Powerful styling for the browser console in under 500 bytes.
import { chroma } from 'itty-chroma'
chroma.red.log('This will be red.')
'This is all',
'Now this is blue.',
- Tiny. It's an itty library, after all.
- Made specifically for the browser console.
- Loads of styling options, with infinite combinations.
- Simple and powerful API, designed for ease & readability.
How it Works
Chroma is an infinite proxy object/function chain... thingy... that assembles styles before sending them to console.log
This sounds very confusing... which is understandable, because it was confusing to write as well.
Here are the basic rules:
1. Use chroma.log
(also supports warn
and error
) to enable styling
2. Add styles by chaining style properties
chroma.bold.red.log('This will be red.')
3. Or compose using chroma segments
'This will be green.'
These can be saved for re-use:
const blue = chroma.bold.blue
'This will be blue.'
They can also be saved with the .log
as a custom logger:
const ittyLogger = chroma.bold.color("#f0c").log
ittyLogger('This will be itty-colored.')
4. Any valid CSS color name works (100% support)
chroma.salmon.log('This is salmon.')
chroma.cornflowerblue.log('This is cornflowerblue.')
chroma.cornFlowerBlue.log('Case does not matter here...')
5. All valid CSS works within properties that expect a value
.log('This works just fine')
6. ...or use your own custom CSS with .style(css: string)
.style('text-transform:uppercase; text-shadow:0 0 0.5em magenta;')
.log('So does this')
7. A style will continue until replaced, or cleared using chroma.none
chroma.red('this will be red'),
'...but so will this',
'back to unformatted text'
8. Example: Creating custom log functions
const createLogger = (type = 'log', label, badge = 'grey', text = 'grey') =>
(...args) =>
chroma.bg(badge).white.bold.padding('2px 5px 1px').radius('0.2rem')(label),
const info = createLogger('log', 'INFO', 'green')
const warning = createLogger('warn', 'WARNING', 'orange', 'brown')
info('This is just a helpful bit of info!')
warning('But this is a more serious warning text...')
Supported Properties
.log | once executed, will output to console.log | chroma.log('hello') |
.warn | once executed, will output to console.warn | chroma.warn('warning text') |
.error | once executed, will output to console.error | chroma.error('error text') |
.bold | bold text | chroma.bold('this is bold') , chroma.bold.red('this is bold and red') |
.italic | italicized text | chroma.italic('this is italic') |
.underline | underlined text | chroma.underline('text') |
.strike | text with a line through it | chroma.strike('this text was removed') |
.{colorName} | sets text color, supports any valid CSS color name | chroma.magenta , chroma.lightGreen |
.color(value) | sets font color, supports any valid CSS color | chroma.color('white') , chroma.color('rgba(255,0,0,0.2)') |
.font(value) | sets font, supports any valid CSS font-family | chroma.font('Georgia') |
.size(value) | sets font size | chroma.size('0.8rem') |
.bg(value) | sets background, supports any valid CSS background | chroma.bg('salmon') |
.radius(value) | sets border-radius (for badges) | chroma.radius('4px') |
.border(value) | sets border style | chroma.border('double 5px red') |
.padding(value) | sets padding | chroma.padding('2px 5px') |
.style(value) | sets custom CSS, allowing any valid sequence | chroma.style('text-transform:uppercase;text-shadow:0 0 0.5rem rgba(255,0,100,0.5)') |
.none1 | clears styling for subsequent arguments | chroma.red('red text', chroma.none, 'plain text') |
1 Any invalid CSS color name can be used in place of chroma.none, as this utimately turns into "color:none;"
. Alternatively, you could use chroma.clear, chroma.noStyle, or anything else.