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jcampconverter - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 2.3.0 to 2.4.3



"name": "jcampconverter",
"version": "2.3.0",
"version": "2.4.3",
"main": [

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "dist/jcampconverter.js",

"name": "jcampconverter",
"version": "2.3.0",
"version": "2.4.3",
"description": "Parse and convert JCAMP data",

@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ "main": "./src/index.js",

"build": "cheminfo build --root JcampConverter",
"benchmark": "node benchmark/benchmark.js"
"benchmark": "node benchmark/benchmark.js",
"deopt": "node --trace-opt --trace-deopt --code-comments debug/deoptimize.js > deopt.log",
"hydra": "node --trace-hydrogen --trace-phase=Z --trace-deopt --code-comments --hydrogen-track-positions --redirect-code-traces --redirect-code-traces-to=code.asm debug/deoptimize.js"

@@ -31,3 +33,3 @@ "repository": {

"devDependencies": {
"benchmark": "^1.0.0",
"benchmark": "^2.1.0",
"cheminfo-tools": "^1.0.2",

@@ -34,0 +36,0 @@ "mocha": "^2.2.5",

'use strict';
var parseXYDataRegExp=require('./parseXYData.js');
function getConverter() {
// the following RegExp can only be used for XYdata, some peakTables have values with a "E-5" ...
var xyDataSplitRegExp = /[,\t \+-]*(?=[^\d,\t \.])|[ \t]+(?=[\d+\.-])/;
var removeCommentRegExp = /\$\$.*/;
var peakTableSplitRegExp = /[,\t ]+/;
var ntuplesSeparator = /[, \t]{1,}/;
var DEBUG = false;

@@ -35,3 +34,3 @@ var GC_MS_FIELDS = ['TIC', '.RIC', 'SCANNUMBER'];

var start = new Date();
var start =;

@@ -56,7 +55,7 @@ var ntuples = {},

if (result.profiling) result.profiling.push({action: 'Before split to LDRS', time: new Date() - start});
if (result.profiling) result.profiling.push({action: 'Before split to LDRS', time: - start});
ldrs = jcamp.split(/[\r\n]+##/);
if (result.profiling) result.profiling.push({action: 'Split to LDRS', time: new Date() - start});
if (result.profiling) result.profiling.push({action: 'Split to LDRS', time: - start});

@@ -221,3 +220,10 @@ if (ldrs[0]) ldrs[0] = ldrs[0].replace(/^[\r\n ]*##/, '');

if (dataValue.match(/.*\+\+.*/)) {
parseXYData(spectrum, dataValue, result);
if (options.fastParse===false) {
parseXYDataRegExp(spectrum, dataValue, result);
} else {
if (!spectrum.deltaX) {
spectrum.deltaX = (spectrum.lastX - spectrum.firstX) / (spectrum.nbPoints - 1);
fastParseXYData(spectrum, dataValue, result);
} else {

@@ -244,3 +250,3 @@ parsePeakTable(spectrum, dataValue, result);

if (result.profiling) result.profiling.push({action: 'Finished parsing', time: new Date() - start});
if (result.profiling) result.profiling.push({action: 'Finished parsing', time: - start});

@@ -265,3 +271,3 @@ if (Object.keys(ntuples).length>0) {

action: 'Finished countour plot calculation',
time: new Date() - start
time: - start

@@ -308,3 +314,3 @@ if (!options.keepSpectra) {

action: 'Finished GCMS calculation',
time: new Date() - start
time: - start

@@ -314,3 +320,3 @@ }

if (result.profiling) {
result.profiling.push({action: 'Total time', time: new Date() - start});
result.profiling.push({action: 'Total time', time: - start});

@@ -418,151 +424,4 @@

function parsePeakTable(spectrum, value, result) {
var i, ii, j, jj, values;
var currentData = []; = [currentData];
// counts for around 20% of the time
var lines = value.split(/,? *,?[;\r\n]+ */);
var k = 0;
for (i = 1, ii = lines.length; i < ii; i++) {
values = lines[i].trim().replace(removeCommentRegExp, '').split(peakTableSplitRegExp);
if (values.length % 2 === 0) {
for (j = 0, jj = values.length; j < jj; j = j + 2) {
// takes around 40% of the time to add and parse the 2 values nearly exclusively because of parseFloat
currentData[k++] = (parseFloat(values[j]) * spectrum.xFactor);
currentData[k++] = (parseFloat(values[j + 1]) * spectrum.yFactor);
} else {
result.logs.push('Format error: ' + values);
function parseXYData(spectrum, value, result) {
// we check if deltaX is defined otherwise we calculate it
if (!spectrum.deltaX) {
spectrum.deltaX = (spectrum.lastX - spectrum.firstX) / (spectrum.nbPoints - 1);
var currentData = []; = [currentData];
var currentX = spectrum.firstX;
var currentY = spectrum.firstY;
var lines = value.split(/[\r\n]+/);
var lastDif, values, ascii, expectedY;
values = [];
for (var i = 1, ii = lines.length; i < ii; i++) {
//var previousValues=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(values));
values = lines[i].trim().replace(removeCommentRegExp, '').split(xyDataSplitRegExp);
if (values.length > 0) {
if (DEBUG) {
if (!spectrum.firstPoint) {
spectrum.firstPoint = parseFloat(values[0]);
var expectedCurrentX = parseFloat(values[0] - spectrum.firstPoint) * spectrum.xFactor + spectrum.firstX;
if ((lastDif || lastDif === 0)) {
expectedCurrentX += spectrum.deltaX;
result.logs.push('Checking X value: currentX: ' + currentX + ' - expectedCurrentX: ' + expectedCurrentX);
for (var j = 1, jj = values.length; j < jj; j++) {
if (j === 1 && (lastDif || lastDif === 0)) {
lastDif = null; // at the beginning of each line there should be the full value X / Y so the diff is always undefined
// we could check if we have the expected Y value
ascii = values[j].charCodeAt(0);
if (false) { // this code is just to check the jcamp DIFDUP and the next line repeat of Y value
// + - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
if ((ascii === 43) || (ascii === 45) || (ascii === 46) || ((ascii > 47) && (ascii < 58))) {
expectedY = parseFloat(values[j]);
} else
// positive SQZ digits @ A B C D E F G H I (ascii 64-73)
if ((ascii > 63) && (ascii < 74)) {
// we could use parseInt but parseFloat is faster at least in Chrome
expectedY = parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 16) + values[j].substring(1));
} else
// negative SQZ digits a b c d e f g h i (ascii 97-105)
if ((ascii > 96) && (ascii < 106)) {
// we could use parseInt but parseFloat is faster at least in Chrome
expectedY = -parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 48) + values[j].substring(1));
if (expectedY !== currentY) {
result.logs.push('Y value check error: Found: ' + expectedY + ' - Current: ' + currentY);
result.logs.push('Previous values: ' + previousValues.length);
} else {
if (values[j].length > 0) {
ascii = values[j].charCodeAt(0);
// + - . 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
if ((ascii === 43) || (ascii === 45) || (ascii === 46) || ((ascii > 47) && (ascii < 58))) {
lastDif = null;
currentY = parseFloat(values[j]);
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
} else
// positive SQZ digits @ A B C D E F G H I (ascii 64-73)
if ((ascii > 63) && (ascii < 74)) {
lastDif = null;
currentY = parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 16) + values[j].substring(1));
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
} else
// negative SQZ digits a b c d e f g h i (ascii 97-105)
if ((ascii > 96) && (ascii < 106)) {
lastDif = null;
currentY = -parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 48) + values[j].substring(1));
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
} else
// DUP digits S T U V W X Y Z s (ascii 83-90, 115)
if (((ascii > 82) && (ascii < 91)) || (ascii === 115)) {
var dup = parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 34) + values[j].substring(1)) - 1;
if (ascii === 115) {
dup = parseFloat('9' + values[j].substring(1)) - 1;
for (var l = 0; l < dup; l++) {
if (lastDif) {
currentY = currentY + lastDif;
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
} else
// positive DIF digits % J K L M N O P Q R (ascii 37, 74-82)
if (ascii === 37) {
lastDif = parseFloat('0' + values[j].substring(1));
currentY += lastDif;
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
} else if ((ascii > 73) && (ascii < 83)) {
lastDif = parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 25) + values[j].substring(1));
currentY += lastDif;
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
} else
// negative DIF digits j k l m n o p q r (ascii 106-114)
if ((ascii > 105) && (ascii < 115)) {
lastDif = -parseFloat(String.fromCharCode(ascii - 57) + values[j].substring(1));
currentY += lastDif;
currentData.push(currentX, currentY * spectrum.yFactor);;
currentX += spectrum.deltaX;
function convertTo3DZ(spectra) {

@@ -577,8 +436,10 @@ var noise = 0;

z[i] = new Array(xSize);
var xVector=spectra[i].data[0];
for (var j = 0; j < xSize; j++) {
z[i][j] = spectra[i].data[0][j * 2 + 1];
if (z[i][j] < minZ) minZ = spectra[i].data[0][j * 2 + 1];
if (z[i][j] > maxZ) maxZ = spectra[i].data[0][j * 2 + 1];
var value = xVector[j * 2 + 1];
z[i][j] = value;
if (value < minZ) minZ = value;
if (value > maxZ) maxZ = value;
if (i !== 0 && j !== 0) {
noise += Math.abs(z[i][j] - z[i][j - 1]) + Math.abs(z[i][j] - z[i - 1][j]);
noise += Math.abs(value - z[i][j - 1]) + Math.abs(value - z[i - 1][j]);

@@ -590,3 +451,3 @@ }

minX: spectra[0].data[0][0],
maxX: spectra[0].data[0][spectra[0].data[0].length - 2],
maxX: spectra[0].data[0][spectra[0].data[0].length - 2], // has to be -2 because it is a 1D array [x,y,x,y,...]
minY: spectra[0].pageValue,

@@ -610,3 +471,3 @@ maxY: spectra[ySize - 1].pageValue,

function generateContourLines(zData, options) {
// console.time('generateContourLines');
var noise = zData.noise;

@@ -616,4 +477,4 @@ var z = zData.z;

var nbLevels = 7;
var povarHeight = new Float32Array(4);
var isOver = [];
var povarHeight0, povarHeight1, povarHeight2, povarHeight3;
var isOver0, isOver1, isOver2, isOver3;
var nbSubSpectra = z.length;

@@ -646,3 +507,3 @@ var nbPovars = z[0].length;

var contourLevel = {};
var side = level % 2;

@@ -661,52 +522,56 @@ if (side === 0) {

for (var iSubSpectra = 0; iSubSpectra < nbSubSpectra - 1; iSubSpectra++) {
var subSpectra = z[iSubSpectra];
var subSpectraAfter = z[iSubSpectra + 1];
for (var povar = 0; povar < nbPovars - 1; povar++) {
povarHeight[0] = z[iSubSpectra][povar];
povarHeight[1] = z[iSubSpectra][povar + 1];
povarHeight[2] = z[(iSubSpectra + 1)][povar];
povarHeight[3] = z[(iSubSpectra + 1)][(povar + 1)];
for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
isOver[i] = (povarHeight[i] > lineZValue);
povarHeight0 = subSpectra[povar];
povarHeight1 = subSpectra[povar + 1];
povarHeight2 = subSpectraAfter[povar];
povarHeight3 = subSpectraAfter[povar + 1];
isOver0 = (povarHeight0 > lineZValue);
isOver1 = (povarHeight1 > lineZValue);
isOver2 = (povarHeight2 > lineZValue);
isOver3 = (povarHeight3 > lineZValue);
// Example povar0 is over the plane and povar1 and
// povar2 are below, we find the varersections and add
// the segment
if (isOver[0] !== isOver[1] && isOver[0] !== isOver[2]) {
pAx = povar + (lineZValue - povarHeight[0]) / (povarHeight[1] - povarHeight[0]);
if (isOver0 !== isOver1 && isOver0 !== isOver2) {
pAx = povar + (lineZValue - povarHeight0) / (povarHeight1 - povarHeight0);
pAy = iSubSpectra;
pBx = povar;
pBy = iSubSpectra + (lineZValue - povarHeight[0]) / (povarHeight[2] - povarHeight[0]);
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0, pAy * dy + y0, pBx * dx + x0, pBy * dy + y0);
pBy = iSubSpectra + (lineZValue - povarHeight0) / (povarHeight2 - povarHeight0);
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0); lines.push(pAy * dy + y0); lines.push(pBx * dx + x0); lines.push(pBy * dy + y0);
if (isOver[3] !== isOver[1] && isOver[3] !== isOver[2]) {
// remove push does not help !!!!
if (isOver3 !== isOver1 && isOver3 !== isOver2) {
pAx = povar + 1;
pAy = iSubSpectra + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight[3]) / (povarHeight[1] - povarHeight[3]);
pBx = povar + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight[3]) / (povarHeight[2] - povarHeight[3]);
pAy = iSubSpectra + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight3) / (povarHeight1 - povarHeight3);
pBx = povar + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight3) / (povarHeight2 - povarHeight3);
pBy = iSubSpectra + 1;
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0, pAy * dy + y0, pBx * dx + x0, pBy * dy + y0);
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0); lines.push(pAy * dy + y0); lines.push(pBx * dx + x0); lines.push(pBy * dy + y0);
// test around the diagonal
if (isOver[1] !== isOver[2]) {
pAx = povar + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight[1]) / (povarHeight[2] - povarHeight[1]);
pAy = iSubSpectra + (lineZValue - povarHeight[1]) / (povarHeight[2] - povarHeight[1]);
if (isOver[1] !== isOver[0]) {
pBx = povar + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight[1]) / (povarHeight[0] - povarHeight[1]);
if (isOver1 !== isOver2) {
pAx = (povar + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight1) / (povarHeight2 - povarHeight1)) * dx + x0;
pAy = (iSubSpectra + (lineZValue - povarHeight1) / (povarHeight2 - povarHeight1)) * dy + y0;
if (isOver1 !== isOver0) {
pBx = povar + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight1) / (povarHeight0 - povarHeight1);
pBy = iSubSpectra;
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0, pAy * dy + y0, pBx * dx + x0, pBy * dy + y0);
lines.push(pAx); lines.push(pAy); lines.push(pBx * dx + x0); lines.push(pBy * dy + y0);
if (isOver[2] !== isOver[0]) {
if (isOver2 !== isOver0) {
pBx = povar;
pBy = iSubSpectra + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight[2]) / (povarHeight[0] - povarHeight[2]);
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0, pAy * dy + y0, pBx * dx + x0, pBy * dy + y0);
pBy = iSubSpectra + 1 - (lineZValue - povarHeight2) / (povarHeight0 - povarHeight2);
lines.push(pAx); lines.push(pAy); lines.push(pBx * dx + x0); lines.push(pBy * dy + y0);
if (isOver[1] !== isOver[3]) {
if (isOver1 !== isOver3) {
pBx = povar + 1;
pBy = iSubSpectra + (lineZValue - povarHeight[1]) / (povarHeight[3] - povarHeight[1]);
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0, pAy * dy + y0, pBx * dx + x0, pBy * dy + y0);
pBy = iSubSpectra + (lineZValue - povarHeight1) / (povarHeight3 - povarHeight1);
lines.push(pAx); lines.push(pAy); lines.push(pBx * dx + x0); lines.push(pBy * dy + y0);
if (isOver[2] !== isOver[3]) {
pBx = povar + (lineZValue - povarHeight[2]) / (povarHeight[3] - povarHeight[2]);
if (isOver2 !== isOver3) {
pBx = povar + (lineZValue - povarHeight2) / (povarHeight3 - povarHeight2);
pBy = iSubSpectra + 1;
lines.push(pAx * dx + x0, pAy * dy + y0, pBx * dx + x0, pBy * dy + y0);
lines.push(pAx); lines.push(pAy); lines.push(pBx * dx + x0); lines.push(pBy * dy + y0);

@@ -759,2 +624,214 @@ }

function fastParseXYData(spectrum, value) {
// TODO need to deal with result
// console.log(value);
// we check if deltaX is defined otherwise we calculate it
var yFactor = spectrum.yFactor;
var deltaX = spectrum.deltaX;
spectrum.isXYdata = true;
// TODO to be improved using 2 array {x:[], y:[]}
var currentData = [];
var currentPosition = 0; = [currentData];
var currentX = spectrum.firstX;
var currentY = spectrum.firstY;
// we skip the first line
var endLine = false;
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
var ascii = value.charCodeAt(i);
if (ascii === 13 || ascii === 10) {
endLine = true;
} else {
if (endLine) break;
// we proceed taking the i after the first line
var newLine = true;
var isDifference=false;
var isLastDifference=false;
var lastDifference=0;
var isDuplicate=false;
var inComment = false;
var currentValue = 0;
var isNegative = false;
var inValue=false;
var skipFirstValue=false;
var decimalPosition = 0;
var ascii;
for (; i <= value.length; i++) {
if (i===value.length) ascii=13;
else ascii = value.charCodeAt(i);
if (inComment) {
// we should ignore the text if we are after $$
if (ascii === 13 || ascii === 10) {
newLine = true;
inComment = false;
} else {
// when is it a new value ?
// when it is not a digit, . or comma
// it is a number that is either new or we continue
if ( ascii <= 57 && ascii >= 48) { // a number
if (decimalPosition > 0) {
currentValue += (ascii - 48) / Math.pow(10, decimalPosition++);
} else {
currentValue *= 10;
currentValue += ascii - 48;
} else if (ascii === 44 || ascii === 46) { // a "," or "."
} else {
if (inValue) {
// need to process the previous value
if (newLine) {
newLine = false; // we don't check the X value
// console.log("NEW LINE",isDifference, lastDifference);
// if new line and lastDifference, the first value is just a check !
// that we don't check ...
if (isLastDifference) skipFirstValue=true;
} else {
// need to deal with duplicate and differences
if (skipFirstValue) {
} else {
if (isDifference) {
if (currentValue===0) lastDifference=0;
else lastDifference=isNegative ? -currentValue : currentValue;
var duplicate=isDuplicate ? currentValue - 1 : 1;
for (var j=0; j<duplicate; j++) {
if (isLastDifference) {
currentY += lastDifference;
} else {
if (currentValue===0) currentY=0;
else currentY = isNegative ? -currentValue : currentValue;
// console.log("Separator",isNegative ?
// -currentValue : currentValue,
// "isDiff", isDifference, "isDup", isDuplicate,
// "lastDif", lastDifference, "dup:", duplicate, "y", currentY);
// push is slightly slower ... (we loose 10%)
currentData[currentPosition++]=currentY * yFactor;
currentX += deltaX;
// positive SQZ digits @ A B C D E F G H I (ascii 64-73)
if ((ascii < 74) && (ascii > 63)) {
} else
// negative SQZ digits a b c d e f g h i (ascii 97-105)
if ((ascii > 96) && (ascii < 106)) {
} else
// DUP digits S T U V W X Y Z s (ascii 83-90, 115)
if (ascii===115) {
} else if ((ascii > 82) && (ascii < 91)) {
} else
// positive DIF digits % J K L M N O P Q R (ascii 37, 74-82)
if ((ascii > 73) && (ascii < 83)) {
} else
// negative DIF digits j k l m n o p q r (ascii 106-114)
if ((ascii > 105) && (ascii < 115)) {
} else
// $ sign, we need to check the next one
if (ascii === 36 && value.charCodeAt(i + 1) === 36) {
inComment = true;
} else
// positive DIF digits % J K L M N O P Q R (ascii 37, 74-82)
if (ascii === 37) {
} else
if (ascii === 45) { // a "-"
// check if after there is a number, decimal or comma
var ascii2=value.charCodeAt(i+1);
if ((ascii2 >= 48 && ascii2 <= 57) || ascii2 === 44 || ascii2 === 46) {
isNegative = true;
} else if (ascii === 13 || ascii === 10) {
newLine = true;
inComment = false;
// and now analyse the details ... space or tabulation
// if "+" we just don't care
function parsePeakTable(spectrum, value, result) {
var removeCommentRegExp = /\$\$.*/;
var peakTableSplitRegExp = /[,\t ]+/;
var i, ii, j, jj, values;
var currentData = []; = [currentData];
// counts for around 20% of the time
var lines = value.split(/,? *,?[;\r\n]+ */);
var k = 0;
for (i = 1, ii = lines.length; i < ii; i++) {
values = lines[i].trim().replace(removeCommentRegExp, '').split(peakTableSplitRegExp);
if (values.length % 2 === 0) {
for (j = 0, jj = values.length; j < jj; j = j + 2) {
// takes around 40% of the time to add and parse the 2 values nearly exclusively because of parseFloat
currentData[k++] = (parseFloat(values[j]) * spectrum.xFactor);
currentData[k++] = (parseFloat(values[j + 1]) * spectrum.yFactor);
} else {
result.logs.push('Format error: ' + values);
return convert;

@@ -788,3 +865,3 @@

stamps[stamp] = resolve;
worker.postMessage({stamp: stamp, input: input, options: options});
worker.postMessage(JSON.stringify({stamp: stamp, input: input, options: options}));

@@ -795,3 +872,3 @@ }

var workerURL = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([
'var getConverter =' + getConverter.toString() + ';var convert = getConverter(); onmessage = function (event) { postMessage({stamp:, output: convert(,}); };'
'var getConverter =' + getConverter.toString() + ';var convert = getConverter(); onmessage = function (event) { var data = JSON.parse(; postMessage(JSON.stringify({stamp:, output: convert(data.input, data.options)})); };'
], {type: 'application/javascript'}));

@@ -801,5 +878,6 @@ worker = new Worker(workerURL);

worker.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
var stamp =;
var data = JSON.parse(;
var stamp = data.stamp;
if (stamps[stamp]) {

@@ -806,0 +884,0 @@ });

Sorry, the diff of this file is not supported yet

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