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knex - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.2.6 to 0.2.7-alpha




@@ -1,2 +0,2 @@

// Knex.js 0.2.6
// Knex.js 0.2.7-alpha

@@ -14,4 +14,6 @@ // (c) 2013 Tim Griesser

// Required dependencies.
var _ = require('underscore');
var when = require('when');
var _ = require('underscore');
var when = require('when');
var Common = require('./lib/common').Common;
var Helpers = require('./lib/helpers').Helpers;

@@ -27,916 +29,8 @@ // `Knex` is the root namespace and a chainable function: `Knex('tableName')`

// Keep in sync with package.json
Knex.VERSION = '0.2.6';
Knex.VERSION = '0.2.7-alpha';
Knex.Builder = require('./lib/builder').Builder;
Knex.JoinClause = require('./lib/joinclause').JoinClause;
// Methods common to both the `Grammar` and `SchemaGrammar` interfaces,
// used to generate the sql in one form or another.
var Common = {
_debug: false,
_promise: null,
debug: function() {
this._debug = true;
return this;
// For those who dislike promise interfaces.
// Multiple calls to `exec` will resolve with the same value
// if called more than once. Any unhandled errors will be thrown
// after the last block.
exec: function(callback) {
this._promise || (this._promise = this.runQuery());
return this._promise.then(function(resp) {
if (callback) callback(null, resp);
}, function(err) {
if (callback) callback(err, null);
}).then(null, function(err) {
setTimeout(function() { throw err; }, 0);
// The promise interface for the query builder.
then: function(onFulfilled, onRejected) {
this._promise || (this._promise = this.runQuery());
return this._promise.then(onFulfilled, onRejected);
// Returns an array of query strings filled out with the
// correct values based on bindings, etc. Useful for debugging.
toString: function() {
this.type || (this.type = 'select');
var data = this.toSql();
var builder = this;
if (!_.isArray(data)) data = [data];
return, function(str) {
var questionCount = 0;
return str.replace(/\?/g, function() {
return builder.bindings[questionCount++];
}).join('; ');
// Explicitly sets the connection.
connection: function(connection) {
this._connection = connection;
return this;
// The connection the current query is being run on, optionally
// specified by the `connection` method.
_connection: false,
// Sets the "type" of the current query, so we can potentially place
// `select`, `update`, `del`, etc. anywhere in the query statement
// and have it come out fine.
_setType: function(type) {
if (this.type) {
throw new Error('The query type has already been set to ' + this.type);
this.type = type;
return this;
// Returns all bindings excluding the `Knex.Raw` types.
_cleanBindings: function() {
var bindings = this.bindings;
var cleaned = [];
for (var i = 0, l = bindings.length; i < l; i++) {
if (!(bindings[i] instanceof Raw)) {
} else {
push.apply(cleaned, bindings[i].bindings);
return cleaned;
// Runs the query on the current builder instance and returns a promise.
runQuery: function() {
if (this.transaction) {
if (!this.transaction.connection) return when.reject(new Error('The transaction has already completed.'));
this._connection = this.transaction.connection;
// Prep the SQL associated with the this.
this.sql = this.toSql();
this.bindings = this._cleanBindings();
if (!_.isArray(this.sql)) this.sql = [this.sql];
var chain;
for (var i = 0, l = this.sql.length; i < l; i++) {
if (chain) {
chain.then(multiQuery(this, i, chain));
} else {
chain = multiQuery(this, i);
return chain;
// Grammar
// -------
// The list of different components
var components = [
'aggregate', 'columns', 'from',
'joins', 'wheres', 'groups', 'havings',
'orders', 'limit', 'offset', 'unions'
Knex.Grammar = {
// Compiles the `select` statement, or nested sub-selects
// by calling each of the component compilers, trimming out
// the empties, and returning a generated query string.
compileSelect: function(qb) {
var sql = {};
if (_.isEmpty(qb.columns)) qb.columns = ['*'];
for (var i = 0, l = components.length; i < l; i++) {
var component = components[i];
var result = _.result(qb, component);
if (result != null) {
sql[component] = this['compile' + capitalize(component)](qb, result);
return _.compact(sql).join(' ');
// Compiles an aggregate query.
compileAggregate: function(qb) {
var column = this.columnize(qb.aggregate.columns);
if (qb.isDistinct && column !== '*') {
column = 'distinct ' + column;
return 'select ' + qb.aggregate.type + '(' + column + ') as aggregate';
// Compiles the columns in the query, specifying if an item was distinct.
compileColumns: function(qb, columns) {
if (qb.aggregate != null) return;
return (qb.isDistinct ? 'select distinct ' : 'select ') + this.columnize(columns);
// Compiles the `from` tableName portion of the query.
compileFrom: function(qb, table) {
return 'from ' + this.wrapTable(table);
// Compiles all each of the `join` clauses on the query,
// including any nested join queries.
compileJoins: function(qb, joins) {
var sql = [];
for (var i = 0, l = joins.length; i < l; i++) {
var join = joins[i];
var clauses = [];
for (var i2 = 0, l2 = join.clauses.length; i2 < l2; i2++) {
var clause = join.clauses[i2];
[clause['bool'], this.wrap(clause['first']), clause.operator, this.wrap(clause['second'])].join(' ')
clauses[0] = clauses[0].replace(/and |or /, '');
sql.push(join.type + ' join ' + this.wrapTable(join.table) + ' on ' + clauses.join(' '));
return sql.join(' ');
// Compiles all `where` statements on the query.
compileWheres: function(qb) {
var sql = [];
var wheres = qb.wheres;
if (wheres.length === 0) return '';
for (var i = 0, l = wheres.length; i < l; i++) {
var where = wheres[i];
sql.push(where.bool + ' ' + this['where' + where.type](qb, where));
return (sql.length > 0 ? 'where ' + sql.join(' ').replace(/and |or /, '') : '');
// Compile the "union" queries attached to the main query.
compileUnions: function(qb) {
var sql = '';
for (var i = 0, l = qb.unions.length; i < l; i++) {
var union = qb.unions[i];
sql += (union.all ? 'union all ' : 'union ') + this.compileSelect(union.query);
return sql;
// Compiles a nested where clause.
whereNested: function(qb, where) {
return '(' + this.compileWheres(where.query).slice(6) + ')';
// Compiles a nested where clause.
whereSub: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' ' + where.operator + ' (' + (this.compileSelect(where.query)) + ')';
// Compiles a basic where clause.
whereBasic: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' ' + where.operator + ' ' + this.parameter(where.value);
// Compiles a basic exists clause.
whereExists: function(qb, where) {
return 'exists (' + this.compileSelect(where.query) + ')';
// Compiles a basic not exists clause.
whereNotExists: function(qb, where) {
return 'not exists (' + this.compileSelect(where.query) + ')';
// Compiles a where in clause.
whereIn: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' in (' + this.parameterize(where.value) + ')';
// Compiles a where not in clause.
whereNotIn: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' not in (' + this.parameterize(where.value) + ')';
// Compiles a sub-where in clause.
whereInSub: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' in (' + this.compileSelect(where.query) + ')';
// Compiles a sub-where not in clause.
whereNotInSub: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' not in (' + this.compileSelect(where.query) + ')';
// Where between.
whereBetween: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' between ? and ?';
whereNull: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' is null';
whereNotNull: function(qb, where) {
return this.wrap(where.column) + ' is not null';
whereRaw: function(qb, where) {
return where.sql;
// Compiles the `group by` columns.
compileGroups: function(qb, groups) {
return 'group by ' + this.columnize(groups);
// Compiles the `having` statements.
compileHavings: function(qb, havings) {
return 'having ' + {
if (having.type === 'Raw') {
return having.bool + ' ' + having.sql;
return having.bool + ' ' + this.wrap(having.column) + ' ' + having.operator + ' ' + this.parameter(having['value']);
}, this).replace(/and |or /, '');
// Compiles the `order by` statements.
compileOrders: function(qb, orders) {
if (orders.length > 0) {
return 'order by ' + {
return '' + this.wrap(order.column) + ' ' + order.direction;
}, this).join(', ');
// Compiles the `limit` statements.
compileLimit: function(qb, limit) {
return 'limit ' + limit;
// Compiles an `offset` statement on the query.
compileOffset: function(qb, offset) {
return 'offset ' + offset;
// Compiles an `insert` query, allowing for multiple
// inserts using a single query statement.
compileInsert: function(qb) {
var values = qb.values;
var table = this.wrapTable(qb.table);
var columns = _.pluck(values[0], 0);
var paramBlocks = [];
// If there are any "where" clauses, we need to omit
// any bindings that may have been associated with them.
if (qb.wheres.length > 0) this._clearWhereBindings(qb);
for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i < l; ++i) {
paramBlocks.push("(" + this.parameterize(_.pluck(values[i], 1)) + ")");
return "insert into " + table + " (" + this.columnize(columns) + ") values " + paramBlocks.join(', ');
// Depending on the type of `where` clause, this will appropriately
// remove any binding caused by "where" constraints, allowing the same
// query to be used for `insert` and `update` without issue.
_clearWhereBindings: function(qb) {
var wheres = qb.wheres;
var bindingCount = 0;
for (var i = 0, l = wheres.length; i<l; i++) {
var where = wheres[i];
if (_.isArray(where.value)) {
bindingCount += where.value.length;
} else if (where.query) {
bindingCount += where.query.bindings.length;
} else {
bindingCount += 1;
qb.bindings = qb.bindings.slice(bindingCount);
// Compiles an `update` query.
compileUpdate: function(qb) {
var values = qb.values;
var table = this.wrapTable(qb.table), columns = [];
for (var i=0, l = values.length; i < l; i++) {
var value = values[i];
columns.push(this.wrap(value[0]) + ' = ' + this.parameter(value[1]));
return 'update ' + table + ' set ' + columns.join(', ') + ' ' + this.compileWheres(qb);
// Compiles a `delete` query.
compileDelete: function(qb) {
var table = this.wrapTable(qb.table);
var where = !_.isEmpty(qb.wheres) ? this.compileWheres(qb) : '';
return 'delete from ' + table + ' ' + where;
// Compiles a `truncate` query.
compileTruncate: function(qb) {
return 'truncate ' + this.wrapTable(qb.table);
wrap: function(value) {
var segments;
if (value instanceof Raw) return value.sql;
if (_.isNumber(value)) return value;
if (value.toLowerCase().indexOf(' as ') !== -1) {
segments = value.split(' ');
return this.wrap(segments[0]) + ' as ' + this.wrap(segments[2]);
var wrapped = [];
segments = value.split('.');
for (var i = 0, l = segments.length; i < l; i = ++i) {
value = segments[i];
if (i === 0 && segments.length > 1) {
} else {
return wrapped.join('.');
wrapArray: function(values) {
return, this.wrap, this);
wrapTable: function(table) {
if (table instanceof Raw) return table.sql;
return this.wrap(table);
columnize: function(columns) {
if (!_.isArray(columns)) columns = [columns];
return, this.wrap, this).join(', ');
parameterize: function(values) {
if (!_.isArray(values)) values = [values];
return, this.parameter, this).join(', ');
parameter: function(value) {
return (value instanceof Raw ? value.sql : '?');
// Knex.Builder
// -------
var Builder = Knex.Builder = function(table) {
// We use this logic to create sub-builders
// for the advanced query statements.
if (table) {
if (_.isString(table) || table instanceof Raw) {
this.table = table;
} else {
this.client = table.client;
this.grammar = table.grammar;
// All operators used in the `where` clause generation.
var operators = ['=', '<', '>', '<=', '>=', '<>', '!=', 'like', 'not like', 'between', 'ilike'];
_.extend(Builder.prototype, Common, {
_source: 'Builder',
// Sets the `tableName` on the query.
from: function(tableName) {
if (!tableName) return this.table;
this.table = tableName;
return this;
// Adds a column to the list of "columns" being selected
// on the query.
column: function(value) {
return this;
// Adds a `distinct` clause to the query.
distinct: function(column) {
this.isDistinct = true;
return this;
// Compiles the current query builder.
toSql: function() {
this.type || (this.type = 'select');
return this.grammar['compile' + capitalize(this.type)](this);
// Clones the current query builder, including any
// pieces that have been set thus far.
clone: function() {
var item = new Builder(this.table);
item.client = this.client;
item.grammar = this.grammar;
var items = [
'isDistinct', 'joins', 'wheres', 'orders',
'columns', 'bindings', 'grammar', 'transaction', 'unions'
for (var i = 0, l = items.length; i < l; i++) {
var k = items[i];
item[k] = this[k];
return item;
// Resets all attributes on the query builder.
reset: function() {
this.joins = [];
this.values = [];
this.unions = [];
this.wheres = [];
this.orders = [];
this.columns = [];
this.bindings = [];
this.isDistinct = false;
this.isReturning = false;
// Adds a join clause to the query, allowing for advanced joins
// with an anonymous function as the second argument.
join: function(table, first, operator, second, type) {
var join;
if (_.isFunction(first)) {
type = operator;
join = new JoinClause(type || 'inner', table);, join);
} else {
join = new JoinClause(type || 'inner', table);
join.on(first, operator, second);
return this;
// The where function can be used in several ways:
// The most basic is `where(key, value)`, which expands to
// where key = value.
where: function(column, operator, value, bool) {
bool || (bool = 'and');
if (_.isFunction(column)) {
return this._whereNested(column, bool);
if (column instanceof Raw) {
return this.whereRaw(column.sql, column.bindings, bool);
if (_.isObject(column)) {
for (var key in column) {
value = column[key];
this[bool + 'Where'](key, '=', value);
return this;
if (!_.contains(operators, operator)) {
value = operator;
operator = '=';
if (_.isFunction(value)) {
return this._whereSub(column, operator, value, bool);
type: 'Basic',
column: column,
operator: operator,
value: value,
bool: bool
return this;
// Alias to `where`, for internal builder consistency.
andWhere: function() {
return this.where.apply(this, arguments);
// Adds an `or where` clause to the query.
orWhere: function(column, operator, value) {
return this.where(column, operator, value, 'or');
// Adds a raw `where` clause to the query.
whereRaw: function(sql, bindings, bool) {
bindings = _.isArray(bindings) ? bindings : (bindings ? [bindings] : []);
this.wheres.push({type: 'Raw', sql: sql, bool: bool || 'and'});
push.apply(this.bindings, bindings);
return this;
// Adds a raw `or where` clause to the query.
orWhereRaw: function(sql, bindings) {
return this.whereRaw(sql, bindings, 'or');
// Adds a `where exists` clause to the query.
whereExists: function(callback, bool, type) {
var query = new Builder(this);, query);
type: (type || 'Exists'),
query: query,
bool: (bool || 'and')
push.apply(this.bindings, query.bindings);
return this;
// Adds an `or where exists` clause to the query.
orWhereExists: function(callback) {
return this.whereExists(callback, 'or');
// Adds a `where not exists` clause to the query.
whereNotExists: function(callback) {
return this.whereExists(callback, 'and', 'NotExists');
// Adds a `or where not exists` clause to the query.
orWhereNotExists: function(callback) {
return this.whereExists(callback, 'or', 'NotExists');
// Adds a `where in` clause to the query.
whereIn: function(column, values, bool, condition) {
bool || (bool = 'and');
if (_.isFunction(values)) {
return this._whereInSub(column, values, bool, (condition || 'In'));
type: (condition || 'In'),
column: column,
value: values,
bool: bool
push.apply(this.bindings, values);
return this;
// Adds a `or where in` clause to the query.
orWhereIn: function(column, values) {
return this.whereIn(column, values, 'or');
// Adds a `where not in` clause to the query.
whereNotIn: function(column, values) {
return this.whereIn(column, values, 'and', 'NotIn');
// Adds a `or where not in` clause to the query.
orWhereNotIn: function(column, values) {
return this.whereIn(column, values, 'or', 'NotIn');
// Adds a `where null` clause to the query.
whereNull: function(column, bool, type) {
this.wheres.push({type: (type || 'Null'), column: column, bool: (bool || 'and')});
return this;
// Adds a `or where null` clause to the query.
orWhereNull: function(column) {
return this.whereNull(column, 'or', 'Null');
// Adds a `where not null` clause to the query.
whereNotNull: function(column) {
return this.whereNull(column, 'and', 'NotNull');
// Adds a `or where not null` clause to the query.
orWhereNotNull: function(column) {
return this.whereNull(column, 'or', 'NotNull');
// Adds a `where between` clause to the query.
whereBetween: function(column, values) {
this.wheres.push({column: column, type: 'Between', bool: 'and'});
push.apply(this.bindings, values);
return this;
// Adds a `or where between` clause to the query.
orWhereBetween: function(column, values) {
this.wheres.push({column: column, type: 'Between', bool: 'or'});
push.apply(this.bindings, values);
return this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Adds a `group by` clause to the query.
groupBy: function() {
this.groups = (this.groups || []).concat(_.toArray(arguments));
return this;
// Adds a `order by` clause to the query.
orderBy: function(column, direction) {
this.orders.push({column: column, direction: (direction || 'asc')});
return this;
// Add a union statement to the query.
union: function(callback) {
this._union(callback, false);
return this;
// Adds a union all statement to the query.
unionAll: function(callback) {
this._union(callback, true);
return this;
// Adds a `having` clause to the query.
having: function(column, operator, value, bool) {
if (column instanceof Raw) {
return this.havingRaw(column.value, bool);
this.havings.push({column: column, operator: (operator || ''), value: (value || ''), bool: bool || 'and'});
return this;
// Adds an `or having` clause to the query.
orHaving: function(column, operator, value) {
return this.having(column, operator, value, 'or');
// Adds a raw `having` clause to the query.
havingRaw: function(sql, bool) {
this.havings.push({type: 'Raw', sql: sql, bool: bool || 'and'});
return this;
// Adds a raw `or having` clause to the query.
orHavingRaw: function(sql) {
return this.havingRaw(sql, 'or');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
offset: function(value) {
if (value == null) return this.isOffset;
this.isOffset = value;
return this;
limit: function(value) {
if (value == null) return this.isLimit;
this.isLimit = value;
return this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Retrieve the "count" result of the query.
count: function(column) {
return this._aggregate('count', column);
// Retrieve the minimum value of a given column.
min: function(column) {
return this._aggregate('min', column);
// Retrieve the maximum value of a given column.
max: function(column) {
return this._aggregate('max', column);
// Retrieve the sum of the values of a given column.
sum: function(column) {
return this._aggregate('sum', column);
// Increments a column's value by the specified amount.
increment: function(column, amount) {
return this._counter(column, amount);
// Decrements a column's value by the specified amount.
decrement: function(column, amount) {
return this._counter(column, amount, '-');
// Sets the values for a `select` query.
select: function(columns) {
if (columns) {
push.apply(this.columns, _.isArray(columns) ? columns : _.toArray(arguments));
return this._setType('select');
// Sets the values for an `insert` query.
insert: function(values, returning) {
if (returning) this.returning(returning);
this.values = this._prepValues(_.clone(values));
return this._setType('insert');
// Sets the returning value for the query.
returning: function(returning) {
this.isReturning = returning;
return this;
// Sets the values for an `update` query.
update: function(values) {
var obj = sortObject(values);
var bindings = [];
for (var i = 0, l = obj.length; i < l; i++) {
bindings[i] = obj[i][1];
this.bindings = bindings.concat(this.bindings || []);
this.values = obj;
return this._setType('update');
// Alias to del.
"delete": function() {
return this._setType('delete');
// Executes a delete statement on the query;
del: function() {
return this._setType('delete');
// Truncate
truncate: function() {
return this._setType('truncate');
// Set by `transacting` - contains the object with the connection
// needed to execute a transaction
transaction: false,
// Sets the current Builder connection to that of the
// the currently running transaction
transacting: function(t) {
if (t) {
if (this.transaction) throw new Error('A transaction has already been set for the current query chain');
this.transaction = t;
return this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
_prepValues: function(values) {
if (!_.isArray(values)) values = values ? [values] : [];
for (var i = 0, l = values.length; i<l; i++) {
var obj = values[i] = sortObject(values[i]);
for (var i2 = 0, l2 = obj.length; i2 < l2; i2++) {
return values;
// Helper for compiling any advanced `where in` queries.
_whereInSub: function(column, callback, bool, condition) {
condition += 'Sub';
var query = new Builder(this);, query);
this.wheres.push({type: condition, column: column, query: query, bool: bool});
push.apply(this.bindings, query.bindings);
return this;
// Helper for compiling any advanced `where` queries.
_whereNested: function(callback, bool) {
var query = new Builder(this);
query.table = this.table;, query);
this.wheres.push({type: 'Nested', query: query, bool: bool});
push.apply(this.bindings, query.bindings);
return this;
// Helper for compiling any of the `where` advanced queries.
_whereSub: function(column, operator, callback, bool) {
var query = new Builder(this);, query);
type: 'Sub',
column: column,
operator: operator,
query: query,
bool: bool
push.apply(this.bindings, query.bindings);
return this;
// Helper for compiling any aggregate queries.
_aggregate: function(type, columns) {
if (!_.isArray(columns)) columns = [columns];
this.aggregate = {type: type, columns: columns};
return this._setType('select');
// Helper for the incrementing/decrementing queries.
_counter: function(column, amount, symbol) {
var sql = {};
sql[column] = new Raw('' + this.grammar.wrap(column) + ' ' + (symbol || '+') + ' ' + amount);
return this.update(sql);
// Helper for compiling any `union` queries.
_union: function(callback, bool) {
var query = new Builder(this);, query);
this.unions.push({query: query, all: bool});
push.apply(this.bindings, query.bindings);
// Knex.JoinClause
// ---------
var JoinClause = Knex.JoinClause = function(type, table) {
this.clauses = [];
this.type = type;
this.table = table;
JoinClause.prototype = {
on: function(first, operator, second) {
this.clauses.push({first: first, operator: operator, second: second, bool: 'and'});
return this;
andOn: function() {
return this.on.apply(this, arguments);
orOn: function(first, operator, second) {
this.clauses.push({first: first, operator: operator, second: second, bool: 'or'});
return this;
// Knex.Transaction
// ---------
Knex.Transaction = function(container) {

@@ -949,35 +43,4 @@ if (!Knex.Instances['main']) {

var transaction = function(container) {
var transaction = require('./lib/transaction').transaction;
var client = this.client;
return client.startTransaction().then(function(connection) {
// Initiate a deferred object, so we know when the
// transaction completes or fails, we know what to do.
var dfd = when.defer();
// The object passed around inside the transaction container.
var containerObj = {
commit: function(val) {
client.finishTransaction('commit', this, dfd, val);
rollback: function(err) {
client.finishTransaction('rollback', this, dfd, err);
// "rollback to"?
connection: connection
// Ensure the transacting object methods are bound with the correct context.
_.bindAll(containerObj, 'commit', 'rollback');
// Call the container with the transaction
// commit & rollback objects.
return dfd.promise;
// Knex.Schema

@@ -993,3 +56,3 @@ // ---------

// SchemaBuilder instance methods
_.each(['hasTable', 'createTable', 'table', 'dropTable', 'renameTable', 'dropTableIfExists'], function(method) {
_.each(['hasTable', 'hasColumn', 'createTable', 'table', 'dropTable', 'renameTable', 'dropTableIfExists'], function(method) {

@@ -1009,527 +72,12 @@ Schema[method] = function() {

// `SchemaBuilder` context, to disallow calling more than one method at once.
var SchemaInterface = {
var SchemaInterface = require('./lib/schemainterface').SchemaInterface;
// Modify a table on the schema.
table: function(callback) {
return this._setType('table');
// Create a new table on the schema.
createTable: function(callback) {
return this._setType('createTable');
// Drop a table from the schema.
dropTable: function() {
return this._setType('dropTable');
// Drop a table from the schema if it exists.
dropTableIfExists: function() {
return this._setType('dropTableIfExists');
// Rename a table on the schema.
renameTable: function(to) {
this._addCommand('renameTable', {to: to});
return this._setType('renameTable');
// Determine if the given table exists.
hasTable: function() {
return this._setType('tableExists');
// Knex.SchemaBuilder
// --------
Knex.SchemaBuilder = require('./lib/schemabuilder').SchemaBuilder;
var SchemaBuilder = Knex.SchemaBuilder = function(table) {
this.table = table;
this.columns = [];
this.commands = [];
this.bindings = [];
// Knex.Migrate
// --------
Knex.Migrate = require('./lib/migrate').Migrate;
_.extend(SchemaBuilder.prototype, Common, {
_source: 'SchemaBuilder',
// A callback from the table building `Knex.schemaBuilder` calls.
callback: function(callback) {
if (callback), this);
return this;
// Get the raw sql statements for the blueprint.
toSql: function() {
// Add the commands that are implied by the blueprint.
if (this.columns.length > 0 && !this.creating()) {
this.commands.unshift({name: 'add'});
// Add an "additional" command, for any extra dialect-specific logic.
this.commands.push({name: 'additional'});
// Add indicies
for (var i = 0, l = this.columns.length; i < l; i++) {
var column = this.columns[i];
var indices = ['primary', 'unique', 'index', 'foreign'];
for (var i2 = 0, l2 = indices.length; i2 < l2; i2++) {
var index = indices[i2];
var indexVar = 'is' + capitalize(index);
// If the index has been specified on the given column, but is simply
// equal to "true" (boolean), no name has been specified for this
// index, so we will simply call the index methods without one.
if (column[indexVar] === true) {
this[index](column, null);
continue continueIndex;
// If the index has been specified on the column and it is something
// other than boolean true, we will assume a name was provided on
// the index specification, and pass in the name to the method.
} else if (_.has(column, indexVar)) {
this[index](, column[indexVar], column);
continue continueIndex;
var statements = [];
// Each type of command has a corresponding compiler function on the schema
// grammar which is used to build the necessary SQL statements to build
// the blueprint element, so we'll just call that compilers function.
for (i = 0, l = this.commands.length; i < l; i++) {
var command = this.commands[i];
var method = 'compile' + capitalize(;
if (_.has(this.grammar, method)) {
var sql = this.grammar[method](this, command);
if (sql) statements = statements.concat(sql);
return statements;
// Determine if the blueprint has a create command.
creating: function() {
for (var i = 0, l = this.commands.length; i < l; i++) {
if (this.commands[i].name == 'createTable') return true;
return false;
// Sets the engine to use when creating the table in MySql
engine: function(name) {
if (!this.creating()) throw new Error('The `engine` modifier may only be used while creating a table.');
this.isEngine = name;
return this;
// Adds a comment to the current table being created.
comment: function(comment) {
return this._addCommand('comment', {comment: comment});
// Indicate that the given columns should be dropped.
dropColumn: function(columns) {
if (!_.isArray(columns)) columns = columns ? [columns] : [];
return this._addCommand('dropColumn', {columns: columns});
// Indicate that the given columns should be dropped.
dropColumns: function() {
return this.dropColumn(arguments);
// Indicate that the given primary key should be dropped.
dropPrimary: function(index) {
return this._dropIndexCommand('dropPrimary', index);
// Indicate that the given unique key should be dropped.
dropUnique: function(index) {
return this._dropIndexCommand('dropUnique', index);
// Indicate that the given index should be dropped.
dropIndex: function(index) {
return this._dropIndexCommand('dropIndex', index);
// Indicate that the given foreign key should be dropped.
dropForeign: function(index) {
return this._dropIndexCommand('dropForeign', index);
// Specify the primary key(s) for the table.
primary: function(columns, name) {
return this._indexCommand('primary', columns, name);
// Specify a unique index for the table.
unique: function(columns, name) {
return this._indexCommand('unique', columns, name);
// Specify an index for the table.
index: function(columns, name) {
return this._indexCommand('index', columns, name);
// Specify a foreign key for the table, also getting any
// relevant info from the chain during column.
foreign: function(column, name) {
var chained, chainable = this._indexCommand('foreign', column, name);
if (_.isObject(column)) {
chained = _.pick(column, 'foreignColumn', 'foreignTable', 'commandOnDelete', 'commandOnUpdate');
return _.extend(chainable, ForeignChainable, chained);
// Create a new auto-incrementing column on the table.
increments: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('integer', (column || 'id'), {autoIncrement: true, length: 11});
// Create a new string column on the table.
string: function(column, length) {
return this._addColumn('string', column, {length: (length || 255)});
// Alias varchar to string
varchar: function(column, length) {
return this.string(column, length);
// Create a new text column on the table.
text: function(column, length) {
return this._addColumn('text', column, {length: (length || false)});
// Create a new integer column on the table.
integer: function(column, length) {
return this._addColumn('integer', column, {length: (length || 11)});
// Create a new tinyinteger column on the table.
tinyInteger: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('tinyInteger', column);
// Alias for tinyinteger column.
tinyint: function(column) {
return this.tinyInteger(column);
// Create a new float column on the table.
float: function(column, precision, scale) {
return this._addColumn('float', column, {
precision: (precision == null ? 8 : precision),
scale: (scale == null ? 2 : scale)
// Create a new decimal column on the table.
decimal: function(column, precision, scale) {
return this._addColumn('decimal', column, {
precision: (precision == null ? 8 : precision),
scale: (scale == null ? 2 : scale)
// Alias to "bool"
boolean: function(column) {
return this.bool(column);
// Create a new boolean column on the table
bool: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('boolean', column);
// Create a new date column on the table.
date: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('date', column);
// Create a new date-time column on the table.
dateTime: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('dateTime', column);
// Create a new time column on the table.
time: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('time', column);
// Create a new timestamp column on the table.
timestamp: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('timestamp', column);
// Add creation and update dateTime's to the table.
timestamps: function() {
// Alias to enum.
"enum": function(column, allowed) {
return this.enu(column, allowed);
// Create a new enum column on the table.
enu: function(column, allowed) {
if (!_.isArray(allowed)) allowed = [allowed];
return this._addColumn('enum', column, {allowed: allowed});
// Create a new bit column on the table.
bit: function(column, length) {
return this._addColumn('bit', column, {length: (length || false)});
// Create a new binary column on the table.
binary: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('binary', column);
// Create a new json column on the table.
json: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('json', column);
// Create a new uuid column on the table.
uuid: function(column) {
return this._addColumn('uuid', column);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create a new drop index command on the blueprint.
// If the index is an array of columns, the developer means
// to drop an index merely by specifying the columns involved.
_dropIndexCommand: function(type, index) {
var columns = [];
if (_.isArray(index)) {
columns = index;
index = null;
return this._indexCommand(type, columns, index);
// Add a new index command to the blueprint.
// If no name was specified for this index, we will create one using a basic
// convention of the table name, followed by the columns, followed by an
// index type, such as primary or index, which makes the index unique.
_indexCommand: function(type, columns, index) {
index || (index = null);
if (!_.isArray(columns)) columns = columns ? [columns] : [];
if (index === null) {
var table = this.table.replace(/\.|-/g, '_');
index = (table + '_' +, function(col) { return || col; }).join('_') + '_' + type).toLowerCase();
return this._addCommand(type, {index: index, columns: columns});
// Add a new column to the blueprint.
_addColumn: function(type, name, parameters) {
if (!name) throw new Error('A `name` must be defined to add a column');
var column = _.extend({type: type, name: name}, ChainableColumn, parameters);
return column;
// Add a new command to the blueprint.
_addCommand: function(name, parameters) {
var command = _.extend({name: name}, parameters);
return command;
var ForeignChainable = {
// Sets the "column" that the current column references
// as the a foreign key
references: function(column) {
this.isForeign = true;
this.foreignColumn = column || null;
return this;
// Sets the "table" where the foreign key column is located.
inTable: function(table) {
this.foreignTable = table || null;
return this;
// SQL command to run "onDelete"
onDelete: function(command) {
this.commandOnDelete = command || null;
return this;
// SQL command to run "onUpdate"
onUpdate: function(command) {
this.commandOnUpdate = command || null;
return this;
var ChainableColumn = _.extend({
// Sets the default value for a column.
// For `boolean` columns, we'll permit 'false'
// to be used as default values.
defaultTo: function(value) {
if (this.type === 'boolean') {
if (value === 'false') value = 0;
value = (value ? 1 : 0);
this.defaultValue = value;
return this;
// Sets an integer as unsigned, is a no-op
// if the column type is not an integer.
unsigned: function() {
this.isUnsigned = true;
return this;
// Allows the column to contain null values.
nullable: function() {
this.isNullable = true;
return this;
// Adds an index on the specified column.
index: function(name) {
this.isIndex = name || true;
return this;
// Sets this column as the primary key.
primary: function(name) {
this.isPrimary = name || true;
return this;
// Sets this column as unique.
unique: function(name) {
this.isUnique = name || true;
return this;
// Sets the column to be inserted after another,
// used in MySql alter tables.
after: function(name) {
this.isAfter = name;
return this;
// Adds a comment to this column.
comment: function(comment) {
this.isCommented = comment || null;
return this;
}, ForeignChainable);
Knex.SchemaGrammar = {
// Compile a foreign key command.
compileForeign: function(blueprint, command) {
var sql;
if (command.foreignTable && command.foreignColumn) {
var table = this.wrapTable(blueprint);
var column = this.columnize(command.columns);
var foreignTable = this.wrapTable(command.foreignTable);
var foreignColumn = this.columnize(command.foreignColumn);
sql = "alter table " + table + " add constraint " + command.index + " ";
sql += "foreign key (" + column + ") references " + foreignTable + " (" + foreignColumn + ")";
// Once we have the basic foreign key creation statement constructed we can
// build out the syntax for what should happen on an update or delete of
// the affected columns, which will get something like "cascade", etc.
if (command.commandOnDelete) sql += " on delete " + command.commandOnDelete;
if (command.commandOnUpdate) sql += " on update " + command.commandOnUpdate;
return sql;
// Each of the column types have their own compiler functions which are
// responsible for turning the column definition into its SQL format
// for the platform. Then column modifiers are compiled and added.
getColumns: function(blueprint) {
var columns = [];
for (var i = 0, l = blueprint.columns.length; i < l; i++) {
var column = blueprint.columns[i];
var sql = this.wrap(column) + ' ' + this.getType(column, blueprint);
columns.push(this.addModifiers(sql, blueprint, column));
return columns;
// Add the column modifiers to the definition.
addModifiers: function(sql, blueprint, column) {
for (var i = 0, l = this.modifiers.length; i < l; i++) {
var modifier = this.modifiers[i];
var method = "modify" + modifier;
if (_.has(this, method)) {
sql += this[method](blueprint, column) || '';
return sql;
// Get the SQL for the column data type.
getType: function(column, blueprint) {
return this['type' + capitalize(column.type)](column, blueprint);
// Add a prefix to an array of values, utilized in the client libs.
prefixArray: function(prefix, values) {
return, function(value) { return prefix + ' ' + value; });
// Wrap a table in keyword identifiers.
wrapTable: function(table) {
if (table instanceof SchemaBuilder) table = table.table;
return, table);
// Wrap a value in keyword identifiers.
wrap: function(value) {
if (value && value =;
return, value);
// Format a value so that it can be used in "default" clauses.
getDefaultValue: function(value) {
if (value instanceof Raw) return value.sql;
if (value === true || value === false) {
return parseInt(value, 10);
return '' + value;
// Knex.Raw

@@ -1548,40 +96,5 @@ // -------

var Raw = function(sql, bindings) {
this.bindings = (!_.isArray(bindings) ? (bindings ? [bindings] : []) : bindings);
this.sql = sql;
var Raw = require('./lib/raw').Raw;
_.extend(Raw.prototype, Common);
_.extend(Raw.prototype, Common, {
_source: 'Raw',
// Returns the raw sql for the query.
toSql: function() {
return this.sql;
// Simple capitalization of a word.
var capitalize = function(word) {
return word.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + word.slice(1);
// Sorts an object based on the names.
var sortObject = function(obj) {
return _.sortBy(_.pairs(obj), function(a) {
return a[0];
// Sets up a multi-query to be executed with serial promises.
var multiQuery = function(builder, i, chain) {
if (chain) {
return function() {
return multiQuery(builder, i);
return builder.client.query(_.extend({}, builder, {sql: builder.sql[i]}));
// Knex.Initialize

@@ -1631,12 +144,6 @@ // -------

// Setup the grammars specific to the client.
client.grammar = _.extend({}, Knex.Grammar, client.grammar);
client.schemaGrammar = _.extend({}, client.grammar, Knex.SchemaGrammar, client.schemaGrammar);
// If this is named "default" then we're setting this on the Knex
Target = function(table) {
var builder = new Knex.Builder(table);
builder.client = client;
builder.grammar = client.grammar;
return builder;
var builder = new Knex.Builder(client);
return table ? builder.from(table) : builder;

@@ -1678,12 +185,9 @@

var array = [];
var push = array.push;
// Default client paths, located in the `./clients` directory.
var Clients = {
'mysql' : './clients/mysql.js',
'pg' : './clients/postgres.js',
'postgres' : './clients/postgres.js',
'sqlite' : './clients/sqlite3.js',
'sqlite3' : './clients/sqlite3.js'
'mysql' : './clients/server/mysql.js',
'pg' : './clients/server/postgres.js',
'postgres' : './clients/server/postgres.js',
'sqlite' : './clients/server/sqlite3.js',
'sqlite3' : './clients/server/sqlite3.js'

@@ -1690,0 +194,0 @@

"name": "knex",
"version": "0.2.6",
"version": "0.2.7-alpha",
"description": "A query builder for Postgres, MySQL and SQLite3, designed to be flexible, portable, and fun to use.",

@@ -22,3 +22,5 @@ "main": "knex.js",

"underscore": "~1.5.1",
"generic-pool": "~2.0.3"
"generic-pool": "~2.0.3",
"underscore.string": "~2.3.3",
"mkdirp": "~0.3.5"

@@ -25,0 +27,0 @@ "scripts": {

@@ -41,2 +41,18 @@

it('should allow renaming a column', function(done) {
Knex.Schema.table('accounts', function(t) {
t.renameColumn('about', 'about_col');
}).then(function() {
return Knex('accounts').select('about_col');
}).then(function(resp) {
return Knex.Schema.table('accounts', function(t) {
t.renameColumn('about_col', 'about');
}).then(function() {

@@ -22,3 +22,3 @@ var When = require('when');

table.comment('A table comment.');

@@ -96,2 +96,5 @@ table.string('last_name');

.tap(function() {
return Knex.Schema.hasColumn('accounts', 'first_name');
.then(function() {

@@ -98,0 +101,0 @@ return res;

Sorry, the diff of this file is too big to display

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