Advanced tools
Support ESM config files with .js
extension (#9573).[jest-runtime]
Override module.createRequire
to return a Jest-compatible require
function (#9469)[jest-haste-map]
[BREAKING] Remove mapper
option (#9581)[*]
Support array of paths for moduleNameMapper
aliases (#9465)[jest-reporters]
Adds ability to pass options to the istanbul-reporter through coverageReporters
Require stack when a module cannot be resolved (#9681)[jest-transform]
no longer calls fsync
Handle readonly properties correctly (#9575)[jest-cli]
Set coverageProvider
correctly when provided in config (#9562)[jest-cli]
Allow specifying .cjs
and .mjs
config files by --config
CLI option (#9578)[jest-cli]
Update yargs to fix CLI flag overriding (#9519)[jest-config]
Treat setupFilesAfterEnv
like setupFiles
when normalizing configs against presets (#9495)[jest-config]
Support .mjs
config files on Windows as well (#9558)[jest-config]
Verify rootDir
and all roots
are directories (#9569)[jest-config]
Ensure pattern of replacePosixSep
is a string (#9546)[jest-haste-map]
Fix crash on unix based systems without find (#9579)[jest-jasmine2]
Fix --testNamePattern
matching with concurrent
tests (#9090)[jest-matcher-utils]
Fix diff highlight of symbol-keyed object. (#9499)[@jest/reporters]
Notifications should be fire&forget rather than having a timeout (#9567)[jest-resolve]
Fix module identity preservation with symlinks and browser field resolution (#9511)[jest-resolve]
Do not confuse directories with files (#8912)[jest-resolve]
should take precedence over Node core modules (#9563)[jest-runtime]
Reset isolateModules
if it fails (#9541)[jest-runtime]
Yarn PnP errors displayed to the user (#9681)[jest-snapshot]
Downgrade semver to v6 to support node 8 (#9451)[jest-snapshot]
Properly indent new snapshots in the presences of existing ones (#9523)[jest-transform]
Correct sourcemap behavior for transformed and instrumented code (#9460)[jest-transform]
Allow instrumentation of transformed files with weird file extensions (#9589)[@jest/types]
Make ConfigGlobals
an interface to allow for declaration merging. (#9570)[pretty-format]
Export OldPlugin
type (#9491)[docs]
Warn about unexpected behavior / bug of node-notifier when using the notify
Grammatical corrections to Async docs page. (#9679)[jest-resolver]
Use resolve
package to implement custom module resolution (#9520)[jest-runtime]
Move execution of setupFiles
to jest-runner
Update anchor link in helpers
Remove unused dependencies and type exports (#9462)[website]
Update pictures of reports when matchers fail (#9214)[jest-haste-map]
Reduce number of lstat
calls in node crawler (#9514)Changelog
Show codeframe on static hoisting issues (#8865)[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]
Add BigInt
Add @babel/plugin-syntax-bigint
Add BigInt
support to toBeGreaterThan
, toBeGreaterThanOrEqual
, toBeLessThan
and toBeLessThanOrEqual
(#8382)[expect, jest-matcher-utils]
Display change counts in annotation lines (#9035)[expect, jest-snapshot]
Support custom inline snapshot matchers (#9278)[jest-config]
Throw the full error message and stack when a Jest preset is missing a dependency (#8924)[jest-config]
[BREAKING] Set default display name color based on runner (#8689)[jest-config]
Merge preset globals with project globals (#9027)[jest-config]
Support .cjs
config files (#9291)[jest-config]
[BREAKING] Support .mjs
config files (#9431)[jest-core]
Support reporters as default exports (#9161)[jest-core]
Support --findRelatedTests
paths case insensitivity on Windows (#8961)[jest-diff]
Add options for colors and symbols (#8841)[jest-diff]
[BREAKING] Export as ECMAScript module (#8873)[jest-diff]
Add includeChangeCounts
and rename Indicator
options (#8881)[jest-diff]
Add changeColor
and patchColor
options (#8911)[jest-diff]
Add trailingSpaceFormatter
option and replace cyan with commonColor
Add firstOrLastEmptyLineReplacement
option and export 3 diffLines
functions (#8955)[jest-environment]
Add optional getVmContext
next to runScript
(#9252 & #9428)[jest-environment-jsdom]
Add fakeTimersLolex
Add fakeTimersLolex
Add queueMicrotask
Implement getVmContext
(#9252 & #9428)[@jest/fake-timers]
Add Lolex as implementation of fake timers (#8897)[jest-get-type]
Add BigInt
support. (#8382)[jest-matcher-utils]
Add BigInt
support to ensureNumbers
, ensureExpectedIsNumber
Ignore highlighting matched asymmetricMatcher in diffs (#9257)[jest-reporters]
Export utils for path formatting (#9162)[jest-reporters]
Provides global coverage thresholds as watermarks for istanbul (#9416)[jest-runner]
Warn if a worker had to be force exited (#8206)[jest-runtime]
[BREAKING] Do not export ScriptTransformer
- it can be imported from @jest/transform
instead (#9256)[jest-runtime]
Use JestEnvironment.getVmContext
and vm.compileFunction
if available to avoid the module wrapper (#9252 & #9428)[jest-snapshot]
Display change counts in annotation lines (#8982)[jest-snapshot]
[BREAKING] Improve report when the matcher has properties (#9104)[jest-snapshot]
Improve colors when snapshots are updatable (#9132)[jest-snapshot]
Ignore indentation for most serialized objects (#9203)[jest-transform]
Create createTranspilingRequire
function for easy transpiling modules (#9194)[jest-transform]
[BREAKING] Return transformed code as a string, do not wrap in vm.Script
Create method to create empty TestResult
[BREAKING] Return a promise from end()
, resolving with the information whether workers exited gracefully (#8206)[jest-reporters]
Transform file paths into hyperlinks (#8980)[expect]
Display expectedDiff
more carefully in toBeCloseTo
Avoid incorrect difference for subset when toMatchObject
fails (#9005)[expect]
Consider all RegExp flags for equality (#9167)[expect]
[BREAKING] Consider primitives different from wrappers instantiated with new
Prevent maintaining RegExp state between multiple tests (#9289)[expect]
Fix subsetEquality false circular reference detection (#9322)[jest-config]
Use half of the available cores when watchAll
mode is enabled (#9117)[jest-config]
Fix Jest multi project runner still cannot handle exactly one project (#8894)[jest-console]
Add missing
calls to NullConsole
Don't include unref'd timers in --detectOpenHandles results (#8941)[jest-core]
Limit number of workers when creating haste maps in projects (#9259)[jest-diff]
Do not inverse format if line consists of one change (#8903)[jest-diff]
Rename some new options and change their default values (#9077)[jest-environment-node]
Fix TextEncoder.encode
not referencing same global Uint8Array
constructor (#9261)[jest-fake-timers]
will not include cancelled immediates (#8764)[jest-fake-timers]
Support util.promisify
on setTimeout
(#9180)[jest-jasmine2, jest-circus]
Improve error message format for Node's (#9262)[jest-leak-detector]
[BREAKING] Use weak-napi
instead of weak
package (#8686)[jest-mock]
Fix for mockReturnValue overriding mockImplementationOnce (#8398)[jest-reporters]
Make node-notifier an optional dependency (#8918)[jest-reporters]
Make all arguments to methods on BaseReporter
optional (#9159)[jest-resolve]
: Set MODULE_NOT_FOUND as error code when module is not resolved from paths (#8487)[jest-resolve-dependencies]
Handle dynamic dependencies correctly even when using module maps (#9303)[jest-snapshot]
Remove only the added newlines in multiline snapshots (#8859)[jest-snapshot]
Distinguish empty string from external snapshot not written (#8880)[jest-snapshot]
[BREAKING] Distinguish empty string from internal snapshot not written (#8898)[jest-snapshot]
[BREAKING] Remove report
method and throw matcher errors (#9049)[jest-snapshot]
Omit irrelevant received
properties when property matchers fail (#9198)[jest-transform]
Properly cache transformed files across tests (#8890)[jest-transform]
Don't fail the test suite when a generated source map is invalid (#9058)[jest-types]
[BREAKING] Use less null | undefined
in config types (#9200)[jest-util]
Allow querying process.domain (#9136)[pretty-format]
Correctly detect memoized elements (#9196)[pretty-format]
Fix pretty-format to respect displayName on forwardRef (#9422)[*]
[BREAKING] Drop support for Node 6 (#8455)[*]
Add Node 12 to CI (#8411)[*]
[BREAKING] Upgrade to Micromatch v4 (#8852)[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]
[BREAKING] Use ESM exports (#8874)[docs]
Add alias and optional boolean value to coverage
CLI Reference (#8996)[docs]
Fix broken link pointing to legacy JS file in "Snapshot Testing".[docs]
Add setupFilesAfterEnv
and jest.setTimeout
example (#8971)[expect]
Test that toStrictEqual
is equivalent to Node's assert.deepStrictEqual
[BREAKING] Use ESM exports (#8874)[jest-cli]
[BREAKING] Use ESM exports (#8874)[jest-cli]
[BREAKING] Remove re-exports from @jest/core
Remove the need to export splitLines0
function (#9151)[jest-environment-jsdom]
[BREAKING] Upgrade JSDOM from v11 to v15 (#8851)[jest-haste-map]
Upgrade to fsevents@2
[BREAKING] Upgrade Istanbul dependencies, which are used for code coverage (#9192)[jest-util]
[BREAKING] Remove deprecated exports (#8863)[jest-validate]
[BREAKING] Use ESM exports (#8874)[jest-types]
Mark InitialOptions
as Partial
Refactor normalize
to be more type safe (#8848)Changelog
Highlight substring differences when matcher fails, part 1 (#8448)[expect]
Highlight substring differences when matcher fails, part 2 (#8528)[expect]
Improve report when mock-spy matcher fails, part 1 (#8640)[expect]
Improve report when mock-spy matcher fails, part 2 (#8649)[expect]
Improve report when mock-spy matcher fails, part 3 (#8697)[expect]
Improve report when mock-spy matcher fails, part 4 (#8710)[expect]
Throw matcher error when received cannot be jasmine spy (#8747)[expect]
Improve report when negative CalledWith assertion fails (#8755)[expect]
Improve report when positive CalledWith assertion fails (#8771)[expect]
Display equal values for ReturnedWith similar to CalledWith (#8791)[expect, jest-snapshot]
Change color from green for some args in matcher hints (#8812)[jest-snapshot]
Highlight substring differences when matcher fails, part 3 (#8569)[jest-core]
Improve report when snapshots are obsolete (#8665)[jest-cli]
Improve chai support (with detailed output, to match jest exceptions) (#8454)[*]
Manage the global timeout with --testTimeout
command line argument. (#8456)[pretty-format]
Render custom displayName of memoized components (#8546)[jest-validate]
Allow maxWorkers
as part of the jest.config.js
Allow passing configuration objects to transformers (#7288)[@jest/core, @jest/test-sequencer]
Support async sort in custom testSequencer
(#8642)[jest-runtime, @jest/fake-timers]
Add jest.advanceTimersToNextTimer
Extract transforming require logic within jest-core
into @jest-transform
Add color options to matcherHint
Give clearer output for Node assert errors (#8792)[jest-runner]
Export all types in the type signature of jest-runner
Detect side-effect only imports when running --onlyChanged
or --changedSince
Allow --maxWorkers
to work with % input again (#8565)[babel-plugin-jest-hoist]
Expand list of whitelisted globals in global mocks (#8429)[jest-core]
Make watch plugin initialization errors look nice (#8422)[jest-snapshot]
Prevent inline snapshots from drifting when inline snapshots are updated (#8492)[jest-haste-map]
Don't throw on missing mapper in Node crawler (#8558)[jest-core]
Fix incorrect passWithNoTests
warning (#8595)[jest-snapshots]
Fix test retries that contain snapshots (#8629)[jest-mock]
Fix incorrect assignments when restoring mocks in instances where they originally didn't exist (#8631)[expect]
Fix stack overflow when matching objects with circular references (#8687)[jest-haste-map]
Workaround a node >=12.5.0 bug that causes the process not to exit after tests have completed and cancerous memory growth (#8787)[docs]
Replace FlowType with TypeScript in CONTRIBUTING.MD code conventions[jest-leak-detector]
remove code repeat (#8438)[docs]
Add example to jest.requireActual
Add example to jest.mock
for mocking ES6 modules with the factory
parameter (#8550)[docs]
Add information about using jest.doMock
with ES6 imports (#8573)[docs]
Fix variable name in custom-matcher-api code example (#8582)[docs]
Fix example used in custom environment docs (#8617)[docs]
Updated react tutorial to refer to new package of react-testing-library (@testing-library/react) (#8753)[docs]
Updated imports of react-testing-library to @testing-library/react in website (#8757)[jest-core]
Add getVersion
(moved from jest-cli
) (#8706)[docs]
Fix MockFunctions example that was using toContain instead of toContainEqual (#8765)[*]
Make sure copyright header comment includes license (#8783)[*]
Check copyright and license as one joined substring (#8815)[docs]
Fix WatchPlugins jestHooks.shouldRunTestSuite
example that receives an object (#8784)[*]
Enforce LF line endings (#8809)[pretty-format]
Delete obsolete link and simplify structure in README (#8824)[docs]
Fix broken transform link on webpack page (#9155)Changelog
Bind to Circus events via an optional event handler on any custom env (#8344)[expect]
Improve report when matcher fails, part 15 (#8281)[jest-cli]
Update --forceExit
and "did not exit for one second" message colors (#8329)[expect]
Improve report when matcher fails, part 16 (#8306)[jest-runner]
Pass docblock pragmas to TestEnvironment constructor (#8320)[docs]
Add DynamoDB guide (#8319)[expect]
Improve report when matcher fails, part 17 (#8349)[expect]
Improve report when matcher fails, part 18 (#8356)[expect]
Improve report when matcher fails, part 19 (#8367)[jest-each]
Fix bug with placeholder values (#8289)[jest-snapshot]
Inline snapshots: do not indent empty lines (#8277)[@jest/runtime, @jest/transform]
Allow custom transforms for JSON dependencies (#8278)[jest-core]
Make detectOpenHandles
imply runInBand
Fix the mapper
option which was incorrectly ignored (#8299)[jest-jasmine2]
Fix describe return value warning being shown if the describe function throws (#8335)[jest-environment-jsdom]
Re-declare global prototype of JSDOMEnvironment (#8352)[jest-snapshot]
Handle arrays when merging snapshots (#7089)[expect]
Extract names of async and generator functions (#8362)[jest-runtime]
Fix virtual mocks not being unmockable after previously being mocked (#8396)[jest-transform]
Replace special characters in transform cache filenames to support Windows (#8353)[jest-config]
Allow exactly one project (#7498)[expect]
Fix label and add opposite assertion for toEqual tests (#8288)[docs]
Mention Jest MongoDB Preset (#8318)[@jest/reporters]
Migrate away from istanbul-api
Delete obsolete emails tag from header comment in test files (#8377)[expect]
optimize compare nodes (#8368)[docs]
Fix typo in (#8406)[LICENSE]
Follow copyright header guidelines and delete For Jest software (#8428)Changelog
[@jest/core, @jest/test-sequencer]
Move testSequencer
to individual package @jest/test-sequencer
(#8223)[@jest/core, jest-cli, jest-config]
Add option testSequencer
allow user use custom sequencer. (#8223)[expect]
Add negative equality tests for iterables (#8260)[jest-haste-map]
Resolve fs watcher EMFILE error (#8258)[expect]
Remove repetition of matcherName and options in matchers (#8224)Changelog
: Improve report when matcher fails, part 13 (#8077)[@jest/core]
Filter API pre-filter setup hook (#8142)[jest-snapshot]
Improve report when matcher fails, part 14 (#8132)[@jest/reporter]
Display todo and skip test descriptions when verbose is true (#8038)[jest-runner]
Support default exports for test environments (#8163)[pretty-format]
Support React.Suspense (#8180)[jest-snapshot]
Indent inline snapshots (#8198)[jest-config]
Support colors in displayName
configuration (#8025)[jest-circus]
Fix test retries with beforeAll/beforeEach failures (#8227)[expect]
Fix circular references in iterable equality (#8160)[jest-changed-files]
Change method of obtaining git root (#8052)[jest-each]
Fix test function type (#8145)[jest-fake-timers]
not taking immediates and ticks into account (#8139)[jest-runtime]
Allow json file as manual mock (#8159)[pretty-format]
Print BigInt
as a readable number instead of {}
Fix ability to transform dependencies required from globalSetup script (#8143)[@jest/reporters]
Fix Cannot read property converageData of null (#8168)[jest-worker]
starts at 1 (#8205)[jest-config]
Use default cwd even if config contains a cwd property (#7923)[jest-resolve-dependencies]
: Remove internal peer dependencies (#8215)[jest-resolve]
: Remove internal peer dependencies (#8215)[jest-snapshot]
: Remove internal peer dependencies (#8215)[jest-resolve]
Fix requireActual with moduleNameMapper (#8210)[jest-haste-map]
Fix haste map duplicate detection in watch mode (#8237)[*]
Remove flow from code base (#8061)[*]
Use property initializer syntax in Jest codebase (#8117)[*]
Move @types/node to the root package.json (#8129)[*]
Add documentation and tests related to auto-mocking (#8099)[*]
Add jest-watch-typeahead
as a devDependency (#6449)[*]
upgrade TS to 3.4.0-dev* for incremental builds (#8149)[docs]
Improve description of optional arguments in (#8126)[jest-haste-map]
Optimize haste map data structure for serialization/deserialization (#8171)[jest-haste-map]
Avoid persisting haste map or processing files when not changed (#8153)[jest-core]
Improve performance of SearchSource.findMatchingTests by 15% (#8184)[jest-resolve]
Optimize internal cache lookup performance (#8183)[jest-core]
Dramatically improve watch mode performance (#8201)[jest-transform]
Cache regular expression instead of creating anew for every file in ScriptTransformer (#8235)[jest-core]
Fix memory leak of source map info and minor performance improvements (#8234)[jest-console]
Fix memory leak by releasing console output reference when printed to stdout (#8233)[jest-runtime]
Use Map
instead of Object
for module registry (#8232)Changelog
Now supports PnP environment without plugins (#8094)[expect]
Compare DOM nodes even if there are multiple Node classes (#8064)[jest-worker]
can return null
Re-attach stdout and stderr from new processes/threads created after retries (#8087)[jest-reporters/jest-runner]
Serialize changedFiles
passed to workers (#8090)[*]
Make sure to include d.ts
files in the tarball when building (#8086)