How to use:
Import dependencies
import { JsonToJsdocConverter } from "json-to-jsdoc-converter";
Initialize converter
const converter = new JsonToJsdocConverter();
Provide some json
"id": 1,
"name": "Super Mario",
"age": null,
"cars": [
"structure": {
"logo": ""
"level1": {
"alias": "testLevel",
"level2": {
"score": 12,
"item": {},
"level3": null
Pass the json to the convert method
const json: string = JSON.stringify(jsonMock1);
const jsDoc: string = converter.convert(json);
Use the jsDoc output
* @typedef Type
* @property {number} id
* @property {string} name
* @property {any} [age]
* @property {string[]} cars
* @property {StructureType} structure
* @property {Level1Type} level1
* @typedef StructureType
* @property {string} logo
* @typedef Level1Type
* @property {string} alias
* @property {Level1Level2Type} level2
* @typedef Level1Level2Type
* @property {number} score
* @property {object} item
* @property {any} [level3]
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.