Smartdoc is an RESTful document generator according to document-style comment.
How it works
Smartdoc reads all API-Document comments in service folder by AST, generates a delaration data file, then serve a single-page application for browsering and testing interfaces at the mounted route.
- Install
npm install --save koa-smartdoc-middleware
2. Basic Usage
For example, we have an project like this:
- index.js
+ services // The directory where api functions defined in.
- user.js
- post.js
- ...
And you've commented these service functions correctly. (See below)
Then, you can easily extend your app with smartdoc:
const app = require('koa')();
const mount = require('koa-mount');
const smartdoc = require('koa-smartdoc-middleware');
const pathToServices = path.join('../services');
app.use(mount('/doc', smartdoc(pathToServices)));
Then, you will able to access the document page at http://localhost:3000/doc
First, you should declare an app like this (In any file inside the services folder, generally, services/index.js):
module.exports = {};
Notice: To declare an Application, @application [name]
is necessary.
Then, in every service modules, declare your APIs.
module.exports = class UserService {
*login(req, res) {
Notice: To declare a Module, @module [name]
is necessary.
Notice: To declare an Action, @route [method] [path]
is necessary.
Then, you will get an API declaration structure like this:
name: example-app
title: Example Application
- name: user-674e7e
title: User Services
path: /user
- name: post-login-768ed4
title: User Login
method: post
path: /login
params: ...
- Read document-style comment of RESTful interface.
- Serve a single-page application to display informations about your interfaces, e.g. method, path, params.
- Can send request to test your interface.