A command-line tool for analysing javascript source, providing measurements of function length, number of arguments, and cyclomatic complexity.
For now, you'll have to just clone this repo, but soon this will work:
npm install jscheckstyle
jscheckstyle some-javascript.js some-other-javascript.js (default output as nice table on command line)
jscheckstyle --violations some-javascript.js (will output rule-violating functions only)
jscheckstyle --html some-javascript.js > output.html
jscheckstyle --json some-javascript.js > output.json
jscheckstyle --checkstyle some-javascript.js > output.xml (will output Java checkstyle-compatible output, useful for Jenkins)
There are three rules at the moment which will be violated if:
- function length is greater than 30 lines
- number of arguments to a function is greater than 5
- cyclomatic complexity for a function is greater than 10
- Configurable rules (maybe you like functions that are longer or shorter)
Originally I started out modifying jsmeter to run as a command-line tool. Then I started hacking away, added some tests, the command-line interface, added the rules checking and the extra output types, replaced the parser with node-burrito and then realised there wasn't much of jsmeter left. So this tool is inspired by, and owes a huge debt to, jsmeter - but there's very little of the original code to be found (possibly only the HTML output renderer).