Jaakrecog Verify©
Component developed to enroll users
- Get permission to access the camera
- Video Capture modal
- Verify Capture Component
Jaakrecog Enroll Verify© Component is an isolated component of Angular that is easy to integrate that allows you to verify the registry a user with facial recognition, which was developed by JAAK-IT.
Technologies used for the development of this library:
- Angular
- Scss
- Typescript
- Rxjs
- Angular Material
Jaakrecog Enroll requires Node.js v10+ to run.
Install the package:
npm install jeekrecog-verify
Update Assets configuration on angular.json file. Just add this line to assets array:
{ "glob": "**/*", "input": "./node_modules/jaakrecog-verify/assets", "output": "/assets" }
This is an example:
"options": {
... ,
{ "glob": "**/*", "input": "./node_modules/jaakrecog-verify/assets", "output": "/assets" }
Import VerifyModule inside app.module.ts file and add the api path that you are goig to use (optional) the value as default is: 'https://dev-facade-1ton-http-635t26xtnq-uc.a.run.app/api/v1/one2n/enroll/'.
apiUrl: 'https://dev-facade-1ton-http-635t26xtnq-uc.a.run.app/api/v1/one2n/verify/',
Use the selector inside of your html file to use the component, the input uses is a require.
<jaakrecog-verify (getResponse)="yourFunction($event)"></jaakrecog-verify>
To get the response of the process you have to use the output (getResponse) inside of component tag.
The response of this promise would be a class named OneToNVerify
export class OneToNVerify {
id!: string;
status!: boolean;
enrolled!: boolean;
error!: string;
processingTime !: number;
user!: {
id: string;
name?: string;
firstSurname?: string;
secondSurname?: string;
email?: string;
status: string;
We can get an error and it will return an error of type ErrorResponse
class ErrorResponse {
type!: string;
message!: string;
eventId?: string;
code?: string
Contact support@jaak-it.com for any kind of assistance.
** All rights reserved JAAK-IT 2021 ©**