What is json-parse-better-errors?
The json-parse-better-errors package is designed to provide more informative error messages when parsing JSON strings in JavaScript. This can be particularly useful in development environments where understanding the source of a JSON parsing error quickly is crucial. It wraps the standard JSON.parse method to catch errors and rethrow them with enhanced messages, indicating the exact position and nature of the syntax issue.
What are json-parse-better-errors's main functionalities?
Enhanced JSON parsing error messages
This feature enhances the error messages returned by the JSON.parse method. In the code sample, an attempt is made to parse an invalid JSON string. The json-parse-better-errors package catches the syntax error and provides a more informative error message, including the position of the error within the string.
"use strict";
const parseJson = require('json-parse-better-errors');
try {
const obj = parseJson('{"foo": 1,}');
} catch (e) {
Other packages similar to json-parse-better-errors
This package offers a way to safely parse JSON strings without throwing an exception on invalid JSON. It returns an object with an error and value property, allowing the user to handle errors more gracefully. Compared to json-parse-better-errors, it focuses more on safe parsing with a different error handling approach rather than enhancing error messages.
Similar to fast-json-parse, safe-json-parse provides a safe way to parse JSON strings, returning a tuple with an error and the parsed object. It's designed to avoid try-catch blocks for JSON parsing. While it also focuses on error handling, it doesn't enhance the error messages like json-parse-better-errors does.

is a Node.js library for
getting nicer errors out of JSON.parse()
, including context and position of the parse errors.
$ npm install --save json-parse-better-errors
Table of Contents
const parseJson = require('json-parse-better-errors')
- Like JSON.parse, but the errors are better.
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Happy hacking!
> parse(txt, ?reviver, ?context=20)
Works just like JSON.parse
, but will include a bit more information when an
error happens.