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Package description

What is jake?

Jake is a JavaScript build tool for Node.js, similar to Make or Rake. It is designed to automate the building of complex tasks, running shell commands, and managing file operations. Jake can be used for a wide range of automation tasks, from minifying and compiling code to running tests and deploying applications.

What are jake's main functionalities?

Task definition and execution

This feature allows you to define and execute tasks. In the code sample, a default task is defined which depends on another task named 'dependency'. When the default task is run, it first ensures that the 'dependency' task is executed.

"use strict";
let jake = require('jake');

task('default', ['dependency'], function () {
  console.log('Running default task');

task('dependency', function () {
  console.log('Running dependency task');

File operations

Jake can perform various file operations such as creating directories, copying files, and iterating over sets of files. In this example, a task named 'createFile' is defined to process all JavaScript files in the current directory, create a new directory named 'build', and copy all files from 'src/' to 'build/'.

"use strict";
let jake = require('jake');

task('createFile', function () {
  jake.FileList('*.js').forEach(function (file) {
    console.log('Processing file: ' + file);
  jake.cpR('src/', 'build/');

Running shell commands

Jake allows you to run shell commands directly from your tasks. This example shows a task named 'deploy' that runs a shell command to push changes to the master branch of a git repository. The output of the command is printed to the console.

"use strict";
let jake = require('jake');

task('deploy', function () {
  let command = 'git push origin master';
  jake.exec(command, {printStdout: true}, function () {
    console.log('Deployed to master');

Other packages similar to jake



Jake -- JavaScript build tool for Node.js


Prerequisites: Jake requires Node.js. (

Get Jake:

git clone git://

Build Jake:

cd node-jake && make && sudo make install

Installing with npm

npm install jake

Or, get the code, and npm link in the code root.

Basic usage

jake [options] target (commands/options ...)


Jake is a simple JavaScript build program with capabilities similar to the regular make or rake command.

Jake has the following features:
    * Jakefiles are in standard JavaScript syntax
    * Tasks with prerequisites
    * Namespaces for tasks
    * Async task execution


--version                   Display the program version.

--help                      Display help information.

-f *FILE*
--jakefile *FILE*           Use FILE as the Jakefile.

--directory *DIRECTORY*     Change to DIRECTORY before running tasks.

--tasks                     Display the tasks, with descriptions, then exit.

Jakefile syntax

Use task to define tasks. Call it with three arguments (and one more optional argument):

task(name, dependencies, handler, [async]);

Where name is the string name of the task, dependencies is an array of the dependencies, and handler is a function to run for the task.

The async argument is optional, and when set to true (async === true) indicates the task executes asynchronously. Asynchronous tasks need to call complete() to signal they have completed.

Use desc to add a string description of the task.

Here's an example:

var sys = require('sys');

desc('This is the default task.');
task('default', [], function (params) {
  sys.puts('This is the default task.');

And here's an example of an asynchronous task:

desc('This is an asynchronous task.');
task('asynchronous', [], function () {
  setTimeout(complete, 1000);
}, true);

Use namespace to create a namespace of tasks to perform. Call it with two arguments:

namespace(name, namespaceTasks);

Where is name is the name of the namespace, and namespaceTasks is a function with calls inside it to task or desc definining all the tasks for that namespace.

Here's an example:

var sys = require('sys');

desc('This is the default task.');
task('default', [], function () {
  sys.puts('This is the default task.');

namespace('foo', function () {
  desc('This the foo:bar task');
  task('bar', [], function () {
    sys.puts('doing foo:bar task');

  desc('This the foo:baz task');
  task('baz', ['default', 'foo:bar'], function () {
    sys.puts('doing foo:baz task');


In this example, the foo:baz task depends on both the default and the foo:bar task.

Passing parameters to jake

Two kinds of parameters can be passed to Jake: positional and named parameters.

Any single parameters passed to the jake command after the task name are passed along to the task handler as positional arguments. For example, with the following Jakefile:

var sys = require('sys');

desc('This is an awesome task.');
task('awesome', [], function () {

You could run jake like this:

jake awesome foo bar baz

And you'd get the following output:

[ 'foo', 'bar', 'baz' ]

Any paramters passed to the jake command that contain a colon (:) or equals sign (=) will be added to a keyword/value object that is passed as a final argument to the task handler.

With the above Jakefile, you could run jake like this:

jake awesome foo bar baz qux:zoobie frang:asdf

And you'd get the following output:

[ 'foo'
, 'bar'
, 'baz'
, { qux: 'zoobie', frang: 'asdf' }

Running jake with no arguments runs the default task.

CoffeeScript Jakefiles

Jake can also handle Jakefiles in CoffeeScript. Be sure to make it so Jake knows it's in CoffeeScript.

Here's an example:

sys = require('sys')

desc 'This is the default task.'
task 'default', [], (params) ->
  console.log 'Ths is the default task.'
  invoke 'new', []

task 'new', [], ->
  console.log 'ello from new'
  invoke 'foo:next', ['param']

namespace 'foo', ->
  task 'next', [], (param) ->
    console.log 'ello from next with param: ' + param

James Coglan's "Jake":

Confusingly, this is a Ruby tool for building JavaScript packages from source code.

280 North's Jake:

This is also a JavaScript port of Rake, which runs on the Narwhal platform.


Matthew Eernisse,


Mark Wubben / EqualMedia, Patrick Walton Andrzej Sliwa


Last updated on 26 Mar 2011

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