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jquery-eclipsefdn-api - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.0.41 to 0.0.42



* jquery-eclipsefdn-api - v0.0.41
* undefined
* undefined
* jquery-eclipsefdn-api - v0.0.42
* Fetch and display data from various Eclipse Foundation APIs.
* Made by undefined
* Under undefined License
* Made by Christopher Guindon
* Under MIT License

@@ -9,0 +9,0 @@ * Thanks to, MIT License © Zeno Rocha

* jquery-eclipsefdn-api - v0.0.41
* undefined
* undefined
* jquery-eclipsefdn-api - v0.0.42
* Fetch and display data from various Eclipse Foundation APIs.
* Made by undefined
* Under undefined License
* Made by Christopher Guindon
* Under MIT License
* Thanks to, MIT License © Zeno Rocha
(function($, window, document, undefined) {
"use strict";
var pluginName = "eclipseFdnIgc",
defaults = {
// connecting client should identify itself so that storage is separated in
// multi-client configurations
clientName: "unknown",
// authorization URL. i.e.
authUrl: "",
// URL to API. i.e.
apiUrl: "",
// It should always come back to current site but path may change in the future
redirectUri: [location.protocol, "//",, "/site_login/implicit_grant/authorized"].join(""),
// its now unnecessary for the connecting client to set storage name, clientID is appended to avoid multi-client collisions
baseStorageName: "eclipseIGC",
// redirect back to originating page after validation. Only disable for debugging validation flow
redirectIfValid: true,
// validate token issued to logged in user. extra validation step. Disabled by default.
// tklanding will fill this in based on settings
validateUser: true,
// base64 encode stored items.
encodeStorage: true,
// used only by tklanding to validate token is for the current user, if validateUser enabled
// tklanding will fill this in.
username: "",
// set to false to not store and complete the request after authorization
completeOnAuthorization: true,
function Plugin(element, options) {
this.element = element;
this.settings = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
this._defaults = defaults;
this._name = pluginName;
// Avoid Plugin.prototype conflicts
$.extend(Plugin.prototype, {
* requests a token from oauth2 server using implicit grant flow
authorizeClient: function() {
if (this.settings.authUrl.length === 0) {
// can't continue without it. consider throwing error
var error = {
error: 400,
error_description: "authorization end-point not defined",
error_from: "authorizeClient"
this.storeItem("error_msg", error);
// store the "return to" address
this.storeItem("return_location", {
prevLoc: window.location.href
var state = this.getNewState();
var authURI = this.settings.authUrl + "/oauth2/authorize" +
"?response_type=token" +
"&client_id=" + this.request.cid +
"&redirect_uri=" + encodeURIComponent(this.settings.redirectUri) +
"&scope=" + encodeURIComponent(this.request.scope) +
"&state=" + state;
self.location = authURI;
* retrieves stored action delayed by authorization request
getDelayedAction: function() {
// in default standard mode, retrieve it from storage
return this.getStoredItem("request", true);
* Generates and stores a randomized string for verifying the token request
* was expected and originated from us
getNewState: function() {
// generates a random string
var rand = function() {
return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2);
// generate a double-length string to use to validate the state (i.e., the request came from us)
var newState = rand() + rand();
// store it for later.
this.storeItem("state", {
state: newState
return newState;
* reads item from storage and returns it
getStoredItem: function(itemName, burnAfterReading) {
// add suffix based on item type
var self = this;
var storeName = this.getStoreName(itemName);
if (typeof(burnAfterReading) === "undefined") {
burnAfterReading = false;
var storedItem = null;
switch ( {
case "local":
storedItem = localStorage.getItem(storeName);
if (storedItem === null) {
var date = new Date();
// parse it and check if it's expired
storedItem = decodeAndParse(storedItem);
if (storedItem.expires_time <= date.getTime()) {
// it's expired, remove it and pretend it doesn't exist
storedItem = null;
case "cookie":
var name = storeName + "=";
var stored = document.cookie.split(";");
for (var i = 0; i < stored.length; i++) {
var c = stored[i];
c = c.trim();
if (c.indexOf(name) === 0) {
storedItem = c.substring(name.length, c.length);
storedItem = decodeAndParse(storedItem);
// remove the item from storage before returning the value, if specified
if (burnAfterReading) {
return storedItem;
function decodeAndParse(item) {
var retrievedItem;
try {
retrievedItem = self.settings.encodeStorage ? JSON.parse(atob(item)) : JSON.parse(item);
return retrievedItem;
} catch(e) {
//Setting may have been changed while we still had stuff
if (e instanceof DOMException) {
// item was expected to be base64 encoded but isn't.
return JSON.parse(item);
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
// item was expected to be JSON encoded but isn't.
return JSON.parse(atob(item));
* formats the storage name using the base name and appending an identifier
* based on item type
getStoreName: function(itemName) {
if (typeof(itemName) === "undefined") {
itemName = "";
var baseName = this.settings.baseStorageName + "_";
// clientName is used to store settings individually per client
baseName = baseName + this.settings.clientName;
switch (itemName) {
case "token":
baseName = baseName + "_tk";
case "state":
// generated state string for validation
baseName = baseName + "_st";
// "return to" location
case "return_location":
baseName = baseName + "_cloc";
// delayed request due to requiring authorization
case "request":
baseName = baseName + "_req";
// delayed respone from action completed after authorization
case "delayed_response":
baseName = baseName + "_dlresp";
// delayed error from attempted action after authorization
case "delayed_error":
baseName = baseName + "_dlerr";
// This is not currently used, as we now trigger an event on auth return.
case "feedback_msg":
baseName = baseName + "_fbm";
// Typically for validation errors and such, event triggers on final redirect back.
case "error_msg":
baseName = baseName + "_err";
case "lastAuthReq":
baseName = this.settings.baseStorageName + "_lreq";
// we shouldn't be here, give it a name anyways
baseName = baseName + "_" + itemName;
return baseName;
* checks storage and returns bool if a token is already in storage.
haveToken: function() {
if (this.getStoredItem("token") !== null) {
return true;
return false;
* Initialize function for plugin
init: function() {
var self = this;
// expose responseHandler for tklanding page
$.fn[this._name].responseHandler = function(value) {
// we may want to expand this for additional callbacks / promises
$.fn[this._name].makeRequest = function(requestOptions) {
// expose storage save item to connecting clients
$.fn[this._name].saveItem = function(itemName, item, expiresIn) {
// check for reserved names and bail if they attempt it
if (!isItemNameReserved(itemName)) {
self.storeItem(itemName, item, expiresIn);
return true;
return false;
// expose storage retrieve item to connecting clients
$.fn[this._name].retrieveItem = function(itemName, burnAfterReading) {
// check for reserved names and bail if they attempt it
if (!isItemNameReserved(itemName)) {
return self.getStoredItem(itemName, burnAfterReading);
return false;
// expose storage remove item to connecting clients
$.fn[this._name].removeItem = function(itemName) {
// check for reserved names and bail if they attempt it
if (!isItemNameReserved(itemName)) {
return self.removeStoredItem(itemName);
return false;
// determine supported storage method = "none";
if (this.settings.baseStorageName.length === 0) {
// we don't have a baseStorageName for some reason
this.settings.baseStorageName = "eclipseIGC";
// check if browser supports localStorage
if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") { = "local";
} else if (navigator.cookieEnabled) {
// if not, maybe cookies are enabled = "cookie";
// without some kind of storage, we need to authenticate on each page
// and lose what we get by the time we've finished authorizing / validating.
// we currently do not support a non-storage workflow*
// *the only way this could work is with open-window method and storing in vars
// if no storage is available, we could throw feedback_msg that this would work better
// with a modern browser/cookies enabled
// check for any delayed action stored and send the results in an event
var delayedResponse = this.getStoredItem("delayed_response", true);
if (delayedResponse != null) {
$(document).trigger("igcRequestComplete", delayedResponse);
var delayedError = this.getStoredItem("delayed_error", true);
if (delayedError != null) {
$(document).trigger("igcRequestFailed", delayedError);
var authError = this.getStoredItem("error_msg", true);
if (authError != null) {
$(document).trigger("igcAuthFailed", authError);
// check if the user is even logged in, if not we need to clear out tokens to prevent multi-user collisions
$(document).ready(function() {
// instead of calling Drupal.settings directly,
// let's expect username to be filled and make this system agnostic.
if (typeof(self.settings.username) === "undefined" || self.settings.username.length === 0) {
// clean-up
// do we have a last user?
var lastUser = self.getStoredItem("session_user");
if (lastUser !== null && lastUser.username !== self.settings.username) {
// we had a change of users.
// set the new user
self.storeItem("session_user", {username : self.settings.username}, 3600);
if (lastUser === null) {
// new user
self.storeItem("session_user", {username : self.settings.username}, 3600);
* Checks if connecting client is trying to store an item using a reserved store name
* @param name
* @returns boolean
function isItemNameReserved(name) {
var reservedList = [
if (typeof(name) === "undefined") {
name = "";
name = name.toLowerCase();
if (reservedList.indexOf(name) > -1) {
return true;
return false;
* Public method - if token is stored, makes the request.
* If not, stores the request and fetches new token via implicit grant flow
* request and callback should be completed on return
makeRequest: function(requestOptions, wasDelayed) {
var self = this;
if (typeof(wasDelayed) === "undefined") {
wasDelayed = false;
if (this.haveToken()) {
// do the request
var defaultOptions = {
path: "/",
method: "GET",
// default contentTypes don't play nice, even if we aren't sending data
contentType: "application/json",
context: $(document),
successCallback: null,
errorCallback: null
var theOptions = $.extend({}, defaultOptions, requestOptions);
url: this.settings.apiUrl + theOptions.path,
context: theOptions.context,
method: theOptions.method,
contentType: theOptions.contentType,
beforeSend: function(xhr) {
var token = self.getStoredItem("token");
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token.access_token);
.done(function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
// make sure callback exists, if so call it.
if (typeof(theOptions.successCallback) === "function") {
theOptions.successCallback(data, textStatus, jqXHR);
// if this was a delayed action, the callback would have been lost.
// store the relevant data so that an event can be triggered on redirect finish
if (wasDelayed) {
// combine the requestOptions with data so caller can figure out what they did
// include the response headers as the functions get stripped from the object on save.
var combined = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
data: data,
textStatus: textStatus,
responseHeaders: jqXHR.getAllResponseHeaders(),
requestOptions: theOptions
self.storeItem("delayed_response", combined);
.fail(function(jqHXR) {
// although our token *should* expire when it's due,
// we need to trigger a re-auth in the event that it's not found and we're no longer authorized
// or maybe we have the wrong one.
if (jqHXR.status === 401) {
// if callback is defined, call it.
if (typeof(theOptions.errorCallback) === "function") {
// if this was a delayed action, the callback was lost in the flow
// save some relevant info to trigger an event on redirect finish.
if (wasDelayed) {
// combine the requestOptions with data so caller can figure out what they did
var combined = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
requestOptions: theOptions,
jqXHR: jqHXR
self.storeItem("delayed_error", combined);
* saves the current request and triggers a authorization
* only needed within the makeRequest scope
function triggerAuthorization() {
if (self.settings.completeOnAuthorization) {
// remove the context to prevent "converting circular stucture to json" error
requestOptions.context = null;
// store the request to process on completion.
self.storeItem("request", requestOptions);
// we'll need this information for the authorization request and to validate
// the authorization response when it comes back
self.request = {
clientName : self.settings.clientName,
cid : requestOptions.cid,
scope : requestOptions.scope
self.storeItem("lastAuthReq", self.request);
* pops the authorization into a new window - retains handle and context
* but may be blocked by browser which breaks the asssociation
openWindow: function(url) {
// set window size to pop in new window, login fits ok but auth screen doesn't fit well in smaller window
// so using default - new tab
var dialog =, "Authorize", "height=720, width=1280");
if (window.focus && dialog) {
* redirects the browser back to the users starting point, if known
* if not then it will go to home of current domain
redirectToStart: function() {
// get the location the user left off on and go back
if (this.settings.redirectIfValid === false) {
// configured not to redirect and to stay on the landing page
// there's no good reason for this aside from debugging purposes.
var prevLocation = this.getStoredItem("return_location", true);
if (prevLocation === null) {
// return them to home page then
prevLocation = {
prevLoc: [location.protocol, "//",].join(""),
* removes an item from storage
removeStoredItem: function(itemName) {
var storeName = this.getStoreName(itemName);
switch ( {
case "local":
case "cookie":
var expires = "expires=Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 UTC;";
document.cookie = storeName + "=;" + expires + "; path=/";
* Public method - parses response, validates token if present and stores token in supported storage method
responseHandler: function(hashValue) {
var self = this;
var nothingToDo = true;
if (typeof(hashValue) === "undefined") {
hashValue = "";
if (typeof(this.settings.redirectIfValid) !== "boolean") {
this.settings.redirectIfValid = true;
// parse the response
var responseParts = parseResponse(hashValue);
if (!$.isEmptyObject(responseParts)) {
// check if there's a token in the response
if (typeof(responseParts.access_token) !== "undefined") {
this.request = this.getStoredItem("lastAuthReq", true);
if (this.request == null) {
// this is unexpected, we don't have a pending auth request
// restore the clientName so we can retrieve items stored for it
this.settings.clientName = this.request.clientName;
// check if we already have one
if (this.haveToken()) {
// We already have a token. This probably didn't come from a request
// we have something to do
nothingToDo = false;
// check for errors and validate it
this.validateToken(responseParts, function(success, msg) {
if (typeof(success) !== "boolean") {
success = false;
// if validation passes, store it. Otherwise toss it away and don't even kick the callback (if specified)
if (success === true) {
self.storeItem("token", responseParts);
// retrieve stored action and finalize
var requestOptions = self.getDelayedAction();
if (requestOptions != null) {
// will call redirect when it's done
self.makeRequest(requestOptions, true);
} else {
// remove the stored request
// store error message, if any, to display on the return
if (typeof(msg) !== "undefined" && msg !== null) {
// msgs passed back from validation, triggers event after final redirect back.
self.storeItem("error_msg", msg);
if (typeof(responseParts.error) !== "undefined") {
// access was denied, and likely because someone pressed cancel on the authorization page
// or an invalid scope was requested
this.storeItem("error_msg", responseParts);
// nothing to do - redirect back to where they were and away from landing
if (nothingToDo) {
* parse the response taken from the URI
* local to responseHandler method scope.
* @param response
* @returns object
function parseResponse(response) {
// current implementation only checks/gets token and processes the rest if it needs to
// we gain more in error conditions if we just parse the lot into a keyed array
var values = {};
var hashString = response.substring(response.indexOf("?"));
// don't process if there is no "query" string in the passed in response
if (hashString) {
var paramPattern = /([^#?&=]+)=([^&]*)/g;
var param;
// break it down, param[1] is name, param[2] is value
while ((param = paramPattern.exec(hashString)) !== null) {
values[decodeURIComponent(param[1])] = decodeURIComponent(param[2]);
return values;
* store the token for use later, either in cookie or localStorage
storeItem: function(itemName, item, expiresIn) {
var storeName = this.getStoreName(itemName);
var date;
var expiry;
if (typeof(item) === "undefined") {
// nothing really we can do with this
switch (itemName) {
case "token":
// token will have expiry as part of response
expiresIn = parseInt(item.expires_in) - 1;
date = new Date();
expiry = expiresIn * 1000;
// set an expiry for everything else
// default to 5min if not specified.
if (typeof(expiresIn) !== "number" || expiresIn < 1) {
expiresIn = 3600;
date = new Date();
expiry = expiresIn * 1000;
if (typeof(item) !== "object") {
// this item is not an object, convert for consistent json storage
item = {
itemName: item
date.setTime(date.getTime() + expiry);
if ( === "local") {
item.expires_time = date.getTime();
// prep the item
var jsonItem = this.settings.encodeStorage ? btoa(JSON.stringify(item)) : JSON.stringify(item);
switch ( {
case "local":
// add the expiry timestamp
// we'll store the json string of the response here
// consider only storing portion we need instead of response
localStorage.setItem(storeName, jsonItem);
case "cookie":
// we're going to store the entire response, and set the cookie auto expiry.
var expires = "; expires=" + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = storeName + "=" + jsonItem + expires + "; path=/";
* validates the token and token request client ID against the authorizing agent
* returns bool on validation result
validateToken: function(tokenResponseParts, onValidated) {
var self = this;
// hopefully we have a state to compare if we have storage
if ( !== "none") {
var storedState = this.getStoredItem("state", true);
if (storedState === null || storedState.state !== tokenResponseParts.state) {
if (onValidated && typeof(onValidated) === "function") {
url: this.settings.authUrl + "/oauth2/tokens/" + tokenResponseParts.access_token
}).done(function(data) {
// does the client ID and scope match ours?
var valid = true;
var msg = null;
if (self.request.cid !== data.client_id) {
valid = false;
msg = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
error: 400,
error_description: "Received token issued to unrecognized Client ID",
error_from: "oauth2/tokens"
// so far so good, check the scopes
if (valid) {
// token response separates multi-scopes with '+'
var grantedScopes = tokenResponseParts.scope.split("+");
var requestedScopes = self.request.scope.split(" ");
var flaggedScope = [];
if (requestedScopes.indexOf(this) === -1) {
// the granted scope is not in the list of expected scopes
valid = false;
if (!valid) {
msg = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
error: 400,
error_description: "Granted scope " + flaggedScope.join(" ") + "is not in the list of expected scopes",
error_from: "oauth2/tokens"
if (self.settings.validateUser && self.settings.username.length > 0 && valid) {
var tokenUID;
if (typeof(data.user_id) !== "undefined") {
tokenUID = data.user_id;
// one more call, which will kick the callback for us
validateTheUserID(tokenUID, onValidated);
} else {
// call the onValidated callback
if (onValidated && typeof(onValidated) === "function") {
onValidated(valid, msg);
}).fail(function(jqXHR) {
// error, we can assume it's no good but in case we want to log the attempt somewhere
// 404's mean the token wasn't found on the authorizing system.
var msg = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
error: jqXHR.status,
error_description: "Error validating authorization response.",
error_from: "validateToken"
if (onValidated && typeof(onValidated) === "function") {
onValidated(false, msg);
function validateTheUserID(tokenUID, onValidated) {
// quick test against what api/account/profile returns
var account = self.settings.apiUrl + "/account/profile/" + self.settings.username;
url: account
}).done(function(data) {
var isValid = true;
var msg = null;
if (typeof( !== "undefined") {
// these should match
if (data.uid !== tokenUID) {
// hmm, the token's user_id and the logged in user_id do not match.
msg = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
error: 400,
error_description: "Authorizing account does not match the current logged in account on this site",
error_from: "account/profile"
isValid = false;
// call the onValidated callback
if (onValidated && typeof(onValidated) === "function") {
onValidated(isValid, msg);
}).fail(function(jqXHR) {
var msg = {
clientName: self.settings.clientName,
error: jqXHR.status,
error_description: jqXHR.statusText,
error_from: "account/profile"
if (onValidated && typeof(onValidated) === "function") {
onValidated(false, msg);
// A really lightweight plugin wrapper around the constructor,
// preventing against multiple instantiations
$.fn[pluginName] = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
if (!$.data(this, "plugin_" + pluginName)) {
$.data(this, "plugin_" +
pluginName, new Plugin(this, options));
})(jQuery, window, document);
!function(e,t,r,o){"use strict";var i="eclipseFdnIgc",n={clientName:"unknown",authUrl:"",apiUrl:"",redirectUri:[location.protocol,"//",,"/site_login/implicit_grant/authorized"].join(""),baseStorageName:"eclipseIGC",redirectIfValid:!0,validateUser:!0,encodeStorage:!0,username:"",completeOnAuthorization:!0};function s(t,r){this.element=t,this.settings=e.extend({},n,r),this._defaults=n,this._name=i,this.init()}e.extend(s.prototype,{authorizeClient:function(){if(0===this.settings.authUrl.length){this.storeItem("error_msg",{error:400,error_description:"authorization end-point not defined",error_from:"authorizeClient"})}this.storeItem("return_location",{prevLoc:t.location.href});var e=this.getNewState(),r=this.settings.authUrl+"/oauth2/authorize?response_type=token&client_id="+this.request.cid+"&redirect_uri="+encodeURIComponent(this.settings.redirectUri)+"&scope="+encodeURIComponent(this.request.scope)+"&state="+e;self.location=r},getDelayedAction:function(){return this.getStoredItem("request",!0)},getNewState:function(){var e=function(){return Math.random().toString(36).substr(2)},t=e()+e();return this.storeItem("state",{state:t}),t},getStoredItem:function(e,t){var o=this,i=this.getStoreName(e);void 0===t&&(t=!1);var n=null;switch({case"local":if(null===(n=localStorage.getItem(i)))break;var s=new Date;(n=d(n)).expires_time<=s.getTime()&&(this.removeStoredItem(e),n=null);break;case"cookie":for(var a=i+"=",c=r.cookie.split(";"),l=0;l<c.length;l++){var u=c[l];0===(u=u.trim()).indexOf(a)&&(n=d(n=u.substring(a.length,u.length)))}}return t&&this.removeStoredItem(e),n;function d(e){try{return o.settings.encodeStorage?JSON.parse(atob(e)):JSON.parse(e)}catch(t){if(t instanceof DOMException)return JSON.parse(e);if(t instanceof SyntaxError)return JSON.parse(atob(e))}}},getStoreName:function(e){void 0===e&&(e="");var t=this.settings.baseStorageName+"_";switch(t+=this.settings.clientName,e){case"token":t+="_tk";break;case"state":t+="_st";break;case"return_location":t+="_cloc";break;case"request":t+="_req";break;case"delayed_response":t+="_dlresp";break;case"delayed_error":t+="_dlerr";break;case"feedback_msg":t+="_fbm";break;case"error_msg":t+="_err";break;case"lastAuthReq":t=this.settings.baseStorageName+"_lreq";break;default:t=t+"_"+e}return t},haveToken:function(){return null!==this.getStoredItem("token")},init:function(){var t=this;e.fn[this._name].responseHandler=function(e){t.responseHandler(e)},e.fn[this._name].makeRequest=function(e){t.makeRequest(e)},e.fn[this._name].saveItem=function(e,r,o){return!s(e)&&(t.storeItem(e,r,o),!0)},e.fn[this._name].retrieveItem=function(e,r){return!s(e)&&t.getStoredItem(e,r)},e.fn[this._name].removeItem=function(e){return!s(e)&&t.removeStoredItem(e)},"none",0===this.settings.baseStorageName.length&&(this.settings.baseStorageName="eclipseIGC"),"undefined"!=typeof Storage?"local":navigator.cookieEnabled&&("cookie");var o=this.getStoredItem("delayed_response",!0);if(null==o){var i=this.getStoredItem("delayed_error",!0);if(null==i){var n=this.getStoredItem("error_msg",!0);null==n?e(r).ready(function(){if(void 0!==t.settings.username&&0!==t.settings.username.length){var e=t.getStoredItem("session_user");if(null!==e&&e.username!==t.settings.username)return t.removeStoredItem("token"),void 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r.removeStoredItem("request"),null!=t&&r.storeItem("error_msg",t);r.redirectToStart()})}void 0!==i.error&&(this.removeStoredItem("request"),this.removeStoredItem("state"),this.storeItem("error_msg",i))}o&&r.redirectToStart()},storeItem:function(e,t,o){var i,n,s=this.getStoreName(e);if(void 0!==t){switch(e){case"token":o=parseInt(t.expires_in)-1,i=new Date,n=1e3*o;break;default:("number"!=typeof o||o<1)&&(o=3600),i=new Date,n=1e3*o,"object"!=typeof t&&(t={itemName:t})}i.setTime(i.getTime()+n),"local";var a=this.settings.encodeStorage?btoa(JSON.stringify(t)):JSON.stringify(t);switch({case"local":localStorage.setItem(s,a);break;case"cookie":var c="; expires="+i.toUTCString();r.cookie=s+"="+a+c+"; path=/"}}},validateToken:function(t,r){var o=this;if("none"!{var i=this.getStoredItem("state",!0);if(null===i||i.state!==t.state)return void(r&&"function"==typeof r&&r(!1))}e.ajax({url:this.settings.authUrl+"/oauth2/tokens/"+t.access_token}).done(function(i){var n,s=!0,a=null;if(o.request.cid!==i.client_id&&(s=!1,a={clientName:o.settings.clientName,error:400,error_description:"Received token issued to unrecognized Client ID",error_from:"oauth2/tokens"}),s){var c=t.scope.split("+"),l=o.request.scope.split(" "),u=[];e(c).each(function(){-1===l.indexOf(this)&&(s=!1,u.push(this)),s||(a={clientName:o.settings.clientName,error:400,error_description:"Granted scope "+u.join(" ")+"is not in the list of expected scopes",error_from:"oauth2/tokens"})})}o.settings.validateUser&&o.settings.username.length>0&&s?(void 0!==i.user_id&&(n=i.user_id),function(t,r){var i=o.settings.apiUrl+"/account/profile/"+o.settings.username;e.ajax({url:i}).done(function(e){var i=!0,n=null;void 0!!==t&&(n={clientName:o.settings.clientName,error:400,error_description:"Authorizing account does not match the current logged in account on this site",error_from:"account/profile"},i=!1),r&&"function"==typeof r&&r(i,n)}).fail(function(e){var 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"name": "jquery-eclipsefdn-api",
"version": "0.0.41",
"version": "0.0.42",
"description": "Fetch and display data from various Eclipse Foundation APIs.",

@@ -5,0 +5,0 @@ "keywords": [

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