextorbinary').isTextSync(filename, buffer)
<!-- /INSTALL -->
// Asynchronous API
require('istextorbinary').isText(filename, buffer, function(err, result){
// ...
// You can supply text or buffer, or both text and buffer, the more provided, the more accurate the result
## Usage
[API Documentation.](
<!-- HISTORY/ -->

@@ -85,0 +85,0 @@

@@ -10,12 +10,39 @@ /* eslint no-use-before-define:0 */

* Is Text (Synchronous)
* Determine whether or not a file is a text or binary file.
* Determined by extension checks first, then if unknown extension, will fallback on encoding detection.
* We do that as encoding detection cannot guarantee everything, especially for chars between utf8 and utf16.
* We use the extensions from and
* @param {string?} filename - the filename for the file/buffer if available
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - the buffer for the file if available
* @returns {Error|boolean}
* @typedef {'utf8'|'binary'} EncodingResult
function isTextSync (filename, buffer) {
* @typedef {Object} EncodingOpts
* @property {number} [chunkLength = 24]
* @property {number} [chunkBegin = 0]
* @callback IsTextCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {boolean} [result]
* @callback IsBinaryCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {boolean} [result]
* @callback GetEncodingCallback
* @param {Error?} error
* @param {EncodingResult} [encoding]
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is text.
* Determined by extension checks first (if filename is available), otherwise if unknown extension or no filename, will perform a slower buffer encoding detection.
* This order is done, as extension checks are quicker, and also because encoding checks cannot guarantee accuracy for chars between utf8 and utf16.
* The extension checks are performed using the resources and
* @param {string} [filename] The filename for the file/buffer if available
* @param {Buffer} [buffer] The buffer for the file if available
* @returns {boolean}
function isTextSync(filename, buffer) {
// Prepare

@@ -27,3 +54,6 @@ let isText = null

// Extract filename
const parts = pathUtil.basename(filename).split('.').reverse()
const parts = pathUtil

@@ -53,46 +83,48 @@ // Cycle extensions

* Is Text
* Uses `isTextSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is text.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {IsTextCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function isText (filename, buffer, next) {
const result = isTextSync(filename, buffer)
if (result instanceof Error) {
function isText(filename, buffer, next) {
let result
try {
result = isTextSync(filename, buffer)
} catch (err) {
else {
next(null, result)
next(null, result)
* Is Binary (Synchronous)
* Uses `isTextSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @returns {Error|boolean}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is binary.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string} [filename] Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @param {Buffer} [buffer] Forwarded to `isTextSync`
* @returns {boolean}
function isBinarySync (filename, buffer) {
function isBinarySync(filename, buffer) {
// Handle
const result = isTextSync(filename, buffer)
return result instanceof Error ? result : !result
return !result
* Is Binary
* Uses `isText` behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename - forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer - forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Determine if the filename and/or buffer is binary.
* Uses {@link isTextSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {string?} filename Forwarded to `isText`
* @param {Buffer?} buffer Forwarded to `isText`
* @param {IsBinaryCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function isBinary (filename, buffer, next) {
// Handle
isText(filename, buffer, function (err, result) {
if (err) return next(err)
return next(null, !result)
function isBinary(filename, buffer, next) {
let result
try {
result = isTextSync(filename, buffer)
} catch (err) {
next(null, !result)

@@ -105,8 +137,6 @@

* @param {Buffer} buffer
* @param {Object?} [opts]
* @param {number?} [opts.chunkLength = 24]
* @param {number?} [opts.chunkBegin = 0]
* @returns {Error|string} either an Error instance if something went wrong, or if successful "utf8" or "binary"
* @param {EncodingOpts} [opts]
* @returns {EncodingResult}
function getEncodingSync (buffer, opts) {
function getEncodingSync(buffer, opts) {
// Prepare

@@ -134,4 +164,3 @@ const textEncoding = 'utf8'

return encoding
else {
} else {
// Extract

@@ -141,3 +170,2 @@ const { chunkLength = 24, chunkBegin = 0 } = opts

const contentChunkUTF8 = buffer.toString(textEncoding, chunkBegin, chunkEnd)
let encoding = textEncoding

@@ -151,4 +179,3 @@ // Detect encoding

// console.log(charCode, contentChunkUTF8[i])
encoding = binaryEncoding
return binaryEncoding

@@ -158,3 +185,3 @@ }

// Return
return encoding
return textEncoding

@@ -164,21 +191,28 @@ }

* Get the encoding of a buffer
* Uses `getEncodingSync` behind the scenes.
* @param {Buffer} buffer - forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {Object} opts - forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {Function} next - accepts arguments: (error: Error, result: Boolean)
* @returns {nothing}
* Get the encoding of a buffer.
* Uses {@link getEncodingSync} behind the scenes.
* @param {Buffer} buffer Forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {EncodingOpts} opts Forwarded to `getEncodingSync`
* @param {GetEncodingCallback} next
* @returns {void}
function getEncoding (buffer, opts, next) {
// Fetch and wrap result
const result = getEncodingSync(buffer, opts)
if (result instanceof Error) {
function getEncoding(buffer, opts, next) {
/** @type {EncodingResult?} */
let result
try {
result = getEncodingSync(buffer, opts)
} catch (err) {
else {
next(null, result)
next(null, result)
// Export
module.exports = { isTextSync, isText, isBinarySync, isBinary, getEncodingSync, getEncoding }
module.exports = {
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