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Filter, extract from and pretty print a stream of JSON objects.

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237 kB



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jipe is a pipe to filter, extract from and pretty print a stream of JSON objects. It can be used from the shell, or as a nodejs library.


Always use jipe --help to get the latest documentation.

$ npm install jipe
$ jipe --help
$ jipe < abunchofjsonobjects.json

Using as a Library

You are incouraged to also use jipe as a library. The following streams are available:

jipe.Parse - The parser, input is a binary stream and output is an object stream. Optional skip option is support to skip first n bytes of the input stream. jipe.Inquery - Inquery filter. Objects in and out. Takes a query argument that is a valid Inquiry expression. jipe.JSONPath - JSONPath filter. Objects in and out. Takes a query argument that is a valid JSONPath expression. jipe.Pp - The pretty printer. Optional indent option is supported and is 4 by default. Takes an object stream as input and outputs a binary stream.

Query Language

There are multiple query languages supported, depending on which parameter are passed. Please refer to the individual packages for docuntation of their query languages.

--jsonpath uses JSONPath

--inquery uses Inquiry

Additional Features

Sometimes you have an enormous JSON array of objects or other arrays and you'd like to treat each element seperately. The --skip option was created for this purpose. Since the jipe parser ignores anything in between objects, if you tell it to skip the opening left bracket, it will treat each of the elements as it's own event. --skip takes a number argument and will skip that number of bytes from the beginning of the input stream.


Is it efficient? No. I have spent zero effort making the parsing algorithm efficient. I may or may not in the future.

Is it safe? No. If you pass in invalid JSON, it will just keep buffering data and trying to parse it until it explodes. It cannot recover from bad JSON.

What is valid JSON? Arrays and Objects. That's it. Valid JSON begins with { or [ and ends with } or ]. Any non-[ or non-{ characters before the starting delimiter or after the ending delimeter are simply ignored.

Does it care about newlines? No, your JSON can span multple lines, and doesn't need any newlines between objects.



Last updated on 18 May 2015

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