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js-brasil - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 1.1.0 to 1.1.1




@@ -8,2 +8,5 @@ "use strict";

var mask = require("./src/mask");
var mask_1 = require("./src/mask");
var placa_1 = require("./src/placa");
var estados_1 = require("./src/estados");
exports.validateBr = {

@@ -17,3 +20,4 @@ cep: validate_1.valida_cep,

rg: validate_1.validate_rg,
placa: validate_1.validate_placa,
placa: placa_1.validate_placa,
renavam: validate_1.validate_renavam,
telefone: validate_1.validate_telefone,

@@ -27,3 +31,5 @@ celular: validate_1.validate_celular,

isPresent: utils_1.isPresent,
MASKS: utils_1.MASKS
MASKS: mask_1.MASKS,

@@ -30,0 +36,0 @@ exports.maskBr = mask.maskBr;


"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var utils_1 = require("./utils");
var estados_1 = require("./estados");
var mask_1 = require("./mask");
var validate_1 = require("./validate");
var randexp_1 = require("randexp");
var placa_1 = require("./placa");
var makeGeneric = function (val, options) {

@@ -25,5 +27,10 @@ if (options === void 0) { options = null; }

c = c.replace('/[', '').replace(']/', '').split('-');
var mult = c[1] - c[0];
var plus = parseInt(c[0]);
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * mult) + plus).toString();
if (parseInt(c[1])) {
var mult = c[1] - c[0];
var plus = parseInt(c[0]);
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * mult) + plus).toString();
else {
return rand(1, [c[0], c[1]]);

@@ -37,2 +44,17 @@ else {

function rand(length) {
var ranges = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
ranges[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
var str = ""; // the string (initialized to "")
while (length--) { // repeat this length of times
var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranges.length); // get a random range from the ranges object
var min = ranges[ind][0].charCodeAt(0), // get the minimum char code allowed for this range
max = ranges[ind][1].charCodeAt(0); // get the maximum char code allowed for this range
var c = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; // get a random char code between min and max
str += String.fromCharCode(c); // convert it back into a character and append it to the string str
return str; // return str
function randomLetter(size, onlyCapitals) {

@@ -54,13 +76,7 @@ if (size === void 0) { size = 1; }

var randomEstadoSigla = function () {
var total = utils_1.ESTADOS_SIGLA.length;
return utils_1.ESTADOS_SIGLA[Math.floor(Math.random() * total)];
var total = estados_1.ESTADOS_SIGLA.length;
return estados_1.ESTADOS_SIGLA[Math.floor(Math.random() * total)];
var random = randomEstadoSigla();
random = random.split('');
var makeRg = makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['rg'], {
0: function () { return random[0]; },
1: function () { return random[1]; }
exports.fakerBr = {
cep: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['cep']),
cep: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['cep']),
cepState: function (state) {

@@ -70,3 +86,3 @@ return randexp_1.randexp(validate_1.CEPRange[state]);

cpf: function () {
var cpf = makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['cpf'])();
var cpf = makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['cpf'])();
var restos = validate_1.create_cpf(cpf);

@@ -78,3 +94,3 @@ cpf = cpf.substr(0, cpf.length - 2) + restos[0] + restos[1];

cnpj: function () {
var cnpj = makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['cnpj'])();
var cnpj = makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['cnpj'])();
cnpj = cnpj.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');

@@ -86,13 +102,27 @@ var restos = validate_1.create_cnpj(cnpj);

rg: makeRg,
telefone: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['telefone']),
celular: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['celular']),
inscricaoestadual: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['inscricaoestadual']),
time: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['time']),
currency: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['currency']),
percentage: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['percentage']),
placa: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['placa']),
processo: makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['processo']),
rg: function () {
var random = randomEstadoSigla();
random = random.split('');
var makeRg = makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['rg'], {
0: function () { return random[0]; },
1: function () { return random[1]; }
return makeRg();
telefone: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['telefone']),
celular: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['celular']),
inscricaoestadual: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['inscricaoestadual']),
time: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['time']),
currency: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['currency']),
percentage: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['percentage']),
placa: function () {
var placa;
do {
placa = makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['placa'])();
} while (!placa_1.validate_placa(placa));
return placa;
processo: makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['processo']),
titulo: function () {
var titulo = makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['titulo'])();
var titulo = makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['titulo'])();
var _a = validate_1.create_titulo(titulo), dig1 = _a.dig1, dig2 = _a.dig2;

@@ -102,3 +132,3 @@ return titulo.substr(0, titulo.length - 2) + dig1 + dig2;

renavam: function () {
var renavam = makeGeneric(utils_1.MASKS['renavam'])();
var renavam = makeGeneric(mask_1.MASKS['renavam'])();
var dv = validate_1.create_renavam(renavam);

@@ -105,0 +135,0 @@ return renavam.substr(0, renavam.length - 1) + dv;

"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var utils_1 = require("./utils");
var inscricaoestadual_1 = require("./inscricaoestadual");
var createNumberMask_1 = require("text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask");
exports.MASKS = {
cpf: {
text: '000.000.000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
cnpj: {
text: '00.000.000/0000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '/', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
rg: {
text: 'AA-00.000.000',
textMask: [/[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
telefone: {
text: '(00) 0000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
var numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
var numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength > 10) {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
else {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
celular: {
text: '(00) 00000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[5-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
cep: {
text: '00.000-000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
inscricaoestadual: inscricaoestadual_1.IEMASKS,
time: {
text: '00:00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, ':', /\d/, /\d/]
currency: {
text: '0.000,00',
textMask: createNumberMask_1.default({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: 'R$ ',
suffix: ''
percentage: {
text: '00,00%',
textMask: createNumberMask_1.default({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: '',
suffix: '%'
placa: {
text: 'AAA-0000',
textMask: [/[A-S]/, /[A-Z]/, /[A-Z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
titulo: {
text: '0000.0000.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
processo: {
text: '0000000-00.0000.AAA.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
renavam: {
text: '0000000000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/],
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
var numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
var numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength < 9) {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
else {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
var makeGeneric = function (key) {

@@ -9,7 +108,7 @@ return function (value) {

var mask = utils_1.MASKS[key].textMask;
if (utils_1.MASKS[key].textMaskFunction) {
mask = utils_1.MASKS[key].textMaskFunction(value);
var mask = exports.MASKS[key].textMask;
if (exports.MASKS[key].textMaskFunction) {
mask = exports.MASKS[key].textMaskFunction(value);
return utils_1.conformToMask(value, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue;
return conformToMask(value, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue;

@@ -25,7 +124,7 @@ };

inscricaoestadual: function (inscricaoestadualValue, estado) {
if (!inscricaoestadualValue || !estado || !utils_1.MASKS.inscricaoestadual[estado] ||
!utils_1.MASKS.inscricaoestadual[estado].textMask) {
if (!inscricaoestadualValue || !estado || !exports.MASKS.inscricaoestadual[estado] ||
!exports.MASKS.inscricaoestadual[estado].textMask) {
return '';
return utils_1.conformToMask(inscricaoestadualValue, utils_1.MASKS.inscricaoestadual[estado].textMask, { guide: false }).conformedValue;
return conformToMask(inscricaoestadualValue, exports.MASKS.inscricaoestadual[estado].textMask, { guide: false }).conformedValue;

@@ -37,5 +136,11 @@ time: makeGeneric('time'),

var vals = currencyValue.split(',');
var mask = utils_1.MASKS.currency.textMask(vals[0]);
return utils_1.conformToMask(currencyValue, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue + ',' + vals[1];
if (currencyValue.split) {
var vals = currencyValue.split(',');
var mask = exports.MASKS.currency.textMask(vals[0]);
return conformToMask(currencyValue, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue + ',' + vals[1];
else {
var mask = exports.MASKS.currency.textMask(currencyValue);
return conformToMask(currencyValue, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue;

@@ -47,4 +152,4 @@ percentage: function (percentageValue) {

var vals = percentageValue.split(',');
var mask = utils_1.MASKS.percentage.textMask(vals[0]);
return utils_1.conformToMask(percentageValue, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue + ',' + vals[1];
var mask = exports.MASKS.percentage.textMask(vals[0]);
return conformToMask(percentageValue, mask, { guide: false }).conformedValue + ',' + vals[1];

@@ -55,2 +160,238 @@ placa: makeGeneric('placa'),

exports.placeholderChar = '_';
exports.strFunction = 'function';
var defaultPlaceholderChar = exports.placeholderChar;
var emptyArray = [];
var emptyString = '';
function conformToMask(rawValue, mask, config) {
if (rawValue === void 0) { rawValue = emptyString; }
if (mask === void 0) { mask = emptyArray; }
if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
if (!utils_1.isArray(mask)) {
// If someone passes a function as the mask property, we should call the
// function to get the mask array - Normally this is handled by the
// `createTextMaskInputElement:update` function - this allows mask functions
// to be used directly with `conformToMask`
if (typeof mask === exports.strFunction) {
// call the mask function to get the mask array
mask = mask(rawValue, config);
// mask functions can setup caret traps to have some control over how the caret moves. We need to process
// the mask for any caret traps. `processCaretTraps` will remove the caret traps from the mask
mask = utils_1.processCaretTraps(mask).maskWithoutCaretTraps;
else {
throw new Error('Text-mask:conformToMask; The mask property must be an array.');
// These configurations tell us how to conform the mask
var guide = || true;
var previousConformedValue = config.previousConformedValue || emptyString;
var placeholder = convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask, exports.placeholderChar);
var currentCaretPosition = config.currentCaretPosition;
var keepCharPositions = config.keepCharPositions;
// The configs below indicate that the user wants the algorithm to work in *no guide* mode
var suppressGuide = guide === false && previousConformedValue !== undefined;
// Calculate lengths once for performance
var rawValueLength = rawValue.length;
var previousConformedValueLength = previousConformedValue.length;
var placeholderLength = placeholder.length;
var maskLength = mask.length;
// This tells us the number of edited characters and the direction in which they were edited (+/-)
var editDistance = rawValueLength - previousConformedValueLength;
// In *no guide* mode, we need to know if the user is trying to add a character or not
var isAddition = editDistance > 0;
// Tells us the index of the first change. For (438) 394-4938 to (38) 394-4938, that would be 1
var indexOfFirstChange = currentCaretPosition + (isAddition ? -editDistance : 0);
// We're also gonna need the index of last change, which we can derive as follows...
var indexOfLastChange = indexOfFirstChange + Math.abs(editDistance);
// If `conformToMask` is configured to keep character positions, that is, for mask 111, previous value
// _2_ and raw value 3_2_, the new conformed value should be 32_, not 3_2 (default behavior). That's in the case of
// addition. And in the case of deletion, previous value _23, raw value _3, the new conformed string should be
// __3, not _3_ (default behavior)
// The next block of logic handles keeping character positions for the case of deletion. (Keeping
// character positions for the case of addition is further down since it is handled differently.)
// To do this, we want to compensate for all characters that were deleted
if (keepCharPositions === true && !isAddition) {
// We will be storing the new placeholder characters in this variable.
var compensatingPlaceholderChars = emptyString;
// For every character that was deleted from a placeholder position, we add a placeholder char
for (var i = indexOfFirstChange; i < indexOfLastChange; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === exports.placeholderChar) {
compensatingPlaceholderChars += exports.placeholderChar;
// Now we trick our algorithm by modifying the raw value to make it contain additional placeholder characters
// That way when the we start laying the characters again on the mask, it will keep the non-deleted characters
// in their positions.
rawValue = (rawValue.slice(0, indexOfFirstChange) +
compensatingPlaceholderChars +
rawValue.slice(indexOfFirstChange, rawValueLength));
// Convert `rawValue` string to an array, and mark characters based on whether they are newly added or have
// existed in the previous conformed value. Identifying new and old characters is needed for `conformToMask`
// to work if it is configured to keep character positions.
var rawValueArr = rawValue
.map(function (char, i) { return ({ char: char, isNew: i >= indexOfFirstChange && i < indexOfLastChange }); });
// The loop below removes masking characters from user input. For example, for mask
// `00 (111)`, the placeholder would be `00 (___)`. If user input is `00 (234)`, the loop below
// would remove all characters but `234` from the `rawValueArr`. The rest of the algorithm
// then would lay `234` on top of the available placeholder positions in the mask.
for (var i = rawValueLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var char = rawValueArr[i].char;
if (char !== exports.placeholderChar) {
var shouldOffset = i >= indexOfFirstChange && previousConformedValueLength === maskLength;
if (char === placeholder[(shouldOffset) ? i - editDistance : i]) {
rawValueArr.splice(i, 1);
// This is the variable that we will be filling with characters as we figure them out
// in the algorithm below
var conformedValue = emptyString;
var someCharsRejected = false;
// Ok, so first we loop through the placeholder looking for placeholder characters to fill up.
placeholderLoop: for (var i = 0; i < placeholderLength; i++) {
var charInPlaceholder = placeholder[i];
// We see one. Let's find out what we can put in it.
if (charInPlaceholder === exports.placeholderChar) {
// But before that, do we actually have any user characters that need a place?
if (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// We will keep chipping away at user input until either we run out of characters
// or we find at least one character that we can map.
while (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// Let's retrieve the first user character in the queue of characters we have left
var _a = rawValueArr.shift(), rawValueChar = _a.char, isNew = _a.isNew;
// If the character we got from the user input is a placeholder character (which happens
// regularly because user input could be something like (540) 90_-____, which includes
// a bunch of `_` which are placeholder characters) and we are not in *no guide* mode,
// then we map this placeholder character to the current spot in the placeholder
if (rawValueChar === exports.placeholderChar && suppressGuide !== true) {
conformedValue += exports.placeholderChar;
// And we go to find the next placeholder character that needs filling
continue placeholderLoop;
// Else if, the character we got from the user input is not a placeholder, let's see
// if the current position in the mask can accept it.
else if (mask[i].test(rawValueChar)) {
// we map the character differently based on whether we are keeping character positions or not.
// If any of the conditions below are met, we simply map the raw value character to the
// placeholder position.
if (keepCharPositions !== true ||
isNew === false ||
previousConformedValue === emptyString ||
guide === false ||
!isAddition) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar;
else {
// We enter this block of code if we are trying to keep character positions and none of the conditions
// above is met. In this case, we need to see if there's an available spot for the raw value character
// to be mapped to. If we couldn't find a spot, we will discard the character.
// For example, for mask `1111`, previous conformed value `_2__`, raw value `942_2__`. We can map the
// `9`, to the first available placeholder position, but then, there are no more spots available for the
// `4` and `2`. So, we discard them and end up with a conformed value of `92__`.
var rawValueArrLength = rawValueArr.length;
var indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = null;
// Let's loop through the remaining raw value characters. We are looking for either a suitable spot, ie,
// a placeholder character or a non-suitable spot, ie, a non-placeholder character that is not new.
// If we see a suitable spot first, we store its position and exit the loop. If we see a non-suitable
// spot first, we exit the loop and our `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` will stay as `null`.
for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < rawValueArrLength; i_1++) {
var charData = rawValueArr[i_1];
if (charData.char !== exports.placeholderChar && charData.isNew === false) {
if (charData.char === exports.placeholderChar) {
indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = i_1;
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is not `null`, that means the character is not blocked.
// We can map it. And to keep the character positions, we remove the placeholder character
// from the remaining characters
if (indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar !== null) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar;
rawValueArr.splice(indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar, 1);
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is `null`, that means the character is blocked. We have to
// discard it.
else {
// Since we've mapped this placeholder position. We move on to the next one.
continue placeholderLoop;
else {
someCharsRejected = true;
// We reach this point when we've mapped all the user input characters to placeholder
// positions in the mask. In *guide* mode, we append the left over characters in the
// placeholder to the `conformedString`, but in *no guide* mode, we don't wanna do that.
// That is, for mask `(111)` and user input `2`, we want to return `(2`, not `(2__)`.
if (suppressGuide === false) {
conformedValue += placeholder.substr(i, placeholderLength);
// And we break
// Else, the charInPlaceholder is not a placeholderChar. That is, we cannot fill it
// with user input. So we just map it to the final output
else {
conformedValue += charInPlaceholder;
// The following logic is needed to deal with the case of deletion in *no guide* mode.
// Consider the silly mask `(111) /// 1`. What if user tries to delete the last placeholder
// position? Something like `(589) /// `. We want to conform that to `(589`. Not `(589) /// `.
// That's why the logic below finds the last filled placeholder character, and removes everything
// from that point on.
if (suppressGuide && isAddition === false) {
var indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = null;
// Find the last filled placeholder position and substring from there
for (var i = 0; i < conformedValue.length; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === exports.placeholderChar) {
indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = i;
if (indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar !== null) {
// We substring from the beginning until the position after the last filled placeholder char.
conformedValue = conformedValue.substr(0, indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar + 1);
else {
// If we couldn't find `indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar` that means the user deleted
// the first character in the mask. So we return an empty string.
conformedValue = emptyString;
return { conformedValue: conformedValue, meta: { someCharsRejected: someCharsRejected } };
exports.conformToMask = conformToMask;
function convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask, placeholderChar) {
if (mask === void 0) { mask = emptyArray; }
if (placeholderChar === void 0) { placeholderChar = defaultPlaceholderChar; }
if (!utils_1.isArray(mask)) {
throw new Error('Text-mask:convertMaskToPlaceholder; The mask property must be an array.');
if (mask.indexOf(placeholderChar) !== -1) {
throw new Error('Placeholder character must not be used as part of the mask. Please specify a character ' +
'that is not present in your mask as your placeholder character.\n\n' +
("The placeholder character that was received is: " + JSON.stringify(placeholderChar) + "\n\n") +
("The mask that was received is: " + JSON.stringify(mask)));
return (char) {
return (char instanceof RegExp) ? placeholderChar : char;
exports.convertMaskToPlaceholder = convertMaskToPlaceholder;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var inscricaoestadual_1 = require("./inscricaoestadual");
var createNumberMask_1 = require("text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask");
exports.ESTADOS_SIGLA = ['ac', 'al', 'am', 'ap', 'ba', 'ce', 'df', 'es', 'go', 'ma',
'mg', 'ms', 'mt', 'pa', 'pb', 'pe', 'pi', 'pr', 'rj', 'rn', 'ro', 'rr', 'rs',
'sc', 'se', 'sp', 'to'
exports.MASKS = {
cpf: {
text: '000.000.000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
cnpj: {
text: '00.000.000/0000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '/', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
rg: {
text: 'AA-00.000.000',
textMask: [/[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
telefone: {
text: '(00) 0000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /\d/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
var numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
var numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength > 10) {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
else {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
celular: {
text: '(00) 00000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[5-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
cep: {
text: '00.000-000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
inscricaoestadual: inscricaoestadual_1.IEMASKS,
time: {
text: '00:00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, ':', /\d/, /\d/]
currency: {
text: '0.000,00',
textMask: createNumberMask_1.default({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: 'R$ ',
suffix: ''
percentage: {
text: '00,00%',
textMask: createNumberMask_1.default({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: '',
suffix: '%'
placa: {
text: 'AAA-0000',
textMask: [/[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
titulo: {
text: '0000.0000.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
processo: {
text: '0000000-00.0000.AAA.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
renavam: {
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
var numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
var numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength < 9) {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
else {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
function isPresent(obj) {

@@ -108,238 +7,2 @@ return obj !== undefined && obj !== null;

exports.isPresent = isPresent;
exports.placeholderChar = '_';
exports.strFunction = 'function';
var defaultPlaceholderChar = exports.placeholderChar;
var emptyArray = [];
var emptyString = '';
function conformToMask(rawValue, mask, config) {
if (rawValue === void 0) { rawValue = emptyString; }
if (mask === void 0) { mask = emptyArray; }
if (config === void 0) { config = {}; }
if (!isArray(mask)) {
// If someone passes a function as the mask property, we should call the
// function to get the mask array - Normally this is handled by the
// `createTextMaskInputElement:update` function - this allows mask functions
// to be used directly with `conformToMask`
if (typeof mask === exports.strFunction) {
// call the mask function to get the mask array
mask = mask(rawValue, config);
// mask functions can setup caret traps to have some control over how the caret moves. We need to process
// the mask for any caret traps. `processCaretTraps` will remove the caret traps from the mask
mask = processCaretTraps(mask).maskWithoutCaretTraps;
else {
throw new Error('Text-mask:conformToMask; The mask property must be an array.');
// These configurations tell us how to conform the mask
var guide = || true;
var previousConformedValue = config.previousConformedValue || emptyString;
var placeholder = convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask, exports.placeholderChar);
var currentCaretPosition = config.currentCaretPosition;
var keepCharPositions = config.keepCharPositions;
// The configs below indicate that the user wants the algorithm to work in *no guide* mode
var suppressGuide = guide === false && previousConformedValue !== undefined;
// Calculate lengths once for performance
var rawValueLength = rawValue.length;
var previousConformedValueLength = previousConformedValue.length;
var placeholderLength = placeholder.length;
var maskLength = mask.length;
// This tells us the number of edited characters and the direction in which they were edited (+/-)
var editDistance = rawValueLength - previousConformedValueLength;
// In *no guide* mode, we need to know if the user is trying to add a character or not
var isAddition = editDistance > 0;
// Tells us the index of the first change. For (438) 394-4938 to (38) 394-4938, that would be 1
var indexOfFirstChange = currentCaretPosition + (isAddition ? -editDistance : 0);
// We're also gonna need the index of last change, which we can derive as follows...
var indexOfLastChange = indexOfFirstChange + Math.abs(editDistance);
// If `conformToMask` is configured to keep character positions, that is, for mask 111, previous value
// _2_ and raw value 3_2_, the new conformed value should be 32_, not 3_2 (default behavior). That's in the case of
// addition. And in the case of deletion, previous value _23, raw value _3, the new conformed string should be
// __3, not _3_ (default behavior)
// The next block of logic handles keeping character positions for the case of deletion. (Keeping
// character positions for the case of addition is further down since it is handled differently.)
// To do this, we want to compensate for all characters that were deleted
if (keepCharPositions === true && !isAddition) {
// We will be storing the new placeholder characters in this variable.
var compensatingPlaceholderChars = emptyString;
// For every character that was deleted from a placeholder position, we add a placeholder char
for (var i = indexOfFirstChange; i < indexOfLastChange; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === exports.placeholderChar) {
compensatingPlaceholderChars += exports.placeholderChar;
// Now we trick our algorithm by modifying the raw value to make it contain additional placeholder characters
// That way when the we start laying the characters again on the mask, it will keep the non-deleted characters
// in their positions.
rawValue = (rawValue.slice(0, indexOfFirstChange) +
compensatingPlaceholderChars +
rawValue.slice(indexOfFirstChange, rawValueLength));
// Convert `rawValue` string to an array, and mark characters based on whether they are newly added or have
// existed in the previous conformed value. Identifying new and old characters is needed for `conformToMask`
// to work if it is configured to keep character positions.
var rawValueArr = rawValue
.map(function (char, i) { return ({ char: char, isNew: i >= indexOfFirstChange && i < indexOfLastChange }); });
// The loop below removes masking characters from user input. For example, for mask
// `00 (111)`, the placeholder would be `00 (___)`. If user input is `00 (234)`, the loop below
// would remove all characters but `234` from the `rawValueArr`. The rest of the algorithm
// then would lay `234` on top of the available placeholder positions in the mask.
for (var i = rawValueLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var char = rawValueArr[i].char;
if (char !== exports.placeholderChar) {
var shouldOffset = i >= indexOfFirstChange && previousConformedValueLength === maskLength;
if (char === placeholder[(shouldOffset) ? i - editDistance : i]) {
rawValueArr.splice(i, 1);
// This is the variable that we will be filling with characters as we figure them out
// in the algorithm below
var conformedValue = emptyString;
var someCharsRejected = false;
// Ok, so first we loop through the placeholder looking for placeholder characters to fill up.
placeholderLoop: for (var i = 0; i < placeholderLength; i++) {
var charInPlaceholder = placeholder[i];
// We see one. Let's find out what we can put in it.
if (charInPlaceholder === exports.placeholderChar) {
// But before that, do we actually have any user characters that need a place?
if (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// We will keep chipping away at user input until either we run out of characters
// or we find at least one character that we can map.
while (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// Let's retrieve the first user character in the queue of characters we have left
var _a = rawValueArr.shift(), rawValueChar = _a.char, isNew = _a.isNew;
// If the character we got from the user input is a placeholder character (which happens
// regularly because user input could be something like (540) 90_-____, which includes
// a bunch of `_` which are placeholder characters) and we are not in *no guide* mode,
// then we map this placeholder character to the current spot in the placeholder
if (rawValueChar === exports.placeholderChar && suppressGuide !== true) {
conformedValue += exports.placeholderChar;
// And we go to find the next placeholder character that needs filling
continue placeholderLoop;
// Else if, the character we got from the user input is not a placeholder, let's see
// if the current position in the mask can accept it.
else if (mask[i].test(rawValueChar)) {
// we map the character differently based on whether we are keeping character positions or not.
// If any of the conditions below are met, we simply map the raw value character to the
// placeholder position.
if (keepCharPositions !== true ||
isNew === false ||
previousConformedValue === emptyString ||
guide === false ||
!isAddition) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar;
else {
// We enter this block of code if we are trying to keep character positions and none of the conditions
// above is met. In this case, we need to see if there's an available spot for the raw value character
// to be mapped to. If we couldn't find a spot, we will discard the character.
// For example, for mask `1111`, previous conformed value `_2__`, raw value `942_2__`. We can map the
// `9`, to the first available placeholder position, but then, there are no more spots available for the
// `4` and `2`. So, we discard them and end up with a conformed value of `92__`.
var rawValueArrLength = rawValueArr.length;
var indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = null;
// Let's loop through the remaining raw value characters. We are looking for either a suitable spot, ie,
// a placeholder character or a non-suitable spot, ie, a non-placeholder character that is not new.
// If we see a suitable spot first, we store its position and exit the loop. If we see a non-suitable
// spot first, we exit the loop and our `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` will stay as `null`.
for (var i_1 = 0; i_1 < rawValueArrLength; i_1++) {
var charData = rawValueArr[i_1];
if (charData.char !== exports.placeholderChar && charData.isNew === false) {
if (charData.char === exports.placeholderChar) {
indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = i_1;
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is not `null`, that means the character is not blocked.
// We can map it. And to keep the character positions, we remove the placeholder character
// from the remaining characters
if (indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar !== null) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar;
rawValueArr.splice(indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar, 1);
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is `null`, that means the character is blocked. We have to
// discard it.
else {
// Since we've mapped this placeholder position. We move on to the next one.
continue placeholderLoop;
else {
someCharsRejected = true;
// We reach this point when we've mapped all the user input characters to placeholder
// positions in the mask. In *guide* mode, we append the left over characters in the
// placeholder to the `conformedString`, but in *no guide* mode, we don't wanna do that.
// That is, for mask `(111)` and user input `2`, we want to return `(2`, not `(2__)`.
if (suppressGuide === false) {
conformedValue += placeholder.substr(i, placeholderLength);
// And we break
// Else, the charInPlaceholder is not a placeholderChar. That is, we cannot fill it
// with user input. So we just map it to the final output
else {
conformedValue += charInPlaceholder;
// The following logic is needed to deal with the case of deletion in *no guide* mode.
// Consider the silly mask `(111) /// 1`. What if user tries to delete the last placeholder
// position? Something like `(589) /// `. We want to conform that to `(589`. Not `(589) /// `.
// That's why the logic below finds the last filled placeholder character, and removes everything
// from that point on.
if (suppressGuide && isAddition === false) {
var indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = null;
// Find the last filled placeholder position and substring from there
for (var i = 0; i < conformedValue.length; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === exports.placeholderChar) {
indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = i;
if (indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar !== null) {
// We substring from the beginning until the position after the last filled placeholder char.
conformedValue = conformedValue.substr(0, indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar + 1);
else {
// If we couldn't find `indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar` that means the user deleted
// the first character in the mask. So we return an empty string.
conformedValue = emptyString;
return { conformedValue: conformedValue, meta: { someCharsRejected: someCharsRejected } };
exports.conformToMask = conformToMask;
function convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask, placeholderChar) {
if (mask === void 0) { mask = emptyArray; }
if (placeholderChar === void 0) { placeholderChar = defaultPlaceholderChar; }
if (!isArray(mask)) {
throw new Error('Text-mask:convertMaskToPlaceholder; The mask property must be an array.');
if (mask.indexOf(placeholderChar) !== -1) {
throw new Error('Placeholder character must not be used as part of the mask. Please specify a character ' +
'that is not present in your mask as your placeholder character.\n\n' +
("The placeholder character that was received is: " + JSON.stringify(placeholderChar) + "\n\n") +
("The mask that was received is: " + JSON.stringify(mask)));
return (char) {
return (char instanceof RegExp) ? placeholderChar : char;
exports.convertMaskToPlaceholder = convertMaskToPlaceholder;
function isArray(value) {

@@ -372,2 +35,14 @@ return (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(value)) || value instanceof Array;

exports.processCaretTraps = processCaretTraps;
exports.modulo11 = function (string, size, mod) {
var soma = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:radix
soma = soma + parseInt(string.substring(i - 1, i)) * (mod - i);
var resto = (soma * 10) % 11;
if ((resto === 10) || (resto === 11)) {
resto = 0;
return resto;
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var utils_1 = require("./utils");

@@ -84,27 +85,9 @@ /*

strCPF = strCPF.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');
var soma;
var resto;
soma = 0;
if (strCPF === '00000000000') {
return false;
for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:radix
soma = soma + parseInt(strCPF.substring(i - 1, i)) * (11 - i);
resto = (soma * 10) % 11;
if ((resto === 10) || (resto === 11)) {
resto = 0;
var restos = [];
soma = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
soma = soma + parseInt(strCPF.substring(i - 1, i), 10) * (12 - i);
resto = (soma * 10) % 11;
if ((resto === 10) || (resto === 11)) {
resto = 0;
var restos = [
utils_1.modulo11(strCPF, 9, 11),
utils_1.modulo11(strCPF, 10, 12)
return restos;

@@ -175,7 +158,2 @@ }

// const exp = /\(\d{2}\)\ \d{4}\-\d{4}/;
// const exp5 = /\(\d{2}\)\ \d{5}\-\d{4}/;
// if (!exp.test(tel) && !exp5.test(tel)) {
// return false;
// }
return true;

@@ -186,4 +164,4 @@ }

var celClean = cel.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');
cel = cel.replace(/_/g, '');
if (!(celClean.length === 10 || celClean.length === 11)) {
celClean = celClean.replace(/_/g, '');
if (celClean.length !== 11) {
return false;

@@ -224,13 +202,2 @@ }

exports.validate_percentage = validate_percentage;
function validate_placa(placa) {
var placaClean = placa.replace(/-/g, '');
var exp = /[A-Za-z]{3}\-\d{4}/;
var expClean = /[A-Za-z]{3}\d{4}/;
// const letters = placa.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase();
if (!exp.test(placa) && !expClean.test(placaClean)) {
return false;
return true;
exports.validate_placa = validate_placa;
function validate_titulo(titulo) {

@@ -322,6 +289,2 @@ var tituloClean = titulo.replace(/\./g, '');

renavamClean = renavamClean.replace(/\-/g, '');
// const expClean = /\d{10}\d{4}\d{4}/;
// if (!exp.test(renavamClean) && !expClean.test(renavamClean)) {
// return false;
// }
var dv = create_renavam(renavam);

@@ -340,6 +303,5 @@ var tam = renavam.length;

var dig1 = 0;
var tam = renavam.length;
renavam = renavam.substr(0, tam - 2);
renavam = '000000000000' + renavam;
renavam = renavam.substr(renavam.length - 11, renavam.length - 1);
while (renavam.length < 11) {
renavam = '0' + renavam;
dig1 = (renavam.charCodeAt(0) - 48) * 3 + (renavam.charCodeAt(1) - 48) * 2 + (renavam.charCodeAt(2) - 48) * 9 + (renavam.charCodeAt(3) - 48) * 8 +

@@ -346,0 +308,0 @@ (renavam.charCodeAt(4) - 48) * 7 + (renavam.charCodeAt(5) - 48) * 6 + (renavam.charCodeAt(6) - 48) * 5 +

@@ -45,3 +45,2 @@ "use strict";

var celular = index_1.fakerBr.celular();

@@ -48,0 +47,0 @@ });

@@ -14,2 +14,4 @@ "use strict";


@@ -22,4 +24,11 @@ it('RG', function () {

it('PLACA', function () {
it('RENAVAM', function () {
it('Telefone', function () {
chai_1.expect(index_1.validateBr.telefone('31 999876767'));
chai_1.expect(index_1.validateBr.telefone('31 99876767'));

@@ -29,2 +38,8 @@ chai_1.expect(index_1.validateBr.telefone('(90) 1057-1600'));

it('Celular', function () {
// expect(validateBr.celular('31 999876767'));
chai_1.expect(index_1.validateBr.celular('31 99876767'));
// expect(validateBr.celular('(90) 1057-1600'));
// expect(validateBr.celular('(90) 00057-1600'));
it('TITULO', function () {

@@ -47,2 +62,3 @@ chai_1.expect(index_1.validateBr.titulo('6490.8084.4421'));


@@ -49,0 +65,0 @@ chai_1.expect(index_1.validateBr.titulo('1234'));

import {
isPresent, MASKS
} from './src/utils';
import {
valida_cep, validate_cnpj, validate_cpf, validate_telefone,
validate_placa, validate_currency, validate_percentage, validate_rg, validate_time, validate_titulo, validate_processo, validate_celular
validate_currency, validate_percentage, validate_rg, validate_time, validate_titulo, validate_processo, validate_celular, validate_renavam
} from './src/validate';

@@ -11,2 +11,5 @@ import { validar } from './src/inscricaoestadual';

import * as mask from './src/mask';
import { MASKS } from './src/mask';
import { PLACAS_RANGE, validate_placa } from './src/placa';
import { ESTADOS } from './src/estados';

@@ -22,2 +25,3 @@ export const validateBr = {

placa: validate_placa,
renavam: validate_renavam,
telefone: validate_telefone,

@@ -32,3 +36,5 @@ celular: validate_celular,


@@ -35,0 +41,0 @@

"name": "js-brasil",
"version": "1.1.0",
"version": "1.1.1",
"description": "Javascript Utils para Brasil (cpf, cnpj...)",

@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ "main": "dist/index.js",

"dist": "npm run build && npm run browserify",
"publish-npm": "npm run dist && npm publish"
"publish-npm": "npm run dist && npm publish",
"demo": "cp js-brasil.js demo/ && cd demo && http-server",
"demo-full": "npm run dist && cp js-brasil.js demo/ && cd demo && http-server"

@@ -16,0 +18,0 @@ "repository": {

@@ -15,4 +15,7 @@ # js-brasil

Módilos ValidateBR, MaskBR e FakerBR
Módilos ValidateBR, MaskBR e FakerBR para nodejs ou browser.
Veja tudo em ação no Gerador Brasileiro -
# ValidateBR

@@ -22,3 +25,3 @@


@@ -48,3 +51,3 @@ const { validateBr } = require('js-brasil');


@@ -79,3 +82,3 @@ const { maskBr } = require('js-brasil');


@@ -102,20 +105,20 @@ const { fakerBr } = require('js-brasil');

* cep
* cnpj
* cpf
* currency
* inscricaoestadual - Todos os estados do Brasil
* percentage
* rg
* placa de carro
* telefone
* celular
* time
* titulo de eleitor
* processo da justiça
* CEP -
* CNPJ -
* CPF - -
* Inscricao Estadual - - Todos os estados do Brasil
* RG -
* Placa de carro -
* Telefone -
* Celular -
* Título de Eleitor -
* Processo da justiça -
* Outros: currency, percentage, time (data/hora) -
Utilizado pelo projeto
# Angular
Utilize em angular 6 com:
* ng-brazil - angular support for brazil apps -

@@ -1,4 +0,6 @@

import { MASKS, ESTADOS_SIGLA } from './utils';
import { ESTADOS_SIGLA } from './estados';
import { MASKS } from './mask';
import { create_cpf, create_cnpj, CEPRange, create_titulo, create_renavam } from './validate';
import { randexp } from 'randexp';
import { validate_placa } from './placa';

@@ -21,5 +23,9 @@ const makeGeneric = (val, options = null) => {

c = c.replace('/[', '').replace(']/', '').split('-')
const mult = c[1] - c[0];
const plus = parseInt(c[0]);
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * mult) + plus).toString();
if (parseInt(c[1])) {
const mult = c[1] - c[0];
const plus = parseInt(c[0]);
return (Math.floor(Math.random() * mult) + plus).toString();
} else {
return rand(1, [c[0], c[1]]);
} else {

@@ -33,2 +39,14 @@ return c;

function rand(length, ...ranges) {
var str = ""; // the string (initialized to "")
while (length--) { // repeat this length of times
var ind = Math.floor(Math.random() * ranges.length); // get a random range from the ranges object
var min = ranges[ind][0].charCodeAt(0), // get the minimum char code allowed for this range
max = ranges[ind][1].charCodeAt(0); // get the maximum char code allowed for this range
var c = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; // get a random char code between min and max
str += String.fromCharCode(c); // convert it back into a character and append it to the string str
return str; // return str
function randomLetter(size = 1, onlyCapitals = false) {

@@ -53,9 +71,4 @@ var text = "";

let random: any = randomEstadoSigla();
random = random.split('');
const makeRg = makeGeneric(MASKS['rg'], {
0: () => random[0],
1: () => random[1]
export const fakerBr = {

@@ -83,3 +96,11 @@ cep: makeGeneric(MASKS['cep']),

rg: makeRg,
rg: () => {
let random: any = randomEstadoSigla();
random = random.split('');
const makeRg = makeGeneric(MASKS['rg'], {
0: () => random[0],
1: () => random[1]
return makeRg();
telefone: makeGeneric(MASKS['telefone']),

@@ -91,3 +112,9 @@ celular: makeGeneric(MASKS['celular']),

percentage: makeGeneric(MASKS['percentage']),
placa: makeGeneric(MASKS['placa']),
placa: () => {
let placa;
do {
placa = makeGeneric(MASKS['placa'])();
} while (!validate_placa(placa));
return placa;
processo: makeGeneric(MASKS['processo']),

@@ -94,0 +121,0 @@ titulo: () => {

@@ -1,3 +0,102 @@

import { MASKS, conformToMask } from './utils';
import { isArray, processCaretTraps } from './utils';
import { IEMASKS } from './inscricaoestadual';
import createNumberMask from 'text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask'
export const MASKS = {
cpf: {
text: '000.000.000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
cnpj: {
text: '00.000.000/0000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '/', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
rg: {
text: 'AA-00.000.000',
textMask: [/[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
telefone: {
text: '(00) 0000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
const numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
let numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength > 10) {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
} else {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
celular: {
text: '(00) 00000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[5-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
cep: {
text: '00.000-000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
inscricaoestadual: IEMASKS,
time: {
text: '00:00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, ':', /\d/, /\d/]
currency: {
text: '0.000,00',
textMask: createNumberMask({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: 'R$ ',
suffix: ''
percentage: {
text: '00,00%',
textMask: createNumberMask({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: '',
suffix: '%'
placa: {
text: 'AAA-0000',
textMask: [/[A-S]/, /[A-Z]/, /[A-Z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
titulo: {
text: '0000.0000.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
processo: {
text: '0000000-00.0000.AAA.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
renavam: {
text: '0000000000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/],
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
const numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
let numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength < 9) {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
} else {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
const makeGeneric = (key) => {

@@ -44,10 +143,22 @@ return (value) => {

const vals = currencyValue.split(',');
const mask = MASKS.currency.textMask(vals[0]);
if (currencyValue.split) {
const vals = currencyValue.split(',');
const mask = MASKS.currency.textMask(vals[0]);
return conformToMask(
{ guide: false }
).conformedValue + ',' + vals[1];
return conformToMask(
{ guide: false }
).conformedValue + ',' + vals[1];
} else {
const mask = MASKS.currency.textMask(currencyValue);
return conformToMask(
{ guide: false }

@@ -71,1 +182,277 @@ percentage: (percentageValue) => {

export const placeholderChar = '_'
export const strFunction = 'function'
const defaultPlaceholderChar = placeholderChar;
const emptyArray: any = []
const emptyString = ''
export function conformToMask(rawValue = emptyString, mask = emptyArray, config: any = {}) {
if (!isArray(mask)) {
// If someone passes a function as the mask property, we should call the
// function to get the mask array - Normally this is handled by the
// `createTextMaskInputElement:update` function - this allows mask functions
// to be used directly with `conformToMask`
if (typeof mask === strFunction) {
// call the mask function to get the mask array
mask = mask(rawValue, config)
// mask functions can setup caret traps to have some control over how the caret moves. We need to process
// the mask for any caret traps. `processCaretTraps` will remove the caret traps from the mask
mask = processCaretTraps(mask).maskWithoutCaretTraps
} else {
throw new Error(
'Text-mask:conformToMask; The mask property must be an array.'
// These configurations tell us how to conform the mask
const guide = || true;
const previousConformedValue = config.previousConformedValue || emptyString;
const placeholder = convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask, placeholderChar);
const currentCaretPosition = config.currentCaretPosition;
const keepCharPositions = config.keepCharPositions;
// The configs below indicate that the user wants the algorithm to work in *no guide* mode
const suppressGuide = guide === false && previousConformedValue !== undefined
// Calculate lengths once for performance
const rawValueLength = rawValue.length
const previousConformedValueLength = previousConformedValue.length
const placeholderLength = placeholder.length
const maskLength = mask.length
// This tells us the number of edited characters and the direction in which they were edited (+/-)
const editDistance = rawValueLength - previousConformedValueLength
// In *no guide* mode, we need to know if the user is trying to add a character or not
const isAddition = editDistance > 0
// Tells us the index of the first change. For (438) 394-4938 to (38) 394-4938, that would be 1
const indexOfFirstChange = currentCaretPosition + (isAddition ? -editDistance : 0)
// We're also gonna need the index of last change, which we can derive as follows...
const indexOfLastChange = indexOfFirstChange + Math.abs(editDistance)
// If `conformToMask` is configured to keep character positions, that is, for mask 111, previous value
// _2_ and raw value 3_2_, the new conformed value should be 32_, not 3_2 (default behavior). That's in the case of
// addition. And in the case of deletion, previous value _23, raw value _3, the new conformed string should be
// __3, not _3_ (default behavior)
// The next block of logic handles keeping character positions for the case of deletion. (Keeping
// character positions for the case of addition is further down since it is handled differently.)
// To do this, we want to compensate for all characters that were deleted
if (keepCharPositions === true && !isAddition) {
// We will be storing the new placeholder characters in this variable.
let compensatingPlaceholderChars = emptyString
// For every character that was deleted from a placeholder position, we add a placeholder char
for (let i = indexOfFirstChange; i < indexOfLastChange; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === placeholderChar) {
compensatingPlaceholderChars += placeholderChar
// Now we trick our algorithm by modifying the raw value to make it contain additional placeholder characters
// That way when the we start laying the characters again on the mask, it will keep the non-deleted characters
// in their positions.
rawValue = (
rawValue.slice(0, indexOfFirstChange) +
compensatingPlaceholderChars +
rawValue.slice(indexOfFirstChange, rawValueLength)
// Convert `rawValue` string to an array, and mark characters based on whether they are newly added or have
// existed in the previous conformed value. Identifying new and old characters is needed for `conformToMask`
// to work if it is configured to keep character positions.
const rawValueArr = rawValue
.map((char, i) => ({ char, isNew: i >= indexOfFirstChange && i < indexOfLastChange }))
// The loop below removes masking characters from user input. For example, for mask
// `00 (111)`, the placeholder would be `00 (___)`. If user input is `00 (234)`, the loop below
// would remove all characters but `234` from the `rawValueArr`. The rest of the algorithm
// then would lay `234` on top of the available placeholder positions in the mask.
for (let i = rawValueLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const { char } = rawValueArr[i]
if (char !== placeholderChar) {
const shouldOffset = i >= indexOfFirstChange && previousConformedValueLength === maskLength
if (char === placeholder[(shouldOffset) ? i - editDistance : i]) {
rawValueArr.splice(i, 1)
// This is the variable that we will be filling with characters as we figure them out
// in the algorithm below
let conformedValue = emptyString
let someCharsRejected = false
// Ok, so first we loop through the placeholder looking for placeholder characters to fill up.
placeholderLoop: for (let i = 0; i < placeholderLength; i++) {
const charInPlaceholder = placeholder[i]
// We see one. Let's find out what we can put in it.
if (charInPlaceholder === placeholderChar) {
// But before that, do we actually have any user characters that need a place?
if (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// We will keep chipping away at user input until either we run out of characters
// or we find at least one character that we can map.
while (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// Let's retrieve the first user character in the queue of characters we have left
const { char: rawValueChar, isNew } = rawValueArr.shift()
// If the character we got from the user input is a placeholder character (which happens
// regularly because user input could be something like (540) 90_-____, which includes
// a bunch of `_` which are placeholder characters) and we are not in *no guide* mode,
// then we map this placeholder character to the current spot in the placeholder
if (rawValueChar === placeholderChar && suppressGuide !== true) {
conformedValue += placeholderChar
// And we go to find the next placeholder character that needs filling
continue placeholderLoop
// Else if, the character we got from the user input is not a placeholder, let's see
// if the current position in the mask can accept it.
} else if (mask[i].test(rawValueChar)) {
// we map the character differently based on whether we are keeping character positions or not.
// If any of the conditions below are met, we simply map the raw value character to the
// placeholder position.
if (
keepCharPositions !== true ||
isNew === false ||
previousConformedValue === emptyString ||
guide === false ||
) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar
} else {
// We enter this block of code if we are trying to keep character positions and none of the conditions
// above is met. In this case, we need to see if there's an available spot for the raw value character
// to be mapped to. If we couldn't find a spot, we will discard the character.
// For example, for mask `1111`, previous conformed value `_2__`, raw value `942_2__`. We can map the
// `9`, to the first available placeholder position, but then, there are no more spots available for the
// `4` and `2`. So, we discard them and end up with a conformed value of `92__`.
const rawValueArrLength = rawValueArr.length
let indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = null
// Let's loop through the remaining raw value characters. We are looking for either a suitable spot, ie,
// a placeholder character or a non-suitable spot, ie, a non-placeholder character that is not new.
// If we see a suitable spot first, we store its position and exit the loop. If we see a non-suitable
// spot first, we exit the loop and our `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` will stay as `null`.
for (let i = 0; i < rawValueArrLength; i++) {
const charData = rawValueArr[i]
if (charData.char !== placeholderChar && charData.isNew === false) {
if (charData.char === placeholderChar) {
indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = i
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is not `null`, that means the character is not blocked.
// We can map it. And to keep the character positions, we remove the placeholder character
// from the remaining characters
if (indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar !== null) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar
rawValueArr.splice(indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar, 1)
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is `null`, that means the character is blocked. We have to
// discard it.
} else {
// Since we've mapped this placeholder position. We move on to the next one.
continue placeholderLoop
} else {
someCharsRejected = true
// We reach this point when we've mapped all the user input characters to placeholder
// positions in the mask. In *guide* mode, we append the left over characters in the
// placeholder to the `conformedString`, but in *no guide* mode, we don't wanna do that.
// That is, for mask `(111)` and user input `2`, we want to return `(2`, not `(2__)`.
if (suppressGuide === false) {
conformedValue += placeholder.substr(i, placeholderLength)
// And we break
// Else, the charInPlaceholder is not a placeholderChar. That is, we cannot fill it
// with user input. So we just map it to the final output
} else {
conformedValue += charInPlaceholder
// The following logic is needed to deal with the case of deletion in *no guide* mode.
// Consider the silly mask `(111) /// 1`. What if user tries to delete the last placeholder
// position? Something like `(589) /// `. We want to conform that to `(589`. Not `(589) /// `.
// That's why the logic below finds the last filled placeholder character, and removes everything
// from that point on.
if (suppressGuide && isAddition === false) {
let indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = null
// Find the last filled placeholder position and substring from there
for (let i = 0; i < conformedValue.length; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === placeholderChar) {
indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = i
if (indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar !== null) {
// We substring from the beginning until the position after the last filled placeholder char.
conformedValue = conformedValue.substr(0, indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar + 1)
} else {
// If we couldn't find `indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar` that means the user deleted
// the first character in the mask. So we return an empty string.
conformedValue = emptyString
return { conformedValue, meta: { someCharsRejected } }
export function convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask = emptyArray, placeholderChar = defaultPlaceholderChar) {
if (!isArray(mask)) {
throw new Error(
'Text-mask:convertMaskToPlaceholder; The mask property must be an array.'
if (mask.indexOf(placeholderChar) !== -1) {
throw new Error(
'Placeholder character must not be used as part of the mask. Please specify a character ' +
'that is not present in your mask as your placeholder character.\n\n' +
`The placeholder character that was received is: ${JSON.stringify(placeholderChar)}\n\n` +
`The mask that was received is: ${JSON.stringify(mask)}`
return => {
return (char instanceof RegExp) ? placeholderChar : char

@@ -1,103 +0,1 @@

import { IEMASKS } from './inscricaoestadual';
import createNumberMask from 'text-mask-addons/dist/createNumberMask'
export const ESTADOS_SIGLA = ['ac', 'al', 'am', 'ap', 'ba', 'ce', 'df', 'es', 'go', 'ma',
'mg', 'ms', 'mt', 'pa', 'pb', 'pe', 'pi', 'pr', 'rj', 'rn', 'ro', 'rr', 'rs',
'sc', 'se', 'sp', 'to'
export const MASKS = {
cpf: {
text: '000.000.000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
cnpj: {
text: '00.000.000/0000-00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '/', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/]
rg: {
text: 'AA-00.000.000',
textMask: [/[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
telefone: {
text: '(00) 0000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /\d/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
const numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
let numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength > 10) {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
} else {
return ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[1-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/];
celular: {
text: '(00) 00000-0000',
textMask: ['(', /[1-9]/, /\d/, ')', ' ', /[5-9]/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/],
cep: {
text: '00.000-000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
inscricaoestadual: IEMASKS,
time: {
text: '00:00',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, ':', /\d/, /\d/]
currency: {
text: '0.000,00',
textMask: createNumberMask({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: 'R$ ',
suffix: ''
percentage: {
text: '00,00%',
textMask: createNumberMask({
decimalLimit: 2,
thousandsSeparatorSymbol: '.',
decimalSymbol: ',',
allowDecimal: true,
integerLimit: 15,
prefix: '',
suffix: '%'
placa: {
text: 'AAA-0000',
textMask: [/[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
titulo: {
text: '0000.0000.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
processo: {
text: '0000000-00.0000.AAA.0000',
textMask: [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/, /\d/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '.', /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, /[A-Za-z]/, '.', /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/]
renavam: {
textMaskFunction: function mask(userInput) {
const numbers = userInput.match(/\d/g);
let numberLength = 0;
if (numbers) {
numberLength = numbers.join('').length;
if (!userInput || numberLength < 9) {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
} else {
return [/\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, /\d/, '-', /\d/];
export function isPresent(obj: any): boolean {

@@ -107,277 +5,2 @@ return obj !== undefined && obj !== null;

export const placeholderChar = '_'
export const strFunction = 'function'
const defaultPlaceholderChar = placeholderChar;
const emptyArray: any = []
const emptyString = ''
export function conformToMask(rawValue = emptyString, mask = emptyArray, config: any = {}) {
if (!isArray(mask)) {
// If someone passes a function as the mask property, we should call the
// function to get the mask array - Normally this is handled by the
// `createTextMaskInputElement:update` function - this allows mask functions
// to be used directly with `conformToMask`
if (typeof mask === strFunction) {
// call the mask function to get the mask array
mask = mask(rawValue, config)
// mask functions can setup caret traps to have some control over how the caret moves. We need to process
// the mask for any caret traps. `processCaretTraps` will remove the caret traps from the mask
mask = processCaretTraps(mask).maskWithoutCaretTraps
} else {
throw new Error(
'Text-mask:conformToMask; The mask property must be an array.'
// These configurations tell us how to conform the mask
const guide = || true;
const previousConformedValue = config.previousConformedValue || emptyString;
const placeholder = convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask, placeholderChar);
const currentCaretPosition = config.currentCaretPosition;
const keepCharPositions = config.keepCharPositions;
// The configs below indicate that the user wants the algorithm to work in *no guide* mode
const suppressGuide = guide === false && previousConformedValue !== undefined
// Calculate lengths once for performance
const rawValueLength = rawValue.length
const previousConformedValueLength = previousConformedValue.length
const placeholderLength = placeholder.length
const maskLength = mask.length
// This tells us the number of edited characters and the direction in which they were edited (+/-)
const editDistance = rawValueLength - previousConformedValueLength
// In *no guide* mode, we need to know if the user is trying to add a character or not
const isAddition = editDistance > 0
// Tells us the index of the first change. For (438) 394-4938 to (38) 394-4938, that would be 1
const indexOfFirstChange = currentCaretPosition + (isAddition ? -editDistance : 0)
// We're also gonna need the index of last change, which we can derive as follows...
const indexOfLastChange = indexOfFirstChange + Math.abs(editDistance)
// If `conformToMask` is configured to keep character positions, that is, for mask 111, previous value
// _2_ and raw value 3_2_, the new conformed value should be 32_, not 3_2 (default behavior). That's in the case of
// addition. And in the case of deletion, previous value _23, raw value _3, the new conformed string should be
// __3, not _3_ (default behavior)
// The next block of logic handles keeping character positions for the case of deletion. (Keeping
// character positions for the case of addition is further down since it is handled differently.)
// To do this, we want to compensate for all characters that were deleted
if (keepCharPositions === true && !isAddition) {
// We will be storing the new placeholder characters in this variable.
let compensatingPlaceholderChars = emptyString
// For every character that was deleted from a placeholder position, we add a placeholder char
for (let i = indexOfFirstChange; i < indexOfLastChange; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === placeholderChar) {
compensatingPlaceholderChars += placeholderChar
// Now we trick our algorithm by modifying the raw value to make it contain additional placeholder characters
// That way when the we start laying the characters again on the mask, it will keep the non-deleted characters
// in their positions.
rawValue = (
rawValue.slice(0, indexOfFirstChange) +
compensatingPlaceholderChars +
rawValue.slice(indexOfFirstChange, rawValueLength)
// Convert `rawValue` string to an array, and mark characters based on whether they are newly added or have
// existed in the previous conformed value. Identifying new and old characters is needed for `conformToMask`
// to work if it is configured to keep character positions.
const rawValueArr = rawValue
.map((char, i) => ({ char, isNew: i >= indexOfFirstChange && i < indexOfLastChange }))
// The loop below removes masking characters from user input. For example, for mask
// `00 (111)`, the placeholder would be `00 (___)`. If user input is `00 (234)`, the loop below
// would remove all characters but `234` from the `rawValueArr`. The rest of the algorithm
// then would lay `234` on top of the available placeholder positions in the mask.
for (let i = rawValueLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const { char } = rawValueArr[i]
if (char !== placeholderChar) {
const shouldOffset = i >= indexOfFirstChange && previousConformedValueLength === maskLength
if (char === placeholder[(shouldOffset) ? i - editDistance : i]) {
rawValueArr.splice(i, 1)
// This is the variable that we will be filling with characters as we figure them out
// in the algorithm below
let conformedValue = emptyString
let someCharsRejected = false
// Ok, so first we loop through the placeholder looking for placeholder characters to fill up.
placeholderLoop: for (let i = 0; i < placeholderLength; i++) {
const charInPlaceholder = placeholder[i]
// We see one. Let's find out what we can put in it.
if (charInPlaceholder === placeholderChar) {
// But before that, do we actually have any user characters that need a place?
if (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// We will keep chipping away at user input until either we run out of characters
// or we find at least one character that we can map.
while (rawValueArr.length > 0) {
// Let's retrieve the first user character in the queue of characters we have left
const { char: rawValueChar, isNew } = rawValueArr.shift()
// If the character we got from the user input is a placeholder character (which happens
// regularly because user input could be something like (540) 90_-____, which includes
// a bunch of `_` which are placeholder characters) and we are not in *no guide* mode,
// then we map this placeholder character to the current spot in the placeholder
if (rawValueChar === placeholderChar && suppressGuide !== true) {
conformedValue += placeholderChar
// And we go to find the next placeholder character that needs filling
continue placeholderLoop
// Else if, the character we got from the user input is not a placeholder, let's see
// if the current position in the mask can accept it.
} else if (mask[i].test(rawValueChar)) {
// we map the character differently based on whether we are keeping character positions or not.
// If any of the conditions below are met, we simply map the raw value character to the
// placeholder position.
if (
keepCharPositions !== true ||
isNew === false ||
previousConformedValue === emptyString ||
guide === false ||
) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar
} else {
// We enter this block of code if we are trying to keep character positions and none of the conditions
// above is met. In this case, we need to see if there's an available spot for the raw value character
// to be mapped to. If we couldn't find a spot, we will discard the character.
// For example, for mask `1111`, previous conformed value `_2__`, raw value `942_2__`. We can map the
// `9`, to the first available placeholder position, but then, there are no more spots available for the
// `4` and `2`. So, we discard them and end up with a conformed value of `92__`.
const rawValueArrLength = rawValueArr.length
let indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = null
// Let's loop through the remaining raw value characters. We are looking for either a suitable spot, ie,
// a placeholder character or a non-suitable spot, ie, a non-placeholder character that is not new.
// If we see a suitable spot first, we store its position and exit the loop. If we see a non-suitable
// spot first, we exit the loop and our `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` will stay as `null`.
for (let i = 0; i < rawValueArrLength; i++) {
const charData = rawValueArr[i]
if (charData.char !== placeholderChar && charData.isNew === false) {
if (charData.char === placeholderChar) {
indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar = i
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is not `null`, that means the character is not blocked.
// We can map it. And to keep the character positions, we remove the placeholder character
// from the remaining characters
if (indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar !== null) {
conformedValue += rawValueChar
rawValueArr.splice(indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar, 1)
// If `indexOfNextAvailablePlaceholderChar` is `null`, that means the character is blocked. We have to
// discard it.
} else {
// Since we've mapped this placeholder position. We move on to the next one.
continue placeholderLoop
} else {
someCharsRejected = true
// We reach this point when we've mapped all the user input characters to placeholder
// positions in the mask. In *guide* mode, we append the left over characters in the
// placeholder to the `conformedString`, but in *no guide* mode, we don't wanna do that.
// That is, for mask `(111)` and user input `2`, we want to return `(2`, not `(2__)`.
if (suppressGuide === false) {
conformedValue += placeholder.substr(i, placeholderLength)
// And we break
// Else, the charInPlaceholder is not a placeholderChar. That is, we cannot fill it
// with user input. So we just map it to the final output
} else {
conformedValue += charInPlaceholder
// The following logic is needed to deal with the case of deletion in *no guide* mode.
// Consider the silly mask `(111) /// 1`. What if user tries to delete the last placeholder
// position? Something like `(589) /// `. We want to conform that to `(589`. Not `(589) /// `.
// That's why the logic below finds the last filled placeholder character, and removes everything
// from that point on.
if (suppressGuide && isAddition === false) {
let indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = null
// Find the last filled placeholder position and substring from there
for (let i = 0; i < conformedValue.length; i++) {
if (placeholder[i] === placeholderChar) {
indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar = i
if (indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar !== null) {
// We substring from the beginning until the position after the last filled placeholder char.
conformedValue = conformedValue.substr(0, indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar + 1)
} else {
// If we couldn't find `indexOfLastFilledPlaceholderChar` that means the user deleted
// the first character in the mask. So we return an empty string.
conformedValue = emptyString
return { conformedValue, meta: { someCharsRejected } }
export function convertMaskToPlaceholder(mask = emptyArray, placeholderChar = defaultPlaceholderChar) {
if (!isArray(mask)) {
throw new Error(
'Text-mask:convertMaskToPlaceholder; The mask property must be an array.'
if (mask.indexOf(placeholderChar) !== -1) {
throw new Error(
'Placeholder character must not be used as part of the mask. Please specify a character ' +
'that is not present in your mask as your placeholder character.\n\n' +
`The placeholder character that was received is: ${JSON.stringify(placeholderChar)}\n\n` +
`The mask that was received is: ${JSON.stringify(mask)}`
return => {
return (char instanceof RegExp) ? placeholderChar : char
export function isArray(value) {

@@ -411,2 +34,16 @@ return (Array.isArray && Array.isArray(value)) || value instanceof Array

return { maskWithoutCaretTraps: mask, indexes }
export const modulo11 = (string, size, mod)=>{
let soma = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= size; i++) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:radix
soma = soma + parseInt(string.substring(i - 1, i)) * (mod - i);
let resto = (soma * 10) % 11;
if ((resto === 10) || (resto === 11)) {
resto = 0;
return resto;

@@ -0,1 +1,2 @@

import { modulo11 } from "./utils";

@@ -92,5 +93,2 @@ //

strCPF = strCPF.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');
let soma;
let resto;
soma = 0;
if (strCPF === '00000000000') {

@@ -100,26 +98,7 @@ return false;

for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:radix
soma = soma + parseInt(strCPF.substring(i - 1, i)) * (11 - i);
resto = (soma * 10) % 11;
const restos = [
modulo11(strCPF, 9, 11),
modulo11(strCPF, 10, 12)
if ((resto === 10) || (resto === 11)) {
resto = 0;
const restos = [];
soma = 0;
for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
soma = soma + parseInt(strCPF.substring(i - 1, i), 10) * (12 - i);
resto = (soma * 10) % 11;
if ((resto === 10) || (resto === 11)) {
resto = 0;
return restos;

@@ -194,7 +173,2 @@ }

// const exp = /\(\d{2}\)\ \d{4}\-\d{4}/;
// const exp5 = /\(\d{2}\)\ \d{5}\-\d{4}/;
// if (!exp.test(tel) && !exp5.test(tel)) {
// return false;
// }
return true;

@@ -205,5 +179,5 @@ }

export function validate_celular(cel) {
const celClean = cel.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');
cel = cel.replace(/_/g, '');
if (!(celClean.length === 10 || celClean.length === 11)) {
let celClean = cel.replace(/[^\d]+/g, '');
celClean = celClean.replace(/_/g, '');
if (celClean.length !== 11) {
return false;

@@ -245,14 +219,3 @@ }

export function validate_placa(placa) {
const placaClean = placa.replace(/-/g, '');
const exp = /[A-Za-z]{3}\-\d{4}/;
const expClean = /[A-Za-z]{3}\d{4}/;
// const letters = placa.substr(0, 3).toUpperCase();
if (!exp.test(placa) && !expClean.test(placaClean)) {
return false;
return true;
export function validate_titulo(titulo) {

@@ -339,6 +302,2 @@ const tituloClean = titulo.replace(/\./g, '');

renavamClean = renavamClean.replace(/\-/g, '');
// const expClean = /\d{10}\d{4}\d{4}/;
// if (!exp.test(renavamClean) && !expClean.test(renavamClean)) {
// return false;
// }
const dv = create_renavam(renavam);

@@ -356,6 +315,6 @@ const tam = renavam.length;

let dig1 = 0;
const tam = renavam.length;
renavam = renavam.substr(0, tam - 2);
renavam = '000000000000' + renavam;
renavam = renavam.substr(renavam.length - 11, renavam.length - 1);
while (renavam.length < 11) {
renavam = '0' + renavam;
dig1 = (renavam.charCodeAt(0) - 48) * 3 + (renavam.charCodeAt(1) - 48) * 2 + (renavam.charCodeAt(2) - 48) * 9 + (renavam.charCodeAt(3) - 48) * 8 +

@@ -362,0 +321,0 @@ (renavam.charCodeAt(4) - 48) * 7 + (renavam.charCodeAt(5) - 48) * 6 + (renavam.charCodeAt(6) - 48) * 5 +

@@ -46,3 +46,2 @@ import { fakerBr, validateBr } from '../index';

const celular = fakerBr.celular();

@@ -49,0 +48,0 @@ });

@@ -15,2 +15,4 @@ import { validateBr } from '../index';


@@ -25,4 +27,13 @@

it('PLACA', () => {
it('RENAVAM', () => {
it('Telefone', () => {
expect(validateBr.telefone('31 999876767'));
expect(validateBr.telefone('31 99876767'));

@@ -34,2 +45,10 @@ expect(validateBr.telefone('(90) 1057-1600'));

it('Celular', () => {
// expect(validateBr.celular('31 999876767'));
expect(validateBr.celular('31 99876767'));
// expect(validateBr.celular('(90) 1057-1600'));
// expect(validateBr.celular('(90) 00057-1600'));
it('TITULO', () => {

@@ -56,5 +75,6 @@ expect(validateBr.titulo('6490.8084.4421'));


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