Advanced tools
jest 21.2.0
--silent --verbose
problem (#4505)Changelog
jest 21.1.0
jest 21.0.0
Add --changedFilesWithAncestor (#4070)
Add --findRelatedFiles (#4131)
Add --onlyChanged tests (#3977)
Add contextLines
option to jest-diff (#4152)
Add alternative serialize API for pretty-format plugins (#4114)
Add displayName to MPR (#4327)
Add displayName to TestResult (#4408)
Add es5 build of pretty-format (#4075)
Add extra info to no tests for changed files message (#4188)
Add fake chalk in browser builds in order to support IE10 (#4367)
Add jest.requireActual (#4260)
Add maxWorkers to globalConfig (#4005)
Add skipped tests support for jest-editor-support (#4346)
Add source map support for better debugging experience (#3738)
Add support for Error objects in toMatchObject (#4339)
Add support for Immutable.Record in pretty-format (#3678)
Add tests for extract_requires on export types (#4080)
Add that toMatchObject can match arrays (#3994)
Add watchPathIgnorePatterns to exclude paths to trigger test re-run in watch mode (#4331)
Adding ancestorTitles property to JSON test output (#4293)
Allow custom resolver to be used with[out] moduleNameMapper (#4174)
Avoid parsing .require(…)
method calls (#3777)
Avoid unnecessary function declarations and call in pretty-format (#3962)
Avoid writing to stdout in default reporter if --json is enabled. Fixes #3941 (#3945)
Better error handling for --config (#4230)
Call consistent pretty-format plugins within Jest (#3800)
Change babel-core to peerDependency for compatibility with Babel 7 (#4162)
Change Promise detection code in jest-circus to support non-global Promise implementations (#4375)
Changed files eager loading (#3979)
Check whether we should output to stdout or stderr (#3953)
Clarify what objects toContain and toContainEqual can be used on (#4307)
Clean up resolve() logic. Provide useful names for variables and functions. Test that a directory exists before attempting to resolve files within it. (#4325)
cleanupStackTrace (#3696)
compare objects with Symbol keys (#3437)
Complain if expect is passed multiple arguments (#4237)
Completes nodeCrawl with empty roots (#3776)
Consistent naming of files (#3798)
Convert code base to ESM import (#3778)
Correct summary message for flag --findRelatedTests. (#4309)
Coverage thresholds can be set up for individual files (#4185)
custom reporter error handling (#4051)
Define separate type for pretty-format plugin Options (#3802)
Delete confusing async keyword (#3679)
Delete redundant branch in ReactElement and HTMLElement plugins (#3731)
Don't format node assert errors when there's no 'assert' module (#4376)
Don't print test summary in --silent (#4106)
Don't try to build ghost packages (#3934)
Escape double quotes in attribute values in HTMLElement plugin (#3797)
Explain how to clear the cache (#4232)
Factor out common code for collections in pretty-format (#4184)
Factor out common code for markup in React plugins (#4171)
Feature/internal resolve (#4315)
Fix --logHeapUsage (#4176)
Fix --showConfig to show all project configs (#4078)
Fix --watchAll (#4254)
Fix bug when setTimeout is mocked (#3769)
Fix changedFilesWithAncestor (#4193)
Fix colors for expected/stored snapshot message (#3702)
Fix concurrent test failure (#4159)
Fix for 4286: Compare Maps and Sets by value rather than order (#4303)
fix forceExit (#4105)
Fix grammar in React Native docs (#3838)
Fix inconsistent name of complex values in pretty-format (#4001)
Fix issue mocking bound method (#3805)
Fix jest-circus (#4290)
Fix lint warning in main
Fix linting (#3946)
fix merge conflict (#4144)
Fix minor typo (#3729)
fix missing console.log messages (#3895)
fix mock return value (#3933)
Fix mocking for modules with folders on windows (#4238)
Fix NODE_PATH resolving for relative paths (#3616)
Fix options.moduleNameMapper override order with preset (#3565 (#3689)
Fix React PropTypes warning in tests for Immutable plugin (#4412)
Fix regression in mockReturnValueOnce (#3857)
Fix sample code of mock class constructors (#4115)
Fix setup-test-framework-test (#3773)
fix typescript jest test crash (#4363)
Fix watch mode (#4084)
Fix Watchman on windows (#4018)
Fix(babel): Handle ignored files in babel v7 (#4393)
Fix(babel): Support upcoming beta (#4403)
Fixed object matcher (#3799)
Fixes #3820 use extractExpectedAssertionsErrors in jasmine setup
Flow upgrade (#4355)
Force message in matchers to always be a function (#3972)
Format describe
and use test
instead of it
alias (#3792)
global_config.js for multi-project runner (#4023)
Handle async errors (#4016)
Hard-fail if hasteImpl is throwing an error during initialization. (#3812)
Ignore import type for extract_requires (#4079)
Ignore indentation of data structures in jest-diff (#3429)
Implement 'jest.requireMock' (#4292)
Improve Jest phabricator plugin (#4195)
Improve Seq and remove newline from non-min empty in Immutable plugin (#4241)
Improved the jest reporter with snapshot info per test. (#3660)
Include fullName in formattedAssertion (#4273)
Integrated with Yarn workspaces (#3906)
jest --all (#4020)
jest-circus test failures (#3770)
jest-circus Timeouts (#3760)
jest-haste-map: add test case for broken handling of ignore pattern (#4047)
jest-haste-map: add test+fix for broken platform module support (#3885)
jest-haste-map: deprecate functional ignorePattern and use it in cache key (#4063)
jest-haste-map: mock 'fs' with more idiomatic jest.mock() (#4046)
jest-haste-map: only file IO errors should be silently ignored (#3816)
jest-haste-map: throw when trying to get a duplicated module (#3976)
jest-haste-map: watchman crawler: normalize paths (#3887)
jest-runtime: atomic cache write, and check validity of data (#4088)
Join lines with newline in jest-diff (#4314)
Keep ARGV only in CLI files (#4012)
let transformers adjust cache key based on mapCoverage (#4187)
Lift requires (#3780)
Log stack when reporting errors in jest-runtime (#3833)
Make --listTests return a new line separated list when not using --json (#4229)
Make build script printing small-terminals-friendly (#3892)
Make error messages more explicit for toBeCalledWith assertions (#3913)
Make jest-matcher-utils use ESM exports (#4342)
Make jest-runner a standalone package. (#4236)
Make Jest’s Test Runner configurable. (#4240)
Make listTests always print to console.log (#4391)
Make providesModuleNodeModules ignore nested node_modules directories
Make sure function mocks match original arity (#4170)
Make sure runAllTimers also clears all ticks (#3915)
Make toBe matcher error message more helpful for objects and arrays (#4277)
Make useRealTimers play well with timers: fake (#3858)
Move getType from jest-matcher-utils to separate package (#3559)
Multiroot jest-change-files (#3969)
Output created snapshot when using --ci option (#3693)
Point out you can use matchers in .toMatchObject (#3796)
Prevent babelrc package import failure on relative current path (#3723)
Print RDP details for windows builds (#4017)
Provide better error checking for transformed content (#3807)
Provide printText and printComment in markup.js for HTMLElement plugin (#4344)
Provide regex visualization for testRegex (#3758)
Refactor CLI (#3862)
Refactor names and delimiters of complex values in pretty-format (#3986)
Replace concat(Immutable) with Immutable as item of plugins array (#4207)
Replace Jasmine with jest-circus (#3668)
Replace match with test and omit redundant String conversion (#4311)
Replace print with serialize in AsymmetricMatcher plugin (#4173)
Replace print with serialize in ConvertAnsi plugin (#4225)
Replace print with serialize in HTMLElement plugin (#4215)
Replace print with serialize in Immutable plugins (#4189)
Replace unchanging args with one config arg within pretty-format (#4076)
Return UNDEFINED for undefined type in ReactElement plugin (#4360)
Rewrite some read bumps in pretty-format (#4093)
Run update method before installing JRE on Circle (#4318)
Separated the snapshot summary creation from the printing to improve testability. (#4373)
Set coverageDirectory during normalize phase (#3966)
Setup custom reporters after default reporters (#4053)
Setup for Circle 2 (#4149)
Simplify readme (#3790)
Simplify snapshots definition (#3791)
skipNodeResolution config option (#3987)
Small fixes to toHaveProperty docs (#3878)
Sort attributes by name in HTMLElement plugin (#3783)
Specify watchPathIgnorePatterns will only be available in Jest 21+ (#4398)
Split TestRunner off of TestScheduler (#4233)
Strict and explicit config resolution logic (#4122)
Support maxDepth option in React plugins (#4208)
Support SVG elements in HTMLElement plugin (#4335)
Test empty Immutable collections with {min: false} option (#4121)
test to debug travis failure in main (#4145)
testPathPattern message test (#4006)
Throw Error When Using Nested It Specs (#4039)
Throw when moduleNameMapper points to inexistent module (#3567)
Unified 'no tests found' message for non-verbose MPR (#4354)
Update migration guide with jest-codemods transformers (#4306)
Use "inputSourceMap" for coverage re-mapping. (#4009)
Use "verbose" no test found message when there is only one project (#4378)
Use babel transform to inline all requires (#4340)
Use eslint plugins to run prettier (#3971)
Use iterableEquality in spy matchers (#3651)
Use modern HTML5 <!DOCTYPE> (#3937)
Wrap Error.captureStackTrace
in a try (#4035)