jQuery UI Reciter
This is not a serious project. It's just me fooling around with JavaScript.
Do not recommend using this for any kind of work.
import { $, _, _self, _parent, _parents } from "./index.js"
Create a component
const HelloWorld = () => [
_.world ??= "World",
$.text["Hello " + _self.world]
$.add({ HelloWorld })
Rendering Content
_.tag = document.body,
_.Mark = 120,
_.world = "earth",
_.slot = "main",
_.onclick = evt => console.log(_parents(this).mark),
_.name = "my-form",
_.onsubmit = evt => {
$.input[_.type = "text"],
_.type = "submit",
HTML Attributes vs Data Attributes
_.type = "text"
_.Type = "text"
_.sayGreetings = "hi"
All the attributes inside of a component are treated as data attributes regardless of the case.
Data Accessors
There are three types of data access proxy objects:
- _self - access a data attribute on the current element
- _parent - access a data attribute on the immediate parent element
- _parents - access a data attribute on any one of the parent elements, including itself
_.grandParentName = "Janice Doe"
_.parentName = "Jane Doe"
_.Name = "John Doe",
$.text["Hi" + _self.name],
_.onclick = evt => console.log(_self(this).name)
$.text["Your parent is " + _parent.parentName], $.br[_]
$.text["Your grandparent is " + _parents.grandParentName]
What about CSS??
Works just like normal css; no scoped styles yet :( but it's on the horizon!
:root {
font-size: 16px;
font-family: Roboto;
body {
background-color: lightgrey;
header {
display: grid;
justify-items: center;
align-items: center;
h1 {
margin: 0;