[v0.5.0] - 2015-07-16
and \circledR
on our fonts to produce better results at small font sizes.Changelog
[v0.4.0] - 2015-06-18
environments, including support for array
, matrix
, pmatrix
, bmatrix
, vmatrix
, and Vmatrix
arguments, e.g. \sqrt[3]{x}
.bower install katex
to download the built files.__parse
method for retrieving the parse tree.text-indent
[v0.3.0] - 2015-04-01
, \&
from MathML hiding rules, so they can be overridden.\color
function has changed to maintain compatibility with MathJax, so expressions like \color{red}\text{a}
will no longer work and instead need to be rewritten as \color{red}{\text{a}}
, \oplus
, \otimes
, \oslash
, \bigtriangleup
, \bigtriangledown
, \dagger
, \diamond
, \star
, \triangleleft
, \triangleright
[v0.2.0] - 2015-03-02
, \amalg
, \approxeq
, \ast
, \asymp
, \backepsilon
, \backprime
, \backsim
, \backsimeq
, \Bbbk
, \because
, \beth
, \between
, \bigcirc
, \bigstar
, \blacklozenge
, \blacksquare
, \blacktriangle
, \blacktriangledown
, \blacktriangleleft
, \blacktriangleright
, \bowtie
, \Box
, \boxminus
, \boxplus
, \boxtimes
, \bullet
, \bumpeq
, \Bumpeq
, \Cap
, \cdotp
, \centerdot
, \circeq
, \circlearrowleft
, \circlearrowright
, \circledast
, \circleddash
, \circledS
, \clubsuit
, \complement
, \Cup
, \curlyeqprec
, \curlyeqsucc
, \curlyvee
, \curlywedge
, \curvearrowleft
, \curvearrowright
, \dag
, \daleth
, \dashleftarrow
, \dashrightarrow
, \dashv
, \ddag
, \ddagger
, \diagdown
, \diagup
, \Diamond
, \diamondsuit
, \digamma
, \divideontimes
, \doteq
, \Doteq
, \doteqdot
, \dotplus
, \doublebarwedge
, \doublecap
, \doublecup
, \downdownarrows
, \downharpoonleft
, \downharpoonright
, \ell
, \eqcirc
, \eqsim
, \eqslantgtr
, \eqslantless
, \equiv
, \eth,
\exists, \fallingdotseq
, \Finv
, \flat
, \forall
, \frown
, \Game
, \geqq
, \geqslant
, \gg
, \ggg
, \gggtr
, \gimel
, \gnapprox
, \gneq
, \gneqq
, \gnsim
, \gtrapprox
, \gtrdot
, \gtreqless
, \gtreqqless
, \gtrless
, \gtrsim
, \gvertneqq
, \hbar
, \heartsuit
, \hookleftarrow
, \hookrightarrow
, \hslash
, \Im
, \intercal
, \Join
, \ldotp
, \leadsto
, \Leftarrow
, \leftarrowtail
, \leftharpoondown
, \leftharpoonup
, \leftleftarrows
, \leftrightarrow
, \Leftrightarrow
, \leftrightarrows
, \leftrightharpoons
, \leftrightsquigarrow
, \leftthreetimes
, \leqq
, \leqslant
, \lessapprox
, \lessdot
, \lesseqgtr
, \lesseqqgtr
, \lessgtr
, \lesssim
, \lgroup
, \lhd
, \ll
, \llcorner
, \Lleftarrow
, \lll
, \llless
, \lmoustache
, \lnapprox
, \lneq
, \lneqq
, \lnsim
, \longleftarrow
, \Longleftarrow
, \longleftrightarrow
, \Longleftrightarrow
, \longmapsto
, \longrightarrow
, \Longrightarrow
, \looparrowleft
, \looparrowright
, \lozenge
, \lrcorner
, \Lsh
, \ltimes
, \lvertneqq
, \mapsto
, \measuredangle
, \mho
, \mid
, \mp
, \multimap
, \nabla
, \natural
, \ncong
, \nearrow
, \nexists
, \ngeqq
, \ngeqslant
, \ngtr
, \ni
, \nleftarrow
, \nLeftarrow
, \nleftrightarrow
, \nLeftrightarrow
, \nleqq
, \nleqslant
, \nless
, \nmid
, \nparallel
, \nprec
, \npreceq
, \nrightarrow
, \nRightarrow
, \nshortmid
, \nshortparallel
, \nsim
, \nsubseteqq
, \nsucc
, \nsucceq
, \nsupseteqq
, \ntriangleleft
, \ntrianglelefteq
, \ntriangleright
, \ntrianglerighteq
, \nvdash
, \nvDash
, \nVdash
, \nVDash
, \nwarrow
, \ominus
, \owns
, \parallel
, \perp
, \pitchfork
, \prec
, \precapprox
, \preccurlyeq
, \preceq
, \precnapprox
, \precneqq
, \precnsim
, \precsim
, \propto
, \Re
, \restriction
, \rgroup
, \rhd
, \Rightarrow
, \rightarrowtail
, \rightharpoondown
, \rightharpoonup
, \rightleftarrows
, \rightleftharpoons
, \rightrightarrows
, \rightsquigarrow
, \rightthreetimes
, \risingdotseq
, \rmoustache
, \Rrightarrow
, \Rsh
, \rtimes
, \searrow
, \sharp
, \shortmid
, \shortparallel
, \sim
, \simeq
, \smallfrown
, \smallsetminus
, \smallsmile
, \smile
, \spadesuit
, \sphericalangle
, \sqcap
, \sqcup
, \sqsubset
, \sqsubseteq
, \sqsupset
, \sqsupseteq
, \square
, \Subset
, \subseteqq
, \subsetneq
, \subsetneqq
, \succ
, \succapprox
, \succcurlyeq
, \succeq
, \succnapprox
, \succneqq
, \succnsim
, \succsim
, \Supset
, \supseteqq
, \supsetneq
, \supsetneqq
, \swarrow
, \therefore
, \thickapprox
, \thicksim
, \triangledown
, \trianglelefteq
, \triangleq
, \trianglerighteq
, \twoheadleftarrow
, \twoheadrightarrow
, \ulcorner
, \unlhd
, \unrhd
, \upharpoonleft
, \upharpoonright
, \uplus
, \upuparrows
, \urcorner
, \varkappa
, \varpropto
, \varsubsetneq
, \varsubsetneqq
, \varsupsetneq
, \vartriangle
, \vartriangleleft
, \vartriangleright
, \vdash
, \vDash
, \Vdash
, \Vvdash
, \wp
, \wr
, \yen
[v0.1.1] - 2014-10-15
and \choose
, \subset
, \supset
, \subseteq
, \supseteq
, \cap
, \cup
, \setminus
, \neg
, \lnot
, \top
, \bot
, \emptyset
, \varnothing
, \land
, \lor
, \wedge
, \vee
, \notin
, \nsubseteq
, \nsupseteq
, \models
command-line binary to convert TeX to HTML on the server.\sqrt[3]{x}
to indicate lack of support.<!DOCTYPE html>
and \iiint