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JScrambler API client.

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JScrambler Client for Node.js

RC configuration

You may put your access and secret keys into a config file if found in these directories. Besides simplifying the command entry, this has the added benefit of not logging your JScrambler credentials.

Here's an example of what your .jscramblerrc file should look like:

  "keys": {
    "accessKey": "XXXXXX",
    "secretKey": "XXXXXX"
  "params": {
    "self_defending": "%DEFAULT%"

Replace the XXXXXX fields with your values of course. :)


npm install -g jscrambler
Usage: jscrambler [source files] [options]


  --help                                                  output usage information
  -V, --version                                           output the version number
  -c, --config [config]                                   JScrambler configuration options
  -o, --output [output]                                   Output directory. If not specified the output is printed.
  -a, --access-key <accessKey>                            Access key
  -s, --secret-key <secretKey>                            Secret key
  -h, --host [host]                                       Hostname
  -p, --port [port]                                       Port
  -v, --api-version [apiVersion]                          Version
  --asserts-elimination [assertsElimination]              Remove function definitions and function calls with a given name.
  --browser-os-lock [browserOsLock]                       Locks a JavaScript application to run only on a specific Browser or Operating System.
  --constant-folding                                      Simplifies constant expressions at compile-time to make your code faster at run-time.
  --dead-code                                             Randomly injects dead code into the source code.
  --dead-code-elimination                                 Removes dead code and void code from your JavaScript.
  --debugging-code-elimination [debuggingCodeElimination  Removes statements and public variable declarations used to control the output of debugging messages that help you debug your code.
  --dictionary-compression                                further shrink your source code
  --domain-lock [domainLock]                              Locks your project to a list of domains you specify.
  --dot-notation-elimination                              Transforms dot notation to subscript notation.
  --exceptions-list [exceptionsList]                      list of exceptions that will never be replaced or used to create new declarations
  --expiration-date [expirationDate]                      Sets your JavaScript to expire after a date (YYYY/MM/DD) of your choosing.
  --function-outlining                                    Turns statements into new function declarations.
  --function-reorder                                      Randomly reorders your source code's function declarations.
  --ignore-files [ignoreFiles]                            Define a list of files (relative paths) that JScrambler must ignore.
  --literal-hooking [literalHooking]                      Replaces literals by a randomly sized chain of ternary operators.
  --literal-duplicates                                    Replaces literal duplicates by a symbol.
  --member-enumeration                                    Replaces Browser and HTML DOM objects by a member enumeration.
  --mode [mode]                                           protection mode starter|mobile|html5|nodejs
  --name-prefix [namePrefix]                              Set a prefix to be appended to the new names generated by JScrambler.
  --rename-all                                            Renames all identifiers found at your source code.
  --rename-local                                          Renames local names only.
  --self-defending                                        thwarting code tampering attempts by using anti-tampering and anti-debugging techniques.
  --string-splitting [stringSplitting]                    split strings based on percentage of occurence in the source code input
  --whitespace                                            enable whitespace

Required Fields

When making API requests you must pass valid secret and access keys, through the command line or by having a .jscramblerrc file. These keys are each 40 characters long, alpha numeric strings, and uppercase. You can find them in your jscramber web dashboard under My Account > Api access. In the examples these are shortened to XXXX for the sake of readability.

Output to a single file

jscrambler input.js -a XXXX -s XXXX > output.js

Output multiple files to a directory

jscrambler input1.js input2.js -o dest/ -a XXXX -s XXXX

Using minimatch

jscrambler "lib/**/*.js" -o dest/ -a XXXX -s XXXX

Using configuration file

jscrambler input.js -s XXXX -a XXXX -c ./config.json > output.js

where config.json is an object optionally containing any of the JScrambler options listed here, using the structure described in the RC configuration.


npm install jscrambler

Upload/download example

var fs = require('fs-extra');
var jScrambler = require('jscrambler');

var client = new jScrambler.Client({
  keys: {
    accessKey: '', // not needed if you have it on your `.jscramblerrc`
    secretKey: '' // not needed if you have it on your `.jscramblerrc`

  .uploadCode(client, {
    files: ['index.js'],
    // Node.js obfuscation settings
    rename_local: '%DEFAULT%',
    whitespace: '%DEFAULT%',
    literal_hooking: '%DEFAULT%',
    dead_code: '%DEFAULT%',
    dot_notation_elimination: '%DEFAULT%',
    dead_code_elimination: '%DEFAULT%',
    constant_folding: '%DEFAULT%',
    literal_duplicates: '%DEFAULT%',
    function_outlining: '%DEFAULT%',
  .then(function (res) {
    return jScrambler.downloadCode(client,;
  .then(function (res) {
    fs.outputFileSync('', res);

JScrambler Options

The following options are passed to the JScrambler services through the CLI config file or some API methods. More information about them can be found here.


Type: String

name1;name2;... - assert function names

Remove function definitions and function calls with a given name.


Type: String

Locks a JavaScript application to run only on a specific Browser or Operating System.

available values:

  • firefox
  • chrome
  • iexplorer
  • linux
  • windows
  • mac_os
  • tizen
  • android
  • ios


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable constant folding

Simplifies constant expressions at compile-time to make your code faster at run-time.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable dead code

Randomly injects dead code into the source code.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable dead code elimination

Removes dead code and void code from your JavaScript.


Type: String

name1;name2;... - debugging code names

Removes statements and public variable declarations used to control the output of debugging messages that help you debug your code.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable dictionary compression

Dictionary compression to shrink even more your source code.


Type: String

domain1;domain2;... - your domains

Locks your project to a list of domains you specify.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable dot notation elimination

Transforms dot notation to subscript notation.


Type: String

name;name1;name2;... - list of exceptions that will never be replaced or used to create new declarations

There are some names that should never be replaced or reused to create new declarations e.g. document, toUpperCase. Public declarations existing in more than one source file should not be replaced if you submit only a part of the project where they appear. Therefore a list of irreplaceable names and the logic to make distinction between public and local names already exists on JScrambler to avoid touching those names. Use this parameter to add your own exceptions.


Type: String

date - date format YYYY/MM/DD

Sets your JavaScript to expire after a date of your choosing.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable function outlining

Turns statements into new function declarations.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable function reordering

Randomly reorders your source code's function declarations.


Type: String

filename;filename1 - List of files (relative paths) to be ignored

Define a list of files (relative paths) that JScrambler must ignore.


Type: String

min;max[;percentage] - min and max predicates in ternary operator and percentage chance of replacement

Replaces literals by a randomly sized chain of ternary operators. You may configure the minimum and maximum number of predicates per literal, as the occurrence probability of the transformation. This allows you to control how big the obfuscated JavaScript grows and the potency of the transformation.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable duplicate literals

Replaces literal duplicates by a symbol.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable member enumeration

Replaces Browser and HTML DOM objects by a member enumeration.


Type: String

  • starter - Standard protection and optimization behavior. Enough for most * JavaScript applications
  • mobile - Transformations are applied having into account the limitations and needs of mobile devices
  • html5 - Protects your HTML5 and Web Gaming applications by targeting the new HTML5 features
  • nodejs - Protects your Node.js application


Type: String

Set a prefix to be appended to the new names generated by JScrambler.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable rename all

Renames all identifiers found at your source code. By default, there is a list of JavaScript and HTML DOM names that will not be replaced. If you need to add additional exceptions use the exceptions_list parameter.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable rename local

Renames local names only. The best way to replace names without worrying about name dependencies.


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable self defending

Obfuscates functions and objects concealing their logic and thwarting code tampering attempts by using anti-tampering and anti-debugging techniques. Attempts to tamper the code will break its functionality and using JavaScript debuggers will trigger defenses to thwart analysis.


Type: String


occurrences - Percentage of occurrences. Accepted values between 0.01 and 1. concatenation - Percentage of concatenation occurrences. Accepted values between 0 and 1 (0 means chunks of a single character and 1 the whole string).


Type: String

%DEFAULT% - enable whitespace

Shrink the size of your JavaScript removing unnecessary whitespaces and newlines from the source code.


Package last updated on 26 Feb 2015

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