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koa-zod-router - npm Package Compare versions

Comparing version 0.9.11 to 0.9.12




@@ -1,3 +0,215 @@

import zodRouter from './zod-router';
export type { RouterOpts, ZodRouter } from './types';
export default zodRouter;
import * as koa from 'koa';
import { Middleware, DefaultState } from 'koa';
import KoaRouter, { RouterOptions, LayerOptions } from '@koa/router';
import formidable from 'formidable';
import bodyParser from 'koa-bodyparser';
import { ZodSchema, z } from 'zod';
import * as formidable_PersistentFile from 'formidable/PersistentFile';
type Method = 'acl' | 'bind' | 'checkout' | 'connect' | 'copy' | 'delete' | 'get' | 'head' | 'link' | 'lock' | 'm-search' | 'merge' | 'mkactivity' | 'mkcalendar' | 'mkcol' | 'move' | 'notify' | 'options' | 'patch' | 'post' | 'propfind' | 'proppatch' | 'purge' | 'put' | 'rebind' | 'report' | 'search' | 'source' | 'subscribe' | 'trace' | 'unbind' | 'unlink' | 'unlock' | 'unsubscribe';
interface ZodContext<Headers, Params, Query, Body, Files> {
request: {
body: Body;
headers: Headers;
params: Params;
query: Query;
files: Files;
type ValidationOptions<Headers, Params, Query, Body, Files, Response> = {
headers?: ZodSchema<Headers>;
body?: ZodSchema<Body>;
params?: ZodSchema<Params>;
query?: ZodSchema<Query>;
files?: ZodSchema<Files>;
response?: ZodSchema<Response>;
type ZodMiddleware<H, P, Q, B, F, R> = Middleware<DefaultState, ZodContext<H, P, Q, B, F>, R> | Middleware<DefaultState, ZodContext<H, P, Q, B, F>, R>[];
type Spec<H, P, Q, B, F, R> = {
name?: string;
path: string;
handlers: ZodMiddleware<H, P, Q, B, F, R>;
pre?: ZodMiddleware<H, P, Q, B, F, R>;
validate?: ValidationOptions<H, P, Q, B, F, R>;
type RegisterSpec<H, P, Q, B, F, R> = {
method: Method | Method[];
opts?: LayerOptions;
} & Spec<H, P, Q, B, F, R>;
type ZodRouter = ReturnType<typeof zodRouter>;
interface RouterOpts {
bodyParser?: bodyParser.Options;
formidable?: formidable.Options;
koaRouter?: RouterOptions;
zodRouter?: {
enableMultipart?: boolean;
exposeRequestErrors?: boolean;
exposeResponseErrors?: boolean;
declare const zodRouter: (opts?: RouterOpts) => {
readonly router: KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly register: <H = unknown, P = unknown, Q = unknown, B = unknown, F = unknown, R = unknown>(spec: RegisterSpec<H, P, Q, B, F, R>) => KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly all: {
<T = {}, U = {}, B_1 = unknown>(name: string, path: string | RegExp, ...middleware: KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState & T, koa.DefaultContext & U, B_1>[]): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<T_1 = {}, U_1 = {}, B_2 = unknown>(path: string | RegExp | (string | RegExp)[], ...middleware: KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState & T_1, koa.DefaultContext & U_1, B_2>[]): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly allowedMethods: (options?: KoaRouter.RouterAllowedMethodsOptions | undefined) => KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext, unknown>;
readonly match: (path: string, method: string) => KoaRouter.RoutesMatch;
readonly methods: string[];
readonly middleware: () => KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext, unknown>;
readonly opts: KoaRouter.RouterOptions;
readonly param: <BodyT = unknown>(param: string, middleware: KoaRouter.ParamMiddleware<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext, BodyT>) => KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly params: object;
readonly prefix: (prefix: string) => KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly redirect: (source: string, destination: string, code?: number | undefined) => KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly route: (name: string) => boolean | KoaRouter.Layer;
readonly routes: () => KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext, unknown>;
readonly stack: KoaRouter.Layer[];
readonly use: {
(...middleware: KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext, unknown>[]): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
(path: string | RegExp | string[], ...middleware: KoaRouter.Middleware<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext, unknown>[]): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly url: (name: string, params?: any, options?: KoaRouter.UrlOptionsQuery | undefined) => string | Error;
readonly acl: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly bind: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly checkout: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly connect: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly copy: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly delete: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly get: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly head: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly link: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly lock: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly "m-search": {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly merge: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly mkactivity: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly mkcalendar: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly mkcol: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly move: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly notify: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly options: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly patch: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly post: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly propfind: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly proppatch: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly purge: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly put: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly rebind: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly report: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly search: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly source: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly subscribe: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly trace: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly unbind: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly unlink: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly unlock: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
readonly unsubscribe: {
<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>(path: string, handlers: ZodMiddleware<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1>, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions<H_1, P_1, Q_1, B_3, F_1, R_1> | undefined): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>(spec: Spec<H_2, P_2, Q_2, B_4, F_2, R_2>): KoaRouter<koa.DefaultState, koa.DefaultContext>;
declare const zFile: () => z.ZodUnion<[z.ZodType<formidable_PersistentFile, z.ZodTypeDef, formidable_PersistentFile>, z.ZodType<formidable_PersistentFile, z.ZodTypeDef, formidable_PersistentFile>]>;
export { RouterOpts, ZodRouter, zodRouter as default, zFile };
"use strict";
var __importDefault = (this && this.__importDefault) || function (mod) {
return (mod && mod.__esModule) ? mod : { "default": mod };
var __create = Object.create;
var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;
var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;
var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames;
var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf;
var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;
var __export = (target, all) => {
for (var name in all)
__defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
const zod_router_1 = __importDefault(require("./zod-router"));
exports.default = zod_router_1.default;
var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => {
if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") {
for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from))
if (!, key) && key !== except)
__defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable });
return to;
var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps(
isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target,
var __toCommonJS = (mod) => __copyProps(__defProp({}, "__esModule", { value: true }), mod);
// src/index.ts
var src_exports = {};
__export(src_exports, {
default: () => src_default,
zFile: () => zFile
module.exports = __toCommonJS(src_exports);
// src/zod-router.ts
var import_router = __toESM(require("@koa/router"));
// src/util.ts
var import_formidable = require("formidable");
var import_zod = require("zod");
var { FormidableError } = import_formidable.errors;
function flatten(middlewares) {
const flattened = middlewares.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (!curr) {
return acc;
if (Array.isArray(curr)) {
return acc.concat(flatten(curr));
return acc.concat(curr);
}, []);
return flattened;
var prepareMiddleware = (input) => {
return flatten(input);
async function noopMiddleware(ctx, next) {
return await next();
var assertValidation = (val) => {
const props = ["headers", "body", "query", "params", "files", "response"];
if (typeof val === "object") {
for (const prop of props) {
if (val[prop]) {
return true;
return false;
var assertHandlers = (val) => {
if (Array.isArray(val)) {
for (const fn of val) {
if (typeof fn !== "function") {
return false;
} else if (typeof val !== "function") {
return false;
return true;
var zFile = () => {
return import_zod.z.instanceof(import_formidable.PersistentFile).or(import_zod.z.instanceof(import_formidable.VolatileFile));
var assertFormidableError = (val) => {
if (val instanceof FormidableError) {
return true;
return false;
var methods = [
// src/zod-router.ts
var import_koa_bodyparser = __toESM(require("koa-bodyparser"));
// src/validation-middleware.ts
var import_zod2 = require("zod");
var ValidationError = class extends Error {
constructor(error) {
super("VALIDATION_ERROR", { cause: error });
var parsedSuccessful = (parsed) => {
return parsed.success;
var validate = async (data, schema) => {
if (!schema) {
return void 0;
const parsed = await schema.safeParseAsync(data);
if (!parsedSuccessful(parsed)) {
return parsed.error;
var validationMiddleware = (validation, opts) => {
if (!assertValidation(validation)) {
return noopMiddleware;
return async (ctx, next) => {
let inputErrors = [];
const [headers, params, query, body, files] = await Promise.all([
validate(ctx.request.headers, validation.headers),
validate(ctx.request.params, validation.params),
validate(ctx.request.query, validation.query),
validate(ctx.request.body, validation.body),
validate(ctx.request.files, validation.files)
if (headers) {
if (headers instanceof import_zod2.ZodError) {
} else {
Object.keys(headers).forEach((header) => {
ctx.request.headers[header] = headers[header];
if (params) {
if (params instanceof import_zod2.ZodError) {
} else {
ctx.request.params = params;
if (query) {
if (query instanceof import_zod2.ZodError) {
} else {
ctx.request.query = query;
if (body) {
if (body instanceof import_zod2.ZodError) {
} else {
ctx.request.body = body;
if (files) {
if (files instanceof import_zod2.ZodError) {
} else {
ctx.request.files = files;
if (inputErrors.length && opts?.exposeRequestErrors) {
ctx.status = 400;
ctx.type = "json";
ctx.body = { error: inputErrors };"error", new ValidationError({ inputErrors }), ctx);
if (inputErrors.length) {
ctx.throw(400, "VALIDATION_ERROR");
await next();
const output = await validate(ctx.body, validation.response);
if (!output) {
if (output instanceof import_zod2.ZodError) {
if (opts?.exposeResponseErrors) {
ctx.status = 500;
ctx.type = "json";
ctx.body = { error: output };"error", new ValidationError({ output }), ctx);
} else {
ctx.body = output;
ctx.response.body = output;
// src/multipart-parser-middleware.ts
var import_formidable2 = __toESM(require("formidable"));
var multipartParserMiddleware = (options) => {
return async (ctx, next) => {
if (!"multipart")) {
return next();
const form = (0, import_formidable2.default)({ multiples: true, ...options });
try {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
form.parse(ctx.req, (err, fields, files) => {
if (err) {
ctx.request.body = fields;
ctx.request.files = files;
await next();
} catch (err) {
if (assertFormidableError(err)) {
if (err.httpCode && err.httpCode >= 400 && err.httpCode < 500) {
ctx.status = err.httpCode;"error", err, ctx);
ctx.throw(500, err);
// src/zod-router.ts
var zodRouter = (opts) => {
const _router = new import_router.default(opts?.koaRouter);
_router.use((0, import_koa_bodyparser.default)(opts?.bodyParser));
if (opts?.zodRouter?.enableMultipart) {
function all() {
return _router.all(...arguments);
function allowedMethods(options) {
return _router.allowedMethods(options);
function match(path, method) {
return _router.match(path, method);
function middleware() {
return _router.middleware();
function param(path, middleware2) {
return _router.param(path, middleware2);
function prefix(path) {
return _router.prefix(path);
function redirect(source, destination, code) {
return _router.redirect(source, destination, code);
function route(name) {
return _router.route(name);
function routes() {
return _router.routes();
function use() {
return _router.use(...arguments);
function url(name, params, options) {
return _router.url(name, params, options);
function register(spec) {
const methodsParam = Array.isArray(spec.method) ? spec.method : [spec.method];
const name = ? : null;
prepareMiddleware([spec.pre, validationMiddleware(spec.validate, opts?.zodRouter), spec.handlers]),
{ name }
return _router;
const makeRouteMethods = () => methods.reduce((acc, method) => {
acc[method] = (pathOrSpec, handlers, validationOptions) => {
if (typeof pathOrSpec === "string" && assertHandlers(handlers)) {
path: pathOrSpec,
validate: validationOptions
return _router;
if (typeof pathOrSpec === "object") {
return _router;
throw new Error("Invalid route arguments");
return acc;
}, {});
return {
get router() {
return _router;
methods: _router.methods,
opts: _router.opts,
params: _router.params,
stack: _router.stack,
var zod_router_default = zodRouter;
// src/index.ts
var src_default = zod_router_default;
// Annotate the CommonJS export names for ESM import in node:
0 && (module.exports = {


"name": "koa-zod-router",
"version": "0.9.11",
"version": "0.9.12",
"description": "",
"main": "dist/index.js",
"module": "dist/index.mjs",
"types": "dist/index.d.ts",
"type": "commonjs",
"scripts": {
"build": "tsc --build",
"example": "ts-node-dev examples/index.ts",
"build": "rm -rf dist && tsup src/index.ts --format cjs,esm --dts",
"example": "tsup examples/index.ts --watch",
"test": "mocha",
"lint": "eslint \"src/**/*.ts\" --cache && prettier --check \"src/**/*.ts\""
"test:coverage": "nyc --reporter=text mocha",
"lint": "tsc && eslint \"src/**/*.ts\" --cache && prettier --check \"src/**/*.ts\"",
"release": "pnpm build && npm publish"

@@ -26,2 +29,3 @@ "author": {

"devDependencies": {
"@changesets/cli": "^2.26.0",
"@types/formidable": "^2.0.5",

@@ -32,2 +36,3 @@ "@types/koa": "^2.13.5",

"@types/node": "^18.11.18",
"@types/sinon": "^10.0.13",
"@types/supertest": "^2.0.12",

@@ -43,2 +48,3 @@ "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^5.48.1",

"mocha": "^10.2.0",
"nyc": "^15.1.0",
"prettier": "^2.8.2",

@@ -48,7 +54,8 @@ "sinon": "^15.0.1",

"ts-node": "^10.9.1",
"ts-node-dev": "^2.0.0",
"tsup": "^6.5.0",
"turbo": "^1.7.0",
"typescript": "^4.9.4"
"peerDependencies": {
"zod": "^3.20.2"
"zod": ">=3.20.2 <4.x"

@@ -55,0 +62,0 @@ "keywords": [

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