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Core concepts for Janus javascript client

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Modern javascript client for janus gateway. Based on websockets. The original client can be found here

Example of usage

var janus = new Janus.Client('address', {
  token: 'token',
  apisecret: 'apisecret'

janus.createConnection('id').then(function(connection) {
  connection.createSession().then(function(session) {
    session.attachPlugin('bla').then(function(plugin) {
      plugin.on('message', function(message) {});


Project has a customized build. By default npm run-script build it builds the single file janus.js that contains Janus library and all its dependencies. In order to make the result less in size you have two command line arguments: --global and --external. The first is to map dependencies to global variables. Usually you want to do this when there is no loader mechanism. The latter is to externalize dependencies to a separate file vendor.js. In that case janus.js expects to have its dependencies as modules and relies on require mechanism. Here is the couple of examples.

  • Default build. It is used in integration tests.

    $(npm bin)/gulp
  • bluebird and webrtc-adapter are externalized to vendor.js

    $(npm bin)/gulp --external=bluebird --external=webrtc-adapter
  • bluebird and webrtc-adapter are expected to be in global namespace under names Promise and adapter correspondingly.

    $(npm bin)/gulp --global.bluebird=Promise --global.webrtc-adapter=adapter


The library is available for Node and Browser environment. In Browser it is declared through window.Janus. The exported classes are:

Important! Please read MediaPlugin's info when using in Node.


Class for creating connections. Use it if you want to create multiple connections to the same address with the same options.

  • new Client(address, [options]) Creates a new instance of Client.

    • address {string}. Websocket address of Janus server.
    • options {Object} options. Optional. See its specs in new Connection. The options object will be used for every new created connection by this client.
  • client.createConnection(id)

    Returns a promise that is resolved with a new instance of Connection which is already opened.

    • id {string} id


Represents websocket connection to Janus.

  • new Connection(id, address, [options])

    Creates a new instance of Connection. It is very important to attach an error listener to the created instance in Node environment. For more details please look

    • id {string}.
    • address {string}. Websocket address of Janus server.
    • options {Object} options. Optional.
    • options.token {string}. Optional. Janus token.
    • options.apisecret {string}. Optional. Janus apisecret.
    • options.keepalive {boolean|number}. Optional. If true then every 30 seconds a keepalive message will be sent to Janus server. If a positive integer number then a keepalive message will be sent every [number] of milliseconds.
  • Connection.create(id, address, [options])

    Delegates to the above constructor. Overwrite it to create a custom Connection.

  • connection.getId()

    Returns connection's id.

  • connection.getAddress()

    Returns connection's address.

  • connection.getOptions()

    Returns connection's options.


    Returns a promise that is resolved when a websocket connection to options.address is opened.

  • connection.close()

    Returns a promise that is resolved when the connection is closed.

  • connection.send(message)

    Sends a message. Returns a promise that is resolved immediately after the message has been sent.

    • message {Object}.
  • connection.sendSync(message)

    Sends a message. Returns a promise. If connection has a transaction with id equal to message['transaction'] then the promise is resolved after transaction is completed. Otherwise the same as connection.send.

    • message {Object}.
  • connection.addTransaction(transaction)

    Adds a transaction to the connection.

    • transaction {Transaction}.
  • connection.executeTransaction(message)

    Executes a transaction with id equal to message['transaction']. Returns a promise that is resolved after the transaction is executed.

    • message {Object}.
  • connection.createSession()

    Returns a promise that is resolved with a new instance of Session.

  • connection.hasSession(sessionId)

    Whether the connection has a session with sessionId.

    • sessionId {string}
  • connection.getSession(sessionId)

    Returns a session from the connection or undefined if no session is found.

    • sessionId {string}.
  • connection.getSessionList()

    Returns an array of current sessions. Empty if there are no sessions.

  • connection.addSession(session)

    Adds a session to the connection.

    • session {Session}.
  • connection.removeSession(sessionId)

    Removes a session from the connection.

    • sessionId {string}.


Represents Janus session.

  • new Session(connection, id)

    Creates a new instance of Session.

    • connection {Connection} an instance of opened Connection
    • id {string}
  • Session.create(connection, id)

    Delegates to the above constructor. Overwrite it to create a custom Session.

  • session.getId()

    Returns session's id.

  • session.send(message)

    Adds session's id to message and delegates it to connection's send method. Returns a promise from connection's send.

    • message {Object}
  • session.attachPlugin(name)

    Attaches a plugin. Returns a promise that is resolved with a new instance of Plugin. Session might have a multiple plugins of the same name.

    • name {string} name of plugin
  • session.destroy()

    Destroys session. Returns a promise that is resolved when session is destroyed successfully.

  • session.hasPlugin(pluginId)

    Whether the session has a plugin with id.

    • pluginId {string}
  • session.getPlugin(pluginId)

    Returns a plugin from the session or undefined if no plugin is found.

    • pluginId {string}
  • session.getPluginList()

    Returns an array of attached plugins. Empty if there are no plugins.

  • session.addPlugin(plugin)

    Adds a plugin to the session.

    • plugin {Plugin}.
  • session.removePlugin(pluginId)

    Removes a plugin from the session.

    • pluginId {string}.
  • session.sendSync(message)

    Sends a message. Returns a promise. If session has a transaction with id equal to message['transaction'] then the promise is resolved after transaction is completed. Otherwise the same as session.send.

    • message {Object}.
  • session.addTransaction(transaction)

    Adds a transaction to the session.

    • transaction {Transaction}.
  • session.executeTransaction(message)

    Executes a transaction with id equal to message['transaction']. Returns a promise that is resolved after the transaction is executed.

    • message {Object}.


Represents Janus plugin.

  • new Plugin(session, name, id)

    Creates a new instance of Plugin.

    • session {Session} an instance of Session
    • name {string} name of Plugin
    • id {string}
  • Plugin.create(session, id)

    Delegates to the above constructor. Overwrite it to create a custom Plugin.

  • Plugin.register(name, aClass)

    Registers a Plugin class aClass for a name name so when Plugin.create is called with name the instance of aClass is created.

  • plugin.getId()

    Returns plugin's id.

  • plugin.send(message)

    Adds plugin's id to message and delegates it to session's send method. Returns a promise from session's send.

    • message {Object}
  • plugin.detach()

    Detaches plugin. Returns a promise that is resolved when plugin is detached successfully.

  • plugin.sendSync(message)

    Sends a message. Returns a promise. If plugin has a transaction with id equal to message['transaction'] then the promise is resolved after transaction is completed. Otherwise the same as plugin.send.

    • message {Object}.
  • plugin.addTransaction(transaction)

    Adds a transaction to the plugin.

    • transaction {Transaction}.
  • plugin.executeTransaction(message)

    Executes a transaction with id equal to message['transaction']. Returns a promise that is resolved after the transaction is executed.

    • message {Object}.


Abstraction plugin class that holds generic Media methods and data. Extends Plugin.

IMPORTANT MediaPlugin has methods that require a working WebRTC which is not presented in Node environment. So, be careful when using this library in Node or browser that does not provide WebRTC. This warning is true for all plugins that extend from MediaPlugin.

Additional methods to Plugin are:

  • plugin.createPeerConnection([options])

    Creates and returns the created RTCPeerConnection. Also stores it on the instance of plugin.

    • options RTCConfiguration
  • plugin.getPeerConnection()

    Returns the created instance of RTCPeerConnection or null if it is not created.

  • plugin.addStream(stream)

    Adds stream to the created PeerConnection.

    • stream MediaStream
  • plugin.getLocalMedia(constraints)

    Wraps MediaDevices.getUserMedia with additional constraint for screen-capturing. Returns promise.

    • constraints MediaStreamConstraints
  • plugin.createOffer([options])

    Returns promise that is resolved with created offer SDP.

    • options RTCOfferOptions
  • plugin.createAnswer(jsep, [options])

    Returns promise that is resolved with created answer SDP.

    • jsep RTCSessionDescription offer SDP
    • options RTCAnswerOptions
  • plugin.setRemoteSDP(jsep)

    Sets remote SDP on the stored PeerConnection instance. Returns promise.

    • jsep RTCSessionDescription


It corresponds to 'janus.plugin.audiobridge'. Extends MediaPlugin. More thorough details to methods params below can be found at @see Additional methods to MediaPlugin are:

  • plugin.create(roomId, [options])

    Requests to create an audio room. Returns a promise that is resolved when the room is created.

    • roomId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.destroy(roomId, [options])

    Requests to destroy the audio room. Returns a promise that is resolved when the room is destroyed.

    • roomId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.list()

    Requests the list of current rooms. Returns a promise that is resolved with the plugin response.

  • plugin.listParticipants(roomId)

    Requests the room's list of participants. Returns a promise that is resolved with the plugin response.

    • roomId int
  • plugin.join(roomId, [options])

    Requests to join the audio room. Returns a promise that is resolved when the room is joined.

    • roomId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.leave()

    Requests to leave the current room. Returns a promise that is resolved when the room is left.

  • plugin.change(roomId, [options])

    Requests to change the room. Returns a promise that is resolved when the room is changed.

    • roomId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.configure([options], [jsep])

    Configures the current room's settings. Returns a promise that is resolved when the room is configured.

    • options Object. see JSDocu.
    • jsep RTCSessionDescription
  • plugin.startMediaStreaming([offerOptions], [configureOptions])

    Takes user's audio input, creates a peer connection with it and sends an offer. Returns a promise that is resolved with sendSDP promise.

    • offerOptions Object. Options for the offer.
    • configureOptions Object. Options to configure room after the offer send.
  • plugin.sendSDP(jsep, [configureOptions])

    Sends an offer with jsep and configure options. Returns a promise that is resolved after the offer has been accepted.

    • jsep RTCSessionDescription
    • configureOptions Object. Options to configure room.


It corresponds to ''. Docu page is It provides the same functionality as AudiobridgePlugin with minor differences:


It corresponds to 'janus.plugin.streaming'. Extends MediaPlugin. More thorough details to methods params below can be found at @see Additional methods to MediaPlugin are:

  • plugin.create(mountpointId, [options])

    Requests to create a mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is created.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.destroy(mountpointId, [options])

    Requests to destroy the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is destroyed.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.list()

    Requests the list of current streams. Returns a promise that is resolved with the plugin response.

  •, [options])

    Requests to watch the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is watched.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.start([jsep])

    Requests to start the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved with an SDP from janus.

    • jsep RTCSessionDescription
  • plugin.stop()

    Requests to stop the current mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is stopped.

  • plugin.pause()

    Requests to pause the current mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is paused.

  • plugin.switch(mountpointId, [options])

    Requests to switch the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is switched.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.connect(mountpointId, [options])

    Toggle method. If plugin does not have a current mountpoint then this method calls watch otherwise switch.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.enable(mountpointId, [options])

    Requests to enable the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is enabled.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.disable(mountpointId, [options])

    Requests to disable the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is disabled.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.recording(mountpointId, [options])

    Requests to start or stop recording on the mountpoint.

    • mountpointId int
    • options Object. see JSDocu.


It corresponds to ''. Extends MediaPlugin. Docu page is Additional methods to MediaPlugin are:

  • plugin.create(id, [options])

    Requests to create a mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is created.

    • id string
    • options Object. see JSDocu.
  • plugin.destroy(id)

    Requests to destroy the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is destroyed.

    • id string
  • plugin.list([id])

    Requests the stream definition for id. If id is omitted then stream definitions of current streams are requested. Returns a promise that is resolved with the result.

    • id string

    Requests to watch the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is watched.

    • id string
  • plugin.watchUDP(id, streams)

    Forwards packets from the UDP server to the UDP client. Returns a promise that is resolved then action is done.

    • id string
    • streams Array
  • plugin.start()

    Requests to start the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved with an SDP from janus.

  • plugin.stop()

    Requests to stop the current mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is stopped.

  • plugin.pause()

    Requests to pause the current mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is paused.

  • plugin.switch(id)

    Requests to switch the mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when the mountpoint is switched.

    • id string
  • plugin.switchSource(index)

    Requests to schedule switching of the stream with index for current session mountpoint. Returns a promise that is resolved when request is accepted by janus.

    • index number
  • plugin.superuser(enabled)

    Upgrades current session into super user session or downgrades otherwise.

    • enabled boolean


Promisified API for WebSocket.

  • new WebsocketConnection([websocket])

    Creates a new instance of WebsocketConnection.

    • websocket {WebSocket} websocket. Optional. Either W3C or Node WebSocket instance.
  •, [protocol])

    Creates a new websocket connection to address by protocol. Returns a promise that is resolved when the websocket connection is opened.

    • address {string} address. Websocket server address to connect to.
    • protocol {string} protocol. Websocket protocol.
  • websocketConnection.close()

    Returns a promise that is resolved when the websocketConnection is closed.

  • websocketConnection.isOpened()

    Whether the websocketConnection is opened.

  • websocketConnection.send(message)

    Sends a message. Returns a promise that is resolved immediately after the message has been sent.

    • message {Object}.
  • websocketConnection.onMessage(message)

    Listener to incoming message. Call it for simulating of an incoming message if needed.

    • message {Object}.


Custom Janus errors. All Janus entities use them for controlled errors.

  • new JanusError(reason, code, janusMessage)

    Creates a new instance of JanusError.

    • reason {string} text of error.
    • code {number} code of error.
    • janusMessage {Object} message that caused the error.
  • new ConnectionError(janusMessage)

    Creates a new instance of ConnectionError. Extends JanusError.

    • janusMessage {Object} message that caused the error.


Tests are located under test/ directory. To run them use npm test.


These tests are located under test/unit/. To run them use $(npm bin)/mocha.


These tests are located under test/integration/. To run them use $(npm bin)/karma start test/karma.conf.js. There is a requirement to have a Chrome/Chromium no less than 51 version.


  • update package.json with a new version
  • release a new git tag with the updated package.json

After that the npm release should be done automatically. If it didn't happen then release it manually:

npm publish<GitTagWithUpdatedPackageJson>.tar.gz


Currently the project has four implemented plugins: audiobridge, videostreaming, rtpbroadcast and audioroom. It is temporarily. As soon as the project is stable those plugins will be moved to their own repositories. If you require a plugin that is not implemented then you need to write it on your own.

How to write a Plugin

For simplicity lets write an EchoTest plugin that does only audio.

  function EchoTest() {
    Janus.MediaPlugin.apply(this, arguments);

  EchoTest.NAME = 'janus.plugin.echotest';
  EchoTest.prototype = Object.create(Janus.MediaPlugin.prototype);
  EchoTest.prototype.constructor = EchoTest;

  Janus.Plugin.register(EchoTest.NAME, EchoTest);

   * @param {boolean} state
   * @returns {Promise}
   * @fulfilled {RTCSessionDescription} jsep
   */ = function(state) {
    var self = this;
    return Promise
      .try(function() {
        return self.getLocalMedia({audio: true, video: false});
      .then(function(stream) {
      .then(function() {
        return self.createOffer();
      .then(function(jsep) {
        var message = {body: {audio: state}, jsep: jsep};
        return self.sendWithTransaction(message);
      .then(function(response) {
        var jsep = response.get('jsep');
        if (jsep) {
          return jsep;

Then we can use it

var janus = new Janus.Client(config.url, config);
  .then(function(connection) {
    return connection.createSession();
  .then(function(session) {
    return session.attachPlugin(EchoTest.NAME);
  .then(function(echotestPlugin) {


Package last updated on 09 Sep 2016

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